Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 473

Chapter 474 Encounter difficulties

Scarab, if this thing is put into the game, it is the ultimate unit of a faction.

And the Scarab is the ultimate vehicle in the Star Alliance ground forces. The length is visually more than 70 meters, and the width is about 60 meters. Its power is a small nuclear reactor.

has a focused cannon (a cannon with a light-emitting energy storage on the top), an anti-aircraft cannon, an anti-aircraft machine gun, and a plasma cannon.

At the same time, the four huge legs of the Scarab can also be used as weapons. The tip of the toe can pierce almost anything by its own weight.

It can be said that this thing is ground troops and vehicle killers.

“Hum ! Hum!” I saw the focused cannon on the top of the scarab fire instantly.


This laser beam directly swept the abandoned vehicles on the entire street, and at the same time blasted a warthog into the air.

Fortunately, the Hell paratroopers on the Warthog were more witty. When they saw the Scarab’s upper end began to glow and a laser cannon occurred, they jumped off the car and hid in the house aside.

“Ri ! Tap tap!”

At this time, the remaining three Warthog’s rotating machine guns also began to shoot frantically.

The **** paratroopers who also acted as pilots also knew that they could not stand by. Instead, they started their Warthog to deal with the Scarab, relying on high mobility to evade its laser beams.

“Boom!” The Scorpio was not idle. Although it was not as mobile as the Warthog, the power of its main gun was still capable of causing a certain amount of damage to the Scarab.

The Scorpio shelled the body of the Scarab, causing it to shake for a while, and the Scorpio also took it off as soon as it was good, and quickly turned around and entered an alley.

“You guys go up to the top floor and get me out of the skirmishers on the Scarab.” At this time Kent also said to the **** paratroopers behind him.

“Yes, captain.” Several paratroopers who followed Kent to clear the apartment building nodded, and then ran toward the top floor.

Kent looked at Carl and Linda again and said, “You two also followed them up and sniped.”

“Yes.” After Carl and Linda nodded, they ran to the top floor with the group of **** paratroopers.

Immediately afterwards, Kent again ordered through communication: “The Warthog is withdrawn from here, that thing is not something you can deal with.

Scorpio, your task is to blast me the joints of that guy’s leg and make this big guy paralyzed.

Remember, you are not an opponent of that thing, just run away if you find it cheaper! ”

“Yes, captain!” (xN) Following Kent’s order, the remaining three Warthogs made a tactical retreat (flee).

And after the Scorpio was reloaded, it backed out from the alley where it had just taken refuge.

“Boom!” A shot accurately hit the joint of the Scarab’s left front leg, immediately paralyzing the Scarab’s left leg and hindering its speed of movement.

As for the Scorpio, it also followed Kent’s tactical policy of running away if it could not be beaten. After a shot, it hid in the alley just now.

“Fire!!” At this moment, dozens of **** paratroopers all boarded the roof and fired volleys, causing the Star Covenant on the Scarab to be seriously injured.

“Boom! Boom!” At the same time, the two super snipers Carl and Linda also pulled the trigger.

It’s just that the two female Spartans didn’t attack the living target, but hit the right front leg joint of the Scarab one after another, making the Scarab completely lose its ability to move.

At this moment, Kent, Ares, Fred, and Kelly, the four Spartans rushed out of the apartment building after seeing the Scarab’s fuselage shaking and stopping.

Everyone is holding high explosives, and they install explosives at the bottom of each mechanical leg at extremely fast speeds.

Then after starting the countdown, one after another went into the houses that were closer.

In addition, due to the perspective problem, the Star Covenant personnel on the Scarab could not stop the small movements of the Spartans at all.

“Boom! Boom!…Woo!!!” After a violent explosion all around, the Scarab groaned in pain, and was completely scrapped on the ground.

As for the Star Covenant troops in the Scarab, they were also wiped out by the cooperation between the Spartans and the Hell paratroopers.

Also, a ghost-faced beast resembling a commander yelled in the universal language of the Star Alliance before dying:

“Wow! Wow wow wow! Wow wow! (Fuck! It’s not that we bully humans! It’s humans that abuse us!

Finally, because only four mechanical legs of the Scarab were severely damaged, and the main body parts were still intact, it was logically seized by Kent and others as trophies.

The **** paratroopers here have Kent, and the help of the Spartan Blue team, coupled with Kent’s better understanding of the Scarab, this did not cause major losses, or even casualties.

However, when other people encountered the Scarab, it was not so easy.

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“Boom!” The beam of the focused gun instantly hit a Warthog, and directly bombed the Warthog.

The driver, co-pilot, and gunner all died in the car.

Located far apart from the positions of Kent and others, Wu Liuqi, T-800, and Hudson and the Marines also encountered the resistance of the Scarab.

The driving convoy just turned a street corner and ran into the Scarab waiting for them, and the warthog of the lead car was destroyed by a congregation of cannons What is this! ! “After seeing a weapon larger than the Mammoth, Hudson was immediately stunned, but he was not covered by the part-time command for many years, and he quickly commanded loudly:

“Everyone abandoned the car! Enter the nearby building!”

“Yes! Sergeant!” Following Hudson’s orders, the Marines on the remaining six Warthogs got out of the car and ran into the nearby building at a very fast speed.

At the same time, Wu Liuqi and T-800 jumped out of the car, trying to run into the apartment building closest to them.

“Hush!” It’s just that the Scarab’s shaped energy cannon has been charged, and the beam of light rushes straight to the last T-800 and Wu Liuqi.

Seeing this, T-800 said nothing, relying on the defensive power of ST-powered armor to block Wu Liuqi.

“Boom!” At a glance, the T-800 was directly bombarded by the beam of the shaped energy cannon, and Wu Liuqi, who was behind him, was knocked into the air.

It’s just that Wu Liuqi has a T-800 in front of him to block a large number of attacks, and Wu Liuqi himself has no effect.

But the ST power armor of the T-800 was directly melted, and its abdominal tissue was directly scorched.

Fortunately, T-800 is not alone. If it is a Spartan, it is impossible to withstand a blow from the shaped cannon, but at this time T-800 also fell into a short-term crash due to overheating.

“Father!!!” But Wu Liuqi didn’t know this. He instinctively thought that T-800 had sacrificed for protecting him.


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