Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 466

Chapter 467 Beach landing

“…” It was the first time that Kent did an airborne warehouse, but he didn’t feel any tension. After all, he was a Spartan, and at the same time he calmly looked at the sight outside the insulated glass of the airborne warehouse.

I saw that the Phantom, after delivering more than two hundred airborne bays, immediately released five Viking fighters to escort, and at the same time fired electromagnetic acceleration guns and fired at a small frigate of the Star Covenant.

The flash of “Boom!”, Captain Case seemed to have predicted the trajectory of the Covenant frigate long ago, and only one shot of the electromagnetic acceleration gun pierced the opponent’s energy shield, and the projectile seemed to have shot through. The opponent’s ammunition depot immediately caused an explosion.

And the Sailing Dawn also under the leadership of Miranda Keys, severely damaged the other two Star Alliance ships, it can be said that it is a tiger father without a dog girl.

The Star Alliance’s main fleet has a small number of ships, just over forty ships, but if you know that the battle damage ratio between humans and the Star Alliance is usually one to three.

In other words, the mercenary fleet with more than forty search ships seems to be the same number as the main fleet of the Star Alliance, but it is three times the combat power of the opponent.

Fortunately, the commander of the mercenary fleet was Mike Milan, and he immediately adopted a circuitous strategy to quickly disperse the positions of the warships to create a larger space.

At the same time, it is not rigid with the Covenant warships, and it is mobile to avoid the artillery fire from the Covenant.

And Kent in the airborne warehouse also knows why Major General Mike Franche adopted this strategy, which is to buy time for Kent and the others.

After all, most of the mercenaries now are on battleships.

And now once the battle with the Covenant fleet goes head-on, and once it does not detonate, the loss is not as simple as a battleship. It is very likely that hundreds of thousands of combat troops will be crushed in space together.

“Huh ! It’s been a long time since it was so cool!” At this moment, Carlos’s howling sounded on the communication channel of the airborne troops.

“Hey!” After hearing Carlos’s shout, Leon immediately taught:

“Carlos, you guys, be honest with me! Don’t know the captain and Sparta are here too?! Don’t embarrass us **** paratroopers!”

“Cut ! The leader doesn’t care about this, right, leader !” Carlos smiled.

“Huh.” However, Kent snorted coldly and said quietly: “Wait for your Helendin to give me full fire, otherwise, you will be deducted half a month’s salary.”

“Ah?! Don’t! Team… Team… Leader!”

“Huh?” After hearing the intermittent voice, Kent frowned slightly, but was relieved when he saw the heat-insulated window started to glow red.

Now all the **** paratroopers and the Spartan blue team have just passed the black barrier area of ​​the atmosphere.

That is to say, the airborne tank enters the atmosphere at a high speed to cause friction, so all communications will be invalidated.

“Click! Click!” As the airborne tank entered the atmosphere, it vibrated fiercely, and there was a slight sound from the entire structure.

“Beep!” Suddenly, the green light on the manipulator on Kent’s right hand turned on, and he did not hesitate to move it.

At this time, the computer in the airborne warehouse reminded him that the airborne warehouse is now at a height where the reducer can be opened.

As soon as the screen turned, more than two hundred airborne cabins had successfully entered the atmosphere of the sea star after tracing a red trajectory during the day.

At the same time, the upper end of more than two hundred airborne bins suddenly ejected something like four propellers, which made most of the airborne bins successfully slow down.

However, the speed reducers of the six airborne cabins tremble violently, and they instantly fail and shatter like a kite with a broken wire.

These six airborne cabins are Kent, Ares, Fred, Karl, Linda, Kelly, and the six Spartans ride.

“Huh !!!” The wind outside the airborne cabin was screaming wildly, and at the same time it was still shaking violently.

Kent looked out the window without any signs of slowing down, and instantly remembered…

“Made, the paratrooper’s paratrooper’s airborne bay…not suitable for Sparta…”

That’s right, in “Halo 2”, the chief sergeant led a row of **** paratroopers to airborne. During the time, the sergeant’s airborne bay was unable to withstand the Spartan in half a ton, and the reducer was also damaged and did not slow down at all. Landed.

However, Kent didn’t feel any fear, but was a little excited. It seemed that after becoming a Spartan, he always wanted to jump from a high altitude.


“Papa!” The sound of heavy machine guns firing resounded on the battlefield.

I saw only one solitary machine gun position in a trench built by hundreds of armies, not to mention.

A machine gunner, a loader, and a rifleman.

Hundreds of people, only three of them stood here, and they were surrounded by thousands of Star Alliance troops.

Guru, jackal, ghost face beast, wasp, hunter, it can be said that most of the races that can fight in the Star League are here, but there is no elite.

“Just…” There was no light in the machine gunner’s eyes, his fingers were also mechanically pulling the trigger, and he asked the two army soldiers next to him blankly, “Are there three of us left?”

“Da Da! Ka!” The rifleman sighed after lighting up the magazine of the gun in his hand: “Hey…there are only three of us.”


“It’s helpless, communication is broken everywhere… we are dead…”

“…” The machine gunner glanced at the loader and then continued to pull the trigger, and said: “Even if you die, you have to pull a few backs.”

“Yes! Death must be… uh?” At this time, the riflemen were also encouraged to commit suicide attacks, but they just looked towards the sky.

I saw that the evening sky was not yet completely dark, but the afterglow was also shining in the west.

It’s just that more than two hundred’shooting stars’ suddenly appeared in the sky.

“This…this is?” The loader also noticed this vision, and pointed at the sky with his mouth wide open.

Among them, there were six ‘Meteors’ extremely fast, but they smashed into the crowd of the Star Alliance’s offensive troops in an instant.



“Woo !!!”

After shaking like an earthquake, it instantly inflamed a large amount of smoke and dust, which was also mixed with the screams of the Star Alliance troops.

“Ahem!” The three army soldiers coughed from the smoke.

Then there seemed to be six rays of light in the smoke, like the rays of light reflected by the protective mirror of a hexagonal helmet.

“They are…” The machine gunner squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the six rays of light, and couldn’t guess what was sacred.

“Man, you’d better hide in the trenches, and we will leave the rest to us.” Suddenly, Kent’s voice sounded in the communication of the three army helmets.

“Woo!!!” At this moment, a ghost face beast rushed towards Kent with a sledgehammer after the smoke cleared.

“Boom!” The giant hammer smashed away…no…

It was Kent who dodged and dodged, and at the same time, he didn’t even fire the gun, and just one elbow hit the ghost face beast to vomit blood.

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