Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 92

With the help of the guild to collect materials, things are much simpler. Most of the materials in the list are stored in the guild warehouse and can be used at any time. The rest are not very expensive, but the quantity is a little more, and it will take some effort to buy them all.

“Fortunately, it’s all green-grade water-attribute materials. If it’s blue-grade, I don’t think I can get it out,” said the second brother.

Ye Xu did the math. With tens of thousands of blue-grade materials, the old turtle was dreaming. The green material is only a few dozen silver coins at most, and the cheap silver is not enough. The blue is different, at least it is the price of gold coins.

The third brother has already taken people to the auction house in the city to clean up the materials, and said in the team chat: “I should be able to collect the remaining materials, but some materials are too expensive.”

After all, there are always some people in the auction house who don’t know the market price is desperately bidding at a high place, and they don’t feel bad about the consignment fee. So maybe only half of the materials can be at or below the market price, and the rest is a bit of a loss.

“Then buy it directly.” Big brother said that he would ask people to go to the market with many players to buy materials at a low price.

Ye Xu hurriedly stopped him: “It’s better to go to auction houses in other towns, it will be more efficient.”

As I said before, the auction house in the town is actually a database shared by ten nearby towns and their subordinate hundreds of novice villages, so players in these 110 places can realize commodity circulation. However, the 90 towns and many novice villages that are further away each have their own databases, and they do not communicate with them.

So if you can’t buy things here, you can buy them when you go to other places. If you think the teleportation fee is too expensive, plan carefully and choose a town that borders other areas to teleport there.

Currently, Liuquan Town can only be directly teleported to the towns and Novice Villages in its own area. To go to the adjacent area, you have to go to the adjacent town first and transfer a train. In this way, it can save a lot of time by sending at most two times, which is more than a dozen gold.

“Okay, then let the third go directly.” The elder brother nodded.

Although you have to buy tens of thousands of materials, a backpack grid can stack 100 copies, and at most 150 grids are required. Besides, Mo Bei sold the backpack making blueprint to their guild, and they had already made the finished product. Ye Xu and Mo Bei had already replaced the backpack with the highest specification of 50 squares that this blueprint could make, and the third brother was no exception. Now his backpack is full of 300 squares, which can fit completely.

He went there alone, and soon returned to the guild residence. The eldest brother and the second brother put the counted materials one by one into the backpacks of several people, and then they are ready to go to the destination after they have ordered all the people.

Ye Xu reminded them that the old turtle is more like a chicken thief, so this time they will bring all the players who participated in the secret technique study there. It is best to learn it on the spot, lest there are any pits waiting for them in ten skill books or the like.

The people selected this time are naturally members of the elite group of the guild, and they are all trusted confidants. There are quite a few people in Yeyin who meet the conditions. In order to pick out these few people, the eldest brother and the second brother really did a lot of work, and the others who were not selected are very envious.

Ye Xu didn’t ask them what method they used to determine the candidates, only that the eldest brother and the second brother did not plan to learn the secret technique. The water-attribute sea mage played by the second brother was randomly selected from a merman that was suitable for the water element before. It was not surprising that he did not learn Ye Xu, but he was surprised that the elder brother did not.

“I’m an elf now, and it’s a good match for the archer profession. There’s no need to learn it.” The elder brother explained, “And I took a strange task before, which seems to involve the division of the elves. I guess elves There should also be different types of elves. At that time, I can choose a branch that is more suitable for archers, and there is no need to switch to dragons.”

In fact, at least three-quarters of the elite group members in their guild are hidden bloodlines suitable for their profession, and they are not much worse than the dragons themselves. In addition, some of their professions do not require the setting of double cultivation of monsters, such as priests, etc. Compared with human players and warrior players, they prefer dragons.

“Dragon clan must have strong magic talent and melee talent. In fact, human clan, barbarian clan, orc clan can all be transformed into dragon clan. But they don’t know whether dragon clan is much stronger than barbarian clan and orc clan in melee talent, so they dare not try it easily.”

The barbarian is a physically friendly race. Players of this race are born with high physical strength, which is very suitable for knights who take the blood bull route. And it also has a racial talent called “Warsong Guardian”. After turning it on, the barbarians can get a shield that lasts for 60 seconds, which can cause 10% damage reduction and bloodsteal effects. There is nothing to blame except for the cooling time of up to an hour. The place.

