Summoning America

Chapter 140: The Coup (1)

December 19, 1640

Ragna, Gra Valkas Empire

Senator Guinea Marix leaned back in his plush leather chair, his office dimly lit by the flickering glow of a nearby fireplace. He took a slow, thoughtful puff from his mahogany pipe, exhaling a plume of the smoke that danced in the air, mingling with the shadows that played on the walls. The rich scent of the tobacco filled the room, creating an atmosphere of quiet contemplation. As the grandfather clock in the corner struck the hour, there were three knocks on the door.


The door creaked open as two men entered the room, their footsteps muffled by the plush carpet beneath them. Matrix gestured for them to take their seats in the high-backed chairs across from him, his pipe still clenched between his teeth.

General Raxor, a stern man with a chiseled face and a rigid posture, began the discussion without any pleasantries. “Senator, our military preparations for the coup are nearly complete. The units under our control are ready to move on your command. We’ve strategically placed them in key locations around the Imperial District, replacing many loyalist units with our own.” He pulled out a map from his briefcase, unfolding it on the table, and pointed to several marked areas. “Our forces will converge on the palace and other vital points, establishing a lockdown of the Imperial District to secure control as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, my forces will report an intrusion along the ports to divert attention.”

Captain Herros, a younger man with a cunning glint in his eyes, chimed in next. “Reinforcements won’t even get the word. The communications blackout awaits your command, sir. Our men have infiltrated key communication hubs and will sabotage them simultaneously. It’ll look like a typical American jamming operation.”

Senator Marix, nodding approvingly, tapped his pipe on the edge of a nearby ashtray to clear it. “Excellent, gentlemen. With our forces poised to strike and their forces in disarray, we will have the advantage we need. The fate of the Gra Valkas Empire rests on our shoulders. May the gods guide our path, and may history remember us as the harbingers of a new dawn. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”


Senator Guinea Marix stood in the center of the Senate Chamber, his eyes scanning the faces of the key War Hawk leaders assembled before him. As the final moments before the coup approached, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on his shoulders. Yet, he maintained a proud posture. Despite the risks, Marix believed that their actions were necessary to restore the Gra Valkas Empire to its former glory, and to preserve its future. Eyes gleaming with passion, he prepared to deliver the speech that would set their coup in motion. The crowd, a mixture of high-ranking officers, government officials, and corporate leaders, all waited in anticipation.

“My fellow patriots,” Marix began, his powerful voice resonating throughout the room. “Today, we stand on the precipice of change. For too long, our great empire has been held back by the indecision and weakness of the Imperial Throne. They strove for peace with the fanatic Kainians, allowing them to grow in power. They allowed our diplomats to suffer under the hands of those barbarian Pagandans, and they hesitated to bring war to the Muans! Were it not for their rule, we may very well have conquered the entire Mu continent by now! The time has come for us to seize control, to guide our nation to the destiny it deserves!”

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd as Marix continued, his voice steadily rising. “The Emperor’s misguided policies have left our empire vulnerable. Our enemies in the EDI grow stronger and bolder with each passing day, empowered by their American benefactors, while we sit idle, our hands tied by the arbitrary rules of war. Who are they to impose such weakness upon us?! What sort of cowardly Emperor bows down to these Americans, who are tens of thousands of miles away from us?!”

“Tonight, that changes!” Marix declared, his fist clenched in determination. “We will take the reins of power and remove these binding shackles and show the world the true potential of the Gra Valkas Empire! No longer will we tolerate the incompetence and indecision that has plagued our nation for far too long.

The crowd erupted in cheers, their enthusiasm fueled by Marix’s fervor. As the applause died down, he continued. “We are the rightful ruled of this region, superior in every way to the pitiful Elysians that dare to defy us. It is our destiny to conquer them, to bring them under our benevolent rule. And under my leadership, we will do just that!”

Marix paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. “I recognize the might of the United States, their technological prowess, their potential to intervene. But I ask you, my fellow patriots: Is it right for us to bow down to a foreign power, especially when they are too far away to do anything to us?”

The audience responded with a resounding “No!”. Emboldened by their response, Matrix stirred up his followers, “By launching a true blitzkrieg through Mu, we will crush our enemies before they are able to mass up American arms. We will then regroup and fortify our positions with new magitech weaponry and the consolidated might of our entire military, prepared to face the Americans should they choose to interfere!”

As Marix spoke, the audience’s emotions swelled, their faces a mixture of anger, excitement, and pride. They could feel the tide of history turning in their favor, the promise of a new era for the Gra Valkas Empire just within reach.

“But we must act swiftly, Matrix warned, his tone somber. “The Emperor and his loyalists will not go down without a fight. Tonight, we will take the palace, eliminate those who would dare to stand against us, and solidify our rule. This is our moment, our opportunity to shape the future of the Gra Valkas Empire!”

With those final words, Matrix stepped back, his chest heaving from the intensity of his speech. The room erupted in thunderous applause, the fervent support of the gathered crowd echoing through the halls. Their resolve was now unshakable, their commitment to the coup unwavering.

As the applause subsided, Matrix looked out at the crowd, the weight of the impending conflict heavy on his mind. But he was resolute, driven by his unwavering belief in the supremacy of the Gra Valkas Empire and his own ability to lead it to victory. The die had been cast, and there was no turning back.


A calm silence graced Emperor Gra Lux’s private study, interrupted only by the ticking of a clock on the wall and the soft rustling of papers. He pored over documents and correspondence from the far reaches of the empire, diligently working to keep track of the developments of the war and its impact on the economy and politics. Though they were gaining territory, the rate at which they were advancing was rapidly declining – this had been the case since the Muans began fielding American weapons en masse.

