Summoning America

Chapter 42: Global Shift (2)

Cartalpas, Holy Mirishial Empire

The bar’s patrons erupted into excited, prospective discussion as the MNN camera crew inspected the various merchandise. 

The first items to be inspected included general stationery, items such as paper and writing implements. Although these common objects were unable to draw any reactions from the Mirishial crowd, they were viewed as undeniably reliable products, and some merchants from less technologically advanced nations considered purchasing them for their homelands. 

The interview glossed over basic goods and products such as exotic condiments, which piqued the interest of the wealthy who could now commission new dishes from their chefs. The pieces of clothing displayed were also fashionable and of good quality, convincing some to seek American clothes. 

Finally, the interview began to rise to a climax as more interesting products were unveiled: luxury goods. 

A merchant attempting to sell Mu’s watches in the United States had once spoken of the superior quality that American products boasted. Having brought back none of the items he described due to their exorbitant cost, not many people believed him. Having heard stories of American success in Philades, some became curious about his claims and went to see for themselves. Those who doubted the merchant remained behind, scoffing at these ‘outlandish’ claims until now. 

The first feature that caught their attention was the jewelry embedded into the watches. They looked like luxury watches from Mu, except slimmer and much more well-crafted. Sheets of paper placed near the products themselves designated costs, with an estimated price in pasos helpfully placed beside the price in dollars. 

Several drunken merchants had to rub their eyes, performing double-takes as they scanned the prices in disbelief. Mentally converting pasos into their respective currencies, they realized that such prices could be compared to those of entire merchant vessels. One ‘Rolex’ watch, according to the information displayed on the screen, could be worth as much as tens of pounds of magic gems. 

Cheaper models were analyzed, granting relief to those who were hoping to acquire a piece of American technology — which were already developing into symbols of status, potentially dethroning counterpart products from Mu. No longer did the wealthy desire Mu’s watches; they now desired American watches. 

After a close inspection of the American luxury goods, they moved on to the final section, which was filled with strange contraptions and devices that seemed alien to the Elysian viewers. Although they seemed alien, subsequent explanations shed light on the objects, revealing them as nothing more than scientific counterparts to devices common within the Holy Mirishial Empire.

The first analyzed object was a flashlight, which was logically explained by the ambassador. The device emitted light, but used batteries rather than magic gems. For the magically incapable, this device represented a remarkable improvement from torches. 

The next object was a fan, followed by an air conditioning unit. Much like their Elysian counterparts, these devices provided cooling services, although some were puzzled as to why the air conditioning unit had an exhaust. Could this be a sign that the Americans weren’t as technologically advanced as many had claimed? Some were inclined to believe this, considering that even the Parpaldians had air cooling devices that emitted no heat. 

Many of the devices weren’t that surprising, with colored television and radio being demonstrated. However, the true enigma arrived as they viewed the more advanced electronics. The phone was quickly displayed as a device capable of contacting others from a long distance, not unlike a manacomm. Unlike a manacomm though, these ‘phones’ were also capable of advanced calculations via an integrated ‘calculator’ program, capturing images and video, and other functions. 

The versatility of the phone astounded the bar’s customers, sending them into a frenzy as they debated over the realism of the device. Some wondered if the demonstration was an elaborate ruse born from advanced magic, while others who were familiar with Mu’s discoveries believed the American invention to be real. The bar descended into relative chaos, becoming louder than it has ever been. Excitement and anticipation regarding the Americans shot through the roof, reaching an unprecedented high as speculation ran rampant. 



The Mirishial capital city shone with elegance, reflecting sunlight off their famed skyscrapers and opulent towers. Airships drifted by in the skies above, providing oversight of the city. Bright lights flashed throughout the city, nicknamed the ‘Sleepless Magical City’. Much like the city’s American counterpart, the streets were lined with rows of high-rise buildings, although spread apart much better than those of Manhattan. 

Overlooking the nearby ocean, the center of all Mirishial operations stood proudly. Known as Castle Albion, the medieval-looking structure had a buffer zone of half a mile, with numerous defensive positions erected nearby and within. Patrols of guards and vehicles constantly roamed the area while squadrons of Alpha-3 Fighters maintained a defensive perimeter over the city. 

Within the castle, a single man watched in silence as the units outside performed their duties. Standing tall, the 4,000 year old elf demonstrated no signs of aging aside from his greying hair and the wrinkles appearing on his face. His posture remained rigid, as if he was only a thousand years old. Behind him, his top officials gathered around a table to discuss developing events throughout the world. Hearing the chairs shuffle behind him, Emperor Mirishial the Eighth turned his attention away from the guards outside. 


A dark-haired man of muscular build stood up, addressing the emperor with his deep voice. “Your Excellency, we have upgraded the readiness level of our forces and have secured additional funding from the Department of the Treasury for military expansion. The patrols around Runepolis have been doubled and we are in the midst of deploying magical technicians to establish magic detectors and relay stations.”

“Good. Hirkane?”

A masked official rose from his seat. Even amongst his peers, his identity was hidden. Only the Emperor truly knew the identity behind the mask. “My Emperor, research projects for the Pal Chimera and Pal Cowne are progressing as planned. To accelerate these endeavors, I’ve partitioned more of the budget for recruitment purposes. I have a list of professors at the Magic Academy and the Valletta Academy who may prove useful to us.”

