Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 439

In this national war, the United States lost a secondary main city and a small town, and they were all destroyed. It took a lot of time, energy and resources to rebuild. The town is okay, there are too many, one less is not distressing, but the secondary main city is different.

In the United States, there was a quarrel over whether to rebuild the town. Some people felt that the reconstruction of the main city would cost too much resources. But some people think that if you give up that small town, it will become a disgrace to the United States, and it has always stood there reminding players around the world about this time.

In the end is the face is more important, or the inside is more important, there is no reason to argue for a while. But in Ye Xu’s opinion, whether they rebuild or not, things have already happened, don’t think about whitewashing the peace, even if they really rebuild, those who should be the laughing stock will still be laughed at for many years.

But these have nothing to do with him, he has been transferred to the territory of Bangguo with the main force. They still chose the nearest main city to destroy, but this time they didn’t have the help of the world boss, and it was difficult to get rid of the teleportation array in advance.

Jiang Yuexuan thought again and again and decided to ignore the teleportation formation. Anyway, the Forbidden Spell smashed down in one breath, and many people came to deliver food. When the city wall was smashed, they rushed in and cleaned up all the way, and sooner or later they would be able to hit the teleportation array.

After all, these two fights were in secondary main cities. Although the amount of Forbidden Spells spent was large, it was more than enough compared to the total amount of Forbidden Spells in Huaguo Gaoyan’s hands. She calculated, the forbidden spell in her hand can completely destroy the secondary main cities of the three countries in turn.

But this is not necessary at present, so they only stare at the secondary main city in Bangguo.

In fact, the main city of Bangguo does not have to be destroyed. Bangguo and Gongguo are closer together. The unowned area between the two countries is very small, and there are no alien beasts guarding them. The same is true of Fusang, so these two countries can send a large number of players to attack at any time.

The main city that is closer is easier to support. If the secondary main city of Bangguo is really occupied, Chinese players can turn this unoccupied area in the middle into a daily map for normal activities. At that time, even if Bang Guo loses the teleportation formation, he will not be afraid that the main city of Lone Tree Difficulty will be recaptured.

However, Sister Xuan said that it was going to be destroyed, that is, it was destroyed, so she didn’t change her mind. There are not many resources in Bangguo to govern the country together, who cares about their small town.

The commander-in-chief gave an order, and everyone took action in unison, and the battle was still quickly resolved within a few hours. However, this time, because the teleportation formation was not destroyed, many people from the country came to support in the middle, which slowed down the progress of the capture, so it was only at night that the battle was over.

Among them, many people from Bangguo who were originally trying to invade China returned to the city to provide support, but unfortunately they were of no use. The mantis arm is used as a vehicle, and the effect is weak.

After playing Bangguo, Ye Xu let out a long sigh: “I can finally get off the assembly line to eat.”

Today’s arrangement is quite reasonable. After lunch, the United States was settled, and lunch was not delayed. Although supper was delayed, he was happy, and it didn’t matter if he had a late dinner once in a while.

Before, I was full of thoughts about the progress of the national war and didn’t feel it, but now that it was over, I found that I was very hungry. He didn’t even greet everyone, just said hello and went offline.

The national war between Bangguo and the Republic was basically over because the main city of Bangguo was destroyed. Originally, they could still pull back a game through the battlefield within the co-government territory. If they could also win the main city of the co-government, they would not lose or win.

However, when the main army of China was fighting against the United States, the progress of the country was flat. Now that the main force of China has freed up their hands, where can they still have good fruit to eat. Whether it is the battlefield in Bangguo or the side of the co-governance, it is considered the same national war. Many Bangguo people died once in the main city guarding battle and cannot re-enter the national war area, even if they want to help win the co-governance of the country. The main city is also helpless.

As a result, the remaining Bangguo players who remained on the side of the co-governance were quickly wiped out. They could last a little longer, but there was no hope in their hearts, their morale was greatly reduced, and their combat effectiveness was naturally greatly reduced. There were even a lot of sticks who left the battlefield early, probably because they didn’t want to die in vain in this doomed battlefield.

