Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 41

“Whether it’s there or not, you’ll find out if you go and see it.” A teammate said, “Don’t worry about the leaves, if you don’t come out, we’ll accompany you to brush again next week.”

Everyone agreed: “Yes, I won’t come again next time.”

The third brother rolled his eyes: “no crows are allowed, all come with me.”

Everyone laughed and laughed, and didn’t care what the third brother said. Obviously, they are all old acquaintances, and they have long been used to the third brother’s arrogant and arrogant temper.

The group ran towards the canyon at the fastest speed. On the way, the third brother gave Ye Xu a detailed introduction to the so-called hidden boss: “Do you still remember that there is a bird in this dungeon? After killing it, the little monsters There will be no swarms running over to attack the player. In fact, the hidden boss is it. In the wolf valley of Hell difficulty, because the player killed all the ‘friends’ of the bird, the bird absorbed the evil power and turned into a black mutation. , became the hidden boss here.”

Although this setting is quite speechless, if you have to say it, the logic can be rounded out. Moreover, if the messenger bird only has a message function, it is indeed a little redundant, and the setting of a hidden boss seems to make the best use of it.

“I deliberately kept it from being killed, so the probability of becoming a Shadow Treasure Boss should be higher.” The third brother said proudly.

Ye Xu nodded and boasted: “The third brother is really smart.”

“Hmph, it’s just a routine operation.”

The five finally came to the edge of the canyon. This canyon is not particularly long, and you can see the end at a glance. But they did not see the figure of the bird boss, and considering that the boss could fly, they looked up at the towering mountain wall again.

This time, they finally found the bird.

“Wow! It’s actually become so big?!” The teammates who haven’t seen the hidden boss video are a little surprised, “Is this taking hormones?”

“Stop it, start fighting.”

While speaking, Ye Xu’s little butterfly rushed up first, throwing a shadow on the big bird and strangling him. The bird originally flew a little high, more than 20 yards, and the player couldn’t reach it. After being hit by Xiaoling, it was finally willing to fly down.

Beast Valley is worthy of being a melee heaven. Not only are the first three bosses and their younger brothers melee combat, but even this hidden boss is no exception. It couldn’t hit enemies that were too far away and had to fall to the ground.

The bird that was originally only the size of a duck is now about the same size as an ostrich. The advantage of the huge target is that the skill aiming will be much easier. The third brother greeted the melee for the first time, and specifically attacked the wing root of the bird boss.

“Try to see if you can break its wings, it will be much easier to deal with after it can’t fly.”

Although the melee boss that can fly can’t throw skills in the sky to fly the player’s kite, it can use flight to increase speed. Whether it’s dodging attacks or chasing players, flying is an excellent aid. And if he can’t fly, Xiaoling can output with peace of mind without worrying about the boss’s counterattack caused by OT, although it is not afraid of this damage.

A level 5 purple boss is also a purple boss, and a high level proves that it is not easy to deal with. And it still absorbs and mutates evil energy. The evil energy in the background of “Lingyuan” is nothing more than the dark power of the undead, so this bird has become an undead monster.

The biggest feature of undead monsters is [weak attack]. The setting of this game is that undead monsters are generally 10% stronger than other monsters of the same level. After all, undead are the main villain camp in the game background. Their weak attack can ignore 5% to 10% of the player’s defense. How much depends on whether the monster is a cannon fodder or a leader in the undead camp. This bird is obviously a small rogue, and 5% can’t be more.

In addition, it also has the characteristics of dark creatures, that is, it restrains each other with light holy objects. Among the players, the light attributes are knights and priests, so the undead monsters have natural bonuses against these two occupations. In turn, these two occupations also restrain the undead, but the priests have no attack ability, so the life is relatively miserable.

There are no knights in their team, because everyone operates well, and they are not afraid of OT. A group of dps and nurses are very arrogant because of their high level. Now there is no one who can restrain the undead bird, so I have to bite the bullet.

Because Tangtang couldn’t hold the monster most of the time, Ye Xu simply let it block the boss’s actions as much as possible by relying on his size. The boss will stop wherever he runs. Anyway, his speed is now comparable to Ye Xu’s, and he can use Taishan to “teleport” ten yards. The role of a road blocker is still very competent.

