Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 conflict

As soon as the Kent trio arrived at the military base, they discovered that, indeed, as Leon said, all soldiers that could be used on Mars were sent to the separation line for defense.

Because in this huge military base, there are no idlers except for the staff who need to stay behind.

After    and a sentry in front of the door announced their intentions, the sentry took Kent, Irene, and Simon to the assembly point of all the mercenaries.

Following the sentry forward, Kent was also silently looking around.

There are barbed wire fences around this military base, ground-to-air missiles at the four corners, and a barracks that can hold 4,000 people, but there is no soldier in the barracks.

Followed the sentry and continued to move forward. After exiting the barracks area, Kent saw the 3,000-meter-long airstrip. Inside the hangar were his unknown bombers, transport planes, and so on.

The ground crew is checking the status of the aircraft, and there are many fighters on the runway preparing to take off to the north for support.

It can be said that the residents of Boriska City can still live a stable life. It is not that the zombies gave up the attack, but the soldiers on Mars are fighting **** battles.

‘It’s not that the world is too peaceful, it’s that someone is taking the burden for us. ’

At this time, the sentry took Kent and the others to a hangar with many mercenaries, pointed to a man in a suit sitting behind the table, and said, “Go and register with him.”

After speaking, the sentry left without looking back.

Why can this mercenary be recognized in the same way? First of all, there is no uniformity in uniforms. Some people wear desert camouflage and some wear jungle camouflage.

Like Kent’s blue mercenary group, although they are not dressed in military uniforms, they are dressed in casual clothes, but they are much better than ordinary mercenaries in terms of equipment, and even the equipment of the Bit Species Command Headquarters is advanced.

If it weren’t in this hangar, other people would have thought that the members of the Blue Mercenary Corps were the special forces that carried out the ‘Black Operations’.

At this time, many mercenaries with different equipment line up at the table, registering one by one.

Kent and others are not the kind of unqualified people, and they all line up honestly.

Of course, if you don’t have the quality to jump in, you might be hit by a grumpy shot. Who are you going to talk to?

After a while, everyone in front of Kent has already registered. Just walked to the table, and before he could speak, the man in the suit held a pen in his hand and bowed his head and asked, “Is an individual or a mercenary group?”

“Is there any difference?” Kent asked.

“Hey!” Hearing Kent’s question, the man in the suit was impatient and said something, but when the man in the suit looked up and saw the equipment of Kent and others, his attitude instantly improved a lot, explaining:

“In the case of individuals, a commission is 10,000 per day per person, and in the case of a mercenary group, it is 20,000 per day.

If it is a top mercenary group, it is 30,000 per person per day. ”

“This… isn’t it distributed according to combat capability?” Kent asked again.

Seeing that Kent still has questions, the man in suit answered patiently: “Individual mercenaries are only individuals, no matter how good or bad the battle is, but the mercenary group is different. This number is better or worse.

As for the top mercenary group, it is well-known in the mercenary world, but I think there is no top mercenary group on Mars. ”

The man in the suit paused and asked, “Okay, let’s talk about you now. You are still a mercenary group? If it is a mercenary group, how many people? Tell me the name of the mercenary group.”

“We are the blue mercenary group, there are 3 people in total.” Kent said.

“3 people?!” The man in suit looked at Kent with wide eyes and said: “Are you kidding? The mercenary group requires more than 10 people. For the sake of your equipment, let’s give you 15,000 per person a day. ”

“Hehe.” Kent just chuckled and said, “Trust us, the strength is definitely the top mercenary group, even higher.”

Nonsense, with the exception of Kent himself, Simon is from the SAS of the Special Command, and he performs black operations all the year round, and his abilities are close to human limits.

Irene is also one of the best in a million, and her comprehensive abilities are also very good. Although she has not participated in actual combat, her title as a medical soldier is enough to make other mercenary groups eye-catching.

As for the last Kent? His current strength, aside from command, emergency response, and luck, he can definitely reach the level of a B-level lottery card.

And what is the level of this B-level lottery card?

After all, Kent still has a B-level lottery card in his hand, and he also asked the system about the characters in the B-level lottery card.

‘S answer is the shadow force of “Call of Duty 6”, as there is no NPC named in the game.

Although the protagonists controlled by the player kill them in the game, just like killing ants, they are still one enemy ten when they are put into the real world.

You must know that the members of this shadow force are carefully selected from the United States Marine Corps, Delta and other forces. Such people are definitely not something ordinary people can deal with in the real world.

However, Kent has no extra points, so he bought a set of future soldier individual combat system for the B-level characters.

Plus time is tight, so he didn’t conduct a B-level lottery call.

Getting back to the subject, this man in suit didn’t feel irritable and Kent had so many questions. He just said: “Sorry, there is no time to prove that you have the strength of the top mercenary group That’s good…”

“Just a three-person **** mercenary group, why so much nonsense!”

Just as Kent wanted to agree, there was a roar of someone behind him.

At that time, the eyes of the people in the entire hangar will be attracted by the abnormality of the registration office.

Kent and others turned their heads, only to find that a group of mercenaries who were uniformly dressed and equipped with much better equipment than those individual mercenaries lined up, and they were all arrogant and complacent, and looked down on those with poorer equipment. Mercenaries.

The man shouted that he had a bald head, and there was an obvious scar on the corner of his mouth, which looked a bit hideous. He glanced up and down at Kent’s equipment, and said with disdain:

“It’s going to be on the battlefield later, not the place where you rich kids should come, don’t get out of here!”

Kent was not irritated by the bald head, or he was angry, but he didn’t show it on his face. He just whispered: “Oh? Are you acknowledging our equipment? Thank you for the compliment.”


Everyone, except the group of domineering mercenaries, laughed.

After all, who likes to be underestimated by others? It’s good if you are well equipped. Looking at others with that kind of lofty eyes has long aroused everyone’s dissatisfaction.

“You!” I saw the bald face and red ears, gritted his teeth and said: “Boy, do you know that you are facing the wolf mercenary group!”

Kent doesn’t care whether it is a wolf or a house wolf. At this time, he is trying to keep himself from smiling.


【I have received emotional feedback from Bill Buffett, the degree is good impression, and 5 points are given. 】

[Have received emotional feedback from Gates Wang, the degree is disgust, give 5 points. 】


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