Summoning Went Wrong

Chapter 14. Spending and investing



Skill list.

Current Skill PT: 343

Select a skill you want to Level up:




I have no time to learn any offensive skill and there don’t seem to be a shop where I could buy them, like in most games, so all I can do is leveling up the one I already have.

And the best skills to chose from are job skills!

“Max out alchemy!”




Leveling up [Alchemy] to Max Level requires: 111 Skill Pt

Do you wish to continue?

[Yes/ No]




Yes! My survival is at state here! And upgrade slave master with the rest! I have the feeling that I will use it even more.





Job skill [Lesser Slave Commend] has reached Max level.


Job skill [Lesser Slave Commend] has evolved into [Slave Commend]

Job [Apprentice Slave Master] has evolved into [Slave Master]

Remaining Skill PT: 171

Skill [Alchemy] have reached Max level


Job is now capable to evolve!

Remaining Skill PT: 60

To job evolution select here!




Eh fine?

With my blade hand, I pressed the button that was in front of me.




[Preparing data for jobs.]

[Connecting to C0¤r for support…]

[Connection blocked.]

[Sending data from ■■■■●■■■]







You reached your job skill level cap!

Because your job was a high class, you can choose from multiple possibilities!

Please select one possible evolution!


[High Alchemist]

[Mad Alchemist]

[Golem Maker]

[Potion Alchemist]

[Battle Alchemist]




[High Alchemist]: The natural evolution of Alchemist. It unlocks a larger mana pool and the capacity to learn more advanced magic.

Skills received if selected: [High Alchemy] [Compound Magic]


[Mad Alchemist]: By scarifying some of your sanity, you will gain knowledge beyond your wildest dream. Possessors of this job can make discoveries that could change the world.

Skills received if selected: [Mad Alchemy] [Knowledge is Power]


[Potion Alchemist]: These alchemists are specialized in potions and beverages. Unlike [Potion Masters] they are also able to create some concoctions that can even affect gods.

Skills received if selected: [Potion Alchemy] [Potion Language]


[Golem Maker]: One side branch of alchemy. Users of this job can create servants from anything in every situation. With the right equipment and material, they might even create Automates, one of the most versatile machines in the world.

Skills received if selected: [Golem Fabrication] [Transmute]


[Battle Alchemist]: A combat-specialized job. They sacrifice a part of their knowledge to be able to create acids and bombs, terrorizing battlefields.

Skills received if selected: [ Battle Alchemy] [Weapon Knowledge]




The first three out.

I have no ingredients nor equipment to make potions right now.

I need a job that I can use immediately.

Who knows when will be the next time I will have time to concoct something?

Battle Alchemist is the second-best since it has combat knowledge, but I can't make acid or explosive since I still don’t have any ingredients.

Wait, I might be able to make acid with the intestines of rats, knowing what their diet is…

No, Golem Maker does not seem to require any specific material and it said that I could use it in any situation. Plus, I am already used to use others to fight for me. If I could create servants that would obey me without any chance of treason would be sweet.

“I choose Golem Maker!”

I selected the job and a new window popped in front of me.




Are you sure you wish to select [Golem Maker]? When selected, the job can’t be changed again.





I selected yes.

The window closed and I heard the familiar noise in my head.

[New job selected]





[Connecting to C0¤r…]

[Connection Blocked]

[Overtaking Update...]




[Processing Finished.]

[Job [Alchemist] evolved into [Golem Maker]]

[Job skill [Alchemy] evolved into [Golem Fabrication]]

[New Skills: [Transmute]]

While she was talking a wave of information rushed into my head, filling me to the brim with descriptions and ways of making a golem.

Oh yeah, give it to me!

When the ecstasy faded away, I looked over the information in my head.

Seems simple enough. I don’t like the designs, but I believe I can work with them. Oh, yeah, I have so many ideas.

While I was digesting and remodeling the information, the ones I knocked out started to come back to themselves.

“Hit your head on the floor till you are unconscious.”

They followed my orders more smoothly, bashing their heads into the ground repeatedly until they didn’t move anymore.

“Sigh, they will seriously have brain damage at this point.”

I went next to the corps that the rats brought back, and I started to eat. The quantity of the food that I managed to swallow was no joke, yet I stayed thin. The blades on my legs started to be covered up by muscles, while I felt my face being slowly covered by flesh.

I wonder if I have eyeballs yet.

I detached my ghost body’s head to take a glance at it.

No, no eyes yet. But I am getting closer to a normal human, so I am sure I can make it.

I ate the troll then let the rat feast o its entrails and bones.

Now then it’s time to try something out. The voice said that they were linked to me in my mind, making me wonder how the inside of my head is going.

“Mind Town.”

I returned to my little world and I went to the place that stood there firmly.

The inside led me to a corridor. Pillars were placed in two rows decorated with gothic architecture. Between the pillars, chandeliers were hanging on chains, with candles illuminating the place. At the front of her, there was an elevated platform.

When I entered, there was nothing on the platform, but I stuck more and more things started to appear with each step. First, was a throne made out of pure gold. Then it was soon replaced by a simpler throne made out of wood with cushions on it. Then a table made out an oak wood came into existence, accompanied by various things. When I finally took a seat everything was as I imagined.

