Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2. Chapter 6. The Elk


What the frozen hell is he doing here? The last time I saw him, he was slowly petrifying as a grow-up man, in another world! How is he a disciple of this sect, and a high-grade cultivator to boot?

I leaned forward the microphone that hovered before my face.

"Well, isn't this a surprise? Weren't you dead, the last time I saw you? Also, a little bit more...grow up?"

The young samurai gave me a grin with his eyes full of hate.

"You are right. I died there. But I was somehow reborn here, and I devoted myself to become stronger. It must be the gods' will that we shall meet again after twenty years."

Twenty years? How is that- Right, magic stuff.

"Twenty years for you, friend. For me... maybe 4 months? I can still remember our first meeting. Ha, the memories..."

"Enough, demon! I have no idea how YOU managed to get into this world, but I will cut you out from it before you could spread your cancer any further!"

"Oh, yeah? Do you really think that I would come into this world without any preparation? I have hostages, bucket head! If you kill this girl, her soul will be sent directly into hell!"

This was a bluff obviously. If this guy is still as righteous as I remembered, then he wouldn't risk harming her. Damn, why did this happen when I woke up.

"...You know if this situation happened twenty years ago, I would have given up. But now things changed. I learned to manipulate the qi in others' bodies. I can easily cut you out from her. You have no leverage. "

"...Then you give me no choice. Kill him!"

I disconnected from Bei and started to scratch my head.

"I need a plan. And a damn good one."


The blue flames in Yi Bei's eyes disappeared, allowing her to move as she wished.

"...This was... gross. I should ask my lord not to do this often." She reached to her face and took off her mask revealing the smile that it was hiding.

"Are you fine showing your face like that?"

"Are you worried about me... Samurai was it? Well, it those not matter if I am found out. We have already spread quite far in this sect ever since we discovered that our demons could reproduce by feeding them flesh. It is only a matter of time before we took over this sect." She snapped her fingers making her purple spear appear next to her. " Care for a second round?"

The ex-samurai unsheathed his sword then he covered it in white energy.

"Before we begin, I need to ask. What did he promise you?"


"I want to know what type of person you are."

There was a look of amazement on her face that soon turned into laughter.

"Hehehehehehahahahahahaha! You want to know who I am? What sort of question is this? Are you stupid?! Who cares about stuff like that in a battle? If you won't concentrate, then I will kill you! Spear Style: Pierce!"

She threw her weapon at the upper disciple this time with even more strengths.

"Hmmm, then I won't hold back. Qi Shield."

With his sword, he created a barrier of light that repealed the incoming weapon.

"Not bad! But how long can you defend that brat? Qi Blade!"

She launched herself at the samurai, her hands covered in dark purple energy that formed into thin blades.

The two started to dance with each other, kicking and slashing at their opponent without any effect. The dance went on for what seemed like hours for them but in reality, it was only a couple of minutes.

"You are good, samurai. But are you as good as this? Hayoi! Armor!"

From the shadows under her foot, several bandage-like lines crawled out covering her entire body. Soon the bandages melted and shifted becoming a full set of armor made of boons and darkness. Her face was covered by the elk skull but this time it had a crown made from what appeared to be short ribs.

The air around her turned dangerous and toxic, making the hair rise on the samurai's arm.

"Round three! Here I come! Spirit Weapon: Qiang."

Her speared reappeared next to her, but this time it was made from white bone, with the tip was shaped like a harpoon.

"Allow me to show you my true strengths. Spear Technique: Pierce."

She made a piercing motion with her hand, and from the tip of the weapon a laser-like beam came out.

The samurai evaded it with the skin of his teeth. By ducking as low as he could.

"Spear Technique: Piercing Torrent."

A volley of lazes flew out of her spear, all aimed at the upper disciple and the bleeding boy behind him.

"Tch! Unique Technique: Blossom that cuts Heaven."

The samurai's sword became covered in dense white energy and started to deflect the incoming attacks leaving trails of afterimages behind him.

"...Spear Technique: Judged Rose"

A new spear appeared in her hand that she stuck into the ground next to her.

There was a tremor that was soon followed by several bony spikes emerging around them.

"Unique Technique: Blue Flowing Water."

Some qi from his blade got separated from his weapon creating a circle around him. When the spikes reached him, the energy circle turned blue and cut them, as if they were made from butter.

When they reached the bleeding disciple, he quickly grabbed him and jumped several meters in the air.

"This is starting to drag on. I need to use it." He looked at the kid." I will throw you away. When you land, go find the elders and bring them here."


He didn't listen and he threw him away, just in time. Several purple projectiles came flying at him with high velocity.

"Unique Technique: Cursing River."

Now the entire blade turned blue and with a swing, it created a huge after image that dispersed the projectiles into thin air.

He landed on top of one of the spikes he cut in two, his sword filled with energy.

Soon Bei appeared a meter away from him, her spear pulsating in a purple aura.

"The kid is no longer here. You can stop fighting."