Emperor Mirishial thought deeply about the proposal. Recruiting more researchers might draw unwanted attention to their current projects, but sacrificing secrecy could be necessary depending on how fast the Ancient Sorcerous Empire is returning. “Hmm…” he folded his hands together on the table while he weighed the benefits and negatives of the plan. “You may proceed. Secrecy will be useless once the Ancient Sorcerous Empire makes their presence known. Their arrival is imminent. So too, must our technological advancement. We must unlock the mysteries of their war machines if we are to ensure the safety of our subjects, and of the world.”

“Understood, My Emperor.” Hirkane bowed. “I will make the arrangements for recruitment.”

Emperor Mirishial’s eyes shifted to a different person. “Arneus.”

A blonde human in his thirties stood up from his seat, bowing to his emperor. As the Director of the Mirishial Bureau of Information, he provided a summary of his department’s recent actions and knowledge. “Your Excellency, we’ve discovered no new information regarding the Prophecy of Return. No signs of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire’s return have surfaced. The Eimor Kingdom seems to still be recuperating from the exhaustive spell they cast. If they are to cast another such spell, we would likely be required to send aid in the form of magic gems.”

“I see. Liage, have your ministry work with the Department of the Treasury to secure the necessary resources. ‘Soon’ is not enough information. We need a prediction for the date of their return.”

“Yes, Your Excellency,” he said, bowing his head. 

Emperor Mirishial returned his gaze to Arneus. His expression radiated calm neutrality, reflecting the wisdom of his years. “Continue.”

Arneus nodded and continued, “The Mirishial News Network has completed their commissioned assignment and was able to gauge the overall technological level of the United States.” Recorded footage from the interview in the Kingdom of Altaras played on a thin screen that looked similar to modern-day flatscreen TVs. 

As the interview progressed from footage of American bombers to US-made products, the Mirishials slowly became more captivated, now taking this emerging country seriously. Like many others, they had heard of the rumors about homing light arrows and aircraft that traveled faster than the speed of sound. Naturally, their thoughts gravitated toward the Ravernal Empire, as only they were capable of such feats. Fearing the Ravernal Empire returned early, they dispatched spies as soon as the rumors reached their ears.

By a stroke of luck, one of these spies managed to sneak into the task force that was supposed to ambush the American fleet. With confirmation of American capabilities from this spy, Arneus tasked the MNN to investigate, having heard that these Americans were relatively friendly. After all, if they were truly the Ravernal Empire, then why have the neighboring civilizations continued to exist?

After the videos concluded, the Mirishial audience was left speechless. The first words came from the emperor himself, who had already deduced the best possible move. “These Americans could prove useful in our mission against the Ancient Sorcerous Empire.”

The emperor’s advisors nodded in agreement. 

“Liage, once you’re done with the next shipment of magic gems, you must reach out to these Americans and establish relations with them. Time is of the essence.”

“It shall be done by tonight, Your Excellency.”


Arlington, Virginia

President Lee continued to watch his men at work, leaning on a rail and holding a cup of coffee in one hand. 

“Mister President,” Steven’s voice came out from behind him. 

Lee turned around, “Something new pop up?”

Steven nodded. In his usual professionalism, he described the recent news with a monotone voice. “The Barry has finally reached the shores of Mu for the scheduled diplomatic visit. The Wilton will remain with the Barry for their journey back. After their arrival, the Wilton reported a concern regarding fuel supplies for Elysian activities. We may need to increase production of supply ships or look into alternatives.”

“I see. Well, it’s a good thing our subs and carriers are already nuclear-powered. I must say, I still can’t get over the sheer size of this world. Anyway, how did first contact go?”

“The initial reception went well, and Ambassador Reiker will be participating in discussions with the Mu government starting tomorrow.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful. I can’t believe it’s taken this long, but I’m glad we’re officially in talks with Mu’s government. Do we have footage from Reiker’s diplomatic staff?” Lee was curious about the environment of Mu itself. Satellite imagery could only show so much, and was lifeless compared to the vibrance that a video on the ground could offer. 

“They’ll be sending a data package to our satellites shortly. It will take several hours before the next satellite is within range.”

“Hm,” Lee nodded, slightly disappointed that he couldn’t satiate his curiosity just yet. “So,” he said, changing the subject, “When will Reiker be able to figure out more about these… Gra Valkans?”

“Talks with Mu’s officials should be complete by the end of next week. In the meantime, I can send a request for him to determine what Mu knows.”

Lee nodded in approval. “Excellent. I’ll send you a list of inquiries later today. Anything else?”

“One last thing, Mister President. The Holy Mirishial Empire seems to be interested in us. It appears that we have caught their attention, thanks to Ambassador Anders’ interview with the Mirishial News Network. The Mirishial embassy in Mu has invited us to schedule an appointment with them. Who would you like to assign?”

“Hmm… Reiker has his plate full with Mu and Gra Valkas Empire priorities. Will Ambassador Anders still be needed to coordinate with Director Kaios?”

“A familiar face may help, but it is not necessary. Anders’ assignment with the Parpaldian Empire has not changed, but the Department of State has expressed no issue with his reassignment.”

“Good. Let’s reassign Anders to the Holy Mirishial Empire. Have Reiker’s staff coordinate with their embassy to set up a visit to their mainland. If Hendricks is available, we can reassign him to fill Anders’ spot in the Parpaldian Empire.”

“I’ll get right on it, Mister President,” Steven said. 

Lee turned his attention back to the activities in the Current Actions Center. Bombing of the Esthirant port had just finished, and Hawthorne’s fleet awaited new orders. They blockaded the city, new targets already selected and transports ready to land if Kaios’ planned coup did not come to fruition. 

Lee muttered to himself in a state of near-prayer, “Everything now falls upon you, Director Kaios.”

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