Summoning America

Chapter 193: Fresh Air

Author’s Note:


Want some more military vs fantasy? Go on my profile and check out Manifest Fantasy, my latest and highest quality work! If you’ve been waiting for chapters to build up, now’s the time! Manifest Fantasy has recently broken the 100k word mark, so there’s no shortage of content to enjoy!


Read up to three weeks ahead! Chapters up to 196 are now out for corresponding Patreon tiers!




Note: Verdant Plains changed to Verdham Field

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It had been far too long since Emperor Mirishial heard good tidings about the ongoing war against the Gra Valkas Empire. Time and again, he received reports of fleet destructions, each detailing minimal damage to the enemy while their own forces suffered grievously. That all changed when the Americans brought their fleets to bear in the Artticus theater, and now, he felt ready to share the incredible news with the other members.

The throne room's doors groaned open, admitting Liage. Mirishial eyed his advisor, noting the distinct crease between the elf's brows - the meeting was about to begin.


"Your Majesty." Liage kept his bow shallow, respecting the urgency. "The Americans report technical issues with Eimor and Agartha; they will be joining via manacomm."


Mirishial suppressed the urge to sneer. And here he thought his own people were prideful. Technical issues? Hardly. Those nations were simply mired in their archaic ways, steadfastly resisting progress. He was certain they had refused the Americans’ offer to install advanced communication systems. Truth be told, the Holy Mirishial Empire might have done the same, were it not for the impending storm that necessitated swift adaptation.


“See to securing the connections,” he instructed Liage.


With a curt nod, Liage departed to make the preparations, leaving Mirishial alone with his thoughts. His eyes drifted to the broad window, surveying his capital city's glittering spires.


Runepolis stood as the indomitable heart of his empire. The distant borders, where the Gra Valkans’ brutal invasion raged, seemed a world away from the radiant core of Runepolis. There had been a few alarms with Cartalpas and Junnaral, yet the invaders had never set foot in a single Mirishial city. Mu, however… Reports from the Muan front painted a grim portrait - two-fifths of the continent already conquered, strategic holdouts like Otaheit vulnerable to being outflanked.


The American deployments would help shore up the defenses, but Mirishial knew the pattern all too well. Conflict raged all across Mu, with mounting sacrifices on all sides. The EDI was a temporary alliance formed out of necessity, but he knew that each realm would ultimately prioritize their own interests – and the Gra Valkan crisis was their first challenge. Would the Americans be any different? Their stakes in this war could not rival the desperation of the Muans, who faced annihilation. Could it be that they truly grasped the imperative of unity and minimal infighting before the return of the Ravernal Empire? Without insight into their President’s mind, he could only hope.


Liage returned, announcing that the council members were assembled. Mirishial rose from his throne and proceeded through the palace corridors toward the grand conference chamber doors. Liage walked a half pace ahead, smoothing his robes with a final, meticulous tug.


With a slight inclination of his head, Mirishial signaled the door wardens. They responded with crisp salutes before pushing open the massive doors. Inside, imported American displays were already connected, each depicting a conference room much like his own, filled with the faces of their respective leaders.


As Mirishial took his place at the head of the table, the other leaders rose briefly in respect. He acknowledged them with a curt nod and moved closer to the screens, scrutinizing the faces before him.


Sinclair was the first to catch his attention. Among the gathered leaders, none bore the scars of conflict more visibly than the Muan Prime Minister. Though he managed a courteous smile and a respectful nod, the spark of vitality had long fled his eyes. He moved like a weary specter, driven by the mere echoes of diplomatic duty. The dark crescents beneath his eyes and the weary slump of his shoulders told a tale of relentless strain. It was as if he had abandoned any pretense of normalcy, acknowledging the futility of masking his despair. This was hardly surprising, given that his nation had weathered the fiercest onslaughts of the Gra Valkans' merciless campaigns.


In contrast, Kryntar Vulkaryn seemed the opposite. The Dragon King was one of the few people who truly understood the importance of maintaining their resources and cohesion to prepare for the true threat. This fact was also why each breath he took was accompanied by a burst of flames, and why there appeared to be claw marks on his table.