The whole building was my mind. My base of operations. My fortress. My chapel.

Hmmm, Chapel. I like it.

I snapped my fingers and the whole place shook.

At each side next to the pillars, two rows of benches appeared, made from hardwood. A red carpet connected the entrance to my desk.

For the final touch, I added a huge window with colored glass, picturing various pictures.

[Title received: [Decorator]]

Damn right. Now then let’s see if this works.

With a thought, I conjured a plastic keyboard and several monitors on my desk.

“… You know what? I got isekaid, so why don’t I make it more magical?”

I erased them from my desk and conjured some mirrors float in the air around me.

Then I created a chessboard with a black king and several pawns and three white pawns on it.

I know it is a little bit cliché, but this was my mind and I can do whatever I want.

I touched one of the pieces.

The mirror in front of me started to let out a faint light before showing darkness.

“…Open your eyes.”

The screen cleared immediately, showing a ceiling made of rocks.

“Get up.”

The scenery moved and now I was staring at a wall.

“Say something.”


I could hear his words clearly through the glass.

“Let’s see what happens if I do this.”

I pushed more mana into the figurine.

The scenery started to shake until it became completely flue again.

Then my surroundings changed again.

I saw two things at the same time. One was the room where my body was sitting with the two other slaves.

The other scenery was the plain I saw in the first guy’s head, yet it was a little different. From where I stud there was a carpet of mist that was becoming thinner the closer it got to the sleeping man who was laying in front of me.

I tried to move, but it was so confusing to see two things at once. I closed my left eye, seeing the real world as I tried to move his arm, but it did not work. Then I switched eyes and I tried to move in the mental one with greater success.

My body has changed again. In this place, I had no arms nor legs, my body was made out of a column of mist hovering in the air, with a glass chain on it, attached to who knows what.

“…So, I can go into a person’s mind? I wonder what will happen if I press forward.”

I pumped more mana into my body, making it easier to move forward. The closer I got to him, the more the mist thickened, turning the landscape behind me completely white.

When I finally reached him, everything was swallowed by my mist, making it impossible to see anything, until I found myself back in my chapel.

[Slave’s mind been broken.]

[Slave has lost its humanity.]

[Slave is now storable in [Slave Summon]]

[New skill received: [Lesser Mind Magic]]

[New title received: [Heartless]]

[Soul fragment lost.]

[Slave is now forever connected to the user.]

Lost his humanity? Soul fragment lost?

I returned to the real world, facing the slave whose head I was a minute ago.

Indeed, he did look like he ceased to be a human.

His skin became bluish pal, with his hair turning white. His irises turned white while the part that was supposed to be that color became red.

The creature turned in my direction, revealing his sharp teethes.





[Unknow organism found!]

[Sending update to C0¤r]

[…Update allowed.]






Living Ghoul

Threat level: Varied

Description: When a person dies next to a great source of magic or pain, they might become ghouls, undead seeking flesh. However, this person became a ghoul while he was alive, possessing the skill he had when he was a human and the augmented strengths and stealth of a ghoul, making him a real threat.

Most compatible magic: varied.




I see so I turned him into a monster.

“Cancel summon.”

As usual blue light has enveloped the ghoul making it disappear.

“Sigh, I am tired.”

This is the first time that I felt like this since I became an undead. I checked my status for any abnormality when I realized that my MP was horribly low.

“I can make my own slaves stronger and more obedient, but I will need to turn them into monsters. I could use this on a few of them as a warning to those who dare to disobey me. Could use them to bring me more peoples as well. Hmmm, I need to think this through, I get myself in this situation because I was too rash.”

My priority is to get the cures gone. I have 4 cores in me not counting my own. The first one gave me a week before it let the curse go through. I don’t know if it depends on the quality of the mana in it or the mana stone itself, but if we say that all 4 of them give me a week, then I have 28 days. If I add the time that the curse takes to kill me then I have 51 days. I might be able to get more time if more mana cores are added to the mix. I

During this timeframe, I need to acquire more slaves, monsters, and Exp. I might be able to resist or push the curse further if I evolve.

In any case, I will need humans to get me more information from the surface. But I also need guards that I can trust, and one ghoul won’t suffice, forcing me to turn them as well.

Send the two of them up or keep them with me for protection?

Hmmm, a choice between attack and defense? Sounds like a bad joke to me.


But there’s also a third option…

It might be risky, giving me protection as well as offense, yet if I make the slightest mistake, I can lose both of it even weakening myself.

I turned in the direction of the two-unconscious thug, not suspecting a thing.

“Sigh, desperate times call for desperate measures.”




2 days later; Second Nameless Nobody POV:


We proceeded down the tunnel as usual. Me and the party that I was working with advanced in the dark tunnels, taking the safest paths.

There were no enemies on our way, making our advancement easier. Usually, we would have already met a greater rat or slime, yet there was nothing.

“It’s quiet down here. Maybe there will be a flood?”

The magician of our group who was giving of light from his staff answered. Unlike the usual mages, in the place of a robe, he wore regular clothes similarly to us.

