Summoning America

Chapter 142: The Coup (3)

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Last time on Summoning America:

Gra Lux, Emperor of Gra Valkas, is forced to surrender his throne to Senator Guinea Marix. His family is taken captive, escalating tensions within the empire. Meanwhile, a US SEAL team led by Lieutenant Riley infiltrates Ragna, tasked with a high-risk extraction mission to save the deposed Emperor amidst a city under martial law.


Ragna, Gra Valkas Empire

With the carefully mapped patrol patterns etched in their minds, Riley and his team commenced their cautious advance. The city’s stone and steel anatomy – an obstacle for the untrained – became a trusted ally to the trained eyes of the SEALs. As they distanced themselves from their reconnaissance point, they noted an intensification in the number of patrols, a tangible testament to their proximity to the Imperial Palace. Checkpoints became more frequent, and stern commands and radio updates replaced the relaxed chatter of the distant soldiers.

They veered deeper into less populated districts, strategically bypassing the Gra Valkan patrols without raising an alarm. Weaving through labyrinthine alleyways and crossing vast, vacant squares, they found a rhythm in their deliberate, coordinated movement. The suspense escalated when a sudden increase in radio chatter hinted at a change in patrol routines. A cluster of soldiers headed their way, forcing the SEALs to quickly take cover in a shadowy alleyway. As the soldiers approached, Riley felt a spike in his pulse. Discovery would mean immediate failure.

The team huddled behind some overturned carts, their heartbeats pounding in unison as the soldiers’ footsteps echoed off the stone walls. One soldier paused near their hiding spot, his flashlight sweeping the ground mere feet away. The SEALs held their breath, fading further into the shadows.

After a grueling few seconds, the soldier moved on, the sound of his boots and radio chatter fading into the distance. Riley silently exhaled, his team following suit. It was a close call.

As they edged closer to the heart of the city, the patrolling soldiers became an almost constant backdrop. But for each obstacle, the SEALs found a path, their steps guided by a web of American surveillance. The Emperor’s location was within reach now. A renewed sense of focus took hold as the team prepared for the most crucial phase of the mission.


Twilight painted the dilapidated district in hues of somber gray, casting an ominous shadow over the fallen Gra Valkas Empire. Gra Lux, the once unyielding Emperor, found himself surrounded by War Hawk leader Senator Guinea Marix’s forces. His empire crumbled around him, and the weight of his fallen sovereignty pressed heavily on his shoulders.

“We have all exits covered and my men are coming through the tunnels as we speak! Don’t make this harder for you and your family!”

He was trapped between a rock and a hard place, but that was no justification for lashing out. Prioritizing the safety of his family, he called out a response, “I surrender!”

Stepping out into the moonlight, he and his entourage were swiftly disarmed and restrained. Though their treatment was rough, a grudging respect was extended to the Emperor’s family, their royal status reluctantly acknowledged.

Marix approached them. His eyes, fierce and determined, met Gra Lux’s steady gaze. Breaking the tense silence, he spoke in a voice that carried an air of authority and a hint of condescension. “Your Excellency,” he began, “this is a decision we have made for the good of our nation.”

Gra Lux held Marix’s gaze, his voice steady but clear with defiance. “And what of the people? The families who live under our protection? You don’t see the bigger picture, Senator.”

Marix’s eyes hardened. “I couldn’t see the picture any clearer! The needs of the many outweigh the wants of the few,” he retorted. “Think of the people? That is precisely what I am doing! Thousands of ships, planes, and tanks; millions of men sitting idly by while our economy falls apart. The solution is clear, and yet you hesitate. Why?”

Gra Lux was confident in his answer, “Our economy is on track for recovery; we’ve secured more than enough from Leifor and the surrounding countries.” He lamented, “Oh, if only I hadn’t been fooled by you and your War Hawks, we might have opened trade with the Muans instead of wasting more lives and money on an unwinnable war.”

Gra Lux’s words irked Marix. As a patriot, he couldn’t ignore these insults. “Unwinnable? Pathetic. Your rule lately has been a time of stagnation, weakness. Your willingness to bow down to the Americans is a disgrace. An Emperor who cowers to a power tens of thousands of miles away is not fit to lead.”

Passion sparked in Marix’s eyes as he continued, “This is not a coup, Your Excellency, but a course correction. We will lead our empire to its rightful destiny. We will no longer tolerate this incompetence; we will bring the prosperity that our people deserve, even if we must wrest it from the jaws of our enemies.

Amidst Marix’s torrent of words, Gra Lux felt a bitter pang of frustration. He saw the fire in Marix’s eyes, the unshaken belief in his misguided course. But Gra Lux understood the reality that Marix failed to see. The Americans were a force unlike any they had faced before, their military prowess and technological advancement unparalleled. 

Mere supply shipments were enough to induce stalemates on some battlefields. Intervention could shift the balance of power overnight. Engaging in a war with them was not bravery, it was folly. A folly that would cost countless lives and bring the Gra Valkas Empire to its knees. The audacity of Marix’s ambition, his reckless disregard for the consequences, filled Gra Lux with a chilling dread. This was not the path to glory Marix envisioned, but a road that led to certain destruction.

Seeing the fight in Gra Lux crushed, Marix turned away from him with a look of disappointment. “Bring them to the Pinnacle. I must return to the palace; I have much work to do.”

Marix’s soldiers maneuvered two armored vehicles into place, their engines rumbling ominously in the silence. Gra Lux, his family, and his retinue were divided among the vehicles, the echoing thud of the closing doors a chilling testament to their fate. As the convoy started to pull away, Gra Lux looked back at the silhouette of his palace through a narrow slit of a window. A sense of finality washed over him, but amidst the despair, a flicker of hope persisted.


