Summoning America

Chapter 137: Sylverton

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December 5, 1640

Veirakal Forest, Malmund Grasslands, Mu

Morning dew coalesced on blades of grass as the sun began to peek over the horizon. Although painfully early, the camp was already bustling about as men made preparations for today’s operation. After having a quick breakfast, Bulldog Squad and Vanguard Squad gathered in a lot containing the captured Gra Valkan trucks.

Each member, including Jonas, Mylan, and Theo, knew the gravity of their mission - infiltrating the enemy base and paving the way for Dragon Company’s assault. Their faces were a mixture of determination and anxiety as they mentally prepared themselves for the task ahead. Physically, they had done as much as they could. The past few days, they had practiced communicating with hand signals and stealthy squad tactics with a pair of commandos who had been attached to their unit. 

All they could do now was put their skills to the test. Captain Alistair walked among them, inspecting their equipment and providing last-minute guidance. “Remember, stealth is of the utmost importance. You need to stay undetected until the signal is given,” he reminded them, his voice firm and steady. “If the Gra Valkans are alerted to your presence before they are diverted away, they will all converge on your position and the mission will be a bust.”

As they finished their preparations, the Strategic Intelligence Bureau operatives and Agarthan mages joined them in the hangar. The agents, dressed in Gra Valkan uniforms, carried documents and identification while the mages were equipped with enchanted accessories. The trucks had also been loaded with crates of magic gems, to help the mages maintain their illusion. 

Boarding the transport trucks, the members of Bulldog Squad exchanged brief, tense glances with one another. There was no room for error. Each member of the squad knew that their very lives, as well as the lives of their fellow soldiers, were on the line.

The convoy of trucks rumbled to life, and the journey to Sylverton began. Inside the vehicle, the air was thick with anticipation. Jonas, Mylan, and Theo sat shoulder to shoulder, the silence punctuated only by the occasional shifting of gear and muffled conversations of the commandos and mages. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, the tension within the truck grew palpable. The squad members checked their weapons one last time and exchanged reassuring nods.

With Sylverton coming into view on the horizon, the members of Bulldog Squad steeled themselves for the upcoming challenge. The convoy of trucks rumbled closer to the heavily guarded Gra Valkan checkpoint outside of the main road into the town. Jonas felt his heart pounding in his chest, the tension building as they passed by a fortified position of tanks and armored vehicles. He glanced at the rest of the men within the truck, all wearing expressions of steely determination.

Lieutenant Matthews leaned in close to the squad, his voice low and steady. “Remember, stay sharp and keep calm. We’ve practiced this over and over again. Stick to the plan, and we’ll get through this together.”

Bulldog Squad members exchanged quick nods of acknowledgment, swallowing their anxiety and focusing on the mission at hand. The mages cast their illusion spells hiding Bulldog Squad behind the facade of an empty truck. The SIB operatives at the wheels readied their documents and prepared to do the talking. 

As the first truck in the convoy pulled up to the inspection point, a group of stern Gra Valkan guards approached. Jonas listened from the truck as the guards scrutinized the documents and questioned the operatives ahead. They knew they had to remain motionless and silent, so they wiped away the sweat that had begun to bead on their brows and calmed their breathing. 

The line of trucks inched forward as each vehicle underwent inspection. With every passing minute, Jonas felt the tension in his chest tighten. He observed the other members of Bulldog Squad, noticing that they, too, were becoming increasingly anxious. The mages fared even worse, physically straining to maintain their delicate spell. Being the last truck in the convoy, these mages had to exert their mana for longer than the others up ahead. 

Finally, it was their turn. Their truck rolled to a stop, and a Gra Valkan officer approached it. He demanded the papers, his voice cold and authoritative. The operative at the wheel calmly handed over the documents and replied to his questions with practiced ease. The officer then came around to inspect the truck’s cargo, finding nothing inside. 

Jonas could see the officer’s eyes narrow as he examined the papers, occasionally glancing at the back of the truck. The seconds felt like hours as the inspection continued. The air inside the truck was stifling, and the tension among the squad members was palpable. The mages looked like they were about to pop a blood vessel with how hard they were straining to maintain the illusion.

While they waited, Jonas noticed that the officer’s radio crackled to life. He strained to listen, trying to discern if the message could affect their mission. The officer’s expression remained unchanged, and he didn’t say a word, leaving Jonas and the others wondering what information the radio carried. He could only hope it was a routine transmission or update, and not a warning that revealed their identities.

