Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 440

Chapter 441 Flood Demon Swarm

“Captain!” As Kent walked into the armory, a Marine who was piloting the Mammoth on the second floor turned his head and shouted to Kent:

“We’re in the arsenal…just…the sight in front of you…you should come here and see for yourself!”

“Oh?” Hearing this, Kent was also a little confused, and then passed the ladder inside the Mammoth, came to the side of the two drivers, and asked: “What’s the matter?”

“Leader, look…” I saw the Marine who had just called out, pointing to the outside of the driving car window.

“Huh?” Kent followed the direction of the landing crew’s fingers and looked out.

“This!” After seeing the ‘scenery’ outside the window, Kent immediately opened the communication and yelled at everyone:

“Marines! Take the machine guns on your Warthog! Gaussian guns! Give me full power! Don’t let those things get me close!”

“Yes! Commander!” In the communication, the Marines headed by Hudson responded one after another.

What did Kent see?

The screen switched to the sky above the convoy composed of Warthog and Mammoth, and I saw that Hudson was located several hundred meters from the front of the Warthog’s head car, which was about one kilometer from the entrance of the weapons depot.

There are all the mercenaries who came here before, and the abandoned vehicles they drove are piled up in disorder at the entrance.

Of course, vehicles and everything are trivial matters, and this is a big thing…it’s that there are less than a thousand fighting forms, let alone flood demons in infection form and matrix form.

And all kinds of flood demons, after seeing the blue mercenary group’s convoy, they all rushed towards Kent and the others like a flood like their name.

Seven or eight of the Warthogs in the    convoy have rotary machine guns, and a few are equipped with Gauss guns.

The Marines who controlled the rotating machine guns and Gauss guns, none of them were vegetarians, then turned on the aiming assist system on the individual equipment, and fired frantically at the demons who had attacked them.

The remaining Warthog for crew use, as well as the co-pilot on the Warthog, are equipped with marines holding pulse rifles to assist those gunners with auxiliary shooting.

Suddenly, “Boom!” exploded in the center of the Flood Demon Swarm.

It turned out to be the power of the mini MAC on the Mammoth. The projectile exploded in the center of the Flood Demon Swarm, exploding hundreds of infected buns at one time, and also destroyed dozens of fighting Flood Demon.

However, even the “Siege Fortress” Mammoth, when facing the Flood Demon Army, is like a green leaf floating on the sea, and will be swept into the seabed by the whirlpool at any time.

The screen switches back to the Mammoth’s cab;

After seeing that the firepower of the entire convoy was unable to contain the Flood Demon’s advance, Kent also decisively said: “The convoy is driving in a roundabout way, keep a distance from the Flood Demon and cannot be approached by them.”

“Yes! Captain!” After receiving Kent’s instructions, the Marines driving the Warthog and Mammoth drove the car to the right one after another, forming a long snake team to walk the flood.

However, this is just a stopgap measure. It can’t stop the Flood Demon, let alone eliminate the Flood Demon, otherwise it will not be possible to enter the 100 meters before the entrance of the weapon warehouse, let alone enter.

Immediately, Kent jumped directly from the cab and came to Cortana and said, “Cortana, can the communication be connected to the Phantom and Heading Dawn now?”

“I will try it.” Cortana’s eyes began to gleam, as if trying to contact the Phantom.

And Kent also inferred from the completion of the previous main line mission that the blockade of the Ark should have been lifted now. After all, the new mission did not clearly state that the force of the fleet could not be used.

“Captain.” At this moment, Cortana looked at Kent and said, “I successfully contacted Captain Case. I will transfer the communication to your helmet.”

“Okay.” Hearing this, Ken nodded.

“Kent? What’s the situation below? Half of the mercenary fleet flew over the base camp base.” As soon as the communication was connected, Kent heard Captain Case’s voice.

“Captain.” After a pause, Kent said: “A new zerg epidemic has appeared below. More than half of the mercenaries have been wiped out and the zergs have infected them into enemies.

Therefore, Major General Mike França should have asked the fleet to protect the base. ”

“Really, the situation is so serious?” After hearing Kent’s words, Captain Case became a little uneasy.

After all, tens of thousands of casualties rarely occur in modern warfare at the same time, unless it is bombed with nuclear weapons.

But in a short moment, tens of thousands of mercenaries disappeared and turned into enemies. The effect of this’weapon’ is far superior to that of nuclear bombs. It is even more terrifying than the Alien Zerg on LV-426, and it reproduces faster. Several times or even dozens of times faster.

“Captain.” Kent didn’t say much at this time, and immediately said: “You led the Phantom and the Heading Dawn to our location. I will let Cortana send you the coordinates later.

I want the Vulture to participate in the battle. As for the Phantom and the Heading Dawn, they will also be bombing. ”

“Here, without the command of the major general, can we act at will?”

Captain Case considered that their two warships were mixed with the mercenary fleet. If there is no clear instruction from the commander-in-chief Mike Fran, they may face great risks in leaving the fleet at will.

“It’s okay, the major general gave me great authority, and I will bear the responsibility for inquiries afterwards.” Kent said nothing.

“Okay.” Since Kent wasn’t worried, Captain Case didn’t ask much, and immediately commanded the Phantom and Course Dawn to the atmosphere of the Ark.

Seeing strong support coming, Kent did not slack off and said to the Spartan blue team such as Ares and Carl:

“Wait for the Phantom, Heading Dawn, and Vulture to provide support. Although they can resist for a period of time, the power of the Flood is far more than that.

So we can’t stay here for a long time. We have to enter the weapon arsenal. The operatives who perform this task can only be done by Sparta. Do you have any objections? ”

“No.” The Spartans, headed by Ares, answered almost calmly.

After all, for Sparta, this is just an ‘ordinary’ task.

“Leader! This! It is too dangerous for you to go alone! Let us also accompany you in the Marine Corps!”

“Yes! Hiss…”

At this time, the wounded Marines who were recuperating on the side heard Kent’s decision to only lead Sparta into the arsenal, and all the Marines were not calm.

“Wow!” Even Abbas screamed and said to Kent: “Humans, our elites disdain those bugs, and we will accompany you in!”

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