Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 70

Although the number of people has decreased a lot, several teammates have indeed gained a lot in the past five days, and the data has improved by leaps and bounds. When they challenged the evil manor again, the efficiency of killing monsters has skyrocketed. The bosses who had been fighting very hard at first were also easily killed one by one, only the last evil mage was a little harder to fight.

Jiang Yuexuan explained that they were basically leveling up in this dungeon these days, relying on a lot of experience points from killing bosses, so they were so skilled and easy to play.

Usually they don’t play the fourth child. After playing the first three, they refresh the CD and come in again, because the fourth child is more difficult to play. Today I brought Ye Xu, and decided to challenge the fourth boss. If the efficiency is good, then they will fight the four bosses together.

In order to save time, they have stopped brushing mobs. The equipment of the mobs is relatively poor, and the number is large and widely distributed, which is too troublesome to brush. Anyway, these little monsters will not have any effect on them, as long as you clear the surrounding little monsters a little before killing the boss to clear the place.

Only when you beat the old one and the second one will you be harassed by mobs. The third and fourth are in the house, and once the door is closed, there is no need to take care of the mobs. Usually there are mobs swaying around when they kill the boss, but there are only one or two, and they will die in seconds after focusing on the fire.

Ye Xu followed them back and forth. In the end, everyone found that the fourth child was still a little troublesome, so he gave up decisively and still only brushed the first three. It basically takes less than an hour to get down, but the experience given by the three bosses is a full 50%.

“This upgrade speed is too cool!” Ye Xu was very pleasantly surprised.

It has been a long time since he has been leveling up as quickly as he is now. Usually, whether he is doing tasks to farm monsters or fight bosses, his efficiency is relatively low. After all, he usually skips the level to do the task, and when he beats the boss, he can’t form a crush, so it is very difficult. Although the experience given is quite rich, but counting the time spent, it will definitely not reach the point of one hour and a half leveling up.

“Don’t be too happy,” Jiang Yuexuan said, “Now it’s because of your low level that you can level up so quickly. After level 30, the experience you can give in one round can only increase by one-tenth at most.”

In fact, Ye Xu also found that the upgrade speed had slowed down even if he didn’t work at level 30. After all, the experience value required for 29 to 30 was huge. Ye Xu swiped seven times and finally reached level 30. He didn’t upgrade until 1:00 noon. This was the result after they tried to speed up as much as possible.

In order to treat themselves, everyone decided to go to a restaurant to have a good meal, and then read the book after eating. But unfortunately, Ye Xu didn’t rise to level 31 until the evening. He was still two times away, and he finally rose after dinner.

In the past few days, Mo Bei only participated a few times a day, so his level did not rise much. Instead, the feather of God who participated in the whole process has left him far behind, already level 35. Everyone thought that it was understandable that he couldn’t stop breastfeeding. After all, his low-level operation was not particularly good, but I didn’t expect him to really breastfeed.

Of course, this is also thanks to Ye Xu’s Tangtang. With Tangtang, there is almost no chance of others being injured. He still has more than enough milk for Tangtang, and the rest of the milk is distributed to everyone, and it is not dangerous.

Mo Bei’s new skills are also powerful skills that increase blood proportionally, just because it needs to draw one person’s blood for another person, so it’s a little tasteless. No one cared about it in the auction house, so the assistant went to discuss with the seller and bought it for Mobei at a lower price.

He bought this skill for Ye Xu. Although it is useful for others to draw blood, it is also very risky. Unless it is an emergency, he generally does not like to use it, so he will not spend a lot of money on it. But with the addition of Ye Xu as a summoner, blood-drawing has truly become a magical skill.

Mo Bei usually targets Tangtang or Xiaoling to draw blood. These two summons are the only two babies in Ye Xu’s hands that have blood bonuses. The blood volume of Shadow and Rolling is exactly the same as Ye Xu’s. Ye Xu himself is a blood cow, and after the bonus, he has become a big blood cow. Taking 20% ​​from them, and putting it on others, it may be 60%, and it will explode all other blood increasing skills.

