Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 139

Chapter 142 Night attack

“Boy, you still have a lot of attention!” Leng Feng laughed and hammered Kent in the chest.

“Ahem!” Although Kent was much stronger than at the beginning, he still couldn’t withstand Leng Feng’s punch. He almost lost his breath and complained: “I said, uncle, you be gentle!”

“Oh, forget you are still a weak chicken, hahaha!” Leng Feng slapped Kent’s head again and laughed.

“Forget it!” Kent cast a blank look at Leng Feng and said, “As long as the Marines can experience the hides of our equipment, I don’t believe it. They want to stay in the army again.”

What do soldiers like best? Of course it is weapons and equipment.

From ancient times to the present, the representative of elite soldiers is the sharpest weapon plus the hardest armor.

Like the Wei Wuzu and the trapped camp in ancient China, why are they the elite of the elite?

The first is that the soldiers are all chosen by thousands of people, each with infinite strength and rich combat experience. This is a ‘sharp blade’.

What makes them truly elite is because they wore iron armor at that time. You must know that the soldiers at that time almost couldn’t even match the leather armor, let alone the iron armor, which was a ‘strong shield’.

When the ‘Sharp Blade’ and the ‘Strong Shield’ converge, then Wei Wushu and the trapped camp are almost killing the gods while the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha.

This is why the soldiers most want to pursue weapons and equipment. The most important thing is that they can kill people and protect their lives.

Kent believed that as long as the Marines had experienced the convenience of individual equipment, they would definitely not want to wear the old equipment.

While Kent was chatting with Leng Feng, the ground crew also put 30 sets of individual equipment on the Pelican, and a leader walked up to Kent and saluted: “Captain! All the individual equipment has been placed. !”

“Yeah!” Kent replied, “Fortunately, you guys!”

“Hey, wait!”

Just as Kent and Leng Feng were about to return to the Pelican, preparing to head to the military base below, Dr. Halsey jogged to the Pelican with a long and narrow equipment box in his hand.

Hearing Dr. Halsey’s call, Kent turned and asked, “What’s wrong, Doctor?”

I saw Dr. Halsey walk up to Kent, put the equipment box on the ground and opened it, and took out a knife with a silver-white handle and a dark black body, similar to Tang Hengdao’s knife, and handed it to Kent.

“This is a psionic knife specially made for Nova, which can withstand her psionic energy and specifically release psionic attacks.”

[Detection of Nova Sears’ exclusive weapon, psionic knife, special effects for releasing sword energy, and a buffer time of five seconds. 】

When Kent got the psionic knife, the system also reminded him timely.

Hearing Dr. Halsey and the systematic explanation, Kent was overjoyed.

Sword-like attacks like this, against creatures like aliens, are more effective than guns.

And the buffer time is only five seconds per second, which is much better than the previous psionic burst. After all, every time Nova uses the psionic burst’s stunt, she will enter a short-term weak state and is extremely vulnerable to attack.

After putting the psionic knife back into the equipment box, Kent thanked Dr. Halsey: “Thank you, Dr. Thank you for your help to upgrade our equipment, otherwise our combat power will not increase so much.”

“You’re welcome.” Dr. Halsey waved his hand nonchalantly, then poked Kent’s forehead with his hand, and exhorted: “Boy, remember to bring me a sample of the alien. I will just study it.”

“Well, I got the doctor.”

“Okay, you can go, I’m going to perfect the super soldier’s serum.” Halsey finished speaking, and went to her laboratory without looking back.

“Haha.” Leng Feng looked at Halsey’s back and smiled: “According to our Huaxia dialect, there is an old man in the family. If there is a treasure, this Dr. Halsey is really our treasure!”

“That is.” Ken Feng nodded, put the Psionic Knife’s equipment box into the Pelican, and said to the pilot: “Take us back to the military base.”


Within minutes, Kent and Leng Feng returned to the Marine Corps base from the Phantom and introduced the individual equipment to Johnny.

When Johnny saw the equipment, his eyes suddenly glowed like a wolf staring at the food. After all, he saw the scene of the **** paratrooper and the Herendin massacre.

In Johnny’s mind, he thought that the Marine Corps’ guns and equipment should not be weaker than the individual equipment of the Hell Paratroopers, after all, they didn’t seem to be much different.

When Kent said that he was going to borrow 30 sets of Johnny and let the Marines who enter New Alexandria tomorrow wear them, Johnny was almost overjoyed.

After all, with these equipment, life safety protection needs to be improved a lot, and the special rifles and machine guns of the Marine Corps, which are almost exclusively dedicated to slaughtering Zerg creatures such as aliens, have to exceed the existing firearms in firepower.

It can be said that when Johnny selected twenty-nine Marines and put on marine equipment with them, everyone didn’t want to wear their original ‘happy colors’ anymore.

Of course, this is exactly what Kent wanted at three o’clock in the morning;

At this time, except for the Marine Corps on patrol and a small number of Blue Mercenary Corps guards, everyone has fallen asleep.

After all, I haven’t been able to rest well for three days and three nights before. Today is the first night that the Alien has not attacked. Of course, I have to take this opportunity to sleep.

“Ahhhhhhhh…” A Marine Corps was rather boring. Just after the long haha, when he saw a 141 next to him, he couldn’t help but curiously asked:

“Brother, your outfit is different from those of your friends.”

“Oh, I can be invisible, so I’m relatively light.” The 141 smiled softly.

Of course, this is Kent’s indication that he can tell a few features of each piece of equipment, otherwise this 141 would not share the unique place of their equipment with strangers.

“Fuck, brother Niu, I think you have black and dark green heavy armors, and I didn’t expect to have stealth equipment. You guys in the Bit Species Command Headquarters of the mercenary group must have advanced a lot!” Marine Land The team sighed.

“Haha, let me demonstrate it to you.” After 141 finished speaking, he turned on the optical camouflage, and then disappeared before the eyes of the Marine Corps.

Only a few seconds later, 141 touched the optical camouflage again and stood behind the Marine Corps.

“Tsk tusk!” The Marine Corps sighed with appreciation, and said, “Made, it’s worn out in the army, it’s better to mix with your mercenary group, it’s rich and good equipment. ”

“Okay, after this battle is over, I will recommend you to our team leader.”

“it is good…”

“Shoo !”

As the two of them were talking, the light prism in front of them suddenly lit up, and instantly shot a beam of light towards the distance.

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