Summoning Went Wrong

Chapter 7. Turning around

"Hey! Hey, wake up!"

I opened my eyes and I saw the face of the old woman before me. I could feel the cold floor on my back.

"Finally, I thought you were dead!"

I got on my shaking legs and looked around. The room looked the same as before. The red-covered book was on the floor next to me, silent.

"Ugh, what happened?" I massaged my temples trying to remember.

"You did it kid, that's what happened! It finally stopped! You broke the curse! Thank you!"

"Curse? Oh yeah, the book. I still must clean this place… Can I take really what I want?"

"Of course, you can take everything if that what you like! You almost died because of me!"



I finished boxing up the books. Surprisingly, carton boxes existed here and it's perfectly identical to those of my old world. It took us more than one tour to get everything to the inn where I was. At the end of the day, I got a box of stuff and paid.

With the help of the receptionist, I bought all the boxes into my now empty room. In total there were about two dozen boxes each filled with books and a big wooden chest (That I bought from my client and promised to bring it back) containing the alchemic devices.

I planed to read all of them and note out the most important looking information. After I copy the content of it, I will give some of them to the church, to score some good points with them in case things turn sour to me. If they ask if I have any more then I would simply lie that I did not, while I sell them for to someone.

"Let's get right into it!"

I opened the first book.



… So, no Exp? Anything? Bummer.

I started my work. What I could I memorized, and I wrote the most important one in French.

Yes, I speak French. I managed to get an Advanced certificate from it. Till now everybody wrote and spoke English, so it's a good idea to write secret pieces of information in a foreign language.

This went on all day and night. After the 10th one, I called it and took a nap. I slept a little, I went back to work. The only time I went outside was when I spent all my ink and paper. Even this only took me 30 minutes.

On day 3 someone was knocking on my door. From the sound, I jumped up from my chair.

I opened the door. It was the receptionist holding a tray with food on it.

"Ahh! You scared me! Eh, one of our clients has noticed that you haven't eaten for a while and paid me to bring this to you. Also… may I ask you when you showered last time?"

My brain needed some time to wrap around what was happening to react. Working on books for days brought back so many bad memories.

"…. Shower? Yes, well… I was busy with work, and… May you tell me where I can find it?"


After a quick shower, I returned to my room only to find someone sitting at my table… and reading my notes!

The intruder must have heard me because it turned around.

It was that knight girl, that, that… I forgot her name. I think it started with an N…

"You took your time. I thought you will be in there all day."

"That was the plan." I threw the towel that I had in my hand and took the stock of paper from the burro. "It seems that there is a time limit."

"Of course, there is a time limit, you are not alone. Were you a noble before you came here?"

"Something along those lines." After organizing the papers, I put them on the bed, next to where I was sitting." What do you want?"

She lifted one of the books that I had and shacked it in front of me.

"This is some serious alchemic stuff you have here. Aren't you afraid that the church will find them and punishes you like a heretic?"

I let out a sigh inside myself.

Here we go.

"Do you know what jobs you need before you become an alchemist?"

In this world, you can have multiple jobs. A blacksmith can easily be a painter at the same time. Sometimes these jobs fuse creating a new job that contains the characteristics of the previous one. Also, jobs can evolve by evolving their respective job skill to the max, so I came up with the perfect excuse.

Without waiting for her answer, I continued.

"Its astrologer, gear maker, and potion Master. Potion master is the evolution of my current job. I believe I will be able to evolve it quicker if I'm able to learn some potion formulas from it."

"These are all from an alchemy book, so they won't care about it."

"I know, therefore I'm writing down the ones that I can use. After I'm done, I will give them and saying that I searched for each one of them, taking a long time to give them."

"… Are you planning to become one?"

"An alchemist? No. After I become a potion master, I will be targeting its natural evolution, potion blessed, or fuse it with another job. "

She stared at me for a while before she raised her hands.

"I only came to warm you. Tomorrow representatives from the Magic and Tamer guilds will come to see you in the morning."

