Summoning America

Chapter 147: Silkark (2)

Author’s Note (Story and Patreon Updates):

Chapter 148 is now out for all Tier 2 Patrons and higher! Tier 2 Patrons and higher will be able to read one chapter ahead!

I will upload one extra chapter per month if we hit a $150/month donation milestone. Donations from people who want to read ahead WILL contribute to this, and patrons will still be able to read ahead. — This milestone has been reached and a double upload is scheduled for August 22. 



Southern Atlantic Ocean

The Kingdom of Silkark

“On behalf of the United States of America, welcome to Silkark, Commander Jaelmark,” the American representative said. “I’m Protocol Officer Eliza Davis, and I’ll be handling your trip to the embassy.” She reached out to shake hands with the Cryseilian leader. “Please follow me; we have a vehicle for you.”

Commander Jaelmark followed her lead. As they walked toward a sleek black car, his eyes flickered around the area, drinking in the sights of the civilization around them. Their landing zone stood in stark contrast to its surroundings – an island of concrete and technology amidst a sea of wood and peasantry. On the ground, the towers in the ocean looked even more massive, painting a surreal blend of mechanical constructs and historical villages.

As Jaelmark entered the vehicle, he noticed the furnished interior: leather seats, ambient music coming from within the car itself, and the cool breeze of air conditioning. While the vehicle itself was nothing special, he was surprised to see facets of Cryseilian technology overseas, emulated without the use of the Arcane. The expressions on his countrymen’s faces were akin to his own, each describing their shock in silence.

The ride to the embassy was comfortable and scenic, each passing moment building upon the mixed excitement and tension of this mission. Though the views of Silkarkian residences were rather mundane, each American structure told a unique story, with some indecipherable even to Ailenna. Most were warehouses that complemented the expansive ports along the coasts. It didn’t take a genius to realize that these were for commercial shipping, and that implied stores of natural wealth hiding under Silkark. 

A shame the Americans got to it first, Jaelmark lamented.

Upon arrival at the American Embassy, Officer Davis guided them towards a pair of towering wooden doors sitting behind a classical colonnade. As the doors swung open, they were met by a tall man with sharp features, clad in a tailored suit; and a distinguished Silkarkian gentleman in an anachronistic, yet stylish outfit of furs and jewelry.

The suited man stepped forward. “Welcome to our embassy, I am Ambassador Samuel Anders, representing the United States of America”, he began, his voice steady and a smile on his face. He gestured to the man on his left.

 “And I am Minister Karq, representing the Kingdom of Silkark,” the other man spoke.

Jaelmark and the rest of the Cryseilian delegation introduced themselves in kind, shaking hands with their hosts.

“Once again, we’re honored by your presence,” Anders said, stepping aside to welcome the Cryseilians further into the embassy. “We’ll be introducing ourselves first and once we’re done with our discussions, you’ll meet with Minister Karq again. This way, please,” he gestured down a wide hallway adorned with polished wooden panels and tastefully displayed decorations.

As they walked, the Cryseilians cast curious glances at the displays, their minds drawing comparisons and contrasts with domestic pieces. The displays along the hallway ranged from paintings of figures and wars long past to posters of sprawling cities and vehicles. One such poster portrayed what the Cryseilians could only surmise to be a ship, situated at the forefront of a background of twinkling stars amidst a black canvas. Only Jaelmark and Ailenna recognized this setting; it was one of the heavens – the same heavens that their greatest airships failed to reach.

“Your building is impressive,” Ambassador Liraz stated, her eyes studying an oil painting depicting men armed with muskets, sailing across a river.

Anders smiled. “We hoped it would make a good first impression. We’ve tried to incorporate elements that capture the essence of our nation.”

“Indeed,” Ailenna noted, her eyes still glued to the poster of the strange craft in the heavens. “And I see you have made sure to highlight your technological prowess. A wise choice.”

