Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 423

For a country without high-level support, it is obviously a dream to win the qualifying battle. Therefore, in this qualifying battle, only Ye Xu was the only one who succeeded in the challenge, and all the others were lost.

The battlefield outside the temple also won without a doubt. Even though this group of foreign players was high-spirited and unyielding because of the result of the last final, no matter how much a group of rabble tossed around, it would be difficult for them to cause substantial obstacles to the elite team of China.

When the results of the second phase of the finals were announced, the melon-eating crowd discovered that this secret realm ended earlier than the last time. And the birdie brother who was going to shine in the first final, after experiencing the failure of the first final, he unfortunately failed to get a place in the second final, and once again became a joke.

Ye Xu felt that it was too naive to be wary of his own self, and there was no need to worry about this kind of thing. So what if it can fly, flies can still fly.

China is happy inside, but gloomy outside. The already angry foreign players were really irritated this time, but it was no wonder those high-level players failed this time. Who would have thought that the rules would suddenly change? So after thinking about it, I can only scold the game company and scold them for being in tune with the Chinese players.

This kind of scolding is essentially a vent of anger. The game company not only ignored it, but also bought the navy to bring the rhythm, and preached that these people are “deliberately throwing the blame for the sake of respect”. Not to mention, this kind of speech is indeed very useful, and many people believe it.

The high-level gamers in various countries quickly realized that it is useless to scold game companies and Chinese players. This has already happened. They have no other choice except to find their place in the follow-up finals. Only in this way can they truly restore their dignity.

So after the start of the third period, high-level players in various countries began to enter a state of frantic efforts, and only ordinary players were left on the Internet who were still dissatisfied and complained.

But I don’t know how the brains of these foreigners grow. They seem to really like to go to extremes. It used to be extreme solidarity and fraternity. He did not hesitate to give up his qualifications for the qualifiers, but also to let more players get tickets to the finals.

Ye Xu thinks their behavior is very stupid, because this way, the progress of collecting godhead fragments will be slowed down indefinitely. But it’s understandable, after all, they don’t know what the mysterious fragments are, and they don’t know that the number of godheads is actually more valuable than the victory in the final.

Now, this group of people has learned their lesson and won’t give up their places, but they have walked into another dead end. In order to ensure that they can enter the finals, the high-level players began to frantically accumulate points in the secret realm.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of decision, but the key is that in many cases, they will suppress the friendly players of the same team in order to get more points for themselves. They believe that since the finals need more powerful contestants, it is up to their own abilities.

So this group of people will no longer show mercy, and they will get the points they can get, and they will never give it up to their teammates. It literally went from being totally dedicated to being totally selfish, like a split personality.

When Ye Xu heard the news, he didn’t think the problem was too big at first. However, Sister Xuan told him that it’s not that simple, you have to see who their players are in each match.

“For them, there are only so many best game times every day, such as games that are too early or too late, which may affect performance. So in order to get more points, these top players are all going to grab the best games. , which results in strong players often being matched as teammates.”

If the teammates matched by the top high-level players are ordinary high-level players who are relatively weak, then it’s okay to say that ordinary high-level players can’t compete with them, and they are directly salted. But they were matched with other top players, and it was impossible for them to be completely crushed by him. Why should they make concessions?

Therefore, these top players are on the bar, and they compete for points with each other very fiercely. But there are only so many points that can be obtained in one round in the secret realm. If there are not enough points at all, it will cause internal friction.

“Players who are evenly matched have their points lower at the same time, but they are not as good as those ordinary players who played in the early morning. The points obtained in each round. For those with a clear gap in strength, one side has suppressed the other side.”

For example, the first high-player and the 30th high-player are in the same dungeon, and the latter is so overwhelmed that he can’t get any extra points. After a few more games, the points will be severely squeezed, and in the end, I will not be able to squeeze into the top 100.

In this way, all the top teams entered the finals, but the middle ones were squeezed out and replaced by those with high points at the end. Is this any different from the 2nd term finals? It’s just that some end-end players have been replaced with cutting-edge players. The battlefield outside the temple is still weak, and only the qualification battle has a certain probability to clear the level.

Jiang Yuexuan didn’t think there was anything good about this arrangement at all, and the probability of passing the qualification battle was still too small. If she wanted to say, the battlefield outside the temple was the main force. As long as they couldn’t win the battlefield outside the temple, Hua Guo could control the outcome, and no matter how much these top players cleared the qualification battle, it would be a fuss.

“…So why don’t their top players spread out their control?” Ye Xu expressed his confusion.

The top players in their country have already divided up the area, and it is guaranteed that at least one or two big players will sit in the preliminaries of each time period to lead everyone through the customs. In this way, it will not affect the points of the boss, but also allow as many domestic players as possible to get rewards, killing two birds with one stone.

“Who knows, foreigners’ brain circuits have always been strange.” Jiang Yuexuan blinked.

Fortunately, not all foreign high-level players are like this. Bangguo and Fusang didn’t come up with such a moth. I don’t even know why, the players of these two companies are very conscious of sacrifice, and they even took the initiative to give up extra points in the qualifiers for the top players to accumulate more capital.

