Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 2. Chapter 8. Copper


"They are breaking through!"

"Guns don't work! Malay users forward! Aim at their heads!"

The defenders of the city fought valiantly against the hordes of monsters that attacked their homes. But their strengths were not enough, the monsters kept on swarming at them as if there was no end to them.

"We are done for! Evacuate the citizens! Don't let them breach the walls!"


It was too late. The monsters broke the wall and started to pour into the city. And when all hope was lost a light shined, bringing salvation...


6 Years Later:

Several people entered the bar at the outskirts of the town. Their uniforms and faces were dirty from the coal that they were mining all day long, while some even barely could move.

"Bellman! Bring us the best pint you have!"

The bartender, an uncle in his fifties with his carefully cut mustache and glasses glanced at the newly arrived people.

"Will you pay this time, or should I put it on your tab?"

"Haha! Not today friend! We found some diamonds so today, we will clear our debt."

"You said that yesterday..."

The bartender took several wood mugs from his country and filled them with a brown liquid that he passed to the miners.

"Thanks! Let's relax guys!"

The band went to the tables further in the back and started to drink lousily while talking.

"Did you hear? The taxes will be raised again!"

"That just a rumor, man. And even if it did, we are minors under a noble. It doesn't concern us!"

"Still if this continues like this place will also turn into one of those places."

"Ya mean, you seriously believe that the capital of a country will become a rusted city? You are nuts! The king wouldn't allow something like that!"

"Yeah, just to be safe we should prepare to set sail before it happens."

"And how will we do that? We can barely pay for our bears!"

"We can always ask the Bellman."

The group looked at the bartender who was cleaning a mug while talking to customers.

"Yeah, I don't know. That guy gives me the creeps."

"Why? Isn't he a famous smuggler or something?"

"Kid, you are new right?"

"Yeah, I joined a week ago."

"Then let me tell you about this place." The leader of the band drank all the liquor from his mug before continuing. " Six years ago, this bar opened from nothing as if it grew from the ground. The liquor here is good, so it quickly became famous and with all the other restaurants closing due to the famine it secured a lot of clients. Naturally, since it is at the edge of the wall and business was good, some bandits tried to rob the place. Supposedly, the next day, they were found at the doors of the city knights, their brains liquified and they could only sing a weird song. The same song that this old man hums occasionally."

The rookie's eyes were filled with fear, seeing the gentle old man as a monster in human skin.

"Of course, he is also able to find anything that you wish for. Some people even think that he is connected to a powerful organization. Remember the knights? Even they don't mess with him. And his staff-"

"Bah, that's not true. It's because of his grandchild!"

"Grandchild?" The newbie was extremely interested. He was young and naive.

The leader nodded.

"Yes. Supposedly he is the grandfather of the newest A rank hunter, 'Demon Lance' Rachel. "

" Wait. You are saying that this old-timer is actually a family member of one of the most powerful hunters in the city? Damn, no wonder he is strong, raising her must have been a real chore."

"It wasn't."

The band almost spit out their beer.

The bartender was standing right behind them, his hands behind his back, and was smiling gently.

"Mister Robert, I believe that you said that you have the money for your tab. May I have it now, before you get too drunk to remember about it?"

"Eeeh, YES! Naturally, I have it right here."

The miner searched in his pockets before giving a small pouch.

"600 silver. As I promised."

"...Very well. Have a nice drink."

The old man went back to the counter and continued cleaning the mugs.

"This guy.... He seriously scares me. Why isn't he a hunter?"

"I am sure he is just retired."

"... Let's go, I had enough drinks already."

The group stood up and went to the entrance when it was kicked in and people in armor entered.

"Gustave F Bellmen! You are under arrest under suspicion of illegal item sales and bribery! Don't move and we won't be rough with you."

The one who just talked was one of the most recognizable figures in the entire country.

It was the holy knight captain Dasenron Jacob.

He was famous for being the hero of the Copper City, by killing the horde of monsters by himself that almost destroyed the city. He was veneered as a living legend, a true hero with crest and power.

The barkeep walked to him, his hands still behind his back. Before this great person, he looked small and insignificant, but there was just something about him. Something sinister...

"Sir, we have already done this several times this month. May I dare to ask that you have a warrant?"

"A warrant? Who do you think you are?! I am the-"


From behind someone hit his head with the handle of a sword. It was a young lady who had brown skin and hair, which was in contrast to her white armor.

"Jacob, I have told you a thousand times! Stop bothering this person!"

