Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2. Chapter 15 What Lies Under.

Stage two. Breakthrough. Resurrection.

This phenomenon had no official name, but I had a couple of ideas.

While experimenting on my test subjects I noticed something peculiar. These idiots didn't use the power that I gave them or at least not at their full capacity.

When a monster receives my two avatars, two process goes through its body. First, the humanoid avatar will rearrange its inside, allowing a greater amount of energy to circulate inside of it. When they go through the Demonification, the animal and the human avatar unite together into a single entity, creating something that I haven't named yet. This avatar will unlock the hidden power in its host while transforming them. Still even Bei only used this power it 1/10. I and the guys at the farm worked really hard to increase the power output of this thing. A LOT of life was lost, but we finally created a drug, made from my blood and some mystical herbs. This beauty, even in tiny doses could unlock the limiters to 25%.

But naturally, this kind of procedure had its side effects. Too much energy in the body will shatter the user's mana vein. Then there was the chance of uncontrollable mutations, turning the poor host into a cancer patient. Finally, there were the mental issues. Even if the host survived the process, their mind would crumble, turning them into powerful, but stupid monsters, that needed to be put down before they did something disastrous.

So why did I allowed Bei to go through this process? Well, the answer was as simple as it was heartless.

She was replaceable.

She was no longer the strongest amongst my troops and I kept her next to myself because she was my first creation.

Her power, Domination, pal in front of the multiple monster king demons, and her cultivation didn't help her since I downloaded her memories and already started the production of demon cultivators.

This, this was her only saving grace.

If she manages to break through her obstacle, then she really deserved the right to be the leader of my army. And if she turns into a monster, I still had her memories, I could always upload them to one of my monsters, with some modifications of course.

The monster manifestation did surprise me, there was no record of ever happening before.

Maybe she rejected the avatar making it manifest like this? or is it a unique case due to her power and history? She is the oldest demon that I have so it kinda made sense.

"What have you done, you cheater!?"

The kitty cat, slammed her paws at the table placed between us, knocking down some of the fruits.

"Cheater? Me? I only did what you did: Give her my blessing. Or is there a rule saying that you are the only one who can do that?"

The divine pussy said nothing, but his face told me everything.

"Now, my dear guest, let us see what two apostles are capable of."

Sensing something approaching me from behind I made several small hands from my coat shout out like tentacles, grabbing the assailant.

When I restrained it I brought it before me not moving a muscle.

It was one of the cat-masked waitresses, holding a dagger that was dripping with a purple-looking liquid.

"What is the meaning of this?"

The cat god seemed panicked; he had a hard time talking.

"I-I don't know! I didn't order something like this! my divine space, wouldn't let me!"

As if I will trust your power that I know nothing of it.

"...Fine. Then I will interrogate her, while I am eating."

I made one of the hands bigger than the others, with a mouth large enough to fit an entire person in it.


The beast made from energy finally shut up with its many mouths and stared down on its enemy.

Its appearance was like it came out of a nightmare. Its upper body was muscular and powerful, with multiple mouths opening and closing on its body. the head of the monster seemed to belong to that of an elk, with sharp fangs and a single eye in the middle of its forehead. Under the waist, there was nothing, just black smoke that seemed to be emanated from a body covered with black worms, that seemed to pulse a little.

The apostle's senses were high alert. one glance was all it took for her, and she felt something in the back of her mind.

It was rage, hatred, greed, lust, gluttony, emotions that a person would hide in the deepest part of its being.

I need to kill it before I lose my mind.


It could talk?

From the multiple sets of mouths, fragments of words could be heard.

"Strengths...Strong... need...need it...take it...Hate...I...Strong!"

With a role of fury, the monster hit the ground shattering the glass into pieces.

"[Feline Steps!]"

Using her abilities, she dodged the fragments that came flying at her but seemed like her movements picked the attention of the creature.

"Strong...Strengths... I want...Strength...I hate... I HATE STRENGTHS!"

The beast using its strong front legs started to ruin in her direction.

"[Feline Steps!]"

She continued to evade the attack of the monster but each time it was getting closer to her.

"Cat Attack: Kitten Slash!"

She unleashed a barrage of energy attacks at the monster with no real effect. Most of them got bounced back, and those that managed to make some sort of wound turned into another mouth.

"I hate it...I Hat it...HATE!"

The beast roared, shaking the earth and heaven.

Over its head, a small black spot started to form that grew by absorbing the smoke emitted from the beast.

"Shit, is it trying to blow me up with himself?! I have no other choice I need to use it!"

From between her voluptuous breasts, she pulled out something.

It was a radiant necklace, which was crafted in the shape of the sun, made from a material so bright that one would think it was light itself.

"Solar Shine!"

From the pendant a thin beam of light shout out, tracing on the monster's skin, seemingly doing nothing. It took several painstakingly long seconds for its effects to activate.

Where the beam of light touched the monster, its body, blew up in blue flames, with unbearable heat.

The beast screamed, trying to put the flames out, but he was soon engulfed leaving nothing of its body.

