Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 3. Chapter 12. Bullet vs Hand( Part 1)

This was a strange one to write. Listening to Disturbed while reading yoga positions and Hinduism was quite a something. So many emotions, I might have reached a twisted version of enlightenment.




This. Is. BORING.

 I have been looking at the memories of the people who I have violently killed before.

“Nothing interesting.  I wonder if there is anything better happening in the heads of the living.

Concentrating, I went into the head of an old man who was sipping his coffee near the school.

From his almost blind eyes, I could see people building back the gymnasium.

Not exciting but it could be worse. Next!

I switched again, arriving in the head of one of the students, who was currently sitting in the same class as Ash.

The class wasn’t important, what was is the way Ash acted.

He looked stressed, distracted, irritated.

Good, he’s mentally weakened by the thing he saw. He is depressed because of his weakness. Now, I will keep this on, and I will deal with him later.

Satisfied by what I saw, I  went back to my original body, which was on his throne.

Who taught that being an evil god can be so boring! I which somebody would attack me so that something interesting would happen… Wait a minute!

I sent my mind down to one of the factories in which I was developing what I named, living weapons.

Basically, parasites which would attach themselves to the host, giving them superpowers in exchange for the hosts' life force. I haven’t tried them out, so this is the perfect opportunity for it.

Like all my other factories, this place was dark and filled with huge glass tanks of green liquid, in which my babies were floating.

“So, which one should I go with? The sword is generic, the lance is stupid, the gun is boring- Ahh this one!”

By controlling one of the avatars, I reached out, took the weapon, and put it into a black medical bag.

“Now, then let’s see who is going to be the lucky fella will have you.”

Snapping my fingers, I created one of those black mirrors and passed through it, arriving in an abandoned house, which looked like a mini hurricane passed through it, with a corpse sitting before me.

Liquifying, I made the avatar go into its mouth, taking control over it, then once I got used to its movements, I took the bag, and went out.

This world was also a fantasy world, but here only the noble had magic. The usual noble supremacy, poor are seen less as humans, etc., etc., etc. you get the idea.  The only good thing about this place was the number the souls I got from here, and the people here are literally ready to do anything to piss of the upper class.

I only y needs to find, a-that.

In the gutter of a house, a kid was lying in the mud, almost dead.

Malnutrition, broken ribs, who cares. he was going to become my test subject.

I walked to him, and I hit his cheeks slightly, waking him up.

“Hey bud, do you want to do something cool?”


“Cool? Just let me take your hand and-“

I slightly put opened the bag and put his hand into it.

“What are you.- AAAAAAAA!”

I let him go, once I was sure that the parasite entered his hand.

When he raised it again, it was missing his skin and nails and had a big red eye in the middle of his palm.


I took the bag and left before anyone could say anything.

One day. After one day he is going to go berserk and-


Not a minute have passed, and one of the houses got destroyed by a whip made from flesh and muscles.

“What do you know? I outdid myself.”

As I laughed at myself, I got a sudden reaction.

A divine presence in the world where Ash was.

A god dared enter my hunting ground. I will get rid of him, with one of the regenerating bodies in this instant!



“I am telling you; this is our opportunity to strike back!”

“Out of the question! You will stay here and complete your training. I will go!”

“Isn’t there some sort of rule which dictates that gods must fight on the world of the humans?”

“There is but I am ready to break my oath if it means that I can kill the son of the bitch who did this to him!”

“Master, you are not thinking straight. if you do that, things will go south!”

“I don’t care!”

Without any other word, the Goddess of Mercy disappeared before him, repairing in the air of The Last City of Earth, radiating in a golden light.

“…For a woman you have balls. And I am not talking about your eyes.”

Soon a figure flew to her. It was a woman wearing a black fur coat, a strange fur hat, and had a deer skull mask, with two back wings on her back.

“Dealmaker. I see that you are even using young women as pawns now.”

“What, this? This is nothing just something I grabbed on the go. You, on the other hand, are in a big trouble. This is foreign god airspace, so get your pretty face of my world before I put a hole in it.”

“…I can’t forgive you.”

“Ya, what?”

The monster leaned closer, its hands on its hip.

“Even as the Goddess of Mercy, even I can’t forgive a creature like you.”

Suddenly a huge gust of energy swept through the air, pushing Dealmaker backward a little bit.

“You mock humans, you eat their flesh and soul, you break them, not even caring about their lives. All this is for the sake of self-interest. You are lower than a scum, you are a monster!”

“So? Do you think your words will hurt me? Lady, I am well aware of what I am! I am the thing that survived countless attacks from your people. The thing which slid into several of your words, without you noticing it. I am above you! I am the TRUE god amongst you!”

“You are mad.”

“it’s in my title. So, are we going to keep on chatting, or are we going to do this!”

Snapping its fingers, a mouth appeared on its chest from which two tommy guns flew out, landing in its hands.

“Not going to lie, I was getting bored!”

“…No need to ask.”

The goddess clapped her hands together as if she was praying, somehow creating a golden magical circle behind it.


Pulling the trigger, bullets started to fly out of the machine gun, accompanied by a retelling sound.