The SIB operative continued to converse with the officer, expertly providing answers to his questions and maintaining his composure. He expertly steered the conversation to emphasize the urgency of his supposed resupply mission, subtly pressuring the officer to expedite the inspection process. The operative’s psychological prodding proved successful and at last, the officer waved them forward with a curt nod, seemingly satisfied with the documentation.

The truck lurched ahead, following the convoy into Sylverton. Relief coursed through Jonas as they slipped past, and he felt his heart rate begin to slow. They had passed the first hurdle, but the mission was far from over.

As they entered the Gra Valkan forward operating base, the squad members scanned their surroundings, mentally cataloging possible escape routes, hiding spots, and points of interest. The trucks were directed to a parking area near a cluster of storage buildings. Once inside, the operatives disembarked to confer with the Gra Valkans there, distracting them. Lieutenant Matthews signaled the mages to cease spellcasting and for the squad to unload. The mages were more than happy to be relieved of their strenuous duty, but were in no position to move and had to be helped by Bulldog Squad.

Avoiding the complacent eyes of the guards, Bulldog Squad and Vanguard Squad slinked into the shadows, hiding and biding their time. Hidden among the storage buildings, they waited for the signal that would mark the beginning of their operation. Their hearts raced in anticipation, adrenaline pumping through their veins. They knew that timing was crucial. As they waited, they watched the Gra Valkan soldiers, studying their routines and noting the location of various defenses.

The sun began to set, and they knew the time to move was nigh. Jonas glanced at the commandos who had trained them, seeking reassurance. They gave him a curt nod, their faces stoic and focused. He returned the gesture, feeling a renewed sense of determination invigorate him. He knew they were all relying on each other to complete this mission.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as they waited. Every sound, every movement, caught their attention. Every time a Gra Valkan soldier came to retrieve supplies, they feared that their position would be compromised. They knew that they couldn’t afford any mistakes. Then, in the distance, they heard it – the sound of explosions ravaging the Gra Valkan defenses along the main road. The diversion created by Wyvern Company had begun.

In response, the sound of overlapping alarms filled the air, creating a cacophonous symphony of urgency and chaos. The high-pitched wails and blaring klaxons seemed to intertwine and echo off the walls, amplifying the intensity of the situation. Men shouted, their voices drowned out by the alarms. There was a staccato of boots slamming into concrete, as Gra Valkan soldiers rushed past the storage area to reinforce the front lines. The time was now.

As the enemy’s movements and voices faded into the distance, Lieutenant Matthews gave a silent hand signal. Bulldog and Vanguard Squads sprang into action, moving quickly and stealthily toward the now-vulnerable perimeter defenses. Taking advantage of the confusion caused by the assault, they took the opportunity to strike at the base’s communication network.

Jonas, Mylan, and Theo, accompanied by a few commandos, made their way to a small building housing the base’s communication arrays. They carefully approached the guards outside, staying low and using the shadows to their advantage. As they neared the unsuspecting guards, one of the commandos signaled for Jonas and the others to hold their position. He and another commando then moved forward, their suppressed rifles at the ready. The soft hiss of the guns and the guards’ bodies slumping to the ground were the only signs that the commandos had struck. With the alarms still blaring in the background, the enemies inside were none the wiser.

Having neutralized the guards outside, they quietly entered the building. Inside, they found a few technicians and officers hunched over control panels, frantically attempting to coordinate the Gra Valkan response to the attack. The officers noticed the intrusion and reached for their pistols, but the commandos were faster. The technicians’ hands were raised in surrender before the bodies of their commanding officers even hit the ground.

A few members from Vanguard Squad moved in to secure the surrendering technicians and collect any useful information. Meanwhile, the rest of Bulldog and Vanguard Squads worked on neutralizing the guards stationed outside the base’s perimeter defenses. Splitting up into smaller teams, the commandos led the assault, deftly taking down the unsuspecting Valkies one by one with a combination of suppressed gunfire and lethal knife strikes. The quiet thud of bodies hitting the ground and the faint, muffled sound of the commandos’ weapons were left inaudible against the background of the base’s blaring alarms, allowing them to move quickly without alerting the enemy.

As they moved from one guard post to another, the infiltrators maintained constant communication using hand signals and American radios, ensuring they were always aware of each other’s positions and the progress of their mission. In the midst of the chaos, they remained a well-oiled machine, striking with cold and calculated coordination. The teams completed their objective and linked up by a large gate near the northern side of town, where the edge of Veirakal Forest was located.