"B-But captain! He is so suspicious! We need to search this place to be sure -


He was hit again, this time knocking him out cold.

The miners couldn't believe their eyes.

The hero was knocked out by a foreigner! How is that even possible.

"Everyone, leave this place, I need to have a word with the owner."

The miners and the knights nervously left the bar, dragging the mighty hero with them, leaving the two of them alone.

"...Do you want something to drink?"



It's been almost a decade since I and Bei arrived in this world.

When we arrived, I went through something. I could hear the system shutting down in my head, freeing me from its control.

It was a strange experience. If I had to describe it, I would say as if someone would turn off the breathing machine that I was on only for fresh air to enter my lungs.

The portal took us to a shabby farm where I helped an elderly lady kill a couple of bandits who were terrorizing the place. It was nice, it allowed me to understand what was happening to me.

I still had my powers and I was becoming stronger. I could feel it inside myself, my mana capacity was increasing, overflowing, powering up my cells up to their limit to the point of endangering the meat suit's safety.

Also, I couldn't cast anything. Telepathy and the 'demonic armor' were still working but the other things? Nada. Even to those that worked, felt like I was under some sort of restraint.

It seems like the system constructed the magic circle the second the spell was cast. Now I had to do that manually, in the form of chanting. And there I found the second problem. Power output.

Too little energy and nothing happens, but if there is too much of it...Let's say, I changed bodies regularly.

Then there was language and memory.

Seemingly the system translated everything around me into English. Now that it was gone I saw the world for what it really was: a bunch of noises and letters that I couldn't even pronounce. Thank go-, I mean, We were lucky that Bei could translate for me.

Also, as I said before the system built the magic circles when I used a skill AND it helped me remember how to use them. This also meant that I couldn't remember some alchemic formulas, summoning circles, or other basic stuff.

I could feel my intelligence drop significantly. I became a glass canon, breaking if I became too serious.

The first thing I did was using the corpses of the bandits to summon some ghost-type monsters since the memory of my first magic was carved into my head.

Why ghosts and not monsters, you may ask? Well, it's quite simple. These guys are hard to perceive by normal people, they can turn invisible and have enough intelligence to talk and I haven't touched on the best subject which is their powers.

In total, I made a contract with 20 ghosts of various species. They will serve as my weapons till I adapt to my situation.

When I was done with them, I used their blood as a mirror and threw them into my world to turn them into puppets.

After all the carnage we returned to the farm and asked for information as payment from the old hag.

If I could believe her words, I was in quite an interesting situation.

To be very blunt this world was a mess.

The weather became incredibly hot, due to some curse some gods put on them, making the harvest season produce less crop, which led to famine, which in turn led to an uprising, and one after another there is a huge war that's currently ravaging the whole world.

If that weren't enough, there was a caste system.

People born here, have a tattoo called a crest that acts as a sign for their future profession. No matter who your parents were, your social standing solely depends on a very weird birthmark on your butt.

This naturally raised some tension between the different classes, and the shortage of resources only added gasoline to the forest fire.

The only country that stayed in some sort of peace was the Dutten, located at the very edge of the continent.

It was supposedly the most advanced one between the other countries so it could stay safe.

When we learned everything that we could, we cut our losses and started our journey there.

To blend in, I used my only power that isn't a headache, God's Body, to move the pigments on our body, creating false crests on them.

Bei's crest was called Demonic Lancer. It was a rare one, that allowed the user to consume the flesh of its victims to gain power. It was quite fitting for her actually.

Mine on the other hand was different. I went with one that was known as "Dark Adept". Basically, those who have this mark can levitate, mind control, and do some weird thing around themselves. In my current state, it was a perfect cover.

Both crests were considered high tier which was perfect for us to settle in a comfortable area.

When we arrived at the capital that was called Cooper City we separated, attacking different parts of the city. Bei would infect the adventurers, sorry 'hunters' around herself, bringing more muscle to the team while I worked on the finer details.

Like the monster hordes...

Still, without her, it was thought to live in a place that I couldn't understand. To facilitate my learning, for the first couple of months I have been moving from one body to another, learning their language and culture till I was no different from them.

If I was correct this was the 9th body I possessed.

As a cover for my current operations, I opened a bar that I named "Dirty Sheep" that I have been working in for months.

There were no problems, everything was great, till that 'hero' showed up at my doors.

From a hunch or some godly message, he started to harass me and my establishment. My guess was that he was a reincarnated person since he sometimes uses words and jokes that belonged to my previous world.

