Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 4. Chapter 4. Caveman mode

Sorry for the wait, just discovered that in Skyrim, you can turn into a werewolf.




I should be fine here.

It was night again and I put quite a distance between me and …well me, I guess.

I dished the body of the deer which was unusably destroyed and slowly eating it from inside, didn’t help.

I slowly reformed my own body, still unable to completely return to normal.

I was still thin, black, and naked.

My head was nothing more than a black smooth sphere, which opened up into a black hole each time I wanted to open my mouth. No idea how I was able to smell or hear things.

“Whatever this is not my immediate concern. What are, are my actions from now on?”

First, I can’t fight that thing. It was pure luck that I managed to run away from it, and if it’s anything like me, there is almost nothing that can kill it.

Plus, I am on death’s door again, with a limited amount of time to live, with no idea how I will swindle out of this.

“Welp, this doesn’t look good. What do I do now?”

I breathed deeply and started to think, now releasing something.

“It’s quiet.”

For almost as long as I could remember, I heard the voices in the back of my mind, telling me to do things.

But now that I was separated from that thing, I felt… peace.

Maybe this whole thing won’t be so bad. At least until I found out how I will survive this. What did I do again when I was in a similar spot? I remember eating something but other than that.

“Sigh, well this can only mean experimenting. But not tonight, I am tired. Hehe, did I really say that? Man, it might turn out that I turned entirely mortal.”

Not feeling comfortable being necked, even if I had nothing to show, I walked to the deer’s body and tore it apart.

Using its skin and bones I fashioned myself a blue leather tunic, and seemingly keeping my nature, I ripped its head off, emptied its inside, before putting it on my head, now having a bleeding mask, with slightly glowing antlers.

From the remaining skin, I made something resembling a large pouch in which I put the remaining usable-looking bones and threw them over my shoulder.

“Primitive armor set acquired. Perks: looking like a retard. New mission: survive to get better clothing.”

I walked through the dense forest, keeping the movement to a minimum. To not attract any unvented predators, I turned into a liquid for a second, absorbing all the blood from my new clothes before returning to normal.

I only stopped twice, once when I saw something big and bulky walk not far away from me.

Not sure if I wanted to fight anything right now, I threw myself on the ground and stayed motionless, till that thing disappeared from my sight.

The second one was shortly after that when I found a not-so-big cave in which I played down to rest.

For who knows how long I slept peacefully, not connected to anything, then when dawn came, I started to work on something.

Maybe most of my memories about magic and such were lost, but after some time researching and making stuff, I developed some craftsmanship myself.

First, I opened my improvised bag and inspected what I had to dispose of.

“Before I do anything I should check that I can still use it”

I lifted my hand before me and concentrated.

“Divine Weapon: Fortuna.”

As the space around my hand rippled, I felt my energy being drained constantly.

When my gun finally appeared, I was sweating like crazy, and my breath was shallow