Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 85

Chapter 89 Earth walks 1 time

Soon after, Kent and Nova took Halsey to the second hospital in Boriska.

Lyon helped Ares forged his identity through his special identity. After going through the hospitalization procedures, everything went smoothly, and Carlos was guarded by Carlos 24 hours a day.

After half an hour, in a ward;

Halsey was doing a full face scan of Ares, put away the scanning instrument with the palm of his hand, and said to Kent:

“Need to bring him back to the laboratory on Earth, there is no professional equipment on Mars for inspection and experimentation”

“Go to Earth?” Kent questioned.

“Yes.” Halsey put away the equipment he was carrying, turned around to walk out of the ward, and said anxiously to Kent:

“Hurry up, kid! Although I seem to join your mercenary group, but if you waste too much time, I don’t mind getting rid of you.”

“Eh eh!” Kent quickly grabbed Halsey’s shoulder, and hurriedly said, “Doctor, it’s not that we don’t want to go, but we can’t go.”

“Can’t go?” Halsey turned around, looked at Kent and asked, “Why can’t I go?”

“Auntie, I can go back ” At this moment Nova walked to Kent and Halsey and said:

“Citizens of Mars and Venus want to go to Earth, but visas are extremely difficult to get, how about (looks at Kent) Or ask me to do it for you, my dad is a Duke ”

“No need.” Kent gave Nova a blank look, then whispered: “What about our equipment? On Mars we can do whatever we want, but on Earth?”

then said to Halsey: “Doctor, please wait a moment, let me think of a way.”

Halsey raised his left wrist, pointed to the wrist watch and said, “Two minutes.”

“Well, I’ll be as soon as possible.” Kent squeezed his chin and began to think hard about how to get to the earth.

Affected by the security check of the previous life, Kent was convinced that they could bring their weapons and equipment to the earth. Only the first explosion-proof security check could not be passed, let alone the later ones.

But after thinking of the word Mars, Kent drew out his cell phone and talked with Nikolai.

The “beep” sound only lasted three times, and Nicholas’ heroic voice came from the other end of the phone: “Oh isn’t this my death partner?

Your blue mercenary group has become famous recently, what’s wrong? Is there anything you want to trouble us? ”

“Ahem…” Kent cleared his throat and said, “Um…, Nicholas, do you do other business besides arms?”

“Other business?” Nicholas on the other end of the phone was taken aback, but he immediately reacted and said, “Of course, we provide contact information for human traffickers and also provide ‘takeaway’ services.”

“Takeaway service…what is that? In fact, I just want to ask if you can let our entire mercenary group carry weapons and equipment to the earth as legally?” Kent asked.

“Oh ha ha, it turned out to be like this.” Nicholas chuckled softly when he heard the words, and continued:

“Mr. Grim Reaper, what you said is one of the ‘takeaway’ services, ‘packing’ you and sending you away.

This is actually very simple. It only requires 7000 each of you to send you to any habitable planet in the solar system within 20 minutes.

Of course, if you want to go to those planets that have not been transformed and cannot survive, we will do our best to fulfill the needs.

As for the issue of passports and visas, you only need to say hello to our technicians. You can take a photo and it will be resolved within 5 minutes. ”

Hearing that Nicola has a way to deliver it, Kent breathed a sigh of relief and said to Halsey: “Doctor, we have a way to go to the earth, please take a moment, and we can pack up and head to the earth later.”

“Okay.” Seeing Kent’s efficient solution to the problem, Halsey did not pretend to be divorced, but walked back to the ward.

After finishing Halsey, Kent was curious about Nikolai again: “Apart from this ‘takeaway’ service, what else are you doing?”

“Haha, good question.” Nikolai laughed and said: “If, what I said is if ha, your mercenary group is in danger, as long as you need to call me, then I will use me All the resources to take you away safely, of course, the price is much more expensive than the above.”

“Well, I will definitely call you if I need it, so… see you later?” Kent said.

“Okay, old address.”

After Kent hung up the phone, he said to everyone in the room: “First, go through the procedures for this Ares to leave the hospital, and then pick everyone up and go to Nicholas. Let’s go to Earth!”

“Head!” Suddenly, Carlos raised his hand and said with an extremely serious expression: “Who is the tour guide this time?!”

“Nova!” Kent yelled as he looked at Carlos who was ill again.

“Yes!” Nova straightened up.

Kent pointed to Carlos with a bewildered look, and said unhappy: “Beat him hard for me!”


“A good man doesn’t talk to a woman… the heroine is forgiving!”


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