With its help, even if the boss hatred was chaotic, they still passed the first stage with ease. The stage setting of this hidden boss is not as excessive as other bosses in **** mode, but it is similar to hard mode, just using the first big move at 80% health.

The third brother made a calculation: “The hidden boss is estimated to have 4 big moves, and I guess each big move is different. Everyone, be careful, don’t capsize.”

Since the boss level is too low, ten levels lower than the player, the damage of the ultimate move will inevitably appear relatively low. Just now they fought hard, but after the fight, they found out that most of the blood in the tube was lost, and they swelled up for a while.

After listening to the reminder from the third brother, he adjusted his mentality one by one and continued to output cautiously. It would be too embarrassing to have a braid in a level 5 book.

When the blood volume is reduced to 60%, the second big move strikes. This time, they flew up to raid the players in random order, and the named player had no choice but to run away. Although its wings have been severely damaged, it has not been chopped off, and its flight speed has only decreased a little, but it is still faster than the players, making everyone chased.

Ye Xu had an idea and told the man to stop and stop running, and then instructed Tangtang to push the top of Mount Tai and overwhelm the player. There is a damage immunity between teammates, so he was not crushed by Tangtang, he just lay on the ground and couldn’t move, looking very embarrassed.

When the boss flew over to peck him, he found that he couldn’t. Across a big jelly, the player didn’t even show a foot, so he had to take a bite of Tangtang to vent his anger. It’s a pity that the sugary skin is thick and thick, meaning that it will pass after a little blood is lost, and the boss almost failed to break the defense.

Everyone’s eyes brightened, they didn’t expect it to be so neat. So next the boss named someone, and Ye Xu let Tangtang crush whoever, but the cooldown of Taishan’s crushing was 5 seconds, so the player had to delay for a while, otherwise the skills would not be used.

Relying on this trick, everyone once again passed the second stage safely and came to the third stage. The big move in the third stage is a sonic attack. Maybe the planner can’t think of a new trick, so he directly took the skills of the third boss. None of the five people present was spared, the sound waves were invisible to the naked eye, and they couldn’t run away, so they had to resist.

This time the blood loss is more serious than before, with only 25% of the blood remaining. The nurse saw that this was pretty good. According to this rule, the fourth big move could directly beat them into bloodskins.

For a time, everyone put away the last bit of contempt, grasped the life-saving skills, and acted cautiously.

It didn’t take long for the boss’s HP to approach 20%. At this moment, it stopped, and the feathers on its body stood up like a big animal with fried fur.

The knowledgeable third brother immediately said: “It should be to shoot the feathers. The damage of a single feather is not necessarily high, but the stacking of multiple feathers will be very dangerous. Pay attention to finding cover. This trick can be avoided by using the terrain.”

Saying that, he grabbed Ye Xu and hid behind Tangtang. After Ye Xu reacted, he quickly directed Xiaoling to fly to the nurse to help her resist the damage.

There is no bunker in the canyon at all to avoid, so you can only run outside. After running out of the canyon, you can’t attack by hiding on both sides of the exit. But the nurse has always had short legs, so she may not be able to run out, and she needs the help of others very much.

Seeing that the two teammates ran faster than rabbits, the nanny girl couldn’t help but scolded “you deserve to be single”. Then he touched Xiaoling lovingly, and his fingers went straight through.

It was only then that Ye Xu remembered that the butterfly is a ghost. The reason why it is immune to physical attacks is because there is no entity, and the opponent’s attack will pass through it, just like using water splitting, it is basically useless. I don’t know if I can let it block the damage for the nanny. After all, after the feathers pass through Xiaoling’s body, they may continue to cause damage to the people behind.

“Nurse, run!” Ye Xu had to remind him in a remedial manner, and let the fast shadow follow, blocking Xiaoling and the nanny, and adding a layer of protection.

He pondered that the feather passing through the little spirit should reduce the attack power by one layer, so that the shadow can survive. If you don’t lower it, it’s fine. Shadow’s agility is high, and the dodge rate bonus is not low. Maybe you will attack MISS.

The nurse woke up like a dream, and hurriedly continued to run out with two summons. Ye Xu then attacked, and everyone else ran away. The rest of the attacks couldn’t reach the boss, and he was the only one left to output.