"... No. You are the enemy of my master. I will dispose of you before you do anything to harm him." She spun her spear over her head, gathering energy and velocity. "Allow me to show you the ultimate technique that I learned when I understood my true potential."

She stopped her spear in ist track. The weapon was sparkling with purple electricity while gently humming.

The samurai said nothing he just bent his knees and pointed the sword at his adversary.

"Spear Technique: Twisted Cascade."

Gently she let go of her weapon, which immediately flew out of her hand, creating a small sonic boom, while flying at the upper disciple.

The spear arrived at him in a matter of seconds bur, in the state where he was it looked like it took a whole minute.

His breathing slowed down with his heart rate, but his mind was racing like crazy, preparing his next move.

The two energies in his body, mana, and qi, flow all over inside him, concentrated their powers in his weapon.

"Ultimate Technique: Space Reversal."

It was too fast.

Even he couldn't see what his body did. But he didn't need to.

In a split second, he appeared behind Bei, his sword smoking and glowing hot red.

It took Bei's mind and body to register what happened to her.

He cut me.

When the information reached her brain, a cut ran through her abdomen almost cutting her in two, if not for the cloth that fixed themselves, and suturing the wound.

"...You are finished. Surrender and I will not kill you."

"... Ha... Ha...Ha... Good joke. Un-Unfortunately for you... I can still go on...."

From her back, a bone spike started to grow, which soon became an exact replica of the spear she just used.

She broke the weapon off, then swing it a couple of times.

"I believe that's enough for today, missy."

They jerked their heads up at the same time, staring at the sky.

Above them was quite an unusual scene.

Several people were standing swords as if they were skateboards, that floated in the air.

The one who just spoke was an elderly man, with long white hair and eyebrows, with something like a bun on top of his head.

"We came here since we sensed demonic energy pouring from this area. Newer in my wildest dreams have I thought that one of our disciples was actually a demon. Young lady, I have some questions to ask you when we return to our palace."

From the old man, a peruse started to form that pressed Yi Bei to the ground.

"F-Forget it. S-Spear Technique: Piercing Torrent."

The energy beams flew out of the spear, but they were stopped by an invisible force.

The old man said nothing, he just let a slit of paper fly into the air that immediately cached fire.

When the cinders touched the ground, a transparent cube surrounded Bei, giving her the impression that her insides were being crushed.

In the agonizing pain, she could only say one thing.

" H-High demon...Form."

At her command, her bone and darkness armor dissolved yet again and this time it covered her entire body.

The mass of black started to increase in volume and it soon took the form of what seemed to take the form of a black egg.

"Oh my. Did I accidentally awaken something in her? It will be a problem if she goes on a rampage. I-

"You all did enough."

Everyone turned to the one who dared to disrespect their elder.

When they found it, they started to sweat some even started to shake their leg.

The only person who acted differently was the ex-samurai.

His face was red, like a tomato and several veins popped on his forehead.

The individual that was standing before them was a man wearing a black and white tuxedo. His head was covered by a mask made from the skull of a deer, that had several pieces of jewelry hanging on its antenna. On his wrists and neck were golden rings that seemed to emit a faint light.

This strange personage was lending on a cane that had a green gem embedded in it.

His whole being was exuding a horrific pressure, as if it was something that didn't suppose to be here. It didn't even suppose to exist.

"Good day gentlemen. Let me present myself. My humble name is Dealmaker, but you may also refer to me as the Harvester who came to rip your cultivation out of the ground. It's a pleasure of meeting you all."


Things turned into shit quickly.

I sensed something happening with the girl, so I used one of the avatars in her subordinate to create me a portal to arrive here. I also reverted to my old form since I was saving the new one for the new clients.


A sword blade from my chest and I could hear someone breathing heavily behind me.

"...That is rude."

Luckily, I could control where my core is located in my body. For safekeeping, I relocated it in my head.

I slowly turned around the sword still in my body, facing the disciple who was shaking like jelly.

"Don't worry, I forgive you, let's hug it out."

Before he could say anything, I pressed his body to mine, impaling him with his own weapon.

[ 40 Exp received.]

[Due to [Harvest] an additional 20 Exp received]

Still no level up. Being a god those have some disadvantages. It will be a pain to become stronger.

I turned back to the flying people, who looked at me with horrified looks.

"Demon! You are on the holy ground of the Azure Blue Serpent sect! Be prepared to feel the wrath of fifteen Soul Realm cultivators!"

They started to murmur some sort of chant, causing ripples in the air.

" Oh, I will not let you guys do that. Telekinesis: Crush."

With my new level of power, I created a force above the flying people that was equal to that of a truck, smashing them into the ground.

The only one that stayed in the air, was the grandpa with the mustache, his whole body covered in sweat.

"You, know it is bad for you to do this kind of activity at this age."

"S-Shut up demon! You are courting death by angering an elder like...Myself!"

"If you say so."

I snapped my fingers, increasing the pressure that I was putting on the old-timer.