And most importantly, the amount of blood they both lost was irrelevant. Tangtang can re-summon one in 40 seconds, and Xiaoling’s CD is slightly longer, but the damage they both receive is very small, and it is not fatal without blood, and Mo Bei can slowly add it back.

Even Jiang Yuexuan, after seeing this operation, complimented: “Little Mobei is actually smart for a while, it’s really not easy.”

Mo Bei’s dead fish looked at her: “…compliment people, don’t even compliment and scold.”

Jiang Yuexuan pretended not to hear.

After reaching level 31, Ye Xu’s task for today was completed. Everyone gathered at his house, Rua Fluffy, and Mo Bei also brought his own hair dumplings. Others followed suit when they saw it. Soon there were hundreds of small dumplings in the yard. The yard of Ye Xu’s house was a little too big, and the last part of the people went to the house, and some of them were outside.

During this period of time, Mo Bei made a lot of money on the scroll, and when he had spare money, he directly opened the pet bar to thirty. If there is more, he will feel distressed about money, after all, the more expensive it is. He didn’t have much pocket money left for this month, and he put it on the assistant’s side to let the other party help him pay attention to the game props.

“It’s already the 23rd, in a week, you can get next month’s pocket money.” Ye Xu could only comfort him like this, what else could he say? Do you deserve it when you don’t save money yourself, just spend it when you get it?

The bitterness of the Moonlight Clan, a rich second generation in Mobei actually experienced that day.

He touched the non-existent tears and faked a cry: “My dad is so stingy, he gives me that money every month. If it wasn’t for my mother and my grandparents secretly helping me, I would have to beg for food.”

Ye Xu pushed him away coldly and ruthlessly: “You and I only showed off your garage a few days ago. Last week it was a shoe store, and last week it was a watch cabinet.”

Why can’t these two fools save money? Because he likes to collect famous cars, shoes and watches, if he likes it, he must buy it. If he can save money, he will be a ghost!

On the other hand, Ye Xu not only has more money than him, but also doesn’t like flowers very much. When I was in school, in addition to going to expensive restaurants to eat, I would buy gifts for my brothers every once in a while.

But usually after he buys gifts, his brother will worry that he will not have enough money to spend, and will find an excuse to stuff him more money back. So buying gifts not only did not drain Ye Xu’s savings, but instead made his wallet more and more bulging. If it weren’t for his classmates and friends’ birthdays and festivals, he would also give gifts, I’m afraid the savings would be even more amazing.

“That’s all my hobby.” Mo Beilan said overly.

Ye Xu was unmoved: “Some hobbies are suitable for giving up in time. You buy so many cars and you don’t drive, you don’t wear shoes, and you don’t wear watches. What’s the point other than wasting money? Is it convenient for you to show off and satisfy your vanity? ?”

“Hmph, you don’t understand me at all.” Mo Bei ran away.

It wasn’t vanity for him to show Ye Xu his collection. Although he really wanted to show off, that kind of showing off had nothing to do with vanity, okay? I just want to show that I have collected so many things I like very much, and it is the same as the players of the card drawing game showing off that they have collected all the cards in the card pool.

Heh, someone like Ye Xu who doesn’t have a hobby of collecting wouldn’t understand. He is going to find Sister Xuan. Sister Xuan has a habit of collecting and will definitely understand him.

Sister Xuan couldn’t understand him, and kindly suggested that he quickly sell these things second-hand for a good return, which would be worthless after a long time. Don’t you lack money to play games? Don’t you make money selling a car? Is this a big deal?

This vicious woman not only encouraged him to sell his darling, but even threatened to ask her brother to have a good talk with Mrs. Mo about children spending money. See if it is appropriate to cut pocket money, and control the child’s spending content, some unnecessary things (specifically someone’s car shoe watch), and resolutely prohibit him from buying it again.

Mo Bei was furious: “!!!”

He glanced at Jiang Yuexuan vigilantly, and he didn’t even bother to argue with Jiang Yuexuan that the sneakers would not depreciate over time, so he turned his head and left.

He decided to do it first and talk to his grandparents about this issue. As long as the two old people support him, his parents will not be able to control him, and they must not give Jiang Yuexuan a chance to sue first.