“Yes, progress is one of our crowning virtues,” Anders replied. He guided them around a corner into an expansive room lined with floor-to-ceiling windows, offering an impressive view of the Silkarkian capital in the distance. In the center of the room was a round table, set with refreshments and surrounded by high-backed chairs. “This is where we will hold our discussions. Please, make yourself comfortable.”

“I trust we’ll have productive discussions,” Liraz said, taking a seat across from Anders. She nodded toward Minister Karq, a small smile curling her lips. “After all, we’re here for the same goal: diplomacy.”

Anders nodded, taking a seat himself. “Yes, Ambassador. We’re looking forward to understanding each other better. In that spirit, we’ve prepared a basic video to introduce ourselves.”

Commander Jaelmark watched as Liraz exchanged words with Anders, the diplomat from the strange and captivating mechanical land of America. The room itself was classy – a blend of beautifully archaic designs supported by modern amenities and devices. Adjacent to Anders and arrayed parallel to the semicircle that the Cryseilian delegation found itself seated in, a large black mirror flickered to life. It seemed to serve a purpose similar to the crystalline windows back home; it was a device for displaying images.

“I trust you find our presentation device satisfactory,” Anders said.

As Anders spoke, brilliant light filled the room, vibrant colors dancing on the astonished faces of the Cryseilians. On the screen, a crystal-clear image appeared, the word ‘Welcome’ glittering in front of a greenish statue standing like a guardian for the urban megalopolis behind her.

“Welcome, distinguished guests from the Sacred Kingdom of Great Cryseilies, to the United States of America,” the screen spoke. “Our nation is a tapestry of landscapes and peoples, united under the banner of freedom and liberty.”

An image of a coastline appeared, the bright blue ocean lapping against sandy beaches. “From the rolling waves of our Pacific coastline…” The image morphed into a forest, teeming with wildlife, “ the vast expanses of our unspoiled wilderness…” Mountains cascaded across the screen next, their snow-capped peaked reaching for the sky, “The majestic peaks of our Rocky Mountains,” the voicover continued, as the image morphed again, this time into an expansive canyon that cut through the land like a massive scar, “And the arid beauty of the Grand Canyon.”

The visual journey morphed into cityscapes, structures reaching greater heights than even the tallest tower in Cryseilies. “Our cities, modern and historic, echo the resilience and pioneering spirit of our people. Innovations in architecture, technology, and culture reflect our belief in progress and unity. Each region, each city,” the voiceover continued as images of bustling city streets and quiet rural towns succeeded each other, “is a testament to the diversity and dynamism that define us.”

It was a mesmerizing presentation, appealing and awe-inspiring. They had only seen mere scenery, and yet, Jaelmark and his colleagues could already sense the staggering difference between their own nation and the United States. The voiceover fell silent as the screen moved to a final shot, an image of Elysia from space, with the United States and her holdings clearly outlined.

The room lapsed into a stunned silence as the Cryseilians were met with the sight of Elysia, its sapphire and emerald hues reflected on the screen. The rest of the world was truly massive, and the reach of U.S. influence was mind-boggling. In comparison, Cryseilies was a speck, the tiny island nation barely visible on the screen.

Commander Jaelmark stared at the screen, his heart pounding in his chest. The image was so clear, so pristine, it was as though he was looking out of a window than at a screen. He’d never seen his world from such a perspective – note even aboard their experimental airships. 

The realization of the technological capabilities of the Americans, the extent of their mastery over their environment, hit Jaelmark like a physical blow. They could reach the heavens, capture images of such astounding beauty and clarity, and project them into a room thousands of miles away. It was nothing short of miraculous.

Yet, it was only the beginning. The video continued, this time diving into American history. The screen filled with rapidly changing images, each scene narrating a segment of history. A timeline appeared on one side of the screen, marking the significant epochs with clear, bold labels. A dramatic voiceover accompanied the visuals, explaining the timeline in brief but compelling terms.

“In they year of our Lord 1776, the United States of America declared its independence, founding a new nation built on the principles of liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness,” it began, showing an image of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

The Cryseilian delegation watched as the timeline moved swiftly through the major historical periods of the United States. The expansion westward during the 19th century. The Industrial Revolution and its accompanying boom in technology and infrastructure. The devastating Civil War and the Reconstruction era that followed.

