Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 420

Chapter 421 Exploration mission


“Everyone, now we have successfully established a large base in the center of this ruin, and the initial goal has been temporarily completed.

This base still needs continuous improvement, after all, the current defense force is still weak. ”

I saw all the heads of mercenary groups and military contractors gathered in the command center inside the base.

And Major General Mike Frank was also standing in front of everyone, pointing to the holographic projection of the Ark on the side of the podium, and said to the responsible persons including Kent.

“Yeah.” And a group of people in charge also nodded silently after a night of rest.

“All come in.” Immediately, Mike Fran let in a group of people who looked like scientists.

I saw that most of the people in this group were overalls, white or yellow shirts, a pile of vests with pockets on the shirts, and most of them even wore square glasses.

The number of scientists is almost exactly allocated to each mercenary group, allowing each mercenary group to protect a scientist from moving around.

Immediately afterwards, Mike Fran pointed at the holographic projection of the Ark, and the projection was also scattered with red lines around the center of the base.

And each red line is marked with a code name, what drawing machine, main control room, weapon room, etc. are there.

As for Mike Fran, he continued: “Everyone, through the efforts of the experts yesterday, I learned through a terminal unearthed in the base.

There are most of the main areas near the center of the Ark, and experts are not sure which one is actually controlling the location of this ruin.

Therefore, each mercenary group is responsible for the safety of a scientist, and the number of military contractors is larger, so it is also responsible for a few more experts. ”

“Yes, Major General.” A group of leaders and scientists nodded to Mike Fran.

‘A bunch of cumbersomes. Kotana and Dr. Halsey are enough. Later, think of a way to squeeze out the scientists assigned to me. ’

Kent looked at the dull group of experts and said duplicity to Mike Fran.

Immediately afterwards, Mike Franz put his hands on his chest again, and said in a deep voice:

“A reconnaissance team not far from the base yesterday encountered an unidentified flying object similar to a drone.

Because the investigation team is not sure whether the opponent has offensive power, but considering that this ruin named Ark is still in operation.

It is very likely that there is a possibility of the existence of defensive robots, so you should be as careful as possible when entering the Ark underground.

And since we arrived here, there have been more drones around the base, but the other party did not exchange fire with us.

Therefore, it is temporarily determined to be neutral, and do not fire when it is not necessary. ”

“Yes, Major General.”

“Yeah.” After Mike Flange nodded, he pointed to the holographic projection and said:

“Then the next step is to carry out the exploration mission, and there is a mercenary group or military contractor on each route.

However, due to unknown dangers in the weapon arsenal, multiple mercenary groups are required to go together.

As for the mercenary groups or military contractors that are not marked, they are responsible for defending the base and continuing to strengthen the construction of the base.

During the march, all mercenary groups and military contractors must report to the base once every two hours.

Okay, let’s not talk too much nonsense. I started directly naming which mercenary groups are responsible for which route. As for the experts, they choose the teams they want to join.

The red fox mercenary group is responsible for the outpost.

The blue mercenary group is responsible for the drawing machine.

Blackwater, responsible for…”

Following Mike Fran’s words, the staff sitting aside also sent the map to the microcomputers of each person in charge, or the display screens of the individual equipment.

As for Kent, this is also the second one to be called, so the map is also transmitted to the display of his Thor’s Hammer helmet.

Looking at the route map called the cartography machine, it was about two thousand kilometers away from the base location. It seems that this exploration mission will take a few days, less to say.

As for Kent’s code name marked on the holographic projection, it does not match the task in the game “Halo 1”.

The difference is that the halo is much smaller than the Ark, and even if the Autumn Winds crashes, there are still plenty of Pelicans available.

The Pelican can be used for inter-planetary transportation and has a very strong carrying capacity. This is also where the sergeant can go from the drawing machine to the weapon store in a short time.

Now there are two Pelicans left here in Kent, but the two ships have a carrying capacity of only more than 70 people, so Kent can only travel from the ground to most of the people.

The same is true for all mercenaries, after all, by land, you can better observe the Ark.

As for the purpose of the drawing machine is very important, Kent who knows about the game knows it, and Mike Fran must also know the importance of the drawing machine through the scientist.

With the idea of ​​his own family, Mike Franche handed over the exploration task of the mapping machine to Kent.

On the other side of the arsenal, Mike Fran’s lieutenant, a lieutenant colonel led half of the elite of the coalition army, and more than one-half of the number of mercenaries.

Of course Kent knew what an arsenal meant, there were floods there.

But the system has already explained that once Kent tries to prevent the mercenaries from going to the weapon arsenal, the mission will be instantly judged as a failure.

Seeing the commander of the lieutenant colonel, Kent clenched his fists, trying to stop him, but in the end he just gave up with a sigh.

After Mike Flange explained the task in detail, he stood up straight and saluted the group of responsible people in front of him:

“Everyone! The destiny of mankind is here! Good luck to you!”

“Yes! Major General!” A group of people also replied in a loud voice After the crowd disbanded, Kent walked to the side and talked with the staff and said: “I have a request.”

“Huh? What’s the matter?” Mike Franze said more kindly to Kent with a serious attitude.

Mike Fran is still very optimistic about the young man Kent. After all, he has saved the head of the empire, and he can even fight with Asat. In the future, his status in the empire will definitely increase.

As for which Mengsk can be the emperor, the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

“Major general, scientist or something…I don’t think our blue mercenary group needs it.

We have Dr. Halsey and an artificial intelligence with strong computing power, and we must be able to do the work of experts. “Kent is also playing haha.

“Oh? This trivial matter, haha, it’s up to you.” Mike Franland didn’t seem to care at all, and immediately waved in agreement.

“Ha, thank you, Major General.” Kent also said with joy.

{Thanks to the lone gunman and the great but disintegrated alliance (for fear of being crabbed) for the monthly pass~}

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