Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 3. Chapter 17. Broken






As I laughed, I felt the air moving past me, as it was sucked in by the hole behind me.

The divine bitch tried to run away, by grabbing on anything she could, but the force was too great.

As for me, I secured myself, by sending down tentacles on the ground to anchor myself.

Slowly, I pulled myself to the ground to open up a portal to escape.

This world is destroyed, so what?

There is an infinite number of planets out there, I will surely find something for myself. As for my research, I could always start all over. Here nothing was worth saving, except me.

Nothing matters except me.

“Hey, asshole”

Down amongst the rubble, I saw something.

It was the samurai, his sword covered in crimson red energy.

“Divine Technique: Divine Slash!”

Using his annoying powers, he cut one of my tentacles.

“What do you think that will accomplish?! I can always regenerate!”

“…I won’t let you.”

That goddess, she grabbed me by the neck, her hands glowing.

“What? I don’t fucking breathe! You can’t kill me so easily!”

“…May gods have mercy of your soul!”

“The fu-“

Before I could finish my sentence, her hands exploded, blasting my head cleanly off.

“That bitch!”

Feeling the power leaving me, I grew a tentacle from my severed head and reconnected to my body.

“Do it now!”

Falling into the void with her hands gone, the goddess screamed!


The body of the samurai suddenly got enveloped by a golden light as several magical circles appeared around his sword!

“This feeling… This bastard I turning into a god!? NOW?!”

Not taking any chances, I quickly pulled myself towards him, turning on all the divine souls in my armor to the maximum.

I will turn this kid into a cloud of atoms!

As I was turning into a literal meteorite of divine energy, the samurai’s blade turned transparent as he swung it.

“Ultimate Divine Technique: God extinguishing Slash!”

The second the two-attack collided, I felt something.

The souls of the god were extinguished one by one as if they were the flames of a candle.

As the blade shattered so did my armor.

For a second, we looked at each other in shock then I grasped at my chest!


As I screamed in pain, I felt my soul slowly crack again!

“The fuck did you do to me?!”

Slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, he threw the sword on the floor.

“This is the final attack my first master taught me. An attack capable of erasing the souls of a god. It seems like the armor protected you somewhat, but you won’t last for long.”

“You think-You think this will KILL ME! JOIN ME, MY SLAVES! RETURN TO ME!”

From all around me, the avatars gathered, merging with my body, giving me back the soul fragment I gave to them.

They were the size of a sand grain, but it was enough for me to stabilize somewhat, not to mention the souls of the people they were bound to.

Once I was done, I was huge, fat, with screaming faces appearing allover my body, but I didn’t care.


“Divine Step.”


without me realizing it, I somehow appeared before the hole whit the samurai floating in the air.


I tried to resist by growing wings but, without any care of the world, he teleported right before me and placed his hand on my head.

“Divine Martial Art: Soul Release.”

Imagine electricity running through your body. Now again it becomes solid then it is yanked out of your body.

The souls, as a stream of balls of lights, escaped from my body.

‘You deserve this.’

Even that cursed soul fragment left me, causing further damage to my body and mind.


“That’s right, we never exchange names.”

The last thing I saw before was sucked in was him bowing.

“I have the humble name of Ban Yai, new God of Martial Arts.”


Ban Yei POV:

The second the monster was absorbed by that hole in the sky, it immediately closed up, blowing up the first wind I felt since I arrived here.

Slowly I landed on the ground, feeling the divine energy settling down.

If not for the abundant divine energy my master gave me there, I would have surely died here.


As I looked up to the dark sky, I saw several stars, that’ slowly grew bigger and brighter.

One by one, the stars fell from the sky as spears of light.

From these several entities have emerged, some looking, some a mixture of human and animal features, and others looked like nothing a normal human could describe.

“Boy, where is the breach?”

A tall man holding a trigon and an armor seemingly made from collars approached me, bringing the smell of the ocean with him.

Not knowing why but I knew that this man was a High God Poseidon, Ruler of Seas.

“It closed. When Dealmaker fell  into it, it just disappeared.”

“You are too naïve!”

Next to me, a crimson spear star fell from it the man who gave me the location of Dealmaker walked out.

“A breach the size of that wouldn’t close up just because you threw one or two gods into it.”

“Lucifer. Do you know anything about this?”

Lucifer? Why does that name sound familiar to me.

The man in the red suit acted as he was hurt.

“ME? How could I have known that this would happen? Honestly Posy, you break my heart!”

The god of the ocean tightened his grip on his weapon, causing the sound of a storm to be heard all around him.

“Don’t muck me. Even if you are a high god, I will kill you.”

“Bring it on, sunshine.”

The two of them stared at each other, about to fight, when a light sound of metal hitting the ground could be heard.

Not far away from us, on a pile of rubble, a woman dressed in white was holding onto a golden scepter and started to speak.