Ye Xu watched the whole process, almost laughing, this might be shooting himself in the foot.

Sister Xuan is just a collector, and this is a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and she can’t see that there is an empty space in her list. But this does not mean that she likes to collect these things very much. Being forced to collect and actively collecting are two different things. Many collectors are also very annoying to this psychological symptom.

Mo Bei was jumping across the minefield repeatedly, no wonder Sister Xuan deliberately frightened him, saying that she was going to sue him.

After watching the play, Ye Xu slipped away, lest he would be angered by Sister Xuan. But he was worrying too much. Jiang Yuexuan loved his little brother very much, so naturally he would not be angry with him. Instead, he felt much better after seeing him snickering.

Ye Xu quietly slipped back into the yard, threw himself into the big nest full of plush, and was quickly buried by the hairballs. There were a few more members of Ye Xu’s danzi, all of which were collected by his brother, but there were only a dozen or so. Most of the nests belonged to other people’s houses. They were crowded and crowded, and there were all kinds of dumplings, which were very beautiful.

As soon as you stretch out your hand, you can touch several dumplings, big and small, so happy. He met the kitten’s nose for a while, and rubbed his head with the puppy for a while, and had a lot of fun. Until Chu Jifeng came over and dug him out, he was still a little reluctant.

“What’s wrong?” Ye Xu sat up, several hairballs rolled off his body, and there were still many lying on his legs. He reached out and took off the short-legged kitten hanging on the neckline, hugged it twice, and let it go when he saw that it was struggling to go down.

Chu Jifeng also fished a chubby big hair ball into his arms and kept going, sitting next to him, raising his chin slightly and motioning him to look at the center of the yard: “That goose was raised by you? It’s very interesting.”

But I saw Brother Goose with a bunch of small poultry dangling back and forth in the specially designated open space. Although it was originally intended to be a team building activity where a big brother and a younger brother patrol the territory, Ye Xu felt like a mother goose playing with the goose babies, cough…

There are chickens, ducks and birds in the small group lined up in a row. Some of them walk fast and some slowly, swaying and jumping, the team is not very neat. Brother Goose doesn’t mind that the younger brothers are not well behaved at all. They are still young, so it can be understood.

——After all, even it itself is not much better.

Since it has become Ye Xu’s battle pet, it needs to be upgraded again from level 1, so it also looks like a cub now. It’s just that compared to ordinary cubs, its size is much larger. It is directly the size of a basketball. It is a behemoth in front of the bird dumplings, and it is basically not much different from the size of the cubs.

Ye Xu explained: “It’s a battle pet, and it’s especially ferocious. It’s probably taking in a younger brother. When I first met it, it took me as a younger brother.”

After listening to Chu Jifeng, he said: “Battle pets? I said it’s no wonder that the appearance is so different from your bunch of dumplings.”

Big geese are not really cute, even when they are young. Its fur is a little gray, and it looked inconspicuous when it was a child, but it looks very fierce when it grows up. If it wasn’t for so many dumplings on the back of his butt, he wouldn’t be able to find his coat when it was dark.

“Don’t look at it like this, its strength is really strong. It was originally a level 20 white elite monster, but it can single-handedly crush a level 25 green boss. When I found it, the boss was basically beaten to death by it. already.”

Chu Jifeng was amazed when he heard it: “Is it a mutant monster? Elite monsters should not be so powerful, mutant monsters can be understood.”

Mutants are very rare, even rarer than bosses. Many players are unaware of its existence, including Ye Xu. If Chu Jifeng hadn’t encountered it once before and suffered a big loss, he wouldn’t have discovered this.

Seeing Ye Xu’s curiosity, she explained in detail: “When mutants usually look at their data cards, the names on the cards are purple.”

A data card is something like this-

Weasel (green BOSS)

Level: Level 5

HP: 12000

Attack: 5862

Defense: 42

Skill: [Poisonous gas]

The color of the other words above this is fixed, only the name and the content in parentheses will change color.

() The color in the brackets changes according to the grade, the green boss is the green word, and the blue boss is the blue word. [] The skill name in brackets is based on the level of the skill itself. If it is a blue skill, it is a blue word. Players can distinguish which skill is a big move and which skill is easy to deal with by color.