He held on for a little then...


He was squished into an unrecognizable mass of flesh.

[200 Exp received]

[Due to [Harvest] an additional 50 Exp received]

I looked at the samurai, who stood there, saying nothing, his eyes filled with rage.

"What? No hugs? We haven't seen each other for a while. You being here brings back some memory. Like the time I was killed, imprisoned, and killed again. You have no idea how narrowly I escaped death each time. Lady luck must really love me."


He said nothing, but I could tell, he was on the brink of exploding.

"Bah, newer mind I will just take this girl with me and you will never see me again. Good? Good."

I turned my back to him waiting for him to attack.



I turned back to him.

"How did you managed to come here?"

Is he feeling chatty?

"Well...It's a long story. Basically, I summoned myself the same time a spell of mass destruction was cast, making me arrive here. It was hard to adapt, but now I am even stronger than ever! Why? Do you want to return? Sorry, it is impossible, even for me. "

While I was talking, I turned away and went for the huge black egg in front of me.

"Now then it's time to go home!"

I touched the cube shattering it into pieces, then I turned both of us into sand, taking us back to ba-


[Action blocked]


I returned to the cultivator's world the second I left.

The earth trembled violently and the sky split open, spilling a blinding light upon us.

This feeling... It's them! I need to run!

It was in vain, the golden accessories on my body started to heat up, burning me.


Amongst the light, a majestic figure landed. It was a woman in her thirties wearing a carefully crafted dress, made what seemed like pure light. The exact features of the woman were hard to describe but I didn't need to, my guts were screaming her name to me.

"Astera, Goddess of Light and Order."

The majestic being looked at me.

"Infant God of Madness, Destin Torres. The Dealmaker. The Beast. One with many names. You have escaped your punishment for far too long."

Her voice had a very unpleasant effect on me. It felt like I was being cooked alive, then put into a deep freezer, only to repeat the previous process.

"My punishment? What crimes did I ever commit?"

"You have escaped the void. Then you started to feast upon the misery of man. When we judge you, we gave you time to repent, so that your soul may ascend."

"Very kind of you. Couldn't you guys have sent me a warning first?"

She seemed unbothered by my answer and continued.

"Despite our kindness, you extended your life with cursed ways and started to threaten a lineage that is incredibly important for the development of that world, not mentioning defiling one of the most sacred relics that we gave to that civilization. We judged you again, with the force of heaven, granting you a painless death and erasing your since. Yet you escaped again, claiming a spot in our throne room and started to disturb the balance of multiple words. We just can't let you continue this."

While she was talking an icy chill ran down my spine.

"Are you going to kill me yourself?"

"...I would. But since you became one of us, the same rule applies to you like it those to us. You shall be sealed away for ten thousand years as a punishment!"

"What? Forget it!Fortuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnaaaaaaaa-"

Time seemed to slow down trapping in me in this vicious feeling.

"It's too late for you to fight. The Council has already decided your fate. Now feel the weight of your actions."


Name: Destin Torres (■■■■■■■)

Race: Living Royal Insanity (Infant God of Madness)

Job: Summoner Lord, Madness Master, Parasite, Judge, Realm Ruler

LV: 10/10 000

HP: 20 000/20 000

MP: 15 000/15 000

Divine Energy (DE): 3006

Skill PT: 0

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Destroyed Mind] [Inorganic Body] [Madness Lifeform] [Immortality] [Divisibility] [Divine Constitution] [Golden Blood]

Skills: [Summoner Lord Magic; LV:1]] [Advanced Nightmare Magic: 1] [Master Deal Making, LV:1] [Master Wish Granting, LV:1] [Mental World, LV:1] [Dream Parasite, LV:1] [Madness Spread, LV: 1] [Master Telekinesis, LV:1] [ [ Advanced Summon Symbol,Lv:1] [Master Knife Combat, LV:9] [Master Athletize, LV:1] [Master Knife Throw, LV:1] [Master Poison Knowledge, LV:1] [Qi Master LV:1] [ Master (Infected) Holy Magic, LV:1] [Master (Infected) Compound Magic, LV:1] [Advanced Division, LV:9] [Realm Shaping] [Blessing, LV:1] [Divine Appearance.]

Martial Art: [Swift Step] [ Mantra of Madness] [Words of the Black Fox]

Divine Weapon: [Bayoneted Musket: Fortuna] [Cane of Beginning]

Passive skills: [Advanced Herbology; LV:9] [Silver Thang Lv:9] [Regeneration, LV:9] [Mass Manipulation, LV:9] [Tantalus's touch] [Sloth, LV:9] [Small Divine Aura, Lv:1] [Divine Radio]

Resistances: [Poison] [Fire]

Curses: [Iophobia] [Divine Chains]

Unique Skills: [God's Body] [Harvest]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Cursed Book Owner] [Revenge Driven] [Decorator] [Heartless] [Insane] [Peak of Race] [Unique Monster] [New God]





Author note: Discord. Early or not? 

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