Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 529

Chapter 530 Accomplish the task

“Bah!” The knife in Wayne’s hand was melted by its powerful psychic energy, making a buzzing sound when it burned.

“Kang Dang!”

Wayne threw aside the knife with only the handle, and drew another psionic knife from the left hip scabbard, and said to Kent: “Admiral, I have used the maximum psionic energy.”

“Ok, I know.”

Ken nodded, then looked at Clark who was eager to try and ordered: “Clarke, you go get close to the sphere wreck and see if there is any living thing.”

“Yes, Admiral.”

Following Kent’s order, Clark jumped down to check if there was anything left.


A right arm suddenly stretched out of the ruins, and then a humanoid creature supported by his left arm crawled out of the ruins.

“Oh!” Abbas, who was next to Kent, saw the creatures in the ruins below, and said in surprise: “This…is this the forerunner?”


Ken nodded and looked at the forerunner with only a pinch of hair on his head, which looked a bit like Captain Octopus in “Pirates of the Caribbean.”

The thief is ugly.

Then Kent whispered: “That’s the forerunner, missionary, whom Professor Quill mentioned from the ruins. This guy wants to destroy mankind.”

Of course, Quail Sears has not received a missionary message from the ruins, and this pot has been buckled by Kent again.

“Want to destroy humanity?” Upon hearing Kent’s words, Abbas immediately took out his lightsaber and roared:

“That is to be the enemy of our elite, and this threat must be eliminated!”

“Ha ha.”

Kent patted Abbas on the shoulder, and smiled: “Let my two unsatisfied sons fight for some military work.”

“Oh?” Upon hearing the words, Abbas looked down and found that Clark had arrived in front of the missionary.

Wayne, who was still on the ring platform at the same time, jumped forward after hearing the conversation between Kent and Abbas, and walked behind Clark with a knife in both hands.

Watching the two juniors confront the ancients, Abbas couldn’t help sighing, “Ay, too, it’s time for the juniors to take care of everything.”

“Well, that’s right.”

Kent hung the explosive shotgun to his waist, and did not forget to give a warning order:

“Sparta, Astarte, elite, your task is to prevent this forerunner from escaping. Don’t shoot without my order!”

“Yes, Admiral!” a group of empire’s elite answered loudly.

“Brother, you heard what my father said, let’s make a quick decision.” Wayne said quietly.

“Ah, you can’t shame Dad.” Clark twisted his neck and made a posture ready to go.

“I, how long have you slept.” The missionary seemed a little dazed because the prison cell was suddenly destroyed.

But when the missionary read the memory through the above group of humans and elites, he smiled and said:

” Creatures who don’t know the height of the sky, don’t you know the power of the forerunner?

Ha ha, well, in that case, let’s reshape the life in the galaxy again. ”

“Hey! Ugly! Don’t ignore the two of us!”


Just as the missionary entered the self-heel, Clark leaped forward with a catapult and rushed directly in front of him and gave a heavy blow.

“Uh!” The missionary put his arms in front of him in time to block Clark’s powerful blow.

But the missionary obviously underestimated Clark’s strength, and was hit and flew directly, and his arms became loose and soft like a comminuted fracture.

“Unexpectedly, the physical fitness of human beings can achieve this, so it must be…”

“Om! Om!”

Seeing that the missionary seemed to be about to activate the armor to wrap his whole body, and was about to repair the two injured arms, Wayne, who was suddenly flashed, had two psionic blades at close range.

“Puff puff! Puff puff!” Two sounds of flesh being cut came to everyone’s ears.

The missionary with a strange face on his face was cut into three by two psionic blades and quickly fell to the ground.

“Boom! Boom!”

However, Clark seemed to have a good habit of making up the knife. He leaped to the three corpses and stepped on them to directly turn the corpses into pie-like objects.


Seeing this, Horus couldn’t help but said to Kent: “Are Clark and Wayne a bit too cruel?”

“Don’t worry.” Kent waved his hand and motioned the soldiers on the side to go down and clean the battlefield. At the same time, he explained to Horus and other high-level officials:

“I told them to do this. When facing unknown enemies, they must do it thoroughly, and erasing existence is the safest thing.”


Following Kent’s explanation, Wayne aimed at the flesh that had been piled up by Clark, and burned it directly with psionic electric shocks. In the end, the missionary didn’t even leave any dregs.

“Well, I admire what the two little nephews do.” Abbas agreed.

“All right.”

Kent turned around, and the dark blue cloak was also shaking. He walked to the waiting Pelican outside and said:

“The battle has been resolved. Clean the battlefield and leave some people here.

Notify the accompanying scientists, let them figure out how to get this planet back to the outer solar system, and then prepare for the return journey. ”

“Yes, Admiral!” After receiving Kent’s instructions, a group of elites began to take action.

As for Kent, he returned to the Infinity on the Pelican with a kind of command.

In the deck corridor of the Infinity, after Kent let the others disperse, only Clark and Wayne were left with him.

“Father, do you have anything to tell us?” Wayne saw that there were only three of them, father and son, and no longer called Kent the admiral.

“Ah.” Kent turned to look at his two sons and said with a kind smile:

“Clark, it’s not an exaggeration to say that you are the strongest soldier in the galaxy.

At the same time, you are still a big brother to take the responsibility to protect your family.

And Wayne, your mind is much better than Clark. If I leave, I will rely on you to bother for this family. ”

“Dad! What are you talking about?”

After hearing Kent’s sudden uncharacteristic remarks, Clark became a little emotional and said: “Dad, Spartan’s life expectancy is not known yet. You can’t get old.

Also, you don’t need to fight in person now, don’t always say that those scare us. ”

“…” Wayne didn’t say much, he just watched Kent thinking.

“Ha ha.”

Kent waved his hand and smiled, turned and left to go to the viewing cabin and said: “You two have meritorious actions against the pioneers, so you should be promoted to the rank of second lieutenant.

Okay, if you two are all right, go to rest, and you will be able to return to the solar system soon. ”

“This…yes, Dad.”

Clark looked at Kent’s back, with an indescribable feeling. He wanted to follow but was forced to stop due to Kent’s orders.


It was Wayne and Clark standing side by side. Seeing Kent walking away, he whispered: “Father is abnormal today. I’m going to follow it. Will you go with me?”

“of course!”


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