Summoning America

Chapter 33: Parpaldian Preparations

Author’s Note: 

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November 10, 1639

Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire

“Mistress Remille! Mistress Remille!” A soft voice sounded, slowly growing louder. 

Remille rolled over in her bed, groaning in annoyance. “Hmm..”

“You must awaken; there is an emergency! The Emperor demands your presence in an emergency meeting!”

Remille’s eyelids flew open, her state of mind immediately switching to alertness as she realized the gravity of the situation. Her maids wouldn’t wake her up unless it was a truly dire circumstance. She threw her blanket to the side, getting up with grace and precision. “Jana, bring me my clothes.”

The blonde maid bowed before exiting Remille’s presence. She promptly returned holding Remille’s imperial attire, along with a set of magic gems. Using the magic gems, the maid created a small cloud of water to help Remille freshen up before the meeting. Mist swirled around Remille as she was cleaned, her appearance already strikingly different from her prior grogginess. 

“Thank you. Now do clean my room, Jana.”


Imperial Palace

Director Kaios felt all eyes on him while everyone waited for the room to fill up. Numerous military officials and advisors were already present, bearing stern looks as they pondered over the shocking news of the Americans’ declaration of war. In a way, Kaios felt uneasy, as if everyone somehow blamed him for the declaration of war. After all, he was the main ambassador to the United States; could he have done something to cause this declaration of war?

Rays of golden sunlight illuminated the room as the morning began, creating an ambience in the meeting room that could be described as the calm before the storm. Idle chatter built up the tension in the room, with two sides forming: one concerned about the Americans and the other vengeful, arrogantly eager to teach this new barbarian country its place. Kaios hoped that reason and logic would prevail, since there was no way the Parpaldian Empire could even lay a finger on the United States. 

Soon enough, all members arrived. Presided over by Emperor Ludius, the meeting commenced. Seeing the Emperor’s hand raise, everyone instinctively quieted down. Then, he spoke, “The war of punishment we have waged on Altaras has escalated. As you all know, the new nation of the United States of America has allied with these rebellious barbarians,” he said while raising a clenched fist. His tone increasingly became more angry as he continued, “This defiance against us must be crushed, lest it spread to our other territories. We do not — and will never — tolerate defiance! It is imperative that we teach these barbarians their place.”

Nods of agreement swept through the Parpaldian officials within the room, followed by Emperor Ludius’ intense gaze. Silhouetted against the bright light pouring through the windows, his figure seemed much more imposing. His silence made his subjects uncomfortable, adding a dramatic effect for his next words. “However, we recognize that these new adversaries are much more powerful than the barbarians we are accustomed to fighting. Director Vindus, elaborate on your report on the United States.”

“Yes, Your Excellency,” a bald man with a dark goatee bowed his head, shining medals clinking against each other as he knelt. He took a breath before speaking, “The Information Bureau has worked closely with Supreme Commander Arde and Mistress Remille to analyze combat results and determine the extent of the United States’ capabilities. Upon laborious study of the engagement between the pirate fleet in Fenn and the American naval battle group, we have been able to discern that their ships are equipped with long-range precision cannons, similar to those of Mu. However, these cannons boast superior accuracy, range, and fire rate. Unfortunately, we are unable to determine their maximum range. Additionally, these vessels are equipped with an ancient weapon: the guided light arrow. We reason that this weapon is either expensive, or low in number due to their reluctance to use them. They seem to prefer using their cannons against our ships. Furthermore, this information is corroborated by our spies in the United States, who are posing as merchants. We have so far yet to learn anything that we can use in combat, but we at least know that these vessels are called ‘destroyers’.”

“Hmm… And we also know that the United States employs carriers, so they understand the significance of air support during maritime operations. What do we know of their aircraft?”