The 20th century brought new layers of complexity and advancement. As the timeline approached the mid-20th century, the screen shifted to depict a somber period in human history, The world plunged into the Second World War, with the United States playing a significant role in the global conflict.

“World War Two,” the voiceover explained, “was a cataclysmic event that reshaped our world.” An image of an unfamiliar planet appeared, a world similar to Elysia. “Our nation’s involvement in the conflict not only marked a pivotal moment in our history but also led to significant technological advancements.”

Images of soldiers, tanks, and planes dominated the screen, interspersed with clips of speeches from American leaders of the time. Then, a quieter image appeared: a group of scientists hard at work in a lab. The narration continued, “Among these advancements was the development of nuclear technology.” 

Commander Jaelmark tensed slightly, and he noted similar reactions among his team. This was a significant revelation. The video showed a series of controlled nuclear tests, the massive mushroom clouds and the resulting devastation a testament to the destructive power the Americans had harnessed. The screen transitioned to more peaceful scenes, displaying the use of nuclear technology for power generation.

Ailenna leaned in towards Jaelmark, her voice low. “These nuclear weapons… they appear to function similarly to core magic. The energy released… it’s comparable, perhaps even greater,” she observed, her expression a mix of fascination and concern.

Jaelmark nodded, taking in this critical information. It was a good thing their orders were straight from Divine King Geuge, and not a warmonger like Minnett.

“We realize the potential for destruction that nuclear technology holds,” Anders said, breaking the silence that had fallen upon the room. “But we also acknowledge its capacity for progress.”

As the imagery of nuclear tests and power plants faded, the video smoothly transitioned into the next segment: scenes of grand buildings, massive monuments, and bustling streets.

“Our government,” the narrator began, “is based on the principles of democracy. Our citizens have the right to vote and influence their nation’s path, a system that has been in place for more than two centuries.”

Images of ordinary Americans casting votes and speaking at public meetings underscored the narrator’s words. The scene shifted to the interior of a massive building filled with rows of seated individuals – Congress.

As the video explained the Americans’ system of checks and balances as well as their style of government, Jaelmark exchanged glances with Liraz. The concept of democracy was not new to them; they had encountered it in some form or another in their encounters with nearby civilizations. However, the scope and complexity of the American system was something else entirely.

With the concept of American governance etched onto their minds, the screen shifted again. A graphical representation of coins and notes adorned the screen, symbolizing wealth and economic strength. “Our economy is one of the most robust and diverse in the world. We’re blessed with abundant natural resources, a dedicated and intelligent workforce, and a strong industrial and technological sector.”

The screen showcased grand factories with bustling assembly lines, vast stretches of farmland, busy cityscapes, and an array of technological marvels. A series of shots demonstrated American technological prowess, robotics to satellites and space stations. “Our Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, is the highest globally,” the narrator explained, a series of graphs and figures illustrating the point. “As the concept of dollars may be unfamiliar to you, our GDP would be equivalent to billions of tons of gold.”

A pause was given for the Cryseilians to digest the numbers before the video continued, “Our agricultural sector produces enough food to feed not just our own population, but over a billion more. Our manufacturing sector produces a wide range of goods that are exported across the globe, making us Elysia’s leading exporters.”

Jaelmark shared a glance with Liraz. Their economy was impressive, yes, but the Americans’ claims were beyond anything they had anticipated. They had a feeling the world was much larger than they knew, based on their mathematical calculations, but seeing the scale of it all in person was something else.

“Our technological sector is at the forefront of global advancements, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.” The scene shifted again, showing a room filled with supercomputers, followed by images of advanced aircraft, and rocket ships launching into the heavens. The sheer variety and depth of their technological achievements were immense.

As the video concluded the economy and technology section, Commander Jaelmark found himself leaning back in his seat, deeply absorbed in his thoughts. In one short presentation, the Americans had showcased an underlying strength – in all sectors – that was impossible to ignore. It was a lot to take in, but one thing was clear: Underestimating these people would be a serious mistake.