The Orcs are a power-friendly race, suitable for warrior players who take the high-altitude attack route. Its racial talent is also a skill-type thing, called “Blood Boiling”, which is an alternative violent effect. After using it, the player’s physical attack power increases by 10%, and it also lasts for 60 seconds and cools down for 60 minutes.

These two races are very good in terms of attribute bonuses and talent skills, but the dragon family does not yet know what its racial talent is, only that it should be a dual affinity of strength and intelligence. According to the information provided by the old turtle, it is likely that the racial talent is just “double cultivation of monsters”.

Seeing that Ye Xu didn’t understand the meaning of the “double cultivation of monsters”, the second brother explained in detail: “There are three possibilities for dual cultivation of monsters, one is to allow players to learn the skills of warrior and mage at the same time; the second is to modify The player’s attack attribute, so that each attack the player makes becomes half magic attack and half physical attack damage effect; the last one is the best case, which is to change the existing attack skill magic into a new more powerful skill , has both magic and physical attack attributes.”

Speaking of which, we need to explain what the attack attribute is.

Anyone who has played a lot of large-scale online games knows that the essential difference between the physics department and the magic department is not that their skills are different, but that the damage they hit has physical attributes or magic attributes. Physical attack corresponds to physical defense, magic attack corresponds to magic defense, and the player’s physical defense and magic defense are different, some characters have high defense and some people have high magic defense.

Just imagine, when your attack has two attributes at the same time, it can be either a magic attack or a physical attack. At this time, if it hits someone else, it will directly calculate the defense based on the attribute with the lowest defense. Whether it is low magic defense or low physical defense, the damage will always be higher.

In addition to these two basic attack attributes, there are some strange attributes. For example, the chaotic attribute, the attack of this attribute is set to “ignore defense” in many games, which is equivalent to the player directly installing hard resistance. Another example is the city defense attribute, which is usually on buildings. The defense value of the city defense attribute does not seem to be high, but its damage reduction effect is extremely abnormal. Generally, only special siege vehicles can cause a lot of damage to it.

The second situation mentioned by the second brother is to split the damage of each skill into two, half of which are used as physical attacks, and the other half are used as magic attacks. Although the effect of playing this way will also increase the amount of damage, it is better than nothing, so it is not attractive.

The third situation he mentioned is completely different, because it involves the improvement and upgrading of skills. As long as it is improved, its own damage value will definitely increase, and all the damage effects have become an attack with both attributes, so the pain value when hitting someone is naturally different.

Brother, of course, they hope that it is the third situation. How can the dragon family also belong to the top race, right? The first two are too perfunctory, they would rather believe that the dragons have exclusive supporting skills.

“From this point of view, the previous dark attribute hidden occupations are actually racial.” Ye Xu held his face and thought for a while, “The dark attribute is also suitable for almost all occupations, similar to the dragon bloodline.”

The third brother smiled and said: “You should be talking about the undead race, and the dark attribute is slightly different, the element class.”

Therefore, the current hidden settings about player roles have actually surfaced, and a diverse group of adventurers is formed by races, elements and occupations. And the race is divided into the public version of the hidden race, the branch version of the hidden race and the rare race, the elements are divided into no element tendency, full element affinity and single element affinity.

“Aren’t the current ordinary players considered to be all-elemental affinity?” Ye Xu asked, “Aren’t we able to learn all elemental skills?”

At present, players of a single element type, such as water players, cannot learn the skills of other elements, especially the fire skills of phase restraint, which cannot be learned at all. For other elements, you can learn the fusion skills that are combined with the water system, such as the “dark swamp” that combines dark elements and water elements, but such fusion skills are relatively rare on the market, so you can only learn from your own tutor.

Other hidden occupations also have similar limitations. In many cases, they are not as broad in skill selection as ordinary occupations, and can only rely on their own tutors to help them. If the skills in the tutor’s hands are finished, they will have to struggle to find skills elsewhere to learn.

“The affinity of the whole family is of course different from the ordinary player. The ordinary player you are talking about is actually a non-elemental player.” The second brother shook his head, “The real affinity of the whole family means that he can perfectly integrate all the elements, using two kinds of elements at the same time. Elemental skills with conflicting attributes don’t go wrong, and you can even merge them together.”

