Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 461

Chapter 462 expedition

New Mombasa, in the large conference hall in the Palace of Akturos Mengsk;

Mike Fran controls the projector, and the star chart is switched from the original Alpha Seven galaxy to three larger star galaxies, one of which is the Alpha Seven galaxy.

The other two labels are Beta 4 and Seta 7 galaxies.

Immediately afterwards, Mike Fran said: “Beta IV and Theta Seven galaxies were originally the newly opened colonizing planets of our humanity, but they have now become battlefields.

The Beta 4 galaxy which is farther away has completely fallen, while the Seven Planets Seta is still strengthening.

Since the seven planets of Seta have a terrestrial planet colony nearly twice the size of the earth, the imperial government was planning to transform this planet into a planetary fortress.

already had a fleet of 23 warships when it was just colonized, so when the Star Covenant launched an attack, the Seven Star System of Seta could survive.

But according to the latest battle report, the main force of the Star Alliance fleet seems to be gathered outside the Seta Seven Galaxy, and the six fleets gathered in Seta Seven already have four battles with the main force of the Star Alliance.

And the last two remaining teams stayed on defense over the Seven Fortresses of Seta. As for why a large number of the main forces of the Star Alliance did not engage with our main forces, the think tank believed that it was likely that they were preparing to detour to the interior of Orion to destroy the frontline supply planet.

Fortunately, Seta Seven exists in the marginal galaxy, and only then did I discover the main force of this Star Alliance.

But the problem now is that the main forces of the Empire and the Rebels are not nearby, and the six fleets of Seta Seven are in desperate need of rescue.

In addition, our main force was dragged by the large-scale battleships of the Star Alliance. The only fleet that can be controlled at will is the mercenary fleet on the earth, so after the meeting is over, we will immediately go to the Alpha Seven Galaxy.

The estimated time of arrival is about two days, I hope I can arrive in time. ”

Hearing this, everyone except Kent looked grim. After all, they didn’t know that the Flood was actually facing the human side.

Besides, human beings still regard the demons as the current second largest enemy. After all, the mercenary perspective video brought by Kent has been taken away by Russell and published on the entire military and political website.

It can be said that everyone knows that even if the Star Covenant is solved, the Flood will still be a big problem.

“Chief Hao.”

At this time, Mike Fran looked at the Huaxia officer on the side and said: “When our mercenary fleet leaves the earth, the defense of the earth will be handed over to you Huaxia to defend, please.”

“Leave it to us.” The person who spoke was Commander Hao from Mike Fran’s mouth. He was also resolute and had a little gray hair on his temples.

And Kent also believes that the chief who can convince Li Yunlong must have two brushes.

“Okay!” After receiving the response from Chief Hao, Mike Fran looked in the direction of the head of the mercenary group and military contractor and said:

“Okay, the mercenary fleet is going to leave at noon. There are still two and a half hours left. Please prepare.”

“Yes, Major General!” Kent and a group of leaders stood up and saluted Mike Fran.

“Well, disband.” McFarland also returned a military salute to the people in charge, and then continued to discuss other matters with officials such as Huaxia and Russell.

And before Kent walked out of the gate of the conference hall, Russell got up and came to his side and said: “Boy, this can be said to be a real big battle.

Remember not to do it, I Russell forbids you to die, and Nova also forbids you to die.

and also! Help me take care of Nova.

By the way, your other two girlfriends are not bad, they are good at coaxing people, and I reluctantly let him marry them as concubines! ”

“This, thank you father-in-law.” Kent is still very happy that Russell can identify with Irene and Tan Ya, but after thinking of another Mai Shiranui, he really can’t laugh, and can only respond with a smirk.

“Go kid, get more military exploits, when the war is over, don’t be a mercenary, and go directly into the army.

Let your blue mercenary group get rid of the word mercenary and directly become a corps. You can also become an officer with military power. ”

Russell didn’t notice Kent’s anomaly, he still patted Kent on the shoulder and ordered.

“Yes, father-in-law.” Kent accepted somewhat humbly.

“Well, let’s go.” Russell patted Kent’s left forearm and stared for a while, then turned around and entered the conference hall to discuss matters with officials such as Mike Fran.

And Kent himself also watched Russell walk into the conference hall, turned around and walked outside, and drove to the military airport.

At the same time, all the persons in charge also went to the military airport. After all, their warships were all stagnated above the airport.

Moreover, the ground of the airport is full of mercenaries with various equipments, and most of the mercenaries are carrying supplies to the transport plane, which seems to be either alcohol or cigarettes.

This time it can be said to be a great expedition. After all, there is a marginal area of ​​human power, and entertainment materials such as alcohol and cigarettes are definitely scarce.

As a mercenary, it can be normal to not leave the body with alcohol and tobacco.

Then, Kent also drove to the underside of the Phantom and the Heading Dawn.

At this time, all the combat personnel of the Blue Mercenary Group, after seeing Kent’s car coming, stood in line and waited for Kent’s next arrangements.

“Dang.” With a cry, Kent opened the door and got out of the car walked in front of the combatants, and then said loudly:

“Everyone, this time we are going to the frontal battlefield! The area is in the frontier of human forces.

We are going to participate in an unprecedented general battle, so this time is destined to be an expedition that can be recorded in the annals of history.

During the three-day rest period, the military’s engineering team replaced more than half of the mercenary warships with jump engines for us to travel to the Alpha Seven System.

alright, do not piffle any more!

Next, **** paratroopers, 141 special forces, special assault soldiers, ghost agents, and two hundred Marines boarded the Phantom.

The remaining Shadow Forces and Marines boarded the Course Dawn, and the commander on the Course Dawn was still Major Johnny Rigg. ”

“Yes! Leader!”

After hearing Kent’s arrangement, all the combat personnel of the Blue Mercenary Corps paid Kent a military salute, and then began to use life, ammunition and supplies to the Pelican and prepare to board the Phantom or the Dawn.

As for the Pelican, Kent bought another twenty from the profiteer Nicholas, enough for Kent’s troop transport.

Even the Viking fighters, Kent mercilessly bought eight more, and made up two squadrons.

There are five Phantoms, and five Sailing Dawn.

The only thing left is this ‘system’ master. Since the update fell into the update three days ago, there has been no response. It seems that I have to wait a while.

Among the troops that finally boarded the Phantom, there was Mai Shiranui wearing the Marine’s individual equipment.

{Thanks for the monthly pass of the deep-sea submarine in the sky }

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