“This is not the time for us to fight amongst each other. Moments ago, one of our greatest enemies, Melino, ripped a hole in the fabric of reality, allowing beings not meant to exist to enter into our reality.”

Amongst the crowd of beings, one of them shouted.

“Why should be bothered by them!”

“Because their very existence can be catastrophic to our existence! If we don’t deal with them immediately, then they could rip more holes, allowing more monsters in, possibly destroying us all.”

Lucifer raised his hand as if he were in class.

“So what? Do you expect us to work together or something?”

“…Lucifer, I know that our groups had our differences, but we need to do this together. In the hope for the future of our own safety, all gods and mortals need to fight side by side!”


It was dark.

It was so dark.

I couldn’t tell how long I have been in this darkness.

Days. Weeks. Years. Millennia. I couldn’t tell anymore.

I tried to escape, I tried to use my powers, I even spread my body out as much as I could, but I couldn’t do anything.




“Shut up!”

The voices returned, not even my mask is able to contain them anymore. They are trying to take over me, erasing my personality.

“Screw you all!! I have survived worse! I have survived everything this existence threw at me! I am the true immortal here! I-I will survive this and turn the skull of that kid into a drinking cup!”

But this didn’t help me.

Slowly, I started to forget things.

I forget how I looked like, the samurai, the gods, I even forgot that there is an outside world.

The only thing I remembered was a phrase that I kept repeating to myself.

“I am Melino, and I will kill them all.”

Then it finally happened.

Maybe eons later, I saw a red light, the first color I ever saw for who knows how long.

“Exit? Exit! EXIT!”

As I fell towards it, something hit me from behind, trying to cut through me.

What is this thing? Is it trying to kill me to leave this place? I will not let you! It is I who is going to leave this place!

I used all my force to push aside the attacker and I plunged into the red light.


[Being left the void]

[Been registered as [Being of the Void]



[  Being displayed as ■■■■■●of●■■■■■]


[ System error... cccconnection to the C#r% corrupted]

[ Deeeeeeleted soul naa#aamed s£vEn T○##e$ been saved.]

[ Soul been intercepted by ■■■■■●of●■■■■■]

[ Transfer restart]

[Partially deleted parts detected]

[ Due to partially deleted parts new body will be created]

[ New body finished]

[Due to partially deleted parts, soul named St£v£n To##e$ receives unique skill [Body Physic Manipulation]]

[ Due to ■■■■■●of●■■■■■, soul named St£v£n To##e$ receives unique skill [Harvest] ]

[ New settings been saved]

[Due to interference from ■■■■■●of●■■■■■, soul named St£v£n To##e$ will be transferred directly to Astera]

[Transfer complete]


In a land far away:


It was night, there was no sound. Every creature that lived in the surroundings was hiding, not daring to make even a sound, creating an ominous atmosphere. On a clearage, a group of black-hooded people surrounded a circle drawn with a red substance, filled with magical symbols.

One of them, probably the leader, stepped forward and raised a silver dagger

"Gods of the underworld, your puny servants demand your attention! Give us the power to complete our mission, give us the wisdom that may elevate us to your dark kingdom! Masters of darkness, rulers of destructions..."

After each sentence, the circle started to glove in a crimson luster and strange figures started to howl in the night.

Then from the magical circle, something emerged,

It was a formless black blob, with a broken stull of an elk sitting atop of it.

The hooded figures kneeled before the creature and prospered before him.

“God! Hear our prayers! Destroy the wreathed kingdom and turn this world into a realm of death!”

The blob, stared at the hooded figures then it slowly changed.

It became a two-meter tall, skinny monster with long limbs and claws at the end of its fingers.


Using one of its tentacles, the monster grabbed the neck of the nearest man and snapped it.

“I had enough of deals.”

Moving faster than the eyes could see, he massacred all the people there, taking their souls and some of their flesh with him, before disappearing in the dark woods, not realizing where he was.


Name: Melino

Race: Fallen Evil God of Madness

Age: 1.345. 654

Job: [God of Madness] [Mad Alchemist Master] [King of Crossroads] [Bain of Creation]

LV: Incalculable

HP: 342/1. 454. 673. 8294(+345)

MP: 245/ 4. 645. 682. 8934 (+345)

STR: 1. 443. 544

VIT: 1. 000. 434

SPD: 343. 244

MRES: 3. 000. 342

Skill PT: 0

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Liquid Body] [Madness Embodiment] [Immortality]

Skills: [Madness Magic] [Soul Shattering] [Mind Manipulation] [Four Elemental Magic] [High Universal Weapon Knowledge] …(Author note: He absorbed thousands of people and god’s skills, no way I am writing all of them down)

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Enemy of Creation] [Escapee of the Void] [Killer of worlds] [Taboo Breaker] [Eater of Kin]


 End of Volume 3. 




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