Fortunately, it was only one step away from 20%. After Ye Xu lost a few skills, the boss let out a long cry and shot all the feathers out of his body. In an instant, the sound of the jelly being bounced out of the jelly was incessantly heard, Tangtang laughed immediately, twisting her big body to hide.

– It’s so itchy!

The two single dogs have successfully run out of the valley, and the nurse is about to run out under the cover of the shadow and Xiaoling. She also added blood to the shadow along the way, so the shadow probably won’t fold here. It’s just that Ye Xu thinks that the duration of the big move should not be too long. When the nurse runs out, the big move will be over. It’s better to stand there and not run, wasting energy.

Sure enough, as soon as the nurse ran to the mouth of the canyon, the feather offensive stopped here. So she had to follow the two and run back again, feeling really stupid.

After the fourth big move, there is nothing else. The dungeon of **** difficulty may be particularly frantic because of the boss stage. The probability of the final boss being violent is not high, not necessarily violent like the hard mode. When it comes to hiding the boss, although the stage of hiding the doctor is relatively normal, the berserk is almost the same as the first three, so I didn’t encounter the boss berserk in the end.

The last bit of HP of the Undead Bird was successfully destroyed, and this dungeon trip finally ended successfully. Ye Xu excitedly ran to the boss’s corpse with his shadow. After this time, all the summoning skills in his hand were unlocked, and he could play freely.

“The corpse of the boss doesn’t seem to be collected. It’s an undead creature. It’s a pity.” The single dog teammates came over for a moment and said, “What about the purple boss, there is a chance to collect purple materials. This kind of material is quite expensive.”

However, the previous three blue bosses also picked up a lot of good things, and the harvest is not small. Although they have all been handed over to the guild, the guild contribution points exchanged are quite large. After the guild is completely established, the contribution points can be exchanged for other things.

“Let’s see what happened to the boss, maybe it’s all purple equipment.”

“I think a bit too much. The purple boss only has a chance to produce purple equipment. The higher the boss is, the lower the probability of the same level of equipment. It is good to have a guarantee. We are not hiding the first kill of the boss, it is estimated that it is a few blue color equipment.”

Although they were bad-mouthed, one or two of them still obediently leaned over to the treasure chest and stared at them. Finally, a person with the highest roll point is selected and used to open the box.

The purple boss will drop three pieces of equipment, and the level of the equipment depends on the face. The gossip claims that every boss of the same rank will drop a piece of equipment of the same rank, and it is hard to say what rank the extra equipment is. However, the number of bosses that everyone encounters is too small, and there is no way to verify the accuracy of the statement.

However, when they opened the box this time, they really opened a purple equipment, and even the other ones were blue equipment.

The purple suit is the hat used by the nurse. Because the level is relatively low, the equipment attributes are only a little better than the original one used by the nurse. However, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat, so the nurse gladly changed it.

The other two blue equipment are not very good to see, they are all physical equipment, and it happens that everyone has a little stronger equipment. In the end, I could only throw it into the guild warehouse for contribution points, which was a bit disappointing.

Ye Xu, who was touching the gold coins in the box, found a round thing from the bottom of the gold coins. He snorted and quickly pulled it out. Immediately, the dazzling treasure light shone out, and it was very beautiful in the sunlight.

“What is this?” asked the nurse.

Ye Xu glanced at the item description: “Alas! It’s a blue jewelry!”

“Wow! Really?” Everyone immediately surrounded him, blue jewelry, some of them had never even touched the white jewelry.

“Unfortunately, it’s an accessory for the physics profession.” Ye Xu added, “You guys from the physics department, roll it.”

This accessory increases the physical attack power by 15%, and the attributes are quite good. The players of the three physics departments in the team are gearing up for it. Ye Xu and the nanny could only watch the fun, and then divided up the gold coins by the way. After a while, the person who took the jewelry should get less gold coins. After all, the jewelry is too valuable, and the person who rolled it took a big advantage.

Two minutes later, the roll point ended, and the accessories returned to the archers in the team.

The third brother didn’t care much about missing the jewelry. He already had a blue jewelry, which was a reward for the first pass of the dungeon. He directly pulled Ye Xu to say goodbye to the others, intending to take Ye Xu to upgrade alone.