Vindus continued, “Your Excellency, their aircraft bear resemblance to those of Mu. My spies in Louria bore witness to their combat prowess during the American siege of Jin Hark, but they all claim that these aircraft are capable of surpassing the sound barrier. These ‘fighter jets’ — as the American public calls them — can travel as fast as twice the speed of sound and are equipped with miniature guided light arrows, which seem to be their primary armament against aerial targets. With these weapons, the wyvern knights of Louria were felled without any contest. These aircraft can also be equipped with bombs, which can be dropped from a high altitude — high enough that not even a wind dragon can come close. Certainly, these hyperbolic statements are likely a result of erroneous perspective, since the battlefield can make observances seem larger than life. We are currently investigating the accuracy of these claims.”

Murmurs rose up within the crowd of officials, some of them likening the descriptions of American aircraft to those of the dreaded Ancient Sorcerous Empire. Their worried whispers were quelled by a raise of Emperor Ludius’ hand. 

“Subjects, do not alarm yourselves with such nonsense. If we were indeed facing the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, they would not have taken diplomatic measures. Their talks with the Third Foreign Affairs Department is proof enough of this. So, Kaios, have you been able to acquire any information about the Americans?”

“Indeed, Your Excellency. When I received their declaration my counterpart, Ambassador Anders, made clear the American disapproval of our hegemonic practices. He even went so far as to call our policies for barbarian countries ‘barbaric’ and ‘tyrannical’. He went on to discuss ‘self-evident truths’ and ‘unalienable rights’ that we are stripping people of.”

Ludius remained silent, taking in this revelation and allowing the tension in the room to build. Kaios, fearing retribution, kept his head bowed and his gaze on the ground. Cold sweat flowed down his neck, uncomfortably getting stuck in his clothes. Then, Emperor Ludius issued a surprising response. 

He laughed. “Well done, Director Kaios. We now know that the Americans are soft, and we can use this weakness to our advantage. If what Vindus’ intelligence officers say are true; if what Arde’s opinions of the Americans’ power are justified; then we shall coordinate our strategy as such. Supreme Commander Arde, you will employ the strategies we’ve developed against Mu and the Holy Mirishial Empire. Harukas,” Ludius’ silhouetted figure turned ever so slightly to face a scholarly looking individual with flowing blue robes and long brown hair. “We shall grant you additional resources to continue your research into the Magic Anti-Aircraft Cannon obtained from the Mirishials. Vindus, send your most intelligent agents to the United States immediately to acquire as much information as possible. Although their science is arcane and enigmatic, we may be able to discover some insights that can help improve our own technologies.” He clapped his hands. The sound echoed throughout the meeting room several times before Ludius continued, “This war will likely be the greatest challenge we have, and ever will, face. There is no doubt that we will suffer greatly, but there is also no doubt that we shall endure and eventually, prevail. Victory will be attained through whatever means necessary, and we will punish these Americans for daring to defy us!”

Moved by the Emperor’s speech, his subjects chanted, “Glory to the Parpaldian Empire!” 


Muan Embassy, Esthirant

Remille entered the Muan Embassy with Director Elto, immediately setting course for the receptionist. “I need to speak with Ambassador Mugei,” she said firmly. 

The receptionist adjusted his glasses to confirm the identity of the arrogant speaker. “Oh, Miss Remille and Director Elto. I do apologize, but Ambassador Mugei is currently busy with the American Ambassador. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait in the lobby.”

The feelings of the Parpaldian duo soured after being told that Mugei and Anders were in a meeting together. Remille maintained her composure, only allowing her expression to sour after she had turned away from the receptionist and walked over to an empty section of the lobby. “Who does that — that barbarian think he is?! What sort of important subjects does he need to discuss with Mugei? Unless…”

Elto frowned. “Miss Remille, even if the Americans are some sort of proxy state established by Mu, we have no way of proving it. Additionally, I doubt that Mu could’ve created so many advanced ships, aircraft, and cities in such a short timeframe…”

Remille began to form a retort, ready to reprimand Elto for even suggesting that she was wrong, but she realized the errors of her argument. She sighed, “Yes, I suppose you do have some reasonable points… Hm, there’s the American ambassador. Let us see if we can get anything useful.”

Anders recognized the Parpaldians walking up to him, “Miss Remille. Director Elto.”