Normal players cannot use a water-based skill immediately after using a fire-based skill. There will be a one-second cooling time similar to a public CD. But all the affinity players can, and they also have a talent that is skill fusion, such as condensing a water ball and not throwing it, and then condensing a fireball and not throwing it, and kneading even a racket into a red and blue phase Melt the big ball and throw it as a bomb.

Such a setting has not been seen in other games, but it has already appeared in “Lingyuan”. As far as they know, the guild that currently ranks third in the Guild Billboard has recently released a full-line mage. The operation just now was posted on the forum after someone videotaped it, and my brothers knew about it.

Ye Xu was a little surprised: “I didn’t see that post…”

The elder brother explained: “It is estimated that they were deliberately suppressed by their guild.”

This kind of hidden professional information that can be used as a killer, it is normal for the guild to hide it. The player didn’t know how he was exposed, maybe he was not careful enough when using his skills and was seen by passers-by.

“There are more and more hidden occupations in Lingyuan.” Ye Xu sighed, “I used to think that hidden occupations would be rare, why do you feel that it is a bit of a bad street now?”

“It will be a matter of time before the popularity of high-level games. The player base is so large for a game of this scale. If there are too few hidden career settings, it may take a long time before the game is opened. Don’t try to make money. Unless they make the hidden class extremely difficult to get, but then there is no point in going through the trouble of designing a hidden class.”

A profession is designed for players to play. If it can’t be triggered all the time, why do it? And if the hidden profession is too powerful, it will also cause dissatisfaction among other players. Therefore, the best way is to let these hidden settings have their unique advantages, but also have innocuous small disadvantages, which are generally better than ordinary occupations, but not outrageously good.

In addition to increasing the diversity of gameplay, the official design of hidden occupations actually mainly wants to slaughter big households with good money. If the employment certificate or token of such a hidden occupation is taken out to attract the rich second generation to spend money to buy it, can the game official not be able to make a fee from it?

In order to make more money, how to design more hidden occupations. Anyway, as long as the total number of such players does not exceed 1/10,000, it will not affect the game experience of local tyrants, and they can make more money. Now the hidden occupations in the national service of “Lingyuan” do not exceed 100 people, but the number of players is far more than 1 million or even 10 million, which is far from the bottom line of 1/10,000.

Ye Xu thought about it for a while, and felt that what the brothers said made sense.

Moreover, the random combination of these bloodlines, elements and occupations can generate thousands of different combinations, and it is really interesting to compete on the same stage at that time, so that all you can see are those occupations. If Lingyuan started e-sports, these hidden professions would bloom, and the visibility would be even higher.

A group of thirteen people chatted for more than an hour, and finally arrived at their destination after more than an hour. The reason why it was so fast was thanks to the teleportation scrolls that Ye Xu distributed to several people. They went to Louis’s Soul Vault first, and going out through the exit over there, they could run a lot less.

The old turtle’s pond is still too far away, and it takes two hours to go there. This is still calculated based on the speed of the ice bear. If it were replaced by other people’s slower mounts, it would take three or four hours to run past it, which was a waste of time.

The old tortoise over there has been looking forward to it for a long time, and he was still worried, worried that Ye Xu would be gone after taking the certificate. After all, Ye Xu came out alone, and it doesn’t know if Ye Xu has any friends who need to switch blood together. If he is a ruthless man who can feed the whole family alone, it is not impossible that he will not come back after taking the certificate. .

Fortunately, Ye Xu is a good and honest young man, and he didn’t use a thousand gold to coax away the certificate and play the world. But when it saw that Ye Xu had brought more than a dozen people with him, his eyelids jumped fiercely.

This is determined to learn the secret method!

The old tortoise felt sore in his heart and bitter in his mouth. After ten secret teachings, he had to lose half of his life. Seeing how these people are not easy to mess with, I’m afraid it won’t be able to cheat and deny the account.

It cursed in his heart that Ye Xu was too treacherous, but of course, after coming to him, he still had to smile and greet him warmly: “Dear adventurer, I finally waited for you!”

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s get started.” Ye Xu didn’t want to waste time with it, and if he gave it a little more time, he might think of a way to break the game.

