Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 518

Chapter 519 Open the hanging child

“Long time no see… eldest brother… leader.”

Angela flirted with her bangs covering her eyes, trying to call Kent like she used to, but found out that she was twenty-five and she couldn’t call her like she used to.

“Hehe, I’m not the leader anymore.”

Kent scratched his hair and sighed: “You forgot, when you left, I was the colonel and the commander of the Forbidden Army.”

“I forgot…” Angela put her hand behind her, not knowing what to say.

Kent didn’t have those worries, and some worries said: “Angela, since you graduated from Oxford, you have not been able to contact you. I thought you had encountered something.”

“I’m fine… Kent.”

Angela seemed a little uncomfortable, and her face was reddened and said: “I…I think that if you can watch your children grow up happily, I will be happy too…”

“What are you talking about.”

Kent still used his big hand to stroke the top of Angela’s head as before, and said softly: “Don’t think about it all the time, I always think of you as my sister.”

“Just… younger sister?”

“Well, sister.”

Angela’s heart was broken when she looked at Kent who didn’t look like a lie, but she had guessed the result a long time ago, otherwise she wouldn’t have been hiding from Kent.

I just didn’t expect that parents like Kent who have not had time to participate in school activities for their children for a long time would actually have time to come to school, otherwise the two of them would not meet.

“Please prepare for the first grade team! Men’s 100-meter run!”

After hearing the radio reminder, Kent looked at the first-grade children on the playground, including his son Clark.

Then Kent ran towards the parent seat, and said to Angela with his head turned: “Angela waits for the end of the sports meeting to talk to you, the sports meeting has begun.”


Angela also nodded, put away her loneliness, and hurried towards the teachers’ position.


Kent came to Shiranui Mai and Irene, and Wayne, Diana and Scarlett were also on the audience stage.

At this time, the audience stage was full of parents and students from second to sixth grade. After all, it was the first-grade boys who competed first.

When the boys have finished the match, it is the girls.

As for Wayne, the kid doesn’t seem to want to participate in the sports meeting. He thinks this is a game for children.

After hearing Wayne’s words, Kent did not hesitate to gently touch the back of the other’s head with his hands, and smiled: “You are still a kid now, don’t always pretend to be deep.”

“Got it…” Wayne nodded in agreement very carefully.

“Dad !”

At this moment, Clark, who was already standing on the outermost periphery of the runway, saw that his father had actually come when he looked at Irene, and instantly jumped up and waved his hand to attract Kent’s attention.

“Son! Come on!”

Kent also stood up and cheered on Clark.

“Hey…” Wayne felt that his elder brother and dad were too conspicuous.

That’s right, as soon as Clark played on the court, it attracted the attention of all the parents sitting there.

If it weren’t for the announcer to say that it is the first-year men’s 100-meter race, Clark looks like a junior high school student.

Then the parents looked in the direction Clark was beckoning, and found that Kent was actually two meters tall, and!

And there are two beautiful women with him, two lovely daughters, and a handsome little boy.

Seeing this scene, some sensible single mothers have already started to touch up their makeup.

Because a person who can have multiple wives must be a baron or above, and even a very accomplished person in the military or political arena.

This has also aroused the envy and dissatisfaction of male parents. After all, activities such as sports games that require parents to participate in are to show the economic and beauty strength of their families in disguise.

But without bringing the Kent family up, he was doing everyone in a flash.

And seeing the appearance of Kent who didn’t know this at all, it made all the male parents feel that that guy was saying to them:

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not targeting you, I mean everyone sitting here is rubbish.” Same.

“The first-year men’s 100-meter race is ready!”

At this moment, the voice of the announcer refocused the eyes of the scene on the children on the playground.

Clark, as well as the other eleven first-year boys, are no longer looking around, but are seriously preparing to start.

The parents of a group of boys started to stir their hearts. They can’t compare to Kent, but the sons must run faster than Clark’s seemingly gigantic kids!

“Boom!” The signal gun sounded, and the twelve Clark children stepped out and ran.

“Hush!” Clark has reached the end.

“Two…two…two seconds, two or four! Oh my God! This…this has broken the world record!”

The announcer’s voice rang in the stadium, and even the parents who had just cheered quieted down, because the scene was a bit too exaggerated.

Their sons are still not far from the starting line, but that Clark has already reached the finish line.

‘I can’t beat him, he can’t even catch up with his son’s heels. ’This seems to be the reason.

“Wow! Brother is great!”

“Brother is number one in the world !”

But Diana and Scarlett didn’t care about that, and they stood on tiptoe and cheered for their brother.

“This… when can you run so fast?” Kent was also shocked by Clark’s speed After all, the fastest running in the empire is the Spartan troops, with an average of 12 meters per second. , But Clark ran a hundred meters in only two seconds.

This kind of speed has surpassed Sparta. It can be said that no one in the empire can be faster than Clark.

“Wow! Clark is great!”


As for the children in the class once a year, they all cheered for the representatives of their class if they didn’t know the things about adults.

“Eileen…” After a long time, Kent looked at Irene on the side and asked, “Do you know Clark can run so fast?”

“I just know, he hasn’t run much before.” Irene was also surprised by the physical fitness of her son.

“You two, Clark can be so fast, you should be happy ” Shiranui Mai smiled and said.

“Also… so too.” Kent also eased his mind.

‘System, explore Clark Bruce’s data for me. Kent is going to use the system that hasn’t been activated for a long time to probe Clark.

[Received, please wait. . .

Clark Bruce

Level:? ? ?

Shooting: 23

Fighting: 129

Reaction:? ? ?

luck: 135]

“ F…”

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