“Can be. We should tell the boss to take the stash somewhere else. It would be a waste to leave them there.”

Those flasks worth more than we did to our boss. He has already demonstrated to us if we break something, making us unable to imagine what will happen to us if we lose the entire stash. The thought of it made me shiver.

We speed up even more so that we could arrive there before the place was flooded.

As usual, we arrived at the first checkpoint. Here we wrote our names down in the registry and the amount of money, potion, and objects we had on us.

Before continuing to the hideout, our rouge stopped us with a movement of his hand.

“Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?

“That sound just now.”

I perked my ears up, trying to hear every little thing.

In the distance, we could hear something. Something that was moving in our direction.

“It just probably a great rat. What, scared of them?”

“…Are rats bipedal?”

“What are you talking about now?” Our tank laughed out loud, his voice echoing in the tunnels.” Everyone knows that rats have no pedals! Hahahaha… Don’t they?”

“Shhhhiiiiggghhh, what I meant that this thing is using two limbs in place of four.”

“Then what a sewer-goblin?”

Sewer-goblins were a subspecies of goblins that habited the sewers, feasting on whatever they could found.

“…No, those guys are found much deeper in the tunnels. This one is…. bigger. We need to hide; mage, kill the light.”

As he said, the candlelight faded away, leaving us in the darkness.

We stayed still holding our berth with weapons in our hands.

Shortly even I could hear the footsteps coming closer.




“Got it! You can turn back the light.”

The staff that the mage was holding, have illuminated again, revealing the being in front of us.

It looked like a human, but its skin color was too red. His fingers were only bones with ends sharpened to the point of being able to cut into rocks.

“A ghoul? How did it get here?”

“Probably an adventurer who was too cocky for his own good. Let’s go.”

“Wait!” I took out one of my knives, turning around the corps on its back.

“We have no time for this. The ones before us, most have left an hour ago. “

“Just give me a minute.”

Without looking at them I tore the cloth that was covering its bareback. Between its shoulder blades was a small hump. I sided my blade over the skin, trying not to cut deep.


From the hump, a small red gem came out. It looked more redder than any ruby, yet it was surprisingly transparent painting the ground under it in crimson light.

“I will drink well tomorrow.”

Monster cores of this quality are not rare, yet some people even bought them 3 times the marker price only because they looked good. There was once a case where the core of a weak monster was so valued that it literally brought them to complete extinction.

“Find anything good?” asked a voice behind my back.

“Nah, just garbage.” I turned around, only to meet with a blade pressed at my throat.

The one holding the blade was a guy at my age with white hair and bloodshot eyes. He smiled like a lunatic at me, showing his pointy teeth.

“Too bad. It would have brought you some joy before what my master will do to you.”

I glanced past his shoulder.

Behind him, my companions were on the floor each held down by a ghoul. From what I could see from here, they were unconscious or dead. The staff of the mage was on the ground, not far away from him, flickering, from the depleting mana.

How did they do that? Even if ghouls are known to be stealthy, this is ridiculous! No, keep your calm, stay silent, don’t panic, this is like when you were a kid. Try to talk your way out, and if that doesn’t work, run.”

While raising my hands, I tried to smile.

“Listen, I have been a hostage to these guys. I have no idea what they did to you, but I haven’t taken any part in it.”

“Oh, don’t worry we will not kill you. Or at least not me. Boys!”

From behind two pairs of hands grabbed me, forcing me to the ground.

What? I didn’t sense them, how did they even get behind me?!

Before I could let out any sound, the man who was talking to me, showed a dirty cloth into my mouth then, tied my hands together, cutting my escape.

“Time to go! We don’t want to make the boss waiting!”




“We are back!”

“I can see that. Are they alive?”

“Yes, we only knock them out!”

“Good. Tie them up even more and put them against the wall. And make sure that none of them will wake up till I finished!”

“Yes, eh, my lord, what are we doing right now?”

“You know damn well what we are doing! We, or me to be precise, are going to summon more troops!”



Name: Desmond ˙(Temporary,)

Race: Stranded Spirit

Age: 16

Job: Golem Maker; Slave Master

LV: 9/30

HP: 560/560

MP: 540/540

STR: 30

VIT: 0

SPD: 20

MRES: 30

Skill PT: 60

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Transparent Body] [Flight] [Intangibility] [Fragmented]

Skills: [Golem Fabrication: LV:1] [Slave Commend;Lv:1] [Deal Making, LV:3] [Wish Granting, LV:2] [Mapping, LV:1] [ Appraisal,LV:2] [Mind Town, LV:1] [Slave Mark, LV:1] [Chained Possession, LV: 1] [Lesser Telekinesis, LV:1] [Transmute;Lv:1] [Lesser Mind Magic,Lv:1]

Passive skills: [Herbology; LV:1] [Sweet Talk, Lv:5] [Speed Healing, LV:1] [Mass Absorption, LV:1] [Midas’s touch]

Resistances: [Poison] [Fire]

Curses: [Iophobia] [Holy Burn]

Unique Skills: [Body Physic Manipulation] [Harvest]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Heretic] [Cursed Book Owner] [Revenge Driven] [Decorator] [Heartless]




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