The United States has done it, and Bangguo has also taken it back, so only Fusang is left.

Fusang is still entangled with Russia. Not to mention, without the intervention of other countries, the two companies have been fighting back and forth, and it seems that they can persist for a long time.

After Jiang Yuexuan analyzed the situation, she decided to stay put, go back to rest for a night, and go back to work tomorrow morning. Fusang’s side looks like they don’t want to get a good night’s sleep tonight, at most they will be offline in shifts. But they are different. They can sleep well and then deal with Fusang with full energy.

“Isn’t it possible to use up all the forbidden spells of the CD in one day?” she asked, “The CD refreshes at 0:00, and you can go to blast another wave of foreigners tomorrow.”

This can save some forbidden spells and use them to fight two more cities.

“Didn’t you say that only one will be destroyed?” Ye Xu asked.

Jiang Yuexuan smiled: “I went back and thought about it. I think the plan of the Russian brothers is very good. It is a good thing to open up the channel between us and Russia.”

So just destroying a secondary main city is useless, it is best to grab a first-level main city or a super main city. But Fusang’s secondary main city is also in the central area of ​​the country, which is a bit far away, but there are two first-level main cities in the middle that are suitable for occupation.

The current map of the Three Kingdoms is like this. Fusang has a long and narrow tentacle sandwiched between the republic and Russia, and this tentacle area is divided into many novice villages, and small towns, as well as five secondary main cities and two First-class main city. One of the first major cities is close to Russia, and the other is close to the republic.

“We occupy one with the Russian family, and then remove all other villages and towns in this area, making the tentacle area completely the border between us and Russia. There are two families guarding together, if the Fusang people come to **** our first-level master City, then Russia must send troops to help, and if Fusang robs Russia, we also need to help.”

One fight two, Fusang will never want to bring the main city back in his life.

“Who the **** drew this world map, and how did you make Fusang like this?” Chu Jifeng almost died of laughter, “Is it intentional? Let Fusang be caught between us, and it’s just a small area inside, then Isn’t it just food delivery?”

The point is, you said that this area is small, it contains two first-level main cities and five secondary main cities. There were only eight first-level main cities, which accounted for a quarter, and there were only twenty secondary main cities, which also accounted for a quarter.

But to say that it is big, it is not a big deal. After all, the total area is far less than a quarter of the whole territory of Fusang, and at most one-tenth. Because a large number of small towns, villages, and all the super capital cities and capitals are not here, the area of ​​these adds up to a considerable amount.

In short, this is a size that can make people very painful but not break the bones. I don’t know if the Fusang players are aware of the problem. Anyway, if it appeared in the territory of the co-governance, Jiang Yuexuan would have been in a hurry and would have arranged for five or six large guilds to reside in this area.

But then again, there should be no two countries that can join forces to defend the two first-tier main cities, so that China cannot take it back. Even if they are lost for a while, they will be able to get them back sooner or later. They are not as easy to bully as Fusang.

“Okay, I’ve got through with Russia, everyone, go offline and rest, and go online early tomorrow.” Jiang Yuexuan said, “If anyone thinks they have a lot of energy, they can go there and play, but be careful not to capsize. After death, you will not be able to enter the national war zone.”

Everyone naturally reacted, and Ye Xu immediately went offline and went to sleep without any delay. Don’t look at everything going well today, in fact, it’s still very tiring to run around and fight in groups all day.

It is not difficult to occupy the first-level main city tomorrow. The problem is that the main city that you want to occupy may not be able to destroy the buildings, or you will have to spend money to rebuild it later. But if you don’t use the forbidden spell to open the way, the efficiency will be greatly reduced, and it is better to save the trouble than the forbidden spell.

I don’t know if Sister Xuan has any ideas of breaking the game, he doesn’t really want to fight a war of attrition.

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