Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 192

Chapter 194 A short break

“Eh eh! Head of Death! Wait!”

Upon seeing this, Valenrian, a very well-trained person, unexpectedly showed an expression of Erkang and so on, and quickly stopped Kent from running with 141.

“Click!” The sound of the gun opening the insurance resounded through the bridge.

I saw Kent and others as well as a group of 141 hearing Valenrian’s stopping sound, immediately put the cash box on the deck, and quickly took the gun behind him in his hand, and opened the insurance. Valenrian was approved.

Since it was still happy before, Jim Reynolds and the other guards did not respond, and they did not raise the gun again… Or, they felt that there was no need to raise the gun again, and they were a little tired…

At the same time, Kent also raised his pistol at Valenrian, and said gloomily: “Your prince…want to regret it? Do you want to take the money back? You know, our blue mercenary group refuses to refund!”

“Hey, you have misunderstood the Reaper…” Valenrian was a little bit weeping, and then took out a USB flash drive and said to Kent: “Reaper, you haven’t taken the mission profile yet. There is a section on it. The location of the test station…”

“Yeah!” Kent just woke up like a dream, and then tapped his helmet with the butt, quickly put the pistol back on the holster of his leg, and waved to the group of 141: “Boys, all guns let it go,”

“Yes! Captain!” 141 heard that the insurance was closed again, and the moment the gun was turned back, he quickly lifted the cash box, for fear that someone would **** them.

At the same time, Kent also walked quickly to Valenrian, took the U disk and put it in a pocket on the body armor, and repeatedly apologized: “I’m sorry, our mercenary group sees money like this. I’m used to That’s it ”

“Oh, um.” Valenrian replied dumbly, after all, everything happened too fast.

After putting the USB flash drive in place, Kent asked Valenrian: “Is there anything you need to do? If it’s okay, we will leave.”

“It’s okay…you can go now, head of death.” Valenrian said with a little fear.

Only then did Valenrian react. It was too dangerous to deal with Kent’s mercenaries who were “seeing money”, so hurry up! Go!

“Ok!” Kent immediately turned and led a group of people to walk outside, shouting as he walked: “Boys! This time I will give you double bonuses!”

“Oh !!!”

“Boys! I’ll take two days off later! Celebrate that we actually have a long-term employer!”

“Wow !!!”

The sound of the blue mercenary group resounded in the corridor, and it was only after a group of people entered the elevator that they could not be heard in the bridge.

“Guru!” Jim Reynolds swallowed while looking at the direction of the automatic door of the bridge, walked to Valenrian’s side, and whispered:

“Commander, are you sure that this blue mercenary group is worth paying? Why do I feel like a group of bandits, especially the **** of death, exactly like the bandit leader.”

“Jim…Don’t speak ill of our allies…” Valenrian also regretted a bit, but the Kent group is really strong, so they don’t care about the small ‘flaws’ of the other side.

————————————————– ——————–

Phantom’s combat meeting room;

At this time, Kent had changed into combat clothes and stood at the front of the conference room.

The Hell paratroopers in Lyon, 141 led by Price and others, the Marine Corps under Hudson’s temporary command, and the Leng Feng guards all sat in the conference room, listening to Kent’s words.

Kent smiled before saying: “Everyone, because we have reached a cooperation agreement with the rebels, we will have a stable income of 10 million in cash every month, so this month each of you will have a bonus of 20,000.”

“Wow! The leader is good!”

“Head! I want to have a monkey with you!”


“Shut up…” Kent was speechless and interrupted the strange roar of a group of Marines. After all, this group of people were like ruffians.

Immediately, Kent waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and when the meeting room became quiet again, he said:

“Next, our blue mercenary group will have a main goal, and that is to eliminate Sheffield and Umbrella, and even Arcturus Mengsk behind the coalition government.

Of course, these are relatively long-term goals. We will perform an employment mission in three days. That is to help the commander of the rebels go to the UV Cetus star system, go there to explore the rebels’ scientific research stations, and retrieve their research. Results.

Due to this period of time, our blue mercenary group has been stationed on the LV-426, and after a month of long-term combat, everyone is a bit tired. ”

Hearing Kent’s words, everyone nodded fiercely, some looking forward to Kent’s next words.

“Hehe.” Upon seeing this, Kent smiled softly: “Well, then Captain Case will lead the Phantom to the nearby colonial star system with a large population, and then let everyone rest for two days, how about?”

“Good ! Good!”

“Head! I love you!”

“Okay Hudson! Take care of the Marines’ mouths!” Kent said angrily.

“Yes!” Seeing Hudson saluting, he stood up and said loudly to a group of Marines behind him: “Shut up all the vulgars! Don’t want the bonus?!”

“…” Seeing Hudson’s words, the Marines finally stopped owing words.

“Okay.” Kent waved his hand: “All disbanded. It is estimated to arrive at the destination in ten hours. Everyone takes this opportunity to sleep well.”

“Yes! Sir!” Everyone stood up and saluted Kent, and they were ready to walk out of the combat meeting room.

And Kent was also preparing to leave, and went to his cabin to ask the system what the main task was.

However, just as Kent was about to step out of the conference room, Leon took Kentra back again and said, “I said! Why didn’t you tell me that you sent Ada out?!”

“What’s wrong?” Kent asked knowingly.

“What’s wrong?” Leon was taken aback, and immediately got angry and said unhappy: “Hey! Don’t you know that I and Ada are engaged? What if she is discovered by Sheffield? What if she is in danger? You Why don’t you tell me! And…”

“Stop!” Kent covered Leon’s mouth with his hand, no longer wanting to hear Leon’s rants, and then explained: “Big brother, I’m the leader, okay, and Ada is a good spy. Could it be that she was sent Shouldn’t it?

In addition, our blue mercenary group does not raise idlers, and Ada has been eating and drinking for more than a month, so, do you have any questions? ”

“Um! Pooh!” Leon broke free of Kent’s hand, and then retorted: “Then Ashley is eating for nothing, why don’t you let her fight?”

“Fuck, you guy is really helpless, let the little girl go to fight, tut.” Kent despised Leon.

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