Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2. Chapter 10. Copper falls



Damaging my own body to this extent is nothing. I could always jump into a new one and be done with it. 'Sides, I was getting bored playing the old man role, it's time to spice things up!

When the healer came to me, I destroyed my own heart, and while he was looking my avatar poured out of the corpse's mouth and entered into an unsuspected knight.

I didn't bother with checking his mind, I just destroyed it then used his body as a marionette.


While everyone was occupied with my corpse, I followed the knight who dragged the hero to his private lounge.

Through the thick doors, I could hear him trash his stuff and shouting in anger.

The two guards didn't even say anything while I entered his room, they probably thought I came because I was ordered to.

"Sir, I have news about the person you saw last night."

"What?!" The hero of this country threw the chair away, that he was using to break his table then ran up to me. "What is it?"

"It was a message from the leader of a cult, and it was addressed to you."

"And what did it say? Tell me!" he came at me then grabbed my shoulders.

"It was three words, sir. Mind Magic: Blackout."

I grabbed his head and sent a great amount of magic into it.

Foam spilled out from his mouth then he collapsed on the ground.

My arm that was used for the magic, soon turned purple, with blood dripping out from my nails.

" This was easy. I wonder if there is an intact mirror here."

I looked around, finding a body mirror that was lying on the ground, intact. I lifted the hero onto my shoulders and used the mirror to appear at my palace.

While putting him down I went back to my true body.

"Someone, bring in a tattoo artist!"

While I was waiting, I took everything from him. The sword that he was holding was a simple silver sword while the armor was made from an extremely diluted mystic alloy, useless to me.

"Sigh, these days everyone can become a hero."

I threw the garbage to a corner of the room and waited for the tattoo artist to arrive.

"Did you call me my lord?"

Ah just in time.

A slim girl walked into my place, wearing a white robe, with black outlines, from her sleeves six slender arms could be seen each ending in bird-like claws. On top of her head, there was a bone fragment from an unidentifiable animal.

"Yes. One of my subordinates just brought a perfect candidate for the Colossus project. Someone like you, who made my dream of chimeras true, this will be a piece of cake."

Turns out chimeras were a pain to make. First, they needed a human host that has its body tattooed with a different summoning circle. Then it needs to be injected with an avatar fluid made from the different body parts of some animal dolls. This would hold the thing together and when the summoning circle is activated, the host won't have an arm in place of a head or something. But there is a limit to how many different parts can be put onto someone.

For example, I can't mix amphibians with reptiles, or fishes with birds. For some reason, the parts reject each other, tearing the host into pieces. Well, we did create some very powerful beasts, that some even went through the demonification process, transforming them into living catastrophes.

But after one dream becomes reality, a new one emerges. The Colossus.

I had this idea while I was watching a knight tournament during a festival.

By using the attributes of the strongest humanoids, this beast will kill everything in its path. If I could make it, then my army would receive a huge additional support.

"Of course, my lord! It would be my honor. Is there anything particular I should add to it?"

"It needs to be big and strong, but not too slow. And controllable."

"Yes, Yes, naturally. I shall work on it immediately."

With her multiple sets of arms, she grabbed the unconscious hero and dragged him away.

Now that's settled, it's time to go back. I still have some things to take care of. Sigh, being a king is such a hassle.

Concentrating I snapped my fingers summoning several sets of mirrors that floated around me. These mirrors weren't real, they came out from my mind, and I was the only one seeing them.

I touched the one in front of me, making its surface ripple, showing not my reflection, but something else.

"Bei, it's me. Its time. When the expedition squad leaves the city, we shall begin."


It was a sunny day. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming. And houses were burning.

With my new body, I was watching my tavern burning to ashes leaving nothing behind. Since the long wait has ended, there was no point in playing this game anymore. This is the time of action.

While I was watching the chaos under me, two black-cloaked people walked next to me.

"Sir, we have prepared the portals as our Lord Requested."

"Perfect. Prepare the troops. Once the expedition squad leaves, we shall take over this city. Also, contact those fanatics and bring them before our king. They are idiots, but they do deserve some sort of reward for bringing us into this world."

The two cloaked people bow before disappearing.

I walked to the edge of the roof and looked at the chaos that I created.

"Goodbye, Gustave F Bellman. You were such a boring role, but a pleasant one."

When the flames went out, I went back home and switched to my real body.