The Gra Valkans had not only declared war on Eimor but had also slaughtered several of their esteemed Plasma Dragons, an act of profound dishonor that cut to the very core of Kryntar’s being. This affront transcended mere military loss; it was a deeply personal violation. Combined with what he knew of Vulkaryn’s impatience with diplomacy, it was clear why he was raring to go, full of life and energy – however malicious.


The other attendees, from Agartha’s Jace Schuler to the Central Kingdom’s Rouvant Larrette and even the Parpaldian Republic’s President Kaios, all bore a mix of expressions, ranging from neutral poker faces to uncertainty and weariness. Regardless of what they thought, he was certain that the coming news would be a breath of fresh air to them.


Liage stepped in front of the camera, ensuring he was in the center of the screen. "Honorable leaders and esteemed allies, I hereby call this session of the Elysian Defense Initiative to order. We are gathered today to review recent developments and coordinate our next steps in the war against the Gra Valkas Empire. Firstly, let us proceed with the roll call to confirm attendance."


A clerk standing by the side of the room began calling out names, each representative acknowledging their presence with a simple, "Here."


"Prime Minister Sinclair of Mu."


"King Vulkaryn of Eimor."


"President Kaios of the Parpaldian Republic."


“President Lee of the United States of America.”


And so on, until all attendees were accounted for.


"Thank you," Liage continued. "As you have all received the agenda beforehand, we will proceed without delay. Are there any additions or amendments to the agenda?"


The leaders glanced at the documents beside them, already prepared for the meeting. When no objections were raised, Liage nodded. "The agenda is approved as presented. We shall now proceed."


Mirishial rose, feeling all eyes turn to him. “Members of the Elysian Defense Initiative, we bring tidings of great significance from the Artticus theater. The Gra Valkas Empire has been decisively driven from the Artticus Ocean by American forces, ensuring the security of our continent. This moment marks a crucial turning point in our campaign. We must now discuss how to seize this opportunity and further diminish the enemy's strength."


He nodded to Liage, who picked up, “Our first order of business is to address the details of this success and what it means for our efforts in Mu and the great war effort as a whole. Secretary Hill, if you would.”


A black man on the Americans’ screen stepped forward, clearing his throat. Visual simulations and slides accompanied his report, filling the American screen. "Members of the Elysian Defense Initiative, I will now provide an update on the situation in the Artticus Ocean.


Just days ago, Admiral Locklear and the Fifth Fleet engaged the Gra Valkan Third Conquest Fleet, led by Fleet Admiral Vustok. Despite the Gra Valkans' attempts to employ new countermeasures, our advanced missiles proved decisive. We destroyed over 60% of their carriers, compelling Admiral Vustok to surrender.


This victory follows closely on the heels of our recent success against Admiral Venstrom's Second Conquest Fleet, which surrendered after losing a single carrier battlegroup to long-range missiles. Meanwhile, we’ve cleaned up the remains of the Fourth Conquest Fleet near the Hytal region in the northern section of the Artticus.


These engagements have dealt a serious blow to the Gra Valkan navy's presence and prestige in the Artticus Ocean. They have underestimated our resolve and our capabilities, and they have paid the price. Exempting their presence in the Conshal Islands and minor submarine packs, the Artticus Ocean is now completely free of Gra Valkan influence.”


As Secretary Hill delivered his report, Emperor Mirishial studied the faces of his fellow EDI leaders. Prime Minister Sinclair, whose haggard appearance had soured over the past months as a result of the war's toll, seemed to sit a bit straighter in his chair. The Muan leader's eyes held a glimmer of something that Mirishial hadn't seen in a long time – hope. It was a small change, but a significant one. The news of the U.S. victories had certainly sparked a renewed sense of possibility in the beleaguered Prime Minister. For the first time since the onset of the war, they now had the chance to go on the offensive and focus on reclaiming lost territory rather than mere survival.