“Where to upgrade?” Ye Xu asked curiously.

The third brother said: “I found a place with a lot of monsters outside. It should be suitable for you to level up. I will help you pull the monsters. You can lose the group attack skills. I remember that your butterflies can use group attacks?”

“But.” Ye Xu blinked, “My butterfly can pull monsters by itself.”

There is absolutely no need for an extra third brother to come to help, but it will divide the experience.

Third Brother: “…”

At this time, the third brother suddenly realized that his younger brother’s summons covered a variety of occupations, and if they cooperated, they could sweep most of the strange areas by themselves, and there was no need for him to get in the way. The younger brother is too powerful, making his older brother useless at all.

The third brother was a little discouraged: “Forget it, then I’ll take you there to find a place, and you can kill monsters yourself.”

Ye Xu felt that this was not good, the third brother kindly took him to upgrade, he couldn’t use others as tools. So he said: “It’s okay, third brother, you can play with me, and I’ll take you to level up. And it’s boring for me to farm monsters alone, so we can chat together.”

Third Brother: “…”

The original plan was abandoned like this. The third brother who had promised to fly with his younger brother ended up being taken away by his younger brother. For a while, he was a little ashamed. But after the whole day’s strange brushing down, he has changed from being ashamed to being righteous, and he can tell the question frankly in the face of the boss and the second child.

“What’s wrong with me asking my younger brother to take me to an upgrade? My younger brother has grown up, shouldn’t I respect my elder brother!”

Big brother and second brother: “Hehe.”

Xiaoxu hasn’t brought them to upgrade yet, so why let the stupid third child take advantage first. No, I need to arrange more things for him, so as not to disturb Xiaoxu all day long.

Therefore, the next day, Ye Xu was not surprised to find that the third brother did not act with him. The other party said bitterly that he was very busy today, and Ye Xu nodded to show his understanding.

How could it not be busy? The brothers are so jealous, if it weren’t for the fact that he was too tired to kill monsters, the eldest brother and the second brother would definitely have to queue up to wait for him to lead the leveling.

Ye Xu glanced at his level. After fighting the boss with Mo Bei the day before yesterday, I was close to level 16. After that, I played a dungeon and beat a few bosses, plus a whole day of experience, so I have exceeded level 17 now. In fact, if there is no third brother to share some of the experience, he may be close to level 18.

It’s a bit difficult to level up now. In the past, level 5 was not a problem, but now you have to work hard to get up to level 1 every day. However, most players come to play in their spare time, so the general level of players is still around level 12, which is just out of the novice village level.

Ye Xu went to the messenger to put away the gold coins sent to him by Mo Bei’s assistant, and also received the money for the equipment that Gusuli helped sell before. In fact, he had long forgotten about it. If he didn’t see that he still had unread letters when he went to collect the part of Mobei’s loot today, he might still not remember it.

He doesn’t open the system interface very often, so the unread letters in the messenger column remind him that he is basically invisible. Ye Xu thought about it for a while, and opened a door-to-door service on the messenger, so he could deliver things directly to the yard he rented. Spend some money to set up a small mailbox at the entrance of the small courtyard, similar to a temporary warehouse, which can temporarily store a lot of things.

After opening, I sent a message to the assistant, telling it to put his gold coins in the mailbox directly, and there is no need to spend money to send letters to the messenger. By the way, he gave Mo Bei the authority to open his own courtyard, which was considered a courtesy exchange.

After doing all this, Ye Xu started to do nothing.

He actually wanted to be lazy, lying on the beautiful campus, enjoying the clouds and flowers, and then chasing variety shows and reading novels. The days were very pleasant. But——Ye Xu shook his head to get rid of this depraved thought, he couldn’t do this. I’m so sorry for the game’s production team for running the game with salted fish, he has to make some progress.

After thinking about it, Ye Xu decided to go to the mercenary union and find a mission to take over. He had already given up on the quest to find herbs that he took by the way last time. It was almost certain that the pharmacist who issued the quest was thinking about peach, and he didn’t expect them to find anything seriously.

The mercenary guild always has no shortage of high-level tasks, but the conditions for receiving high-level tasks are also quite strict. Every adventurer who comes to the Mercenary Guild must first enter an identity, which is a universal identity information database across the continent. Completing quests can increase your mercenary level to receive more advanced quests.