Whit a single word, the goddess created several gold phantom arms from the circle behind her, blocking the bullets.


“Mudra Gyana”

At her command, one of the arms grew bigger than the others almost the size of an elephant.

“What do you think will accomplish?! I will just bla-


When the giant arm brought the tips of the thumb and index finger together, against explosion occurred where the demon was.


The demon flew out of the dust of the explosion as if nothing happened to it.

“I admit that was a good one, but you will need something better th-“

“Mundra Suraya.”

Now the giant hand folded its ring finger and the thumb pressed on its base while the arm did a swinging motion.

From the tips, a blade of fire spread out, going straight towards the demon!

“This won’t stop me! Magical Rockets deployment!”

While the flame attack went towards it, the still opened mouth of the demon regurgitated several mistles, which got launched with different colors.

“Mudra Abhaya.”

Now the giant did a stop sign, creating a golden bubble around the goddess.

When the two attacks finally reached the two targets, two huge explosions shocked the city, alerting everyone.

“Bahahahahahaha! I am fireproof! This type of attack does nothing to me!”

“What a coincidence. I was about to say the same thing.”

When the dust finally faded both of them were unharmed.

“What do you think, should we take this up a notch?”

As it talked, several black mirrors were created around it, from the numerous weapons emerged.

Saying nothing the goddess held her hands tighter, creating several other arms behind her.


Ash POV:

“What is happening?”

‘If only I knew.’

Partner and I  were looking upon the sky, watching the fight up there. The energy they let out, was incredible. One of them let out a pure constant radiance which made me feel at peace. The other one was disgusting and was pulsing, sometimes it disappeared then reappeared as if it was a heartbeat.

‘One of them is defiantly Dealmaker, but the other one I don’t recognize. Whoever she is, she is an enemy of his, which is good for us.’

“Yeah, we can kill him now!”

‘Wait I didn’t mean like that.”

“  Already called it.”

‘Listen to me!’

I can’t screw up now!

Being beaten up and then sawed by total strangers did sting, but it was just me having an off day, I will surely be able to defeat them!

My newly fixed, just landed next to me, opening its back to me as if it was made from carton.

I quickly jumped into it, and once it closed, I used the propulsor to fly up into the sky.

The closer I got to them the more I could see of them.

Dealmaker was still a woman albite one which had a giant mouth on its chest, holding two automatic rifles in its hand while several other hands held numerous firearms, making rain several bullets rain.

The one who is fighting with him was another woman, too beautiful to be human. Behind its back was a magical circle that produced several ghostly arms, protecting her from the damage.


“I won’t go down without avenging my disciple! “Mundra Suraya!”


Another explosion shocks the city, almost sending me back on the earth.

’Th-This monstrous amount of energy… it's out of this world! How did Dealmaker get a body so strong and who is that girl!?’

“I don’t know, and I don’t care! if they continue this, they will destroy the whole city!”

Once I reached the same altitude they were on, I almost got killed in the crossfire.

“Just leave already! I don’t even know why you are angry at me!”

“You killed my disciple!”

“I have killed a lot of people's disciples, what makes yours special?!”

“Arrggh, die already! Mudar Vayu!”

One of the huge hands lifted its palm up before its index finger pressed on the second phalanx bone with the tip of the thumb with the other fingers extended.

Immediately a huge gust of wind started to spread from the hand surrounding the monster in a white tornado.


Breaking through the tornado using its powerful wings, Dealmaker aimed its weapon at the head of the woman, its finger on the trigger.

“Electric Magic: Thunder Bolt!”

Using a little magic, I threw a ball of electricity at the weapon Dealmaker was using, zapping it out from its hand.

“What-YOU! What the hell are you doin-“

Before he could finish his sentence, one of the ghostly arms of the mysterious woman, smacked him down, throwing him in the ground so hard it created a small crater.

“Mortal, you are in the way. This is a battle between immortals. You are being here is a hindrance.”

“Listen. I don’t know who you are, but that guy is very dangerous! Let me help you deal with him!”

‘Hey, should I remind you that she was wiping the floor with him?!

“Daaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmnnnnn it! That hurt!”

From the crater, a twisted figure of Dealmaker flew up, slowly returning to normal.

“if not for this artificial body's regenerative ability, I would have died! Having to deal with my fragment and my own kind at the same time is quite troublesome. it seems like I need to use one of my proudest creations!”

The mouth on her chest opened so wide it almost tore her body in two.

From it, darkness a long cannon barrel emerged followed by the rest of the weapon.

Once the weapon was completely out, Dealmaker lifted it with a single hand.

“I call it The Prayer. 30 mm millimeter long, magic hand cannon, capable of shouting 6 different types of bullets, each enhanced by my pre-stored madness mana. This baby will tear through anything, even that annoying barrier you gods love to use.”

She aimed the barrel towards the mysterious weapon.

“Let’s see if that little trick of yours going to save you from an energy bullet the size of a watermelon that can go at the speed of a racecar!”

“…Whatever you can do, I can block it. Mudra Anjali!”

Two ghost hands raised up in the heavens, clapping together as if they were praying.

“Die then! Prayer: Fire!”

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