"Why? I didn't do anything."

"You did. You are an adventurer potion maker with some impressive beasts. They want you next to them. Are you aware of the point system?"


She smiled and made a motion that looked like she was pushing up her glasses.

"Well to be blunt it is a game. The three guilds collect points in a city by completing assignments and how strong their members are. Every 5 years they count their points and the winner receives much more support from the town than the other two."


"I don't know, and I don't care, it's nor my job. And this brings us to the other reason why I came!" she took out a new piece of paper from somewhere and handed it to me. "This is an official letter from the Adventurer's Guild, recruiting you."

"You have to be kidding me… You really have a problem."

"You're not the first one to tell me that."

She got up from my chair and went out.


After she left my brain went on overdrive.

Everything was going bad.

What the f*ck have I done!

Accepting the fight wasn't supposed to do this!

I became too noisy!

Being scouted by two large organizations AND the knight girl is a horrible situation.

She even saw my books! Knowing her character, she will certainly spill the bins and more trouble will come.

I'm a demon with a heretic job that has a collection of heretic books. And I'm weak! The only thing that I might have is physical strength, but no offensive skills.

Yeah, I don't have a chance if I decide to meet them.

Even if they don't find out, I will be under surveillance as a promising recruit and with only a mistake I'm dead. Even if I stayed in the adventurers guild, the situation wouldn't change. The guild leader would still shift his attention to me.

What can I do?

Should I leave the guild altogether?

It's certainly an option, but there is the chance that it will make the guild representatives more determined to convince me.

Then I have only one option left: hide!

I put on my coat, some of my things, and went outside.

While walking I found myself in the slums. The people here looked at me before turning away. It seems like they got used to seeing me.

I looked around and I had an idea of where to sleep today.

Before I evolved, I passed a lot of deals with these people. The most interesting one of all often was from an 80-year-old woman who wanted to look young again. I used my unique skill on her and in the end, she returned to work in the brothel as a star. She wanted to pay me by her body, but I kindly refused (I couldn't, knowing how she looked) and steeled for a future favor.

Before I did anything, I changed my facial appearance quickly to the one I used with her. It was a random face that I picked from the street. Brown hair, a beard, and grey eyes with a long nose.

It was still daytime, so the brothel was still close, so I had to nock a few times.



"Berna, there is a man who wants to talk to you."

"Tell him, that we will open at night."

"He said it's about a 'beauty favor'."

"… Bring him here."

When she left, Berna quickly took a mirror out and checked herself.

She wore a brown outfit that showed a lot of herself, yet she radiated a noble air around herself. Her face was young and breath-taking and with her red hair and lipstick, it looked like she was on fire. The only imperfection on her skin was her eyes that looked dead. Those eyes might be the only proves that she was 80 years old.

She put away the mirror and sat at her table trying to not look worried.

Why is he here?


If not for that strange man she would have stayed in the street, eating garbage.

At that time, she had lost her job as an owner of a brothel, by one of her employ who plotted against her, 10 years ago. Not only she had no job, but all her belongings were stolen, by an unknown person, probably the one who took her place.

As an ex-prostitute of the slums, she always knew that the strong fed on the weak, yet she never believed to ever become one of them. To her, this rule was a tool that she uses to take and not to be used against her to be taken.

While struggling images of the people she has stolen from rushed through her mind, people squishing all money she could before tossing over like a dirty cloth before going to the next victim.

At these moments she understood something: Being weak is horrible. The injustice they have done to her, the things she did. They were unforgivable.

When she was in the worst state, she even started to pray, something that was worthless to her sometime before. She promised to change, to become better even give money to the poor, anything to take her out from this horrible condition.

Yet, the gods didn't answer her cry.

Then fate decided to listen to her.

She was beaten again by a group of homeless, taking away her food and warm clothing, leaving her old body in the rain, only to collapse in the gutter, wet and cold.

I can't do this anymore.

With her last strength she turned around facing the cloudy sky, her wrinkly old hands clutched together.