In the desolate outskirts of the Imperial District, the SEALs crouched in the shelter of an abandoned store – yet another victim of the depression induced by the Gra Valkas Empire’s transfer. Through their high-powered binoculars, they scanned the plethora of abandoned structures. Matrix’s forces patrolled the area, but there was no sign of Gra Lux or his family.

“Ghost One-One to Overwatch, we’re in position,” Lieutenant Riley’s voice came over the radio, hushed but firm.

“Roger that, Ghost One-One. Your eyes on the package?”

“Negative,” Riley said. “We’re seeing a lot of activity, but no visual on the HVTs.”

A tense silence filled the line as they both watched the events unfolding. The drone overhead had no luck spotting the HVTs either. Had they gotten there too early? Or perhaps too late?

Just then, a separate voice buzzed on their radio. “Ghost One-One, this is Specter Two-One.” Riley recognized the callsign; they represented the CIA Special Operations Group (SOG) members. “We’ve got eyes on the package: Eight adult men, two females, two children. Updating their position now.”

“Copy that, Specter Two-One,” Riley replied, relief evident in his voice. “Maintain surveillance and keep us updated.”

The Emperor’s position was not far from them; they reached him within a few minutes, posting up inside nearby structures as they gauged the enemy forces.

“Ghost One-One to Overwatch, visuals confirmed on HVTs.” To Riley’s dismay, he had arrived too late. Attempting the rescue now carried too many risks. “Emperor and entourage are being loaded into armored transports and are leaving the office building,” Riley quietly reported over the radio. The scene of the vehicles pulling away from the area left a bitter taste in his mouth.

“Ghost One-One, Extraction Plan Alpha is a no-go. Switch to Extraction Plan Bravo. We’re going with convoy intercept. Stand by for further instructions.”

“Roger, Overwatch.” Riley nodded to himself, then signaled his team to move. They silently regrouped, each man sharing the same unspoken frustration. They knew their mission and had trained for it relentlessly, but seeing Gra Lux and his family captured without being able to intervene… It was a bitter pill to swallow.

“Alright, listen up,” Riley addressed his team in a low voice, eyes scanning each of their faces. Extraction plan Alpha just went out the window. Bravo’s green. We’ll be proceeding to intercept.”

Murmurs of understanding rippled through the team, but their expressions remained resolute. Though their mission just became incredibly more difficult, it was one they had to complete nonetheless. This was no time for doubts or hesitations.

Glancing at the target highlighted on his HUD, Riley continued, “HVTs are moving to the Pinnacle.” 

Despite everyone’s faces being obscured by their masks and gear, Riley could easily tell that they were all sharing the same frown. If the HVTs reached the Pinnacle, their mission would be a failure. Despite the CIA’s extensive network, there was no information about the Pinnacle other than the fact that it was the Gra Valkas Empire’s most heavily guarded site. Finding the HVTs in there would be like finding a dust mite in a haystack.

Riley resolved to finish the mission before it ever got to that dreaded point. “Specter Two-One, you got a probable route for that convoy?” Riley asked, his mind already racing with potential ambush points.

“Assessing routes now, Ghost One-One,” came the reply after a brief pause. “Based on the city’s layout, the convoy will take the eastward route, through the commercial district.”

“Copy, Specter Two-One. Alert us to any route changes.” He then sent a message to the other SEAL squadrons. “Ghost One-One to all Ghost Teams: the package is on the move. We’re proceeding with Extraction Plan Bravo.”

“Roger, Ghost One-One,” came the collective response from the other SEAL squadrons, who were positioned throughout the city and ready to cause a distraction.

Riley’s eyes were drawn back to the convoy, now barely visible in the dim city lights. “This isn’t going to be easy,” he muttered under his breath, his grip tightening on his binoculars.

Next to him, Johnson gave a thin smile. “Since when do we do easy, Lieutenant?”

A tense chuckle broke the silence, echoing around their deserted hideout. But the humor was short-lived as the gravity of their mission set back in.

“Specter Two-One to Ghost One-One,” crackled the voice of the CIA SOG operator. “We’ve got a couple of potential ambush points for you.”

Riley raised an eyebrow at his radio. He had worked with CIA operators in the past, with a few being former colleagues, and they never failed to impress him with their intelligence-gathering capabilities.“We’re all ears, Specter Two-One.”

“Convoy’s going to pass through a narrow street flanked by two high-rises in the commercial district. No sign of civilian activity due to the curfew. It’s an ideal chokepoint.”

“Roger, Specter Two-One,” Riley acknowledged, studying the map of the city on his HUD. Indeed, it was the perfect location for an ambush. The city’s martial law turned out to be beneficial for them – blocked streets forced the convoy to take the long way to the Pinnacle, buying Riley’s team time to get set up.

“Alright boys, here’s the game plan. We’ve got a chokepoint that we can exploit,” Riley said, sharing the position with his team. “Dalton and Richmond, you will take the high positions in those buildings, control the overview and provide cover. Harper, set up explosives along the street to block their escape. Once they’re trapped, we take them. You’ll join me, Johnson, and Thompson for the rescue op.”

He looked at each of his men, their faces set with grim determination. “We have one shot at this. Let’s make it count.”

With that, the SEALs mobilized, disappearing into the dimly lit streets like ghosts. As they moved, the city around them began to stir, unknowingly setting the stage for the impending showdown.

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