So when the third phase of the finals began, the American players were stunned to find that their two younger brothers were full of energy and had a very high team level, which formed a sharp contrast with themselves. Even if the United States found something wrong in the middle and began to adjust its strategy, and no longer deliberately introverted high-play and high-play, the accumulation in the first few days was enough to cause the current situation of the United States to be weak.

This time, in the battlefield outside the temple, the United States once again became the first big country to be eliminated.

Ye Xu didn’t see that scene when he participated in the qualification battle, but the other players below saw it really, and he almost laughed. But he held back without laughing twice, because he was still fighting, not a time for leisure and entertainment.

With the previous two victories, Hua Guo was simply full of hatred. This time even Russia could not sit still and began to encircle China.

It’s just that because Huaguo has increased a lot of buffs for nearly a month, and has opened a level gap with foreign players, he is not afraid of facing so many enemies. In the end, there was a lose-lose situation, and there was no winner.

By the end of the secret realm, three teams, including Hua Guo, remained on the battlefield outside the temple. Although there are not many people left in each family, at least Hua Guo successfully stabilized the front and did not ask anyone to get the right to cancel.

The only regret is that this time, Ye Xu was not the only one who cleared the qualification battle. Maybe it was because of the bad luck of the U.S. army. Under the principle of conservation of luck, the only Miao Miao who stayed in the qualification battle was defeated and walked out of the temple half-dead.

There are two winners in the qualifying battle. Hua Guo can’t get the baptism of divine light in the whole country. Only Ye Xu and this only Miao Miao can get baptism once.

Originally, Hua Guo chose to void the result if it happened, but this time no one got the right to void it. This is very embarrassing. The Chinese players below are very annoyed. If they knew this, they would not resist so hard. Anyway, there are no American players in the other two surviving teams, and they will definitely choose to void it.

In their view, it is very worthless to let the Americans get a baptism of divine light. Even though Ye Xu has obtained the qualification for baptism, there is a limit to the number of times for this baptism. Ye Xu himself said that he will be able to fill the upper limit sooner or later. No matter how you look at it now, it is more cost-effective to cancel it.

“Forget it, this situation is unavoidable. We can’t always go well, right?” The female president comforted everyone, because one of the **** in her team was successfully protected by everyone to the end. “Although our most hopeful situation is that none of the foreigners get baptism, but this kind of thing is difficult to do, and accidents are normal. Anyway, it is only one person who gets baptism, and the forbidden spell increases by 5%. People say that you can’t even learn two forbidden spells, so keep an eye out.”

This was so sincere, the rest of the people couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Anyway, compared to them, the two teams next door are obviously more frustrated, and they are all gearing up to go to trouble the Americans tomorrow.

In addition to China, the last team that survived this time included Russia and Asan, neither of which had a particularly good relationship with the United States. Russia can survive by their fighting national strength, while the third brother is reckless.

After the secret realm ended, Ye Xu listened to Sister Xuan’s description of the scene at that time, saying that the Asan and his family were muddying the water everywhere at first, and they fought here and there, as if they were engaged in guerrilla warfare. But every time they made a shot, they were the whole group, and they were extremely mobile. They ran away after a hit. The other countries that were harassed didn’t have the time to turn around and chase them, so they had to treat this group of people as non-existent.

Anyway, every time these people come and toss, they can’t kill people, at most they kill people with blood. However, there is a high probability that the residual blood will be taken away by other teams in one wave, but in essence, people are not killed by Asan, these guys are just shit.

As a result, the battlefield let Brother Asan end up like this. When Huaguo, Russia, Fusang, and Bangguo fought in the final battle, Asan was accidentally injured and killed, and half of the remaining people rushed in excitedly. The only difference is that when the other three countries unite to kill China first, Asan is still fighting everywhere, disrupting the situation.

It can be said that the Chinese players got a lot of help from Asan, and they killed many enemies by making a fuss. In the end, when Asan was left with only a few people, the group of people ran out on their own and found a place to hide away until Fusang and Bangguo died.

At this time, the Russian man reacted: “Damn that group of Asan seems to have hurt a lot of our brothers before?!”

Take a look at the time, there are only a few minutes left, and then take a look at the enemy, Huaguo Gaowan and several others are very difficult to deal with. Forget it, don’t fight them anymore, you can’t kill them at this time, why don’t you go to Asan for revenge.

“So they turned around and went after Asan temporarily?” Ye Xu thought this was too amazing.

Jiang Yuexuan held back a smile and nodded: “Yes, but when Asan saw them jumping over, he was so scared that he turned around and ran. In the last few minutes, we watched them chasing and hiding. Don’t say it, I really didn’t see it before, Ah The third brother was quite able to escape, but he was surprised that no one was killed.”

Then the countdown ended and Russia had to suspend its revenge operation. The A-Sans also felt very happy. They felt that they had made a big deal this time, and they were very proud. They even thought that they had influenced the final result.

Of course, it actually does. Without Asan’s help, Hua Guo might have been killed in the siege. This time, the revenge alliance was quite brutal.

Ye Xu didn’t know what to say, so he could only sigh, “You should treat each other with admiration for three days!”

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