Feeling like I have some time to kill I decided to walk a little.

Jumping off the balcony I landed on one of the streets of the city.

To be fair this whole place was more like a factory than anything else. Almost no one was out everyone was either out in other words raiding and bringing resources back or doing whatever they want in one of the artificially created environments that were made five years ago.

While walking I could feel the phone ring in my pocket.

"Halloo~ "

"This is the chairman of the Dimensional Investigation and Defense department. Am I speaking to... the king of the dungeon?"

"You are. Please call me Desmond. Does this mean that you will comply with my request?"

"...I will listen at least."

"Perfect. I wish to talk. Tell me where those the breach is on my territory and I shall meet you there. No soldiers or assassins, just you and me. I will bring the prisoner there and you may take him away."

"...The gate is at a forest with several ruins around it. I will be there in 3 hours."

"Works for me. See you there."

I put the phone down then summoned a mirror to contact the jailor.

"Heal the prisoner then take him to the forest gate."

'Yes, my lord."


"Sir, we highly advise you to rethink this!"

"What to rethink? The enemy is afraid! We found his hideout, so it tries to persuade us not to attack him! With this ambush, we will get rid of that thing and claim that land for our country!"

The chairman and his team advanced to the edge of the blue portal that was at the edge of a shopping mall.

The team wore strong-looking armors with weapons radiating magic. They were the 3rd strongest party in the world called Silver Pain.

"Alright boys, you know the drill. Go in and kill the boss!"

"Got it, boss."

The party passed through the gate.

"Turn on the cameras. I want to record this for prosperity!"

The monitors that were set up by them came to life, showing a dark forest with weirdly twisted plants.

" Base, this is Alpha. Do you copy?"

"We hear you loud and clear," the intern turned on the recording device." I turned on the recording. Do you feel anything?"

"We are fine. The air here smells a little bit rotten but nothing alarming."

"Good. Go forward. About half kilometers away from your position is the ruins. There, you will meet the target. Till then silence radio."

"Yes, over and out."

The group advanced into the forest. The flora was dense and dark, blocking the view of the camera.

"Chairman, do you know what we are up against?"

The chairman breathed sharply before answering the microphone.

"Not sure. Guessing from the environment the wolves we killed, the boss is probably a High Leshy. It is probably weak against fire so, with your attributes, you are probably fine. "

The group continued walking in silence till they reached a pile of stones covered with twigs and moss.

"Nice continue like this and-"

"Excuse me."

The chairman and his crew almost had a heart attack hearing the voice behind.

They turned around at the same time, facing the creatures standing before them.

There were ogres, goblins, skeletons, every monster that one could imagine, each dressed in strong-looking armor. The one who just talked was fairly human-looking, but its entire head was made up of several eyeballs with crimson red pupils.

" Sir, our Lod has a message for you. He says that since you didn't respect the terms, he shall punish you and this country. If you may follow us, we will show you your cells."

Panicked, the chairman, who used to be a B rank adventurer, condensed his energy into his fist and punched the creature in its face.

He felt the attack collide with its body, but then, the energy started to drain from his body, leaving him empty.

"Tch, Tch, you need to learn not to fight things that are stronger than you. Boys, take them away, we are taking over this place!"



"Telekinesis: Crush. Mind Magic: Blackout. God's Body: Spread."

And I was done.

These guys seemed to be strong but were ridiculously weak. It only took me three attacks to shatter their armors, knock them out and tie them up in a lovely package.

"Turn on the lights."

At my command the grey sky above my head turned white, illuminating the entire forest.

Yep, this was one of the artificially created areas in my factory.

This is the place where we test newly built and summoned monsters and a few miles away some pacifist monsters are busy producing food. It was quite a challenge to build this, but one of the exploration groups found a world that had these glowing crystals, that can change their brightness depending on the mana they receive. As for the power, we had...something which I don't want to remember.

Whatever, they will make an excellent test subject for the Colossus.

'My Lord, we have secured the enemy base. We are awaiting your orders.'

"Good job Eyes. Leave some people there and come back, I have ordered the staff at the Upgradeatory to turn you into a demon."

'Yes, my lord!'

The connection was cut off.

"Sigh, seriously, why can things go smoothly for once? I even gave them a chance to settle things peacefully. Whatever he is probably unprotected of mind reading so I will at least learn some very juicy information and when I'm done with him, his body will become an excellent test subject"

I did some stretching then feeling a little bit bored I slowly walked away to my palace, wondering about my next course of action.


