Summoning America

Chapter 36: Conplan PE002

Author’s Note: 

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Arlington, Virginia

President Lee took a deep breath as he walked through the hallways of the Pentagon. With the United States currently in a state of war with the Parpaldian Empire, numerous contingency plans were brought to the forefront of his priorities. Having long anticipated conflict with the arrogant and antagonistic ‘superpower’, Lee had ordered the Department of Defense to come up with strategies in case of war. Now that war had arrived, a single strategy had risen to prominence: blitzkrieg. 

The reasoning behind this derived from the successful defeat of the Kingdom of Louria and the subsequent rumors that spread. By making the most of the United States’ technological advantage, they could drastically lower the morale of the enemy, potentially turning the Parpaldian population against their own government. However, Lee wanted to avoid ground combat as much as possible, since urban warfare could lead to significant casualties, both on American troops and on local civilians. 

Some personnel flowed through the hallways as information circulated the Pentagon. Although most of the Department of Defense staff took this war seriously, there was little tension due to the relatively unthreatening power level of the Parpaldian Empire. At worst, it could become a thorn in the side of the United States, but certainly not as bad as Afghanistan or any other minor conflict within the past few decades. At best, the Parpaldian Empire could turn into a subservient vassal state. 

As Lee walked into Current Actions Center, he marveled at the scores of screens and other advanced instruments adorning the walls. He continued to observe the sprawling hive of activity as he continued down to the floor below, eventually joining his military leaders and advisors in a secluded meeting room. The room’s occupants constituted the various chiefs of staffs, along with some of the highest ranking officials within the respective branches. Also present were several foreign policy and domestic advisors, there to help guide any strategies away from potential media disasters. No one in the room wanted a crisis that could potentially damage Lee’s presidency, or any careers. 

Saluting their commander in chief, everyone operated with astonishing synchronicity and rigidity — a testament to their training and experience. 

“At ease,” Lee responded. 

Once everyone settled into their seats, Lee spoke. “Alright. Robert, what have you got?”

The burly secretary of defense cleared his throat before speaking. “Mister President,” he stood up, clasping his hands behind his back. “After reviewing the intelligence collected by DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), we’ve opted to proceed with conplan designated PE-002.” 

As he spoke, a large screen displayed the details of the aforementioned plan. A map of the Philades continent appeared, with black dots signifying major cities and red dots signifying military targets. A few of these dots were more prominent, with a large red dot appearing to the north of the Parpaldian capital of Esthirant. Other smaller targets were dispersed throughout the coastline, including the naval base at Esthirant, the bases at Duro, and a mysterious unknown located on an island between Le Brias and Esthirant. 

“The Parpaldian Empire has most of their forces concentrated in three locations: the northern end of the Duro river, the southern end of the Duro river — or essentially next to the city of Duro itself, and finally there is a base situated to the north of Esthirant.”

The map on the screen zoomed into the region around Esthirant, highlighting the enemy fleet and the Esthirant Base. Satellite imagery depicted the layout and topography of the region in perfect detail. 

“Passive surveillance along with data collected from operators in the field suggests that this base to the north of Esthirant is likely composed of the most elite of Parpaldian units. We have already been able to identify a new strain of Bioform Alpha, better known as wyvern. In comparison to the wyverns employed by the other Philadean countries we’ve come into contact with, the Parpaldian Empire primarily employs a slightly stronger version: the wyvern lord. According to new intelligence, they’ve upgraded their arsenal and are now producing what we are designating to be wyvern overlords, as evidenced with these aerial photographs. So far, this world’s threats have proven to be meager in comparison to those we’ve faced back home. However, we are maintaining caution and as such, Conplan PE-002 calls for the immediate destruction of this base.”

The screen’s images dissolved, allowing visibility of the map in the background once more. The map then zoomed out and zipped toward the Kingdom of Altaras. 

“Thanks to the efforts of Ambassador Anders, we’ve been able to secure a Muan airfield in the Kingdom of Altaras, which we can and are currently in the process of modifying. After the modifications complete in a week, we will be bombing these targeted bases.”

The map highlighted numerous spots within the Parpaldian Empire. 

“At the same time, we’ll be launching an offensive against the Parpaldian Navy, with the Seventh Fleet positioned to split and eliminate the Esthirant and Duro fleets simultaneously. The Third Fleet will maintain security of our allies and of our shores, covering the eastern part of the Parpaldian Empire and stretching up toward the Kingdom of Riem.”

A simulation of fleet movements accompanied Robert’s description, with lightly colored blue vessels moving in and surrounding the Parpaldian coastlines. In contrast, enemy ships designated in red consolidated within the ports. 

“In the meantime, however, we’re going to be investigating this anomaly: an island located between Le Brias and Esthirant. Satellite imagery reveals nothing but clouds and heavy fog over this particular island, which is leaving our meteorologists stumped. Radar scans however have detected a large number of contacts; we believe that the enemy is attempting to amass a fleet here, likely for a counterattack. Carrier Strike Group 5 has been dispatched to investigate.”