General missions will have access restrictions. For example, blue missions require mercenaries above the blue level to be able to access them, which can ensure the success rate of the mission. There are only a few tasks that do not restrict who can be taken, but most of these tasks are to find a target. I feel that there is little hope, so I cast a wide net to catch more fish.

Ye Xu’s previous one was a clear blue mission, but it did not limit the mercenary level. Otherwise, he is a rookie who has just joined the trade union, and at most he can only take a few white tasks and jam his teeth.

It’s a pity that this task has not been completed yet, otherwise Ye Xu could use the points of this task to upgrade to the green level at once. He sighed and searched carefully in the task list, hoping to come across a reliable task that did not require a level, but he would not accept the white task.

The hard work paid off, Ye Xu opened the conditional filter in the list to refresh for ten minutes, and finally caught him a good task. And it was a purple quest, and it was stated that the reward would be given according to the degree of contribution.

The mission description is very concise: [A small stronghold located in the southwest of Liuquan Town is being attacked by undead creatures. These damned bone racks have severely damaged the stronghold’s walls. If there is no further support, the stronghold will be completely wiped out. Dear adventurers, the stronghold needs your help, and the mayor will send a team of guards to accompany you. 】

This quest allows up to 50 people to take it. Because of the participation of guards, the adventurer is incidental, so there is no limit to the level. It is estimated that the number of adventurers who meet the level requirements is too small, and 50 people will not be able to get together by then. After all, Liuquan Town is small and the number of people is relatively small, and adventurers generally do not like such dangerous tasks.

However, for NPC adventurers, avoiding the serpent-like guardianship task is a very good opportunity for Ye Xu. The undead siege shows that the number of monsters is large, and the guards help to explain that there is a high chance of grabbing the NPC remnant blood monster, and the reward according to the contribution value shows that the summoner of the three areas is particularly advantageous.

To sum up, this quest is a boon for Summoner players. If you don’t take it, you will miss 100 million. Ye Xu set off with Tangtang without saying a word.

It was said that the guards had left the town, and he had to follow quickly. Otherwise, without the help of the guards, it would be difficult to break through the blockade of the undead monsters and come to the inside of the stronghold.

There is no wall to block monsters outside the stronghold. If the monsters can beat him, how can it be cool to stand on the wall and look down. What’s more, the guards were all on the other side of the city wall. How could he grab the guard’s head when he was the first to spawn monsters outside? Although the monster’s experience distribution is based on the contribution value at the time of killing, he can’t get much experience by grabbing the head, but he can get it and drop it!

Monsters killed by NPCs will not lose money or equipment, but players will kill them. Even if he can’t find the equipment, he can still pick up the money. Isn’t this a little butterfly? Its physical attack is immune to 50%, and the undead monsters near the city wall have a high probability of being short-handed in the physics department, so it is most suitable to send it to pick up leaks.

Ye Xu calculated very well, lying on the jelly sofa happily, and soon caught up with the guards.

The team of guards heard the bang bang bang behind, and thought that some monster was attacking, and they raised their weapons to be on guard. As a result, he saw a huge green jelly, and immediately retracted his weapon in embarrassment.

Ye Xu was also very embarrassed, and quickly told Tangtang to stop using Taishan to push the top of the road. Anyway, he has caught up with the guard, and the opponent’s speed is not much faster than him. He can still keep up with walking directly. When he falls too far, he can use his skills to chase for a while.

So, the two sides started their journey together in such a strange atmosphere. Ye Xu obviously saw that many guards peeked at him from time to time, and seemed to be curious about how there are people in this world who use slimes to travel.

However, Ye Xu discovered a problem: there were obviously many knights among these level 20 guards, but none of them were riding on horseback.

It is clear that the situation at the base is in critical condition and urgently needs rescue, so riding a horse can save a lot of time. Now walk slowly over, what if it’s too late when you arrive?

Although the tasks have been sent, this should not happen. But the NPCs are very intelligent, and they don’t know the mastermind’s routine, and they won’t take it for granted that there will be no accident before they arrive.

This kind of behavior is obviously unreasonable. It can’t be that the mayor is too poor to match the guards with horses, right?

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