The strategy of stalling for time failed before it even started, and the old turtle became more and more sad. But it was also afraid that if it didn’t cooperate, Ye Xu turned around and left, and the credentials it paid before would be completely lost.

What’s more, when Ye Xuguang was alone, he considered whether to kill the turtle directly, but he gave up because he was worried that he might not be able to beat him. Now that he has so many helpers, he doesn’t have to worry about anything if he wants to be tough. The old turtle will definitely not be able to beat a group of them together, and the turtle shell’s defense is not good.

Not necessarily, it had to accept Ye Xu’s proposal and collect materials in batches. For every part of the collection, one person must be taught the secret method, and all the materials cannot be obtained until the tenth person learns it.

The old tortoise was a little anxious after hearing this: “But my mission requirement is to hatch 5,000. What if the hatching fails?”

“That’s the problem with your eggs!” Ye Xu said decisively, “Anyway, we are in this street. Whether you agree or not, you have to consider whether you can beat us.”

The old turtle couldn’t beat it, and the old turtle was wronged: “Okay, okay.”

Ye Xu felt that he did not intend to take advantage of the weakness of the old turtle to teach ten people the secret method, and let everyone work together to kill it, which is already very conscientious. If the old tortoise still doesn’t know the good and the bad, and the brothers insist on killing the donkey, he won’t stop him.

This is an orange-level boss. If you don’t kill the white, you can’t kill it. If you kill it, you can explode an orange outfit. At this stage, the orange outfit is very valuable.

When the materials were officially handed over, the brothers also took the initiative. At this time, Ye Xu didn’t have anything to do. It was mainly his brother who negotiated with the other party to discuss what to pay first.

The old turtle means to give the magic spar first, and everything else can be postponed. As a result, the brothers immediately said that the magic spar will be the last to give, otherwise the transaction will be interrupted.

Hearing their lawsuit, Ye Xu also heard a bit of the doorway: “It seems that the most important thing for your turtle clan to hatch is this spar? Everything else can be lacking, and the spar must be there.”

Okay, old turtle, I can still think of this way of breaking the problem. Get the most important things first, and the rest of the materials will depend on the situation. You don’t necessarily have to collect all the materials, and you can barely make do with it, so that the first few secret method teachings can be ignored.

It’s a pity that this little thought was seen through by the brothers, and they called it back directly, and turned to the last transaction that made the magic stone. The second brother was worried that it deliberately pretended that the magician was the most important thing to deceive them into being smart, so he tested it with other materials, and determined that the old turtle was not as smart as that, just a little smart, so he did not adjust the order.

The old tortoise completed the deal with them gloomily, and in the end he couldn’t lose a single spot. By the time the last person learned the results, it had already entered a weak state, with a debuff hanging under its head.

It glanced at a few people feebly, eyes full of vigilance, for fear that they would take advantage of his illness to kill him. Fortunately, the brothers considered that the younger brother was watching, and it was not easy to go back on their word, so they gave up the idea and allowed it to step into the teleportation array with the materials safely and leave the place of right and wrong.

Before the teleportation, it couldn’t wait to say: “Okay, you can go, even if your mission is completed. Those next to me are my disciples and grandchildren, don’t hurt them, and don’t come in the future!”

It was afraid that Ye Xu’s group would go back on it if they stayed longer, and they would do something to it again. Although its teleportation array can only be used by it, who knows if there are people in this group who can modify the teleportation array? Their human race has always been cunning, and they are born with wisdom bonuses. They are better at magic than ordinary races, and they may be able to chase into its lair.

Ye Xu was too lazy to care about these things. Seeing that the system reminded him that the task was completed, he was given a lot of experience points and gold coins as rewards, and happily prepared to leave. After staying in the outer suburbs for several days, he was about to get bored, and he could finally go back to rest.

As for the Dragon Clan certificate, I will see if I want to use it now.

The brothers don’t plan to stay any longer. After all, they really don’t understand the teleportation formation, and the worries of the old turtle are completely unnecessary. After the two sides said goodbye, they separated, and then Yeyin’s focus will probably be on collecting dead dragon eggs.

On the issue of dragon eggs, Ye Xu was not at all worried that they would switch bloodlines with living eggs.

The value of live dragon eggs is too high. At this stage, they are completely sky-high pets. No one would be so extravagant as to exchange a hatchable dragon pet for the player’s dragon blood. No matter how hard it is to find dead dragon eggs, no one will do this kind of loss-making business, which is completely worth the loss.