Thank go- I mean, I am lucky that his boss has a little more common sense.

"Do you want something special? I still have some Fire Brandy."

"No, some red wine would be good."

I nodded and poured her some in a glass cup.

"On the house."

"Thanks" she took the cup and drank half of it with one sip. " Damn I needed this."

"Hard day?"

Right, now I was using one of the skills that I learned that I called ' Being Attentive to Other People's Problems While I'm Cleaning' or 'B.A.O.P.P.W.I.C' for short.

Like always, it worked successfully mainly because the wine was 60% alcohol and 10 % Special Fluid.

"Yeah, the higher-ups are killing me. They want results as fast as possible, but they forget that some things just take time."


"I mean, I have been working for them for years and yet they have no respect for me or to theirs."

"It's horrible."

"Right? And the worst part is that with the war on our necks, we need to work even harder. Some of us even fell ill from overwork!"

She drank the rest of her vine then tapped its side requesting for more.

" Miss, as I am flattered by your visits, but I highly recommend that you put a leash on your subordinate. I can't run my establishment if my customers run away every time."

"You know that you are lucky that you are still in business? Most of the restaurants are closed due to the food shortage."

"I have my ways and it is perfect for me. Less competition, more clients."

I poured some more into her cup.

"...Did you get the letter that we sent you?"

Ugh, this again.

"Yes, and my answer is no. I might have a somewhat strong crest, but I don't see the importance of a simple tavern worker to accompany you."

"B-But it's very important!"

"Miss, I might be old, but my mind is still sharp. You want my granddaughter to accompany you."

To be fair, it was not in the plan for us to play relatives, but the people around us started to question it so we went with it, being a convenient backstory and all that. Still, this old body! I was already eyeing a new one and a convenient story for it.

" ...You're right. We tried to recruit her, but she turned us down every single time."

"And you want to throw me there so that she follows me. I am deeply sorry but no."

She looked at me for a while then, she drank the vine and left.

"...Well, it seems like I am closing early. Maybe I have some to work on my project."

I locked the bulky wood doors shut then went down to the basement where I kept the barrels of various alcohols. At the deepest part of the place was a body sized mirror hanging on the wall, showing only darkness. From the darkness, an arm made from silver came out holding onto the ground as if it was afraid it was going to lose it.

I put my head into the darkness and shouted.

"Someone give me today's report!"

Seconds later someone did emerge from the void.

Or something.

Its upper body belonged to that of a young woman in her twenties with green hair and yellow eyes. The waist down, she had the body of a green snake, with scales hard as iron. Her upper body was covered in tight white clothing and on her head was a fragment of what seemed to belong to a giant snake skull.

A lamia? That's rare.

"How may I help you, sir?"

Yes, there was the classical hissing noise but that was not important right now.

"How is the production going?"

"Very well actually. The liches and the goblin shamans finally learned to use the summoning circles that you taught them, giving us a steady supply of troops. Only today we sent out 5 teams into the wild and three of them just returned with a few dozen of captives. We are currently infecting them with the transformed corpses. The only thing we currently need is more earth to cultivate on and rocks to make more golems."

The two other teams were probably killed by the hero. Fuck.

"Hmmm, start by summoning great worms that can store a great amount of earth in their bodies. Then send them out with the zombie dwarfs and some imps to an abandoned cave to harvest some minerals."

"As you wish."

"What about the eggs?"

"They are being produced at a fast rate and some have even hatched. As our Lord predicted, they have indeed evolved into various races, some even become beings equal to demon lords."

"Demon lords? Perfect, make sure if we have enough manpower to make more of them. If we can make an army of them, then nothing will stop us."

"I shall ask our lord when he wakes up."

You are talking to him right now, you know...

"Is there anything else you need to report to me?"

"Yes, there is. As you asked, we managed to steal some documents from the kingdom's palace. For them not to notice it, we made copies and put the originals back to their place. They contain the location of their next expedition."

Sigh, they never give up.

Since resources are hard to come by, the capital started to issue expeditions, in hope of finding a habitable land. These idiots couldn't understand that the world was done for. They will die out and when that happens, I will take everything on this planet, make it mine.

"Let me guess, they are aiming at the sea."

"...No sir, it's... well You should look at them."

She handed over a stack of files, filled with words.

I looked through them, a smile creeping up on my face.

"Well, well, this is quite interesting. With this, I have no reason to refuse anymore!"

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