"Are we ready?"

"Yes, all the provisions been packed, and the horses been feed. We are waiting only for you and the hero's commands."

"...We are leaving now. That idiot is probably crying somewhere we cannot allow anything to stand in the path of our expedition."

"...Yes, ma'am."

The soldier saluted and ran away, joining the group that was waiting next to the carriages packed with wooden crates.

"...Let's go people! A new world is waiting for us!"

The soldiers saluted and quickly started to move towards the church. On their way there a crowd of people was cheering and waving at them, wishing for their safe return.

Before the doors of the church, the city's square, a humongous magical circle was waiting for them, almost measuring half a kilometer. The populous fully knowing what to was about to happen, kept away from the circle, with the city guards keeping them at a safe distance.

The soldiers placed themselves inside the circle, waiting for something.

The bishop, said his regular speech, which was incomprehensible due to the wind.

When he was seemingly done, the magical circle started to glow, making the soldiers in it disappear sending them to their destination.

When the glowing stopped, something came. Several bird-like creatures laned on the magical circle, destroying it, severing the only way the soldiers could go home.

"Well, isn't this just a bad design?"

From one of the birds, a woman jumped off.

She was maybe in her 30thies, with raven black hair and sharp eyes. She wore a black leather armor with a black lance strapped onto her back.

her stomach was exposed that had her crest visible, showing the public her identity.

The Demonic Lancer, Rachel.

from the other birds, several other figures jumped of each hiding their bodies in capes that reached the floor.

"Everyone! Thank you so much for being here! This will greatly help us spread the great word! Our master has dimmed worth to take over this city! To celebrate this occasion a festival shall be held for his honor!"

She snapped her fingers, which somehow created a small shockwave of magical energy. Followed by it, several explosions could be heard in various parts of the city, followed by screaming and crying, mixed with the sound of roars.

Inhuman roars.

Amongst the confused masses, a man wearing heavy iron armor shouted in anger.

"Rachel! What are you doing?!"

"Oh, yes. I believe there is no point in hiding it anymore."

Her body started to change and morphed, becoming something else.

She became half a meter taller, and her skin lost all of its pigments. Her hair became longer, reaching her waist, with its inside seemed to become silver. Her nails became black claws while her two legs belonged to a silver deer. Her face also changed especially her eyes. She now had three crimson eyes that seemed to pierce everything that she looked at. On top of her head was a small piece of bone that separated the hear before her face.

Even her cloth changed. She now wore a white, tight uniform with black outlines with a pair of white high heels. On top of all that she also wore a long, black fur coat that seemed to absorb the light around her.

When her transformation ended the birds behind her lifted their head, and by opening their beaks they showed their human looking teeth, then laughed. It was a peal of malicious laughter, full of madness and ill intent.

" I am sorry, but the name Rachel doesn't mean anything to me. I am Yi Bei, The Commander of the First Legion of Dis and the new chancellor of Copper City. You may bow down before me now."


"You spin my head right round, right round!

When you go down, when you go down, down!

You spin my head right round, right round!

When you go down, when you go down, down!"

While singing I used my ghosts to snap the necks of the guards standing in my way. The poor bastards didn't have the time to scream, the cold, transparent hands already turned their head in a 180° degree.

"Hey, walk out that house with my swagger.

Hop in there with dough, I got places to go!

People to see, time is precious.

I looked at my cotty, are ya out of control?"

I moved my hands in the air as if I was playing on a piano, killing the remaining guards by snapping their necks as well.

"And now for the encore!"

I snapped my fingers dragging out a young priest from a corner who was shaking like jelly.

"Now, then kido, tell me where can I find your vault. Especially the one that contains your sealed cursed objects."

"H-Holy Mother in heaven pro-"


Before he could continue, I knocked him out cold.

"Not yet. We will call her when the party is over."

While dragging him by the collar with me several specters, ghosts wearing black capes and possessed bony hands, followed me with a white sphere the size of an orange floated between them that was getting a little bit bigger by the second.


[...Great concentration of hostile energies detected.]

[ ...Analyzing]

[Threat detected.]

[Threat code: 0010]

[Code name: Dealmaker]

[Sending data...]

[Data sent.]

[Orders received]

[Program "Madness Breakers" initiated...]

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