Summoning America

Chapter 144: Hunter Killer (2)

Author’s Note (Story and Patreon Updates):

Chapter 145 is now out for all Tier 2 Patrons and higher! Tier 2 Patrons and higher will be able to read one chapter ahead!

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Ragna, Gra Valkas Empire

As the staccato of gunfire ceased and the dust of the ensuing chaos began to settle, Gra Lux realized that unexpected aid had arrived. Despite the odds stacked against them by the Marix’s considerable power, his allies had somehow managed to mount a daring rescue.

As the last embers of battle subsided, the personnel carrier's back door was ripped open. Bathed in swirling dust particles and backlit by the harsh glow of nearby flames, stood an alien figure encased in futuristic armor. The sight of an American soldier amidst the wreckage was as startling as the rescue itself.

“Overwatch, Ghost Actual,” the American's voice cut through the lingering echoes of the skirmish, “Extraction protocol initiated. All HVTs secured. We’re Oscar Mike.”

The man — Ghost Actual, as he'd identified himself — turned towards Gra Lux, his tone pragmatic and straightforward, “Mister Emperor, we’re getting you out of here. Stick close and stay between us.”

For a brief moment, Gra Lux could only stare, struggling to comprehend the turn of events. Finally, with a faint nod of understanding, his rigid stance relaxed somewhat. “Why?” His voice was steady, a stark contrast to the chaos around them, “Why are you doing this?”

Ghost Actual chose his words carefully. One wrong phrase could stoke tension in the already volatile situation. “We have our orders, Mister Emperor. For now, those orders entail ensuring the safety of you and your family.”

Seeing no further reason to question the situation, Gra Lux accepted this answer. He would take any opportunity to keep his family safe and maintain a flicker of hope for the Gra Valkas Empire. “Very well,” he acquiesced, “Lead the way.”


As the Ghosts mobilized for departure, Riley cast a fleeting glance at the smoldering ruin left behind. Their assault was likely to stay under the radar from the high echelons of Gra Valkan command, thanks to the strategic strikes that had sent their communication hubs into disarray. Yet, he was all too aware of the impending arrival of local Gra Valkan forces, lured by the explosive spectacle of the ambush.

Catching fragments of local radio chatter, he listened to Gra Valkan officers desperately attempting to piece together a coherent picture from the jumbled reports. As the confusion grew, so did Riley's satisfaction; the disorder created the perfect smokescreen for their operation.

The team navigated the terrain in formation, their night-vision goggles illuminating their path in surreal shades of green and black. Avoiding unnecessary conflicts, they bypassed Gra Valkan patrols rushing towards the ambush site, sticking to the cover of shadows and side streets. The Ghosts, though equipped with superior capabilities and resources, were operating in enemy territory without any backup. Any indication of their position could jeopardize the entire mission.

“Dalton, status?” Riley’s voice broke the silence, seeking assurance that his team was on track and proceeding as planned.

“All green,” Dalton’s response came, his face a mere silhouette against the surrounding gloom. “Still undetected.”

Their progress was steady, but soon they found themselves in a predicament. "Overwatch to Ghost One-One, multiple patrols converging on your location. Ghost Two is en route, ETA 4 minutes," the warning rang in Riley's earpiece.

The information on his HUD confirmed the dire situation. The Gra Valkans, in their haste to reach the ambush site, were unwittingly hemming his position in. Despite the unwanted complications of engaging with HVTs in the mix, they were left with no choice.

Setting up defensive positions around a narrow alleyway, Ghost One worked to provide the best possible concealment for their charges. Riley’s breathing steadied, his rifle resting on a set of stairs as he kept a vigilant watch on the street. Then, the silence was disturbed by a rustling sound behind him.

"Mister Emperor, what are you doing?" Riley asked, his voice tight with apprehension.

Gra Lux did not respond immediately, choosing instead to advance towards a building nearby. He stood before the door, his back to Riley, and knocked. The sound echoed through the deserted alleyway, disturbing the tense silence.

Riley glanced around warily, his hand never leaving his weapon. The unpredictability of Gra Lux's action added a layer of risk to their mission. His gaze darted between the Emperor and the shadows that concealed potential threats.

A sliver of light leaked out as the door was cautiously opened by a middle-aged man. His wary gaze widened in surprise and reverence as he recognized his Emperor. Despite the situation, he bowed, a testament to the respect Gra Lux commanded.