"Please gods, anyone me him I'm ready to do anything. Just please, please help me.


She could only hear the rain, hitting the muddy ground.

"… Fuck."

"A rough day?" asked a rough voice.

It was a man, wearing a brown coat that appeared before her. He was looking at her shrunken old body in the rain and garbage as an interesting insect.

"Go away. I have nothing. Nothing."

"Maybe, but I can give you something. You see, I can tell when someone wants something so badly that she is ready to sell her soul for it. I might be able to… ease your state."

"… I didn't know who you are, so beat it."

"Tell me anyway and I might be able to help."

She looked at the strange man. His outfit was too clean to be someone here.

Probably a twisted noble who likes to torture people. It wasn't as uncommon as one might think. Those rich bastards look at commoners as they were different species.

Like I did…

The man didn't stop looking at her, staying silent for an entire minute before opening his mouth.

"I can see that you had a hard life. Level 6 at lying and bribing. Yet someone like you has the title of the Devote and Protector. You are not a bad person or at least you became better. Yet the gods didn't help you. I might."

"What I want is something that no one can give me, not even the gods."

"Then I'm lucky that I can do things that gods can't."

"Such insolence! Are you saying that someone like you is better than the gods?!"

"No, of course not. I'm only saying this." He bent forward sheltering her face from the rain." The gods aren't here right now, they might never be in this part of town. Why would they be here right now? If I were in your place, I would personally answer this question when someone who might be able to make it true."

She looked at the man with round eyes. During her long life, no one talked like this before here. The words were heretic, yet they were true.

If gods were here, why did they allow this? This suffering? The things that happened to her…

The man tended his hand at her.

"Now then, tell me, a person who might be able to help. What is your wish?"

She hesitated for a while before taking the man's hand.

"I want to get my old life back."


When I took his hand, I became 20 years old. I transformed from an old lady to my young self. The man who did this only asked for a favor in the future and left without a word. I returned to my old workplace, which became a dumpster after I was kicked out and rapidly took power. Now the girls here eat and sleep comfortably, with fair wages. I implemented a new system that I thought about when I was old, making the income we gained greater without basing the girl's payment.

Furthermore, my body never felt better. Getting back my youth is a huge blessing. I can eat whatever I want to move however I want.

Yet something came up a few days ago.

There were times when she felt her heavy, her joints cracking and some strand of white hair on the ground.

What that man did was temporary.

She understands this and she wanted more.

It was like a drug, that made someone addicted to it with the first shut.

The door opened and the man came in.

He looked the same when they first met, he even wore the same coat.

"My lady, it's been a while."

"Yes, it has been. Excuse me, but I have forgotten your name. My name is Bernadette Soles."

"You haven't forgotten. I simply hadn't said it." He clacked his fingers. His face became blurry and it shapeshifted before my eye. He lost the beard, his brown hair became golden, his eyes blue, and his nose shorter. It was a completely different person. "You nay refer at me as a dealmaker."

"W-well then… Mr. Dealmaker, how may I help you?"

This person is dangerous.

She has been living in the slums for her entire life. She learned how to see a person's strengths, so much so that it turned into an actual skill, Danger Sense; Lv:5 and now it was beeping in her head.

It could be because of her age that she didn't hear it before.

There were skills out there that could change a person's appearance, but they needed to be spoken out loud to be activated.

It's unheard of to be able to use it without speaking.

Those he has another skill that cancels the need to speak?

He looked at me then took a seat in front of me. He acted without care making her more nervous.

"I came here for your debt."

Here he comes.

She readies herself mentally for the price she had to pay.

Turning someone young, even temporarily, can't be easy. There must be a payment equal to that.

He most has noticed her anxiously because he started to chuckle.

"Don't worry I won't take your soul or anything. I only need a place where I can hide while I work. I might have angered some important person and I need to find a rock to hide if you understand."

"O-Oh, but of course! But I'm only the owner of a brothel, I don't possess the means to find a place for someone at- "

"Please, don't lie to me."