“Ambassador Anders,” Remille said, almost hissing. “You know, it’s not too late to rescind your declaration of war. There will still be consequences of course, but none so drastic as those that your citizens might pay for, should you allow this war to continue.”

Anders raised an eyebrow, scoffing, “Is that a threat, Miss Remille?”

“This is an opportunity to save yourselves from the wrath of the Parpaldian Empire.”

A few employees stopped their activities, intrigued by the scene unfolding in the lobby. Security guards stood watch, ready to take action while citizens from both Mu and the Holy Mirishial Empire paid close attention to the tense conversation. 

Anders gave a cocky smirk. “Is that so… how pitiful. I expected more manners from someone as civilized as you. I’ve already submitted my country’s terms to Director Kaios. I suggest you work something out quickly, while you still have a standing military,” he said before turning around and leaving. 

Remille stood there, speechless. She glared at the retreating back of the American ambassador, insulted and embarrassed by the way he treated her. How dare a barbarian talk to someone from the Third Civilization Region’s greatest superpower in this way?!

“Miss Remille,” Elto said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Your face is developing a reddish discoloration…”

Remille angrily brushed Elto’s hand away. “I know!” She hissed. “Damnit! Never mind that barbarian; we will have our moment later, when we crush his nation’s forces. Let us go see Ambassador Mugei.”

Elto felt uncomfortable with Remille’s stubbornness. He wondered why she kept insisting that the Americans were inferior and easily defeatable like any other barbarian, especially after Emperor Ludius’ stark realization of their power. He attributed her erratic, illogical behavior to the sacrifices she would have to potentially make. Understanding her position and how worried she was for the future, Elto sighed and replied, “Yes, let’s go see him.”

They were then led to Mugei’s office, where they saw the Muan ambassador holding a strange, tablet-like object that displayed moving pictures. Mugei tapped a symbol on the device’s screen, causing the video to pause. “Miss Remille and Director Elto, what can I do for you today?”

Miss Remille looked at Elto, allowing him to speak. 

“Ambassador Mugei,” Elto said, “We wish to inform you that the Parpaldian Empire is currently in a state of war against the United States of America. We recommend you cease trade with them; your ships may be caught in the crossfire.”

“I will take that into consideration and send it up to my superiors, thank you for the notice. Is there anything else?”

“Yes,” Remille budged in. “I couldn’t help but notice many of your citizens preparing to leave. The embassy seems more crowded than usual.”

“Ah. We received advance notice of the war from Ambassador Anders’ office.” He walked up and closed the door to his office. “I’ll be honest with you, out of respect for decades of professionalism together. We predict a very high probability of the war coming to your shores, most notably Esthirant since the city is positioned by the coastline.”

“Are you suggesting that our navy cannot defend our capital?!”

“No,” Mugei said grimly. “I’m telling you. I will however suggest that you find a peaceful solution to this conflict as soon as possible. Even if we were to face the United States — heavens, even if the Holy Mirishial Empire were to face the United States, it would be a disaster. Their capabilities are more than you can prepare for even with a century’s worth of time. Esthirant is a beautiful city. I’d hate to see it razed to the ground.”

“So, is this a complete evacuation then?” Elto asked. 

“I’m afraid so,” Mugei replied. “If the Parpaldian Empire still exists after this war, Mu shall return. My entire staff however is being reassigned to the United States, so you’ll unfortunately have to see new faces. It’s been a pleasure working with you, Director,” he offered a hand. 

Elto gave Mugei a firm handshake. “You as well, Ambassador.”

Mugei looked at his wrist, at an intricately crafted watch which was clearly American in design. “I truly apologize, but you’ll have to excuse me.” He grabbed his personal belongings as he spoke. “My government wants my people evacuated by the end of today, so I must leave. Miss Remille, it was a pleasure to see you.” Mugei gave a quick bow then left the room with his luggages, leaving the room empty save for furniture. 

Elto sat back in his chair, looking over at Remille, who seemed to be shaken and deep in thought. “Miss Remille?”

“I — I don’t know what to do…”

“If you can’t decide now, you’ll be left with only one decision later. Time is of the essence, Miss Remille.”

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