Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 453

Chapter 454 Russell was vomiting blood

Phantom, a larger rest cabin;

“Good boy, I will give you my baby girl, how dare you get in trouble?! Ah?! Is the boy tired of being crooked?!!!”

I saw Russell Sears sitting on the sofa, looking angrily at Kent, who bowed his head and said nothing.

“Okay, Dad, I didn’t say anything…”

I saw Nova standing behind the sofa, giving Russell a hammer and shoulder massage with both hands, and also helping Kent to say good things.

“I’m used to you!” Russell rolled his head and glared at Nova, and said:

“Our Sears family is the largest nobleman in Europe, and you are the only daughter of my Russell Sears!

And you, the boyfriend of the prodigal daughter, actually has two girlfriends at the same time! Where do you make my face? ! ! ! ”

“Oh…” Seeing that her father was really angry, Nova didn’t dare to say anything, she could only continue to massage Russell, and gave Kent a helpless look.

“This… Duke…” Although Kent lowered his head, his eyes pointed upwards and said: “That’s… One time on vacation, we drank too much, and then… Then I had a relationship with them at the same time…”

“Ah!!! I am so angry!!!”

After hearing these words from Kent, Russell still heard the fact that Russell didn’t want to hear, and he stood up immediately with anger.

Imagine that the pig Kent arched the good cabbage Nova, who knew that the pig also arched two other good cabbage at the same time!

It’s impossible for a father to agree!

“Huh !” At this moment, the automatic hatch suddenly opened, and I saw Irene and Tan Ya walking in one after another, just in time to hear the conversation between Kent and Russell.

“The Duke.” As the main palace, Irene walked to Kent and said to Russell: “Kent’s strength and charm, I think you should know.

Besides, the blue mercenary group owned by Kent already has a pivotal position in the human sphere of influence.

If the average person had such strong strength and financial resources, he might have been eating, drinking, and betting, and Kent has only confirmed his relationship with the three of us until now.

Besides! Don’t your nobles also have the idea of ​​taking concubines? ”

“You?!” Russell didn’t expect Irene to dare to hit him directly.

“I…Lin?” As for Nova standing behind the sofa, I didn’t expect Irene to have this side. If she weren’t Russell’s daughter, she would never have the guts to talk to the Patriarch of the No. 1 European nobleman.

“Duke Russell Sears.” Irene did not stop, but continued: “The three of us love Kent, you don’t have to question this.

said unceremoniously, the life of this guy Kent has been saved several times by the three of us in turns. It is a test of war. ”

“…” At this time, Russell also calmed down a bit from his anger, thinking about these four dog men…No, his daughter was still among them.

Russell thought about it carefully, these four people are really affectionate and righteous, after all, he knows his daughter very well, and most people can’t move her at all.

And Russell himself is really optimistic about Kent, after all, this young man has the strength to match Astarte from nothing to now, which can be said to be an absolute miracle.

Then Russell went on the sofa again, looking at Kent, Irene and Tan Ya, and said, “You have all cooked rice and cooked rice. What can I say?”

“Huh…” Kent, Nova and Tanya breathed a sigh of relief when Russell said this.

Irene frowned slightly, as if Russell was not so easily dismissed.

“But.” Sure enough, Russell’s eyes suddenly sharpened, and he looked at the Kent three people, especially after his eyes stayed at Irene for a long time, and then he whispered:

“The wedding of Nova and Kent will be held after the Star Covenant War is over. At that time, the entire political and military circles will know that Kent is married to my Russell Sears daughter.

So, Nova can only be a regular wife, and it is impossible to be equal to any of you.

Yes, this world is so unfair, because Nova has a great father. ”

“Dad…” When Russell said that, Nova touched Russell’s shoulder with her hand.

Although Nova has always been ‘fighting’ with Irene and Tanya, she believes that Irene’s position is above her. After all, Irene is the first person to come into contact with Kent.

“This…something not…”

“it is good.”

Just as Kent wanted to decline, Irene took the lead and said: “Captain Tanya Adams and I are willing to be Nova.”

“Hmm.” Russell nodded in satisfaction when Irene said that.

As a father Russell, there is nothing wrong with fighting for some benefits for his daughter.

even in the eyes of Russell, she is very wronged by her daughter, after all, in the eyes of Russell, Kent is the scum of a scumbag.

“This…” Kent looked at Irene on the side and wanted to argue with Russell, but after seeing Irene’s sharp eyes, he had to agree as if discouraged: “Okay.”

“Hmm.” Seeing Kent softened, Russell finally showed a smile.

To be honest, leaving Kent aside the “shortcomings” of the other two girlfriends, Russell is a perfect son-in-law, not only his daughter likes it, but also has a strong personal ability that can bring the Sears family to the next level. .


” !” It was the sound of the door opening again.

“Brother ! You are finally back! Angela misses you so much !”

I saw the little Lolita Angela suddenly opened the hatch and ran in. She didn’t know what was going on, and she hugged Kent as she pleased and played coquettishly My Nima…” The superb Russell couldn’t help but scold the street.

================================================== ===

“I said little girl, why did you fool me?”

“Because… Brother saved me !”

At this time on the commercial street of New Mombasa, Kent was walking around the street with Angela, who was already fifteen years old.

Nova stayed in the Phantom to appease his old father’s emotions. Irene and Tan Ya were also chatting with Russell, letting Russell know more about the dog blood between them and Kent…not…the truth.

As for Kent and Angela, Russell almost spurted blood when they saw them.

So Kent had to be signaled by Irene to take Angela out to relax, and he should take a short rest.

And Kent also learned from Russell that in two days the mercenary fleet will go to the front battlefield to fight the Star Covenant.

Thinking of this, Kent was a little worried. After all, although Primordial Foundation said that he would solve the Star Alliance, who knows how long it will take?

The battle between the blue mercenary group and the Star Covenant ground forces is definitely inevitable, and Kent also needs to find a way to send Abbas and other elites back to the Star Covenant safely.

Thinking about it makes me a headache.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you? Why are you frowning?” Angela asked, tilting her head to look at Kent.

Too…too cute, I finally know why some people risked three years of jail…

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