Defeats began to stack up, shaking not only the situation on the front lines, but also the situation at home. Tensions between the War Hawks and the Doves were at an all-time high, and whispers of a coup had reached his ears. A sense of unease grew within him, to the point where he could no longer properly focus on the tasks at hand. 

A sudden knock on the door caused him to stiffen up. “Enter,” Gra Lux said, calming down. The door opened, revealing his most trusted advisor, Varden. The elderly man entered the room, his expression grave.

“Your Excellency, I bring news of great concern,” Varden began, his voice trembling slightly. “Our informants within the War Hawks have uncovered evidence of a coup planned for tonight. They intend to seize control of the government and arrest or eliminate all opposition.”

Gra Lux’s eyes widened, his heart sinking. Though he knew that the War Hawks were planning something, hearing that their coup was imminent sent a slight shiver throughout his body. “Tonight? Are you certain?”

“Yes, Your Excellency. The War Hawks have already begun to mobilize their forces within the military. Time is of the essence.”

The Emperor stood, his resolve hardening. “We must act immediately. Alert the Imperial Guard and summon my family. We must protect the palace and prepare my family for evacuation.”

Varden bowed, then quickly left the room to carry out the Emperor’s orders. Gra Lux knew that the fate of his empire was at stake, and he would do everything in his power to thwart the coup and maintain his family’s rule. As the palace’s defenses were fortified and the imperial family gathered in the throne room, the atmosphere was tense. 

Crown Prince Gra Cabal, having experienced American society firsthand, expressed his dismay and disbelief at the War Hawks’ rashness. “Those traitors! Are they daft? They’ve seen all the pictures and videos and they still want to provoke a war?”

Gra Lux sighed, wondering the same thing. What the War Hawks were doing would only serve to further diminish the prestige and strength of the Gra Valkas Empire. The best thing he could do now was escape. Understanding the importance of his family’s survival and the continuity of the legitimate government, he made up his mind. “Dwelling in the past will be of no benefit to us, Cabal. We must leave the palace immediately,” he commanded. “My presence here will only serve as a rallying point for the enemy. We must regroup and plan a way to retake the throne.”

The imperial family, along with key advisors and a few guards prepared to evacuate through a secret passage. Gra Lux turned to Captain Vorn of the Imperial Guard,  who was visibly torn between following the Emperor and staying behind to defend the palace. “Captain, I entrust you with the defense of the palace. Hold the traitors off for as long as you can. Your sacrifice will not be in vain,” Gra Lux said, his voice heavy with gratitude and sorrow.

Vorn saluted, his eyes glistening with determination. “I will buy you as much time as I can, Your Excellency. I will protect your palace and your legacy with my life.”

With a solemn nod, Gra Lux joined his family as they entered an elevator hidden behind the throne room. As they descended down to the basement level, they heard gunfire and echoes of battle from the floors below the throne room. Stray bullets pierced the external walls, bouncing off the elevator’s armor with terrifying pings.

Finally, the elevator slowed to a stop and the doors opened, revealing a dark cavern with multiple tunnels. His entourage led him through this sprawling network, with only the faint light of torches guiding their way. Gra Lux felt a growing sense of unease, fearing the possibility of a trap. The muffled sound of footsteps and gunfire above further heightened his tensions.

After half an hour of traversing the cramped tunnels, they saw light gracing a set of stairs. Ascending these steps, they found themselves in an empty office building on the outskirts of the Imperial District. The once-busy workplace was eerily silent, a stark contrast to the chaos they had left behind.

The group moved cautiously through the abandoned corridors, their footsteps echoing off the walls. Their escorts spread out, taking the lead and covering their flanks as they cleared the building. Gra Lux’s heart pounded in his chest as he gripped the hand of his wife, trying to offer a sense of security in the midst of uncertainty.

As they approached the exit, one of the guards up front caught sight of a shadow flickering in the corner of his eye. He signaled for the group to halt, squinting into the dimly lit hallway to discern the source of the movement. After a tense moment, he shook his head, attributing the disturbance to his nerves.

The group continued, inching closer to the exit that would lead them to their extraction point. The sound of battle had faded to a mere whisper, muffled by the distance and layers of concrete that separated them from the palace grounds. Gra Lux couldn’t help but worry about Captain Vorn and the brave men who had stayed behind, praying that they had delayed the traitors long enough for his family to escape.

As they finally reached the door, Varden moved to open it. The moment he touched the handle, he felt a sudden chill down his spine. Though a peek through the windows revealed no movement outside, he had a terrible feeling. He hesitated, his instincts warning him of a potential danger lurking outside.

Gra Lux, sensing his advisor’s unease, held up a hand and stopped the group. He ordered a pair of guards to scout the area outside the building, ensuring that their escape route was secure. The guards nodded, slipping through the door with their weapons at the ready. The other guards posted up along the windows, preparing to cover their allies.

A tense silence enveloped the group as they waited, the seconds stretching painfully. Suddenly, a series of suppressed gunshots erupted from the other side of the door, followed by the unmistakable sound of bodies hitting the floor. The guards posted at the windows frantically scanned for their enemies, but could not identify the source of the gunfire. The Emperor’s heart sank, and he knew that they had walked right into a trap.

A voice emanated from outside – unmistakably the voice of War Hawk leader Guinea Marix. “We do not wish to harm you or your family, Your Excellency. Lay down your arms and surrender peacefully!”

Gra Lux looked around, mind racing to figure out a way out of this. 

“We have all exits covered and my men are coming through the tunnels as we speak! Don’t make this harder for you and your family!”

With only 8 men at his disposal, he was clearly outnumbered. Though he was determined to protect his family and his empire, he was not stubborn enough to ignore a losing situation. With no way out, he was left with only one other option: surrender.

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