He glanced over at Liraz, noting the quiet concentration on her face. She, too, was absorbing the implications, calculating the balance of power. This was not a civilization they could intimidate with a show of force. The Cryseilian Navy, as formidable as it was, would be seen for what it was – a blunt instrument of force. While they constructed weapons of terror, the Americans constructed weapons of war – coldly efficient in annihilating their enemies.

He found his mind racing back to their earlier conversations about Silkark. How did Silkark fit into all of this? They were allies, or at least partners, of this formidable nation. Yet, there was a vast gap in their capabilities – similar to the ones present in the Cryseilian vassal nations. If the Silkarkians were indeed a vassal of sorts under the umbrella of American influence, then they may as well abandon any dreams of conquest and focus on commerce with this economic titan.

The video continued, describing details about America’s population. “The United States is home to over 340 million individuals – each with their own unique story, origins, and dreams. The true strength of the United States is found not in uniformity but in unity. Despite our many differences, we stand united under common ideals and the pursuit of shared goals.”

As the voice echoed, the camera zoomed into scenes that embodied these ideals: laboratories filled with dedicated researchers, elven paramedics casting healing magic, powerful beastmen training at a facility, and music venues alive with energy, passion, and magical displays of light.

“We are a nation that values the power of knowledge, cherishes the pursuit of truth, and believes in the potential of every individual to make a difference. We’re a beacon of opportunity, drawing the innovative and the visionary from across the globe. We are a shining city upon a hill, a beacon that attracts the best and brightest from all corners of the world.”

Jaelmark equated this to the desire he once had of journeying to the kingdom’s glorious capital, Ceider. Except, this was on a far greater scale – one that dwarfed even the greatest of Cryseilian ambitions.

The screen shifted, settling on a powerful view of a rocket soaring into the sky, its fiery trail illuminating the night. Clearly, this was a subject the Americans were proud about. “Our exploration of space mirrors our spirit of discovery and ambition, of reaching beyond our earthly limitations to unlock new horizons. And yet, as we reach for the stars, we remain firmly grounded, ever vigilant in the defense of our nation.” The presentation finally showcased the Americans’ military capabilities, from naval armadas slicing through the ocean to sleek metallic raptors soaring in formation across a clear sky. It was a show of might, subtly but powerfully communicated.

“An economy borne from our innovation and resilience,” the narration continued, showing images of bustling malls, high-tech factories, and expansive agricultural fields. “We have built a system that not only sustains our people but influences across the world.” A series of arrows sprouted from an image of the United States, striking far-off continents to the west.

As the voiceover fell silent, the screen transitioned to a time-lapse clip of a city at night. “We are a nation built on the principles of unity and diversity, the home to the best and brightest in the entire world.”

The screen showed an image of the globe, a glowing blue orb suspended in the darkness of space, the United States outlined in a soft, radiant glow similar to the visual from the beginning of the presentation.

“We are the United States of America: champions of liberty, pioneers of the future, and protectors of peace. And we extend a hand of friendship; of collaboration and dialogue. We value peace, but we remain prepared for war. Our strength is our promise, to ourselves and to the world.”

As the screen faded to black, the room fell into a hushed silence, the impact of the video resonating within the room. The American spirit of strength and ambition, of freedom and unity, echoed their might in an enlightening and cooperative manner. It was an offer of partnership, veiled in a display of power and potential. It was a clear message: Be our friends, and we shall offer you gifts beyond your wildest imaginations. Stand against us… well, it was self-explanatory.

Jaelmark looked down, his mind whirring with the intensity of a thousand stars. He looked at his compatriots, their expressions all saying the same thing. The United States was not an enemy to conquer; it was an ally to court. They would need to shed their preconceived notions, reshape their strategies, and most of all – convince the prideful and stubborn officials within Minnett’s faction of the folly of conflict. They needed to see for themselves just how powerful – and cooperative – these people were.

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