The names of monsters are divided into black, pink, light red and dark red, which are small monsters, elite monsters, small bosses and big bosses. Ye Xu hadn’t paid attention to what this color represented before. When he saw that the big goose’s parenthesis said (white elite monster), he subconsciously thought it was an elite monster. After all, he had never seen an elite monster a few times before, so he was unconscious. To the elite monster is pink name instead of purple.

“Mobs and bosses will mutate. After the mutation, no matter what level it was originally, the color will become purple. Only the words in brackets can be used to judge whether it mutated from a mobs, an elite monster or a boss. After all, different types of monsters have lethality. It’s different.” Chu Jifeng explained.

That’s why the word in parentheses doesn’t show the mutant, and if it were changed to (white mutant), the player wouldn’t be able to tell whether it was a boss or a mobs. You must know that bosses have hidden attribute bonuses, and mobs don’t, so fighting is not the same thing.

Ye Xu thought for a while, and then asked back: “Then why didn’t it change the characters to mutants, and then keep the color? Now, with this kind of reformation, the big boss and the small boss can’t be distinguished, and they are both displayed as bosses.”

Chu Jifeng: “…Good question, you can discuss it with the customer service.”

“Then I’ll go back and report to the customer service, and ask them to mark the big boss and the small boss on the data card.” Ye Xu said, “Is this a bug? Will it be rewarded?”

Chu Jifeng thought about it for a while: “It is estimated that it is a small bug, and it may be intentional to send you a prop.”

“Also…” After all, game companies are so stingy.

“By the way, what’s the stats after your goose becomes a pet? Show me the growth star.” Chu Jifeng said enthusiastically.

She didn’t mention Ye Xu, she forgot that Ye Xu had never seen the other party’s data panel after keeping it as a pet for so long. In the past few days, I have been addicted to the fluffy and gentle township, and I have lived a lifeless life, not caring about any business.

He quickly fell out of the pet page and found the lonely goose in the battle pet column. When I opened it, I was a little surprised.

Mutant Goose (Level 1 Wind)

Strength: 15 stars

Stamina: 8 stars

Intelligence: 6 stars

Energy: 6 stars

Agility: 10 stars

Glamour: 5 stars

“Isn’t the full value 10 stars?” Ye Xu asked dumbly.

Chu Jifeng became sour: “That’s why it’s called a mutation. The characteristic of a mutant is that one or two attributes are on the table. You’re pretty good, only your strength exceeds the upper limit, and your agility just hits the line.”

However, the general explosion watch will explode to 12, 13, and suddenly it explodes to 15, which is really exaggerated. As expected of the existence of higher-level bosses that can be singled out, if there is no such exaggerated attribute bonus, it will not be possible to do this.

“What skills does it have? What about five pet skills? If the skills are also very powerful, then you really make a lot of money.”

Ye Xu continued to scroll down. It was indeed five skills, but they had to be unlocked according to the level. In addition to unlocking a skill at level 1, a skill is unlocked every 25 levels thereafter. So the second skill is unlocked at level 25, the third skill at level 50, and so on, the last skill is unlocked at level 100.

Hearing it was so troublesome, Chu Jifeng immediately lost interest: “This is too slow, it’s only over 30 now, and some are waiting.”

The pet’s level cannot exceed the owner’s level, at most the same level as the owner’s. Moreover, you also need experience when leveling up. For many players, it is very troublesome to keep a battle pet. They are already slow to level up, and they also need to bring a pet.

Most people will choose to find a pet that has a group attack, preferably a spell with high damage, so that they can in turn rely on pets to upgrade. There are also some that will choose complementary ones, such as priests with meat shield pets to increase their survivability.

Ye Xu is still leveling with his teammates, so it’s not good to let pets out to eat experience. He plans to wait until his level is high, and then take it to leveling alone.

“Xiaoye, you are also very lucky, why do you always meet such wonderful babies.” Chu Jifeng glanced at his pet bar, bitterly, “I think the luck value of my account is fake, it is obviously a European Human account, why is it so useless?”