“Good citizen,” Gra Lux began, his tone calm yet commanding. “I ask for a place of temporary shelter for me and my companions. We mean you and your family no harm.”

Shocked by the unexpected appearance, the man stood there with his mouth agape.

“It’s just for a short while,” Gra Lux added, a note of urgency seeping into his voice. "In the name of the Empire, I beseech your assistance.”

The man finally nodded, opening the door wider. "For you, my Emperor, my home is yours."

As they moved into the safety of the house, Riley radioed Ghost Two. “Ghost Two, stand down. We're secured for now.”

“Copy that, Ghost One-One. Standing down,” came the reply over the earpiece, the voice distorted but discernible.

Inside, the house was humble but warm. They took positions, ensuring the safety of their high-value targets while keeping an eye on the outside through the veiled windows.

Riley watched Gra Lux, who seemed to have assumed a less rigid posture. For all the man's imperious nature, he had shown a knack for adapting to circumstances – a trait that was surprising, yet beneficial.

After what felt like an eternity, the chatter of Valkan patrols finally moved away, their voices receding into the distance. With the immediate threat diminished, they could resume their journey.

"Okay, let's move out," Riley ordered, turning to his team. The moment of respite was over, and it was time to dive back into the danger that lurked in the city beyond the safe confines of the civilian home.

"Ghost Two, Ghost Three, status?" Riley's voice echoed in his earpiece, reaching out to the other elements of his team.

"Ghost Two-One, we're green. Holding north. Minor contact, no casualties," came the crisp response.

"Ghost Three-One. Southern perimeter secure. Some enemy movement, ready to engage if necessary.”

Riley, his eyes darting across the narrow street, nodded to himself. The Gra Valkans were moving, but it seemed the Ghosts were still a step ahead.

"Keep it tight, Ghosts,” Riley said.

"Contact left!" Harper suddenly called out, his voice sharp. Riley's gaze shot to the left, where Harper was pointing his HK416 towards a side alley. He could see a small group of Gra Valkan soldiers marching out onto the main road, their eyes wide with surprise as they spotted the SEALs. The two Gra Valkans in front dropped dead before they could even raise their guns.

In any other situation, Riley might have ordered his team to engage and eliminate the remaining threats, but they were pressed for time and had to avoid unnecessary conflicts. "Smoke," he ordered tersely. Harper immediately understood, pulling out a smoke grenade and tossing it towards the Gra Valkan squad.

The grenade exploded, covering the area with a thick curtain of smoke. The Gra Valkan soldiers, momentarily blinded and confused, started firing wildly into the smoke. The Ghosts used the distraction to quickly change direction, disappearing into a side alley and doubling back to their original route. They moved quickly, their footsteps echoing faintly against the old cobblestones.

"Overwatch, Ghost Actual," Riley spoke into his comms, updating their situation. "Encountered a patrol. Light engagement. Using alternate route."

“Roger, Ghost Actual,” came the response.

As they pushed through, they could hear the distant wail of sirens and the rumbles of cruise missile detonations. It would only be a matter of time before the Gra Valkans got over this confusion, Riley thought. Suddenly, a burst of static filled Riley's earpiece, followed by a garbled transmission from a Gra Valkan officer. It was choppy, but he made out some important snippets.

“Looks like their commanders found out about the ambush,” Riley explained.

"They're too late," Dalton chimed in with a hint of satisfaction.

They pushed on, quickening their pace. By now, they were nearing the outskirts of the city. Their goal – the extraction point at the beach – was in sight. The concrete jungle had given way to quieter residential zones and eventually, open fields of sand and pebbles. The distant sound of the waves crashing against the shore was the only sound accompanying their footfalls.

Riley, feeling a wave of relief wash over him, finally radioed, "Overwatch, Ghost Actual. Extraction point in sight. Preparing for extraction."

“Copy, Ghost Actual.”

As the team approached the edge of the deserted beach, the sight of the DCS units - their extraction vehicles - waiting for them in the surf offered a tangible symbol of hope. The smooth hulls of the units, partially submerged in the calm waters, were barely visible in the moonlight.

"Now comes the easy part," Riley murmured to himself, glancing back at his team.

He gestured to the Emperor and his family, "This way, sir."

As they moved towards the units, their footsteps leaving a trail in the sand, the enormity of their mission started to sink in. They had infiltrated enemy territory, extracted the targets, and were now about to make their way back to the awaiting submersibles.