His eyes changed again. A black ring appeared in each of them, letting out a black light.

"You have the Mafia Boss title, that I believe you didn't have when we met. If you don't have the means to do so, please ask your superiors or partners to do so. I might be able to… provide with my knowledge of potion manufacturing as well the same treatment as I gave to you."

"… Mr. Dealmaker, are you able to do the same thing again?"

"If it needed, then yes. Naturally, I will only do it again if it brings me profit.

She looked at him with the gears in her head turning at full speed.

What this man proposed was an opportunity in gold. If she plays her cards right then she can monopolize this man's powers for her own good, even get eternal beauty. Maybe she can even convince him to use it on the old workers of the brothel.

Simply, she had no reason to refuse.

"… I can give you sir a temporal lodgement before I speak to my colleagues. Also, I will need to show them something that proof of your work. If you can give me- "

He put a vial on my desk. The liquid inside was purple and oil-like.

"This is one of my original designs. A dosage of this size can kill a wyvern and it cannot be found in the body when dissected. Of course, I didn't have time to test it yet, good test subjects are so hard to find these days. May I ask you to show this to your colleagues and test it on something?"

"Eh yes, as you wish. Jenny!"

The door opened again, and another woman came in.

"Please take this man to one of our safe houses." She turned back to the man." Is there something else?"

"Yes actually." He took out a piece of paper and a key. "I have a room at an inn at one of my false names. Can you send some people there to bring my belongings to that safe house? If they couldn't read that would be better."

"No problem, almost no one can read around here."

"That's perfect."

The man bowed then followed jenny throw the door.

She looked at the vial of liquid on her desk, letting out a long sigh.

"Why do I feel like I screwed up?"

While she was wondering she heard The Voice.

[Contract complete.]

[Temporary title: [Contracted] lifted]


This went better than I thought.

I decided to play the 'you own me b*tch' card to pressure her, but I didn't expect her to cooperate with me as she did.

I even prepared to bargain with her by making her new deals. I even showed her my true face, for two reasons. One of them was telling her at a subconscious level that I could better than just making her young again. The other was that in the future maintaining that face was too troublesome.

Oh well, at least it went as planned!

I was able to get a free place to crash and I can be under the radar for a while. When my stuff is brought to the safe house, I will finish my notes and start the production of potions. I will continue it until I amass enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life.

But right now, I need to work without being disturbed. Also, this gives me a great opportunity to do something that I wanted to do for a while…

"This is your room. We will bring your luggages later this day. Anything else."

Jenny brought me to a rundown house not far away from the bordel. The inside was much better made than the outside. It was clean, tidy, with a salon and a bathroom. In one of the corners there was a shelf and in the other a pile of staple food. The only furniture was a throne-looking chair that was made out of oak trees.

"No thank you."

She nodded and left without any other word.

I looked around and sat on the throne. It was made out of trees without any cushions, making it very uncomfortable to sit on it.

"Sigh, well since I have time…"

I brought with me three things. One of them was my knife in case, the other was the poison and the last thing was…

The red book.

I didn't dare to leave it alone and I decided to bring it with me.

When I took it out the book was silent as if it was normal. Up close, some black marks could be seen on the cover as if someone has bled on it. There were was only three lines on the cover, written in golden letters.

"Book of Sins"

"IV. tome"



Name: Desmond ˙(Temporary,)

Race: Slave Maker

Age: 16

Job: Alchemist

LV: 1/50

HP: 70/70

MP: 80/80

STR: 40

VIT: 40

SPD: 60

MRES: 30

Skill PT: 44

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Tail Swift]

Skills: [Alchemy: LV:2] [Deal Making, LV:1] [Wish Granting (Small), LV:1] [Herbology; LV:1] [Mapping, LV:1] [ Appraisal,LV:1] [Mind Palace, LV:1] [Slave Mark, LV:1] [Sweet Talk,Lv:1] [Familiar Summon, Lv:1]

Unique Skills: [Body Physic Manipulation] [Harvest]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Novice Summoner] [Heretic]


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