He was thinking that if he really succeeded in converting his bloodline first, maybe he could disguise himself as a young dragon and infiltrate the dragon clan. It is estimated that there are a lot of eggs that can’t be hatched, so it doesn’t matter how many.

The premise is that the dragon clan really admits him and will not shoot him out as an illegitimate child of unknown origin.

However, Ye Xu thought that if the bloodline was converted by dragon eggs, it might not be popular. But Longxuequan seems to be a formal certificate that the dragons themselves have scattered, and it should be recognized by the dragons. Even if they are not as preferentially treated as the serious dragon clan, they can still get an ordinary clansman Dangdang.

Thinking of this, Ye Xu’s blood boiled again, and he could not wait to use the voucher on the spot and complete the trial three times, five times, two times. But reason made him cowardly, and he always felt that it was too early, and the dragon family sounded like a boss-level boss who would only appear after level 100 or even 200. Even if its certificate falls into the hands of an old orange tortoise with only level 50, the player will have to level 5 or 60 to enter the trial.

Depressed, Ye Xu rolled around in the big fluffy nest, and took the little fur cub beside him into his arms and kissed him. Get up: “Baby, do you want me to try it out tomorrow? I always think it’s too early, isn’t it safe to be level 50? Eh, what if I can’t get past level 50, I’m not sure what the certificate is? It was left by the ancestors of the old turtle, and its ancestors were not 50-level rookies at that time, but 100-level 200-plus giants.”

The cub in his arms kissed back sweetly, and then happily “um”.

“Huh?” Only then did Ye Xu realize that he was holding a sweet baby, and he kissed two more quickly, “Koi Tian quickly tell me whether or not to go tomorrow, so just nod when you go.”

Who can understand the light ummmmm, the panda just screams, and I don’t know if I approve or disapprove.

He just said this in a casual joke, and didn’t expect Tiantian to give any response, what this little cub could understand. Unexpectedly, Xiao Tiantian actually nodded, and her beautiful little eyes like black grapes looked at him with such anticipation, as if he could go to the top of his life tomorrow and lead them to the sky.

Ye Xu got up and rubbed his head gently with it, and then said decisively: “Then go! Go tomorrow! Tiantian has said it, the son of the master will definitely not be wrong, Jin Li Xiaotiantian, bless me!”

“Mmmmm~” Tiantian cub kept rubbing his chin and acting like a spoiled brat, causing Ye Xu to quickly get lost in the gentle village of Xiao Mao cub, and he didn’t know what day it was.

The next day, the base friends heard that Ye Xu was going to do the Dragon Trial now, and they all disagreed. They also only heard about the dragon clan last night. They thought that Ye Xu would have to wait for a while, but they didn’t expect to be so resolute.

Originally wanted to persuade a few words, but Ye Xu said that he asked Tiantian’s opinion, and Tiantian told him that he could go directly. Now several people shut up and changed their minds to agree with Ye Xu’s decision.

However, there are those who believe in sweetness, and naturally there are those who are skeptical about it. Even if Tiantian is lucky, it can only play a role when opening the box and so on, and it will not become a golden word. If the difference in strength is too large, even if it is enveloped by its European energy, it will not be able to successfully complete the trial.

But Ye Xu didn’t stop, and even the always reliable leader, Sister Xuan, said with conviction: “Sweet baby is the son of luck in the “Lingyuan” continent, and will not miss it.”

Everyone: “…” Sister Xuan has read too many novels?

After Ye Xu entered the trial map and cut off contact with everyone, the captain added slowly: “Let him go, it doesn’t matter if he fails. I’ll find a way to get him a similar item later. I don’t believe that money can’t buy it. In a few months, Xiao Xu’s birthday will be celebrated, so it’s just right to use it as a coming-of-age ceremony.”

Everyone continued: “…” I don’t really understand what you rich people think!

But after Sister Xuan got the bottom of it, they really relaxed a lot, and they no longer struggled with the question of whether Ye Xu’s trial could be successful. They formed their own teams and continued today’s leveling trip, just waiting for Ye Xu to report the situation.

At this time, Ye Xuzheng stared at Tiantian with a bewildered face.

“Sweet cub.” He said slowly.