Riley couldn't help but feel a surge of relief as he watched his team guide the Gra Valkan royals onto the units, their movements fluid and professional even after hours of relentless exertion.

His gaze turned towards the quiet cityscape they had just emerged from. Soon, it would awaken to a new day and a changed political landscape. As the DCS units hummed to life, he gave one final order, "Mount up, Ghosts. We're going home."

With that, the Ghosts secured their high-value targets inside the units. The doors sealed shut, and the units slipped away, disappearing beneath the waves and leaving the peaceful beach empty and silent.


Imperial Palace

The command room buzzed with a nervous energy as members of Marix’s inner circle gathered around the broad war table. Maps were sprawled across the surface, markers dotting out the locations of recent strikes. Amongst it all stood Marix, his heavy-set frame dominating the room.

“They breached our coastline!” Marix’s voice boomed out, slicing through the tense silence. He curled his hand into a fist, slamming it on the table. “They came and they left; they took the Emperor from right under us!”

His anger was met with a shared outrage. This was indeed an embarrassing setback – one that threatened to prove Gra Lux right about his intuition on the Americans. Even if he was, there was no turning back now. 

General Norvan spoke first, his voice hardened with determination. “A failing of our intelligence, sir, one we will not repeat.”

Marix turned to him, his fiery gaze simmering slightly as he acknowledged the general’s resolution. His eyes shifted from the map of Ragna to a map of Mu. His brows furrowed as he contemplated his next move.

“You remember my conversation with the Emperor,” he began, his voice an echo of an argument long past. “Back when he executed our own countrymen for standing up against the Americans. I had proposed a full mobilization of our arsenal, an expansion of disruption operations against American shipping. He… opted for caution, for maintaining neutrality with the Americans. And look where that’s gotten us!”

The room was silent, a sharp contrast to the storm brewing within Marix. No one wanted to interrupt, opting instead to let Marix cool down first. Unlike the rest of his comrades, Chief of Naval Operations Arnalt Karlmann decided to speak. “It is a shame that the former Emperor set us back, but I believe that we may yet conquer Mu within our original schedule if we begin striking their shipments now.”

Karlmann’s reassurance was a welcome melody to Marix’s ears. Though his words were meant to appease him, they seemed to do much more – they radicalized him further. Marix agreed with frightening enthusiasm, “Yes, YES! We have waited long enough. We’ve been fighting these damned primitives with our hands tied, and now we shall unshackle ourselves!” 

Marix turned to General Siegs, who was promoted to Chief of the Military following former chief Xand Pastall’s treachery. “You have full authorization to resume nuclear testing and weapon production.”

Siegs, however loyal, hesitated. One didn’t become earn a position of the Three Great Generals through rashness or ignorance. The American forces might be distant, but retaliating with their own nuclear weapons wouldn’t pose a significant challenge for them. After all, they had somehow inserted an unknown fleet in the Valkan Sea, even managing to land operatives in the city for a rescue operation. He voiced his disagreement subtly, “Sir, we do not have the arsenal or technology necessary to challenge the Americans on this battlefield.”

Marix held up a silencing hand, his gaze steady. He had gotten this far and was not afraid of doubling down. “Do you know what distinguishes us from the Americans?”

Sieg remained silent.

“The Americans choose to shackle themselves. Even when their military held the upper hand, close for righteous victory, their citizens bickered and cried out about war. Can you fathom that?” Marix, on the verge of derisive laughter, exclaimed. “Their armies could have crushed China if not for their peoples’ aversion to a certain general’s strategies. Their armies could have crushed Vietnam, if not for their divided society. Unlike these fragile Americans, we are united in our cause, our citizens celebrating the spoils of our conquests!”

Siegs raised an eyebrow at the irony in the coup leader’s words but withheld any comment.

Marix continued, “We have no cause to restrain ourselves. You fear American nuclear retaliation, a valid concern but one that will never see the light of day. We'll display our might to these primitives and end this war before the Americans even get the chance to tread on Muan – no, Gra Valkan territory!”

The atmosphere in the room grew more uneasy and divided. Though all of the men in the room were patriots who prioritized the Gra Valkas Empire above all, some were level-headed enough to recognize that Marix was venturing deeper into the point of no return. Picking up on the shift in sentiment and the murmurs of disagreement, Marix remained steadfast, unyielding. 

His next words fell like a hammer, echoing in the fraught silence. “Enough discussion. The Americans have sent their message. It’s time we sent ours. Prepare for war.”

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