With the guards neutralized and enemy communications under their control, they were now able to reinforce their assault with the rest of Dragon Company and destroy the Valkie unit from the inside. Bulldog and Vanguard Squads regrouped with Captain Alistair as he led the reinforcements inside, their gazes focused on the town hall in the distance, which served as the Valkies’ main command center. Jonas and his fellow infiltrators knew that the most difficult part of their mission was still ahead of them, but they couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride at their accomplishments thus far. They had managed to breach the enemy’s defenses without raising suspicion or causing alarm.

Taking a moment to catch their breath and check their equipment, Dragon Company prepared to move forward. Captain Alistair gave the order, and his troops moved through the northern flank of Sylverton, making their way toward the heart of the enemy base. Bulldog and Vanguard Squads provided support by guiding them through the compromised defenses and eliminating any remaining Gra Valkan guards who posed a threat.

The assault was a whirlwind of chaos and violence, with the Muans and their supporting mages using their superior coordination to outmaneuver the disorganized Gra Valkans. Dragon Company’s platoons systematically captured important positions, including the barracks, armory, and vehicle depot. The Gra Valkan soldiers, caught off guard and struggling to mount a defense, found themselves overwhelmed and began to surrender or flee.

The main objective, however, was the command center. Jonas and the rest of Dragon Company were acutely aware that securing this key position would determine the success or failure of the entire operation. It wasn’t a matter of strength – the Muans knew they outgunned and outnumbered the stragglers within – rather, it was a matter of time. They had to secure this compound and force a surrender before Wyvern Company got overrun by the Valkie defenses along the main road.

As they approached the hastily-fortified town hall, Jonas could feel the tension mounting. Whatever forces the Valkies had left in this region had regrouped, forming a final line of defense. It was clear they would fight tooth and nail to protect their leadership.

Explosions rocked the battlefield as the Valkies launched everything they had at the Muans, with little regard for using their munitions efficiently. Jonas took cover behind the concrete pillars of a wrecked building, shielding himself from the torrent of bullets that came his way. Amidst the battle, he could hear the staccato bursts of gunfire from his comrades’ weapons alongside the continuous stream emitted by Valkie machine guns, mixed with hectic battle chatter over the radio. The Valkies were entrenched and determined, making it difficult for Dragon Company to advance. The air was thick with smoke, dust, and the metallic tang of expended ammunition.

Thankfully, they had brought along with them some means to deal with this desperate, cornered animal. A rocket flew from a window behind him, striking a fortified Valkie machine gun nest with enough ferocity to completely obliterate the position. Taking advantage of the Valkies’ disorientation, Dragon Company pushed up.

Spearheaded by illusions and golems, the assault occurred methodically, with American-trained marksmen sniping the demoralized defenders. As they moved closer to the command center, Jonas experienced a whirlwind of emotions. Fear and adrenaline coursed through him, sharpened by the knowledge that any misstep could cost him or his comrades their lives. He focused on the task at hand, drawing on his training and discipline to keep pushing forward.

Captain Alistair’s voice crackled over the radio, directing the platoons to flank the Valkie positions and take advantage of their crumbling defenses. Jonas and his squad followed the orders, crawling through the debris and using the terrain to their advantage.

The battle died down as quickly as it started. With the machine gun nests destroyed and what fortifications they had outside left in tatters, the surviving Valkies retreated inside the building. They didn’t dare peek out of the windows, fearing the deadly accuracy of the Muan snipers. Now stuck in a deadlock, it was time for their new breaching tactics to shine.

Armed with flashbangs and grenades sourced from the Americans, the Muans prepared to breach the building. Numerous metal clangs impacting the floor inside were quickly followed by loud detonations that completely disoriented the defenders within. Summoned golems and treants pushed in first, their bodies easily tanking small arms fire from the desperate Valkies. The commandos pushed in behind them, expertly neutralizing the weakened soldiers within. Having lost an overwhelming majority of their forces, the Valkie commanders were left with no other choice but to surrender.

As Jonas surveyed the captured command center, he felt a strange mixture of emotions – exhaustion, elation, and sorrow for the lives lost. The operation had been a success, but the cost weighed heavily on him. Even with the support of magic and American technology, they had lost a dozen men. Despite this, he maintained an optimistic outlook, knowing that this mission’s success placed them one day closer to securing peace for his country, and justice for his fallen brothers.

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