The black ball that was now the size of a watermelon, burst as if it was made from water, falling right into the flames.

She slowly put the pendant back in her clew rag, looking at the destruction she just caused.

"This much should be enough."


"Explain this."

I lifted the cat god by his throat, subduing the maids that tried to interfere.

I felt it, the thing that girl used reeked of divine power. She used an item that belonged to another god, not talking about the memories of that maid.

She did receive an order from a guy wearing a very bright armor, to kill and poison me, in exchange for becoming one of his wives. The funniest thing was that when the arrangement was made that apostle was also there. These two chicks were charmed by that guy at the same place and time!

" I-I don't know what you're talking about! My apostle won fair and square, so you are just making up-"

I bashed his head into the table several times, breaking it into firewood. Feeling not yet satisfied, I lifted his bleeding body as high as I could and slammed him to the ground. When I tried to continue the abuse some invisible force dragged me back onto my chair, not allowing me to leave it.

"Fine! Do you want to play like this? Then allow me to do the same."

I never tried doing this, but in this kind of situation, I had no other choice.

I made several of my hands turn in the direction of the battleground to south my order.



The Voice of the God of Madness shook the ground like thunder, resonating with the entrails of everyone who heard it.

Then from the pile of the black worms, a thin, black arm emerged.

Slowly, the appendage moved its fingers ending in black claws, then on its palm something opened. It was a mouth, with sharp fangs and a horribly long tongue.


With a feminine voice, the mouth screamed.

At its command, the blue flames that covered the beast disappeared, revealing the horribly burned body under it.

The cat apostle tried to move the second she saw that thing, she tried to kill it, as many times as she could, but something bounded her.

The energy in the air, the mana that was emitted from the thing changed. It felt like cold chains were pressed around her body, making her unable to move.

Slowly, the hand touched the ground and helped the rest of the body emerge from the pile of worms.

It was Bei and yet it was not Bei.

She had the same figure, clothing, hair, and skin color. But there were some obvious changes.

She became more...Demonic.

her legs seemed to belong to that of a goat while the sleeves of her black fur coat seemed to fuse with her arms.

Then there were her eyes covered by a black blindfold, but still allowing the one on her forehead to see.

She opened her mouth, releasing some black smoke into the air.

"Hungry...So hungry...Smells good."

Before the apostle could react, Bei was before her, biting into her neck.

She screamed in pain, while the life from her corpse was drained, only to reappear not far away from where she studs.

In terror she watched as her adversary torr through her body, eating it even though it was made of nothing but energy.

When the corps finally disappeared, she finally stood up, her unnaturally long tongue dangling out from her mouth.

"Thanks for the food. Now it's time for some dessert!"

She lifted her hands up int the air, that also had those disgusting mouth on them.

"Come back to mommy!"

The corps of the beast, evaporated into a thick smoke that moved to her hands, to be eaten.

When there was not a single trace left of it, she laughed like crazy to only put her hands back onto the ground.

"Come to me Hayoi!"

Under her hands, the ground in a one-meter radius turned black.

The apostle needed to jump a couple of steps backward evading touching the stuff.

From the shadows, the beast from before came out.

No, this thing was different. It had a goat-like lower body, covered with thick fur and there were no mounts on its body.

"Who is a good boy? You are a good boy!"

To the apostle's surprise, Bei scratched the best's skull, which in response started... groaning?

It was a bizarre sight she couldn't understand what was happening exactly, she just knew that she needed to kill her immediately before something awful happens.

While running, she again felt the invisible chains wrapping around her body, stopping her in her tracks.

"Oh! Yes, I completely forgot about you! SSSSooooooorrrrrrrrrryyyyy~"

Bei started to act like an idiot, spinning and taking on strange poses while she talked.

" It's just so strange, you know! My head is so light and fluffy, it's hard to see what is happening around me!" For a second she disappeared from her sight only to reaper leaning onto her back." Hey, do you want to hear a secret?"

She somehow managed to move her arm, letting her punch in Bei's direction, only stopping inches from her face.

"Did you know that everybody is insane?"

What is this crazy bitch talking about?!

"Like, Like, completely bonkers! And they don't even realize that! Isn't that just so funny!? Hehehehe!"

Not just her behavior, her entire personality seemed to change entirely.

" Y-You...are...crazy..."

"So are you!" She poked her cheeks repeatedly with her claws, making them bleed." "I can smell it on you! Loyalty, fantasize, admiration! You are insane! Bonkers! Loony! Like Little moi~"

She jumped into the air, landing on the back of her monster, that stuff there patiently.

"You see when I woke up, I realized something! I finally understood the meaning of my power! In this universe, everything is dominated by something! Hope, love, fear, rage, strengths, debt, fate, charity.... Everything is under something! Like you! You are dominated by the fear and beliefs of your god but also in love with another one! But don't worry, soon I will make you experience the bliss of being under someone like me." in her hand, a spear appeared. It seemed like it was made from the spine of some sort of large creature, with an end resembling that of a harpoon.

"Now, let the taming begin! UWU~ "

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