Ye Xu couldn’t answer, but he felt that Chu Jifeng was not wrong. Her account is actually quite white, but she often acts with their European Emperor accounts, and is set off as an unlucky ghost. Occasionally when one or two misses, it will also appear particularly black.

“By the way, did you get your panda?” Ye Xu asked.

The mention of this Chu Jifeng made me excited: “I squatted for three days and finally bought one. But it’s so small now that I don’t dare to let it out.”

The panda cubs sold in pet stores are not the kind that have grown up and chubby, but the kind of red mice that have just been born. The hair is sparse and looks extremely fragile. She is carefully raised by her in the pet space. She is very active in feeding a small bottle every day. I don’t think it looks ugly at all.

Ye Xu can’t do it, he can’t do the job of a dad, he can only play with the sturdy cubs.

Speaking of this, Chu Jifeng patted his head and said that she should go to accompany the baby panda. Then he ran to the house to find a clean corner, and then carefully released the cub.

Ye Xu continued to watch Brother Goose bring the cubs. It has a very good discipline in managing the cubs. The cubs of birds and birds followed it very happily and were very well behaved. I don’t even know when, a very small fox cub also sneaked into the team, and while the goose was not paying attention, he grabbed one of the chicken cubs, turned his head and ran away.

In team mode, these hairballs cannot harm each other. But it is natural for foxes to eat chickens. Even if this fox cub can’t eat it, it will not give up, and insists on taking one back to play.

After being bitten suddenly, the chick was stunned for a while, before making a hurried and tender chirp, calling for others to rescue it. This cry immediately caught Brother Goose’s attention, and when he looked back, his little brother was taken away.

Seeing a gray shadow flashing in front of him, the chicken cub returned to Brother Goose’s wings in the next second, and the fox cub also slapped his wings fiercely. After a while, there was another flash, and the chicken cub was sent back to the cub group. In the end, the big goose fluttered its wings and rushed towards the fox cub who was stunned by the fan and hadn’t recovered, and began to devour one-sidedly.

Dare to touch it, little brother, I don’t want to live!

Ye Xu blinked and blinked again, convinced that he had no dizziness just now. Brother Goose is actually so fast, this should be a skill, right? It felt like it wasn’t so fast when it chased him before.

Looking down at the pet panel, it really is a skill. And it is the only skill that has been unlocked, it is called [Fengxing].

As a wind-type pet, this skill allows it to reach any position within 110 yards in 0.1 seconds with the power of the wind element, which is somewhat similar to the previous jumping skill. However, its use interval is quite short, only 5 seconds, which makes Ye Xu very envious.

A teleport every 5 seconds, it is worthy of being a mutant pet, and even the skills have such a face. Presumably other skills are also quite powerful, Ye Xu hurriedly looked down, the last three level requirements are too high to ignore, look at the second skill that can be activated at level 25.

The second child is an attack type, which is the serial nagging that Ye Xu encountered before. Goosebill hits the target continuously with the fastest speed, and the damage caused is related to the amount of force used by the goose.

Before, it was only lightly chatting about Ye Xu, and it beat Ye Xu to the blood. Perhaps, the wolf boss was killed like this?

Ye Xu looked at Brother Go with a burning gaze, as long as Brother Go’s level was over 30, it would not be a problem to kill other players in seconds. At level 20, you can instantly kill him, the crispy blood bull summoner, and at level 30, which player can beat it.

At level 20, you can beat Gee who is fighting a level 25 boss. At level 35, you can at least beat a level 35 boss, right? Level 40 bosses are a bit difficult, after all, the higher the level, the more terrifying the attribute bonuses.

At this stage, there is absolutely no player who dares to guarantee that their defense exceeds level 40 bosses, and the blood volume is even more worrying.

It’s time to put Goose’s upgrade on the agenda!

Originally, Ye Xu disliked the discomfort of repeatedly brushing dungeons, and planned to take a rest tomorrow after brushing to see if he could upgrade in another place. Now that he has a big goose as a carrot hanging in front of him, he doesn’t complain anymore. It’s the right thing to do to level up to level 35 as soon as possible.

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