Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Martian face

At this time, Kent looked at Ashley and Qin on the side again, and said with a smile: “Go to those who eat too, and replenish your strength.”

“Thank you.” After Qin Chong Kent thanked him quietly, he left.

As for Ashley, she smiled and said, “Thank you ”

“Hmm.” Kent just responded softly, and then Ashley, who was consciously boring, left.

Looking at Ashley who was leaving, Kent also shook his head, not planning to reveal her identity. After all, this girl would be safer if one less person knew.


After more than ten minutes of rest on the side of the road, everyone returned to the pickup truck. This time they changed to Simon to drive, and Kent took the co-pilot.

When the pickup truck drove, Kent, who was supposed to be going to sleep, was completely sleepy because of resting on the side of the road. Instead, he was idly looking at the scenery outside the window.

Simon doesn’t seem to like to talk more in front of outsiders. He just drives attentively. Laura has also become friends with Ashley and Jin, discussing topics between girls.

But Quill has been looking at the tablet, frowning, as if delving into something.

Kent, who was bored in every way, glanced at Quill, tried to find the topic, and said, “Huh? Doctor, what are you looking at? His expression is so serious.”

“Huh?” Quill heard Kent talking, and directed his computer screen to Kent, saying, “Before I disconnected from the Internet, I downloaded news about the epidemic and related materials from the Internet.”

Kent didn’t expect that he would just say casually that this straightforward professor really showed him the information. He couldn’t understand the information, so he said, “So…what’s the matter?”

“I always feel this epidemic, it seems…” Quill showed a bitter expression on his face, shook his head, and said dubiously about his own words: “It seems to be a bit weird.”

“Oh?” When Kent heard these words, he immediately became interested, and his lack of sleepiness was wiped out.

Kent straightened himself, turned his head to look at Quill, and said, “Doctor, what did you find?”

“Remember that I told you before that the prehistoric ruins were found in Sidonia, and I took the students to go to investigate?” Quill said.

“Yeah, remember.” Ken headed.

“And the place where the epidemic broke out is downtown Sidonia.” Quill frowned.

Kent was a little confused, wondering: “Well…Doctor, where is this Sidonia? What is the ruin?”

“Oh, it’s my fault, did you know that the United States launched a Mars rover called Pirate One in 1945?” Quill asked.

Kent frowned slightly. He did know the pirate series of detectors, but it was launched in 1975. There is something wrong with the timing.

So Kent nodded again and said, “Well, it’s kind of… an impression.”

“Hmm.” Quill waved his hand and said, “Actually, it doesn’t matter if you know or not.”

Kent immediately became a dead fish-eye state when he heard the words, and vomited: “So…”

“Hehe.” Quill smiled slightly and said: “This photo taken by Pirate One is what I want to talk about, and that is the famous Martian face photo.”

“Martian face?” Kent exclaimed.

This Martian face is one of the most famous sights on Mars. Even the scientists in the original world of Kent could not explain what happened. Later, they could only claim to be a natural phenomenon.

“Yes!” Quill continued: “In 1975, humans landed on Mars for the first time, and the first landing point was the Martian face in Sidonia.

However, the fact is that the weathering of the canyon is too severe, and the shooting problems have caused this area to look like a human face. ”

“That’s it…” Kent is still a little bit disappointed. In fact, he has always believed that Martian faces are artificial, but it seems that this view is shattered.

Quail didn’t care about Kent’s loss, and continued: “Later, in the 1980s, humans broke through nuclear fusion technology, and relying on nuclear fusion, humans could navigate freely in the solar system and invented planetary transformation devices.”

“Nuclear fusion?”

Seeing Kent’s stunned look, Quill explained patiently: “You should know the atomic bomb.”

“Hmm.” Kent nodded quickly. If the atomic bomb is not known, then he really doesn’t know if he asks three questions.

“This nuclear bomb is derived from nuclear fission technology. Nuclear fission is the splitting of a heavier atomic nucleus into two or more atoms with a smaller mass.

This kind of chain reaction produces huge energy, just like an atomic bomb, which can wipe out a city.

Of course, nuclear fission can not only destroy, but also create, such as nuclear power plants.

However, even nuclear fission is not enough for humans to easily break through the shackles of gravity. This nuclear fusion is here.

Nuclear fusion can be said to be the opposite reaction mode of nuclear fission. In the case of ultra-high temperature and high pressure, the lighter atom causes two nuclei to collide together, which generates much more energy than nuclear fission.

The most important thing is that the raw materials for nuclear fusion can be extracted from seawater. Theoretically, the raw materials are endless, so humans must break through this technological barrier.

To put it simply The way the sun burns is nuclear fusion.

If there are two interstellar migration ships, one is a conventional nuclear fission engine, and the other is a nuclear fusion engine.

Then Mr. Kent, which one do you think will be faster? ”

“Of course it was nuclear fusion.” Kent said without hesitation.

Nuclear fusion is the way the sun burns. Think about how much energy solar energy provides. The answer is that Kent doesn’t even have to think about it.

“Hmm.” Quill nodded in satisfaction, and continued the topic of the Martian face:

“When mankind mastered nuclear fusion technology, neither planetary transformation nor interstellar migration was a problem. In the wave of interstellar migration in the 2000s, Venus and Mars were the first choices for mankind.

When human beings really lived on Mars, they discovered that all the ‘pyramid’, ‘statues’ and ‘human faces’ mentioned at the beginning were all formed naturally.

Since then, human beings believe that only the aftermath of the earth in the solar system has lived through life, or intelligent life. ”

“Hmm, then what?”

At this time, Kent no longer tilted his head and looked towards the back seat, but turned and climbed in the passenger seat, and looked at Quill, his state was like a student thirsty for knowledge.

But, who doesn’t like to hear stories?

Quail didn’t want to suspend Kent’s appetite, and continued: “Then, the Sidonia area where Martian faces were originally found has gradually developed into a city with a population of one million, and it is one of the ten largest cities in the northern hemisphere of Mars.


At this time, Quill’s conversation turned and he said in a deep voice, “But not long ago, a man-made ruin was excavated in a mining area in Sidonia.

In the next few months, researchers from all over the world are scrambling to come here, and my students and I are the latest batch. “

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