Tiantian squatted in his palm and tilted her little head: “Huh?”

“Where are your parents?” he asked.

Tiantian scratched her itchy ears with her paws, also confused: “Mmmm!”

I saw that in this valley where birds and flowers were fragrant, Ye Xu had summoned a bunch of babies in advance to ensure safety, but none of them were kept except Tiantian, and they were all sent to other places. Ye Xu was convinced that they were still outside, not returning to the summon space or pet space, but they were not by his side.

This is strange, it is reasonable to say that the summoned object will not leave the owner. It is also possible for pets to move further away from their owners, but the summoned objects and mounts cannot be too far away from their owners, especially mounts. If they exceed a certain distance, they will directly retract the mount bar. But now, Ye Xu glanced at the ice bear and found that it was still waiting.

The location of the babies was not displayed on the minimap, such a large valley was already beyond the distance. Could it be that this valley is an illusion, but it just looks big? But that doesn’t explain why Tiantian just stayed in his palm and didn’t disappear with him.

Ye Xu pondered in his heart that this would not be the halo attack of the son of the master brain, so Tiantian was not affected. So it still stayed with its owner, loved each other, and reminded the owner of the current situation with its own existence, waiting for the owner to take it to lie down and win.

Thinking about it, it feels a bit silly, but this is indeed a routine that many Infinite Stream novels like. That is, the protagonist always has a special little assistant, no one else, but he can clear the customs with the help of the assistant. It’s just that this time the protagonist has changed, and he has become the sweet protagonist as a little assistant waiting to lie down and win.

Forget it, don’t want this mess.

Holding Tiantian, Ye Xu decided to walk around first to see how to break the game next. The system didn’t give a hint, he didn’t know what to do, so he could only wander around on the map.

It would be great if there was a guide, Ye Xu thought to himself as he casually stroked his sweet and soft fur.

Slipping and stroking, the movements of his hands suddenly froze. etc! Isn’t he sweet here? What kind of compass guide can be sweet and easy to use? He should believe in Tiantian’s ability!

Ye Xu immediately held the little hair ball in front of him, staring at him with burning eyes: “Cub, it’s time for you to take me to bed and win!”

“Huh?” The little cub continued to be confused, and still hasn’t figured out what happened.

Ye Xu didn’t explain much to it. After all, he didn’t understand it himself, so he couldn’t explain it at all. He just coaxed the little cub to make decisions for him, to see which way to go is the best.

Such a decision is not a problem at all for Xiao Tiantian, she immediately forgot that Mama didn’t know where she went, and happily gave directions.

In fact, it is also nonsense, just to be happy. Sometimes I saw a beautiful little butterfly, and directed Ye Xu to take a look. Sometimes I see colorful fruits, and I am curious and want to go over and take a look.

In this way, in order to satisfy the cubs’ interest in playing, Ye Xu ran a few times in the valley. He ran back and forth, the route was extremely twisted and complicated, and he couldn’t remember how he ran.

The only thought in my mind was that Tiantian liked things with bright colors and sparkles, and she ran all the way to chase such things. From butterflies to fruits, to big stones, small leaves, glass jars… In short, it can always find something of interest.

Ye Xu didn’t see these messy gadgets at all. Sometimes he wondered if he was blind, and he couldn’t find it at a young age. He had to point sweetly to find out. A few times he tried to find something that suits Tiantian’s preferences in advance, but except for the bigger glass jar, he didn’t look at the others, so he could only wait for Tiantian to find out.

Fifteen minutes later, Ye Xu realized that something was wrong. These things that Tiantian wants to play seem to appear one after another, such as that leaf, which was obviously not there when they passed by before.

And Tiantian said that he was playing with these things, but it was not really playing. It is just curious and likes it. After seeing one, it will let Ye Xu chase after it. If it can be caught, it will be caught. If it cannot be caught, it will squat in Ye Xu’s palm and stare at it. After staring for a while, you are not interested, and then go to the next one.

Or you can play with your claws for a while after grabbing your hand, and then put it in your pocket and keep it safe. If you can’t put it in your pocket, let Ye Xu help you put it in the backpack, it can’t be thrown away anyway.

Ye Xu glanced at his package, a lot of shiny colorful objects, and always felt as if he understood something.

Shine bright…

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