The screen promptly shut off as the presentation concluded. 

President Lee pondered over the information. “Hmm… So how quickly do you expect we can end this conflict and rein in the Parpaldians?”

Robert replied, “If the Parpaldians become demoralized enough by the immediate destruction of their most powerful forces and most well-defended bases, then I anticipate a quick surrender. If, on the other hand, their leadership proved to be stubborn, then we may see an extended conflict involving guerilla warfare.”

“I see. Then I suppose we should hope that Director Kaios makes up his mind and develops a plan.”


Kaios Estate

Within the Third Foreign Affairs Director’s mansion, a distraught Kaios paced around as he awaited a response from the Americans. Having used his handheld radio to send a message, he was uncertain if he was heard, or even if he had used the device properly. Thinking that he should send another message in case the previous one somehow got lost, he reached for the device again. The instrument crackled to life as he laid his hand upon it, startling him slightly. 

A rough voice filtered through the crackling static of the radio, “Director Kaios, we received your message. We’ll be there shortly.”

Kaios granted himself a short respite from the tension and anxiety of his actions. He allowed himself to feel relieved that the Americans finally responded, but he also couldn’t help but feel nervous. What if his superiors found out about his traitorous actions? 

In his mind, he justified them, convincing himself that what he was doing had no treachery involved. Rather, he was attempting to save the Parpaldian Empire from its own arrogance. He knew that this conflict comprised a drastically uneven matchup, but had no means of preventing escalation. Only one option came to mind: a coup. Unless he could somehow convince the Emperor and his inner circle that the war against the United States was futile, he would need to usurp the throne and end the war himself. 

Mental images of the Parpaldian Empire’s leaders flared up as he analyzed each one. He could attempt to convince Emperor Ludius of his faults, but the chance of success is painfully abysmal and failure may see him reprimanded at best, and executed at worst. This option is thus out of the question, Kaios reasoned. The risks involved with this endeavor are simply too high.

He moved on to the next person of interest. Remille seemed to be more worried about the United States, having lost her dramatic intensity and arrogance. In the most recent meeting, she was much more quiet, and even reacted negatively whenever the Americans’ power was mentioned. The fleet engagement off the coasts of Fenn must have altered her analysis of the situation — so much so that she lost her once vibrant tenacity for subjugating barbarians. With the help of other prominent individuals, he could potentially convince her of the futility of a war against the Americans.

Supreme Commander Arde and Chief Matal, with their military mindsets, could potentially represent easy targets for recruitment. Matal in particular took the American threat very seriously, even going so far as to set up an early warning system — something that the powerful Parpaldian Empire has never had to do during its entire existence. However, this might be a reflection of his loyalty rather than anything that Kaios could make use of. The proposition of guerilla warfare was a dirty one. If these military leaders had been pushed far enough to even consider such cowardly tactics, then it certainly proves their unwavering loyalty to Ludius and his empire. However, Kaios could tell that they know that defeat is inevitable. Is the suggestion about guerilla warfare then a bargaining chip, to help bog down the Americans in a painfully long war? 

If this was the case, then a peace treaty could likely be reached. Some sort of settlement perhaps, given the Americans’ aversion to civilian casualties and their attitude during the Lourian war. So far, the Americans hadn’t lost a single soul to enemy combat — on Elysia at least. Just how far are they willing to go to see things through? Likely not too far, Kaios deduced. After all, the Americans had only recently transferred to this world, if all the evidence was indeed true. Because of this transference, they likely couldn’t support a full scale war against a nation as large and wealthy as the Parpaldian Empire. 

However, he saw no indication that this line of reasoning is correct. In fact, all signs pointed to the contrary. The power of their weapons as demonstrated against Louria and other targets such as Remille’s pirate fleet reflected wealth. Each shot from their magic cannons was probably worth thousands of pasos, and this was without including the cost of the magical targeting they enchanted their weapons with. He couldn’t even begin to imagine just how much their guided light arrows cost, considering that not even the Holy Mirishial Empire had such weapons. Before his thoughts could swirl into a cataclysmic storm, an attendant approached him with news. 

“Sir Kaios,” his butler said. “There is a visitor at the door.”

“Thank you, Alfan. Please ensure that my office is tidy.”

“Of course, Sir Kaios,” he said politely as he left to go do his duties. 

Pausing for a moment to steel himself, he took a deep breath before heading downstairs to open the door. He placed his hand around the cold handle and twisted it. Outside, a man dressed in the best of Esthirant noble fashion greeted him. The only thing differentiating him from any other noble was the accessory upon his face, which obscured his eyes with dark colored lenses. “Director Kaios,” he said with a smile, taking his sunglasses off. “A pleasure to finally meet you.”

“And you as well, Director Klein.”

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