Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 124

Chapter 127 Set off again

“Hmm…” Kent squeezed his chin and looked at the human figure Gundam that appeared in front of him, how he liked it.

The Phantom’s vehicles now include a Pelican, seven Warthogs, five space mounts, plus a Herendin. This kind of firepower is no less than a reinforced company of the Allied Forces.

However, whether a company of the coalition army can beat the blue mercenary group is still a problem. After all, the level of science and technology differs by more than two hundred years.

Moreover, although the space mount is cowhide and can destroy several Star Alliance warships, only Sparta can control it. If ordinary soldiers drive it, with ordinary people’s reaction speed, it will undoubtedly die.

‘Since Helendin is already in ODST’s combat readiness room, I have to see it myself! ’

Kent murmured in his heart, changed into his casual clothes, ready to take a look at Herendin, and then go to solicit the nine USS detained, or the nine who have become the Marines.

“Hello head!”


“Commander, why didn’t you go to the red light district with Lieutenant Carlos?”


Many of the crew and staff of the Phantom greeted Kent warmly after seeing Kent. After all, the captain was ‘generous’ and ‘genre’ and amused.

Of course, the prestige is still there. After all, all combatants are obedient to Kent, and this group of non-combatants dare not make too much trouble.

After walking for about a few minutes, Kent came to the ODST’s combat preparation bay, and saw a Herendin, about three meters high, hanging on the slide on the left.

There are a total of twenty slides, and the air valve is below. When the ODST is airdropped, the entire combat preparation compartment will be decompressed and isolated from other compartments.

Then the gas valve is opened, and the ODSTs will take the airdrop warehouse to instantly eject the Phantom from the slide, and then enter the predicted orbit of their target planet, and then make an atmospheric breakthrough.

It can be said that the famous saying of the **** paratroopers, “Let’s land on our feet, sir!” is not for nothing.

Looking at Herendin, Kent nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and went to the Marines.

As soon as Kent entered the cabin, the nine people stood up straight after seeing him, and said, “Please take us in, please!”

“Well, there is no need to be so restrained.” Kent waved, motioning them to sit down.

At the same time, Kent also probed the general data of this group of Marines. Almost everyone is between 70 and 80, but there are no A-level people. Therefore, it is said that Kent will be so loyal to Kent after being assimilated.

Kent looked at the nine Marines and said, “Everyone, on behalf of the Blue Mercenary Corps, I welcome everyone, and I am going to establish another branch of the Marine Corps, which will be composed of you.

As for your boss, a sergeant will lead you temporarily, do you have any objections? ”

The sergeant Kent refers to is the second-class Hudson, but Kent has the right to hold a military rank, so he plans to promote Hudson to sergeant.

There are two reasons why not directly become a captain. One is that Hudson’s rank is only B.

The second is that in the Marine Corps, the influence of the sergeant is quite high, even no less than the command level. With Hudson’s ‘low and low’, it should be easy to lead this group of unruly Marines.

“No objections!” the Marines replied.

“Well, that’s good.” Kent also took a chair, sat in front of the Marines, and said solemnly: “You were Umbrella’s USS before, so what secrets do you all know?”

“Head of the team…” He was still the previous leader, and he was a little worried: “Our USS only executes orders and does not involve politics.”

“Yeah… Then do you know that Umbrella’s senior management has any contact with the generals of the army?” Kent asked hopefully.

“This…” A group of Marines remained silent. Suddenly, one of the Marines’ eyes lit up and raised his hand:

“Head, once our team performed a mission, when the Martian zombie crisis broke out, the upper level asked us to retrieve a top-secret file of a lieutenant general. Is this news useful?”

“Useful! How can it be useless!” Kent exclaimed, then stood up and said to them: “The blue mercenary group is going to stay in the Rangers for another two days. You go to Jack (the correspondent) and receive a bonus of 10,000 yuan. , Have a good time in the space station!”

“Oh!” The Marines all stood up, roared, and walked toward the cabin outside, and said;

“Mad, why did I want to work for Umbrella!”

“That’s right, I just got 10,000 to receive! It’s so cool!”

And the system immediately sent a reminder of emotional feedback;

[Emotional feedback from Levto Kiir detected…]

[Detected Guo Tansen?sky’s emotional feedback…]

In just a moment, the nine Marines provided Kent with 45 favor points and 90 trust points.

“Hey, don’t forget to persuade you sir, he was deceived by Umbrella ” Kent turned his head and said to the Marines.

“Yes, head!”

And Kent also smiled and shook his head, walked out of this cabin, went to his sleeping cabin, and got ready to rest.

————————————————– —————-

Two days later

“The captain, I have greeted the ground crew of the space station, and can now leave the port at any time.” Case sat in the captain’s seat and said to Kent.

“Yeah.” Kent stood by the window of the bridge, looking out over a group of busy people, nodded and said: “Let’s take off.”

“Yes, the engine output is 15%, the left full rudder leaves the airport, pay attention to a safe distance.”

“Aye, Aye, Captain.”

Following a series of instructions from Case, a group of drivers also began to get busy. The Phantom’s engine started and slowly left the fixed support.

Then the engine at the end of the Phantom lighted up and began to fly towards the outer space of the space station, but it was away from the Rover space station within a few minutes.

Kent looked at countless asteroids and meteorites drifting outside, always feeling uneasy inside.

Ada told them before that Wesker sent her an email with the content of going to LV-426 to collect samples.

Kent didn’t care about it at first, but after thinking about it, I felt something was wrong. In the “Resident Evil” series, whether it was a game or a CG movie, when Ada went to collect samples, there must be unconventional creatures.

Just like in “Resident Evil: The Curse”, Ada plays the role of a UN investigator who goes to East Slavia to collect parasite samples.

And LV-426, after repeated reflections by Kent, finally remembered the name of this place. LV-426 is a colonial planet in “Alien 1, 2”.

In “Alien 1”, it is not yet suitable for human survival, but in “Alien 2” it has been transformed by humans and suitable for human living.

And the population of the entire LV-426 in “Alien 2” is only more than 150 people, but the technology in this world will definitely not be so small.

Kent contacted the main mission content that hadn’t been issued before, and always felt that they were going to this LV-426.

{The author’s mobile phone has some problems, I don’t know who is giving the reward and the monthly ticket today, so I can only say to the big guys, thank you }

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