Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 496

Chapter 497 Demon War One

Phantom, inside the bridge;

Kent was standing in front of the porthole of the bridge. After seeing the Phantom completely entering the wormhole, he turned to look at the high level of the blue mercenary group and said:

“Because it takes at least a day to reach the star field ravaged by the Flood, and the fleets cannot communicate with each other, so let’s take a break and get ready for the next battle.

Of course, this battle will be easier in theory, and you don’t need to have too much psychological burden.

Okay, let’s all disband. ”

“Yes, captain.” A group of high-level officials didn’t believe Kent’s words. After all, the Flood’s combat power was obvious to all, but they all smiled reluctantly and left the bridge one after another.

And Kent also left here with Irene, Nova and Tanya, but after seeing Hudson walking in front, he asked the three women to go around first.

Then he caught up with Hudson who was walking on the front end and asked: “Hudson, what’s the situation with that boy Wu Liuqi?”

Kent knew that Wu Liuqi was also seriously injured, but there is no magical doctor here, but with Halsey, a ghost in a science fiction game, the speed of recovery should not be slow.

And Kent also heard Hudson say that a woman in green had rescued Wu Liuqi, but for various reasons, he didn’t check it out the first time.

Now I am finally idle for a while, so Kent is going to take a look at this young man with infinite potential and the “woman in Tsing Yi”.

“Oh? Captain, you said that kid, it’s fine now! Just don’t think of the medical cabin.” Hudson looked at Kent and laughed.

Then he asked: “Head, do I take you to the medical cabin to meet that kid?”

“Hehe, no, you haven’t rested for a long time, so let’s rest first.” Kent waved his hand.

After speaking, Kent asked Hudson to rest, and went to the medical cabin alone.

“Miss Meihua Peel the apple to make it easy ?”

“Wu Liuqi…! Don’t get into an inch just because you are injured!”

Before Kent entered the medical cabin, he heard Wu Liuqi’s humble tone and a female voice with a nice voice.

‘This should be the 13th club. ’

After hearing the sound inside, Kent also walked into the medical cabin.

“Ahem, Aqi, I heard that you were injured?” As soon as he entered, Kent turned his back with both hands, exuding the coercive aura of Spartan.

“Ah…Head…you are here.” After seeing Kent’s face, Wu Liuqi finally got down to be honest.

Except for Wu Liuqi who was lying next to the porthole, and Meihua 13 who was peeling apples, there were no other wounded in the medical cabin.

After all, there is the existence of the super milk master Irene, who can heal any injured person in twelve hours, so the **** paratroopers and marines who have been seriously injured have long since healed and returned to the team.

As for the special case of Abbas, he was treated in Dr. Halsey’s laboratory.

Now only this Wu Liuqi pretending to be uncomfortable was consumed here. Kent understood what was going on after seeing that Meihua 13 was taking care of each other.

“Hello.” After seeing Kent, Meihua Thirteen seemed to be stunned for a moment by his aura, then put the fruit knife and apple aside, and said to Kent:

“I’m from Wu Liuqi… well… uh… good friend, Meihua 13, it’s nice to meet you, Captain Bruce.”

“Haha, you are very good, you are welcome.” Kent was in a good mood after seeing Meihua Thirteen respectfully.

After all, Kent’s age is already twenty-four years old, and the age of Meihua 13 seems to be a bit younger than 5, 6 and 7 years old, so there is nothing wrong with saying that Meihua 13 is used.

After smiling, Kent looked at Meihua Shisan and asked, “Thirteen, how did you get to Sea Star? And are you really just friends with Aqi in our group?”

“Captain Bruce, I…I don’t worry about this guy on the bed, who followed other mercenary groups secretly, and only appeared to rescue him when he saw him injured.

As for the relationship between the two of us… this… uh…” Meihua Thirteen seemed a little shy.

“Head !” At this time, Wu Liuqi, who was lying on the bed, suddenly sat up, rubbed his nose with his bandaged right hand, and said proudly:

“Miss Plum is my girlfriend ”

“!” After hearing Wu Liuqi’s words, Meihua Thirteen was full of spirits, and then said with a look that she couldn’t wait to strangle the other party:

“Wu Liuqi, I will tear you up when you dare to interrupt!”

“Don’t be so excited ”


“Okay.” Kent interrupted the two people’s quarrel, then looked at Wu Liuqi in a meaningful tone and said: “Your kid gets better soon. You’re ready to fight tomorrow.”

Wu Liuqi noticed that Kent had found him pretending to be ill, so he straightened up and nodded, “Yes, commander, I see.”

“Well, you two continue, don’t bother you two, hahaha!”

“Captain Bruce, it’s not like that…”

Kent didn’t wait for Mei Hua Thirteen to finish speaking, and walked out of the medical cabin with a smile on his old uncle’s face.


Only after thinking of the ‘fighting’ he was going to face next, he involuntarily touched his waist and sighed.


As time flew by, humans and the Star Covenant formed a fleet and drove out of the wormhole tunnel, and assembled a fleet in a galaxy.

When the mixed fleet is integrated, it begins to march towards the terrestrial planets in the habitable zone of this galaxy.

When they came to the destination planet, everyone was shocked by the sight before them, because according to what the elite said is this planet should have a blue atmosphere and a clear ocean.

But what everyone saw now was a planet surrounded by an earthy yellow atmosphere, and the ocean looked as thick as a disgusting liquid.

Flood demons can not only swallow creatures, they will also severely damage the local environment wherever they pass. Just like the current planet, lifeless, it means that there is no more intact area on this planet.

Upon seeing this, Valenrian sent a team of Astarte to the planet and reconnaissance. After all, facing the close attack of the Flood, only Astarte and Sparta had a chance of winning.

And Valenrian didn’t want to consume the only eleven Spartans, so he sent a team of Astartes down.

Only the final conclusion is that there is no living thing on the entire planet, even plants cannot survive, and the atmospheric environment is extremely harsh.

After hearing the news from the reconnaissance team, everyone had a question, that is, where did the Flood go?


At this moment, all the fleet’s public channels uploaded Vadami’s voice, which was translated in real time by Cortana: “Our wire report said… The Flood went to a barren planet on the edge of the galaxy.”

Summon a mercenary

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