Summoning America

Chapter 86: Patience

Author’s Note: In previous chapters, I noted the calendar year as 1641. This is a typo. The United States was transferred in 2021/1639. The year should be 2022/1640.

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April 25, 1640

Magicaregia, Annonrial Empire

Resurrection Management Agency Headquarters

Shadows exuded from Director Zamuras’ vibrant wings, reflecting the darkness that broiled within the powerful individual. He stood by the edge of a long conference table, overlooking the department and section heads that sat silently, eyes drawn down as if their vision was affected by gravity. By the wide wall to his left, a screen flickered on, showing a screencap of a commercial for the United States Air Force.

Zamuras uttered a single word, “Watch.”

The video played. “Elysia is over eighty percent water, and only twenty percent land,” the narrator announced over clips of American jets flying over diverse landscapes. “But the entire sky… Belongs to us.” Amidst a backdrop of cinematic music, jets annihilated aerial targets for the next twenty seconds. Lourian and Parpaldian wyverns were obliterated while their vessels were likewise sunk in fiery explosions. Then, the Aji Dhaka appeared.

Zamuras paused the video. He faced his subordinates, who realized what the creature was and what its presence in an American military commercial implied. “You are gathered here today to address a catastrophic failure,” Zamuras said with an eerily unbefitting calm. He sighed heavily, sending shivers down the spines of the people present with this mere action. “Now… Can anyone here recognize what is wrong with this… production here?”

A brave employee answered as he quivered in his seat, “S-sir, that is the Aji Dhaka. A-and it has been released from its containment.”

“Quaint observation,” Zamuras said. His unorthodoxly calm tone was a significant contrast to his history of fiery, destructive outbursts of anger. If anything, it most closely represented the calm before the storm. “However, that is not the issue. Although the Aji Dhaka research is valuable, if it had completed its objective and laid waste to the inferiors of Grameus and Philades, then it would have been worth it.” He pointed a remote at the screen. “This,” he said, anger swelling up like a powerful torrent trying to break through a dam, “Is the issue.” 

The video resumed, showing footage of missiles besieging the monster. The barrage laid waste to the creature in an astonishingly short time, leaving nothing but a smoldering carcass and bits of gore scattered around what was once feared to be a devastating monster. The Annonrials were left in a different state – one of figurative desolation, rather than literal.

“It is clear that this interaction is the reason why Darkshield’s team has not reported back in over a month.” Zamuras’ tone shifted to one reflecting annoyance, “Unfortunately, this also means that Darkshield cannot be present at this meeting, and that I cannot execute him personally for his failure. You lot, on the other hand,” he paused, enjoying the sheer terror that now afflicted his subordinates, “are present. Zastor, Gritmoore, and Pallosar, I expect that you’ll refrain from making the same mistakes that Darkshield made. Use the chaos created by the Gra Valkans. Secure the remaining beacons while the inferiors distract themselves with petty conflicts. Under no circumstances will you allow the Americans to get their hands on the devices first.”

His men nodded. 

“Go, and make His Holiness proud!”


Oranatha Castle

Stashed away under layers of rock and magical shielding, the primary command center of the Annonrial Military lay hidden under the seat of government: Oranatha Castle. Capable of withstanding a direct core magic strike, the facility represented the most fortified position in the entire empire. It was here where Emperor Zaratosthra himself coordinated the initial revival effort to bring the Annonrial Empire out of isolation, and it is here where he now coordinates efforts against the Americans.

Members from all relevant departments flooded into the facility’s primary strategic room, which operated like a Current Actions Center. Zaratosthra scowled at a screen mounted overhead, which displayed the very video submitted by Director Zamuras. As he thought further, he became more disgusted. The man had come before him with the video and claimed it to be a product of his adept intelligence gathering activities. 

Zaratosthra knew it was simply a desperate attempt to shift blame away from Darkshield’s – and by extension – his failure. Regardless, he let the man explain his case, finding amusement in his pathetic prostration. He had the urge to execute Director Zamuras then and there, but spared him instead. His actions were not influenced by pity; rather, he found logical use in maintaining a loyal, subservient slave to do his bidding without question.

With the rise of a mysterious Messiah’s civil rights movement, dissent increased. The oppressed lower castes, consisting of the impure solid-wingers, began revolting against the more pure-blooded, threatening a revisit of the dark days of the first Annonrial Civil War. Some even began to circulate American media, much to Zaratosthra’s ire.

The video that led to this emergency convention not only represented an incredibly destabilizing propaganda piece, should Messiah’s people get their hands on it, but also represented an entirely new concern – the first in eons that could potentially threaten the Annonrial Empire. The feats displayed in the video – particularly the demise of the Aji Dhaka – confirmed their worst fears. The propaganda shown to Ambassador Krunch was now deemed to be accurate, as were the then-preposterous claims submitted by the Annonrial Intelligence Agency.

Zaratosthra loathed to admit it, but the inferior humans that comprised the United States somehow posed a threat to his rule. With pure mechanical technologies, they developed weapons capable of rivaling –perhaps even surpassing – the weapons employed by his empire’s military. With reluctance, he deemed it necessary to revise the Americans’ threat assessment. 

He addressed his subjects, “I have summoned you to deliberate on the threat that is the United States of America. The termination of the Aji Dhaka, along with our other research samples in the Grameus continent, has been officially verified. Although it hurts my pride to admit this, it is imperative that we view the Americans in a more serious manner. As such, I have brought together all departments related to intelligence gathering. The scope of this convention shall be to establish a new strategy for hastening the revival of our ancestors and preparing this world for their arrival. Director Bachus, share the experiences you have had while dealing with the Americans.”

The director of the Inferior Affairs Department bowed, “Yes, Your Holiness.” He turned to face his colleagues and fellow countrymen, describing the materials brought back by Krunch. “When we initially encountered the Americans, we were presented with a video similar to the one provided by Director Zamuras. The video we were shown, however, depicted their technologies on a far larger scale, emphasizing their capabilities, but also cleverly keeping the extent of these capabilities hidden. We witnessed their utilization of faster-than-sound metallic aircraft and missiles. We witnessed their ability to harness electrical energy to power computational devices, not unlike the magical computers we have. We also witnessed their supposed moon landing. Our visit to the American continent granted us substantial evidence of the aforementioned accomplishments and technologies. Consumer products that my delegates have purchased were submitted to the AIA.”

Zaratosthra nodded. “Director Vorus, what has your agency uncovered?”

The leader of Annonorial’s premier clandestine agency shared his findings, “Your Holiness, The consumer products we analyzed were mainly food products, toys, and basic electronics. We found nothing significant about these items, compared to equivalent items we have here. The research team that conducted the analyses thus reported an equivalent technological level, if we only use their consumer products as a foundation. As for complex electronics, we were unable to purchase them.”

“Why is that?”

Vorus explained, hoping that the emperor would find his excuses reasonable, “American stores now require identification in order to purchase certain items, including phones and cars. We considered stealing these items, but all ports of entry have rigorous inspectors and metal-detecting devices. Fortunately, they have finally allowed their people to travel outside their nation. I have teams ready to pickpocket any American technology they can get their hands on.”

The Emperor smiled, “Excellent.” 

“We have also been able to purchase books and magazines, although their textbooks remain locked behind layers of identification processes and permits. I have provided the books and magazines to military intelligence.”

Zaratosthra’s eyes shifted to the corresponding leader.

Captain Zhenmann stepped forward. “Your Holiness, my analysis suggests that the humans do indeed possess weaponry demonstrated by the videos we have seen. I studied their vehicular technologies during my visit there as part of Ambassador Krunch’s delegation, and I found that the performance of their civilian automobiles exceed those of our own. Taking the general idea that military equipment is better than civilian equipment, I reasoned that not only are the videos true; not only do these humans possess weapons like missiles and supersonic jets, it is probable that they possess other weapons we are unfamiliar with.” He paused, grappling with the idea of offering a controversial suggestion. Pressed by time, he decided to continue, “I dare say that… they may even wield weapons on par with the weapons of our ancestors.”

Shocked gasps circulated the room. Just when the room seemed like it was about to burst into heated discussion, Zaratosthra held up a hand. “That is a bold claim, Captain. It may be probable, but your claim is one that holds little merit. You risk much by saying this, so I assume you have some evidence to support your case?”

“Certainly, Your Holiness,” Zhenmann bowed. “The materials provided to me by Director Vorus’ agency were detailed. The Americans have an interesting culture and are very proud of their military. Director Vorus’ spies were fortunate enough to acquire military magazines from bookstores, before the Americans increased their security measures. I have with me one such magazine,” Zhenmann hoisted it in the air, allowing everyone to see the strange satellite plastered on the cover. “This issue was released a few weeks ago, so the information is recent.”

“A civilian publication can hardly be construed as evidence, Captain,” Zaratosthra warned. 

“I understand, My Emperor. When I first received the material, I thought it to be merely propaganda, until I found this,” he said, pointing a finger at a large picture of a fighter jet plastered on a board. 

“The Pal Aurora 2?” Zaratosthra asked.

Zhenmann nodded, “An exact — or almost exact, rather, replica of it. It appeared in the magazine, detailing specifications that the Americans shouldn’t have otherwise known. Instead of the Pal Aurora 2, it was called the Sukhoi Su-27. The magazine also contained depictions of the upgraded variant, the Su-35 and yet more advanced planes: the Su-57 and the J-20. The Su-35 matches with the Pal Aurora 3, while the Su-57 and J-20 align with excavated blueprints for the Pal Aurora 4.”

The room fell into disarray. Many found themselves in denial, but couldn’t ignore the fact that somehow, the Americans knew about highly sensitive information. If these designs were truly from the American homeworld, then it begged the question: what weapons did they develop to counter their adversaries?

Emperor Zaratosthra silenced the room before the discussions got out of hand. “High General Duran,” he said, causing an orichalcum-armored man to stand at attention. “Let us assume that the Americans have technology to match the Pal Aurora 3. How shall we succeed in our goal of global domination before the ancestors arrive?”

The bearded light-winger responded, his voice as rough as the southeastern conflicts he won, “Your Holiness, we would have to strike early, and unannounced. Current intelligence reveals that the Americans have been launching satellites into orbit, which mimic the reconnaissance capabilities of the ancestors’ satellites. At the current rate, we expect them to have full coverage of Elysia by next year. Even so, we cannot strike at this moment. Their fleets are still positioned near their homeland, and any movement past the Vestal continent would be easily detected. However, there is a possible plan of action.”

“Go on.”

“The Gra Valkas Empire is currently engaged in a campaign of conquest. I believe they will eventually war with Mu and the Holy Mirishial Empire, and potentially even drag the United States into the conflict through defense agreements. It is at this point, when all parties are at their weakest and chaos is at its peak, that we should strike. I also recommend we prepare our restored weapons for this scenario, so that we may bridge the technological gap between our forces.”

Emperor Zaratosthra gave the idea some thought. Although initially put off by the threat of the humans’ technologies, he realized that after all, they were mere humans. His prejudice against the other races and blind faith in the superiority of the Ravernals worked against him; he allowed himself to be convinced by his advisors into committing to a futile endeavor. “Very well. High General Duran, prepare our forces for war.”


Author’s Note: 

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