King Vulkaryn, on the other hand, seemed unsatisfied, like what the Americans accomplished wasn't enough. The dragon king's claws dug into the armrests of his chair. There was blood in the water, and if Mirishial knew that much, then Vulkaryn must sense so much more. He could only imagine the frustration Vulkaryn must have felt, knowing that the Gra Valkans escaped justice by surrendering to the humanitarian Americans. He was sure of it: what Vulkaryn truly craved was swift and brutal retribution against the Gra Valkans.


Mirishial understood Vulkaryn's tempered rage, but it would be asking for too much. Whatever the Americans were doing was already exceptional; more than they could ever ask for. It would behoove them not to interfere with their efforts, especially if said interference involved war crimes - and the subsequent deterioration of relations with the Americans.


As the Secretary continued his briefing, Mirishial found himself wondering about the impact of the war; and what would happen after. It was interesting that such a thought came up: planning for the aftermath like he already knew the outcome. Granted, the Americans did wipe out 4 conquest fleets while sustaining no damage at all.


So, what would happen next? What should happen next? The Americans told him of the follies of their World War 1. Reparations would certainly be demanded of the Gra Valkans, but he couldn't overlook the fact that their industries and infrastructure would be incredibly useful in their fight against the Annonrials - should it ever happen - and the Ravernals. He'd have to consult with the others on this matter another time.


Secretary Hill continued his briefing, “But we're not content to simply rest on our laurels. As I speak, the Seventh Fleet is on its way to establish a forward operating base in Otaheit and land a contingent of Marines, in close cooperation with our Muan allies. While the Seventh Fleet deploys the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, the Fifth Fleet will deploy its own 26th MEU. This base will greatly enhance our ability to monitor and respond to any further Gra Valkan aggression in the region. 


Over the next few weeks, we plan to reinforce our position with units from the 101st and 82nd Airborne, including armor elements and aircraft. Additional details are provided in the supplementary material alongside your agenda packets. Director Liage, the floor is yours.”


Liage nodded. "Thank you, Secretary Hill, for your update. The U.S. deployments in the Artticus Ocean and Otaheit are much appreciated."


He turned to the Muan representative. "General Seneville, we're all aware of the critical situation on the ground in Mu. Your forces have shown remarkable resilience against the Gra Valkan assault. Could you please brief us on the current state of the various fronts? Your insights will be crucial as we coordinate our next steps."


With that, Liage handed the floor to General Seneville. The Muan commander rose to address the gathering. The room fell silent, all eyes on him as he prepared to deliver his report.


American maps and animated visuals accompanied his words. “Gentlemen, I’ll not dally. "The situation on the ground is critical. The Gra Valkans have made significant gains on multiple fronts, thanks in part to their mechanized units and paratroopers. In Durnsbury, they managed to secure the railway before our forces could sabotage it, allowing them to push deeper into the Malmund Front. They are currently engaged with our defenders in the Malmund Mountains."


On the Oster Front, our forces are locked in a battle of attrition, and we are losing ground. The recent loss of Brouillard Heights and Verdham Field has put the Gra Valkans halfway to Mykal. Without reinforcements, we’ll be overrun by March.”


Seneville leaned forward slightly. His eyes were directed at a side screen rather than the camera, as if he was speaking to a specific faction – likely the Americans. "Our forces are overextended and in dire need of reinforcements and supplies. We cannot stress enough the importance of swift and decisive support from our allies." With a heavy sigh, he took a step back. “I yield the floor.”


Director Liage nodded. "Thank you, General Seneville, for your report."


He turned his attention to the assembly. "The Americans’ recent victory in the Artticus Ocean has indeed shifted the momentum in our favor, but as General Seneville highlighted, our forces are stretched thin. Immediate reinforcement and resupply are critical."


Liage looked directly at the leaders, both present and remote. "I now invite the members to discuss how we can best solidify our defenses in Mu and buy as much time as possible for the Americans. Your insights on logistics, troop deployments, and resource allocation are vital."


He paused, then added, "Grand Mage Meiscra, perhaps you could start with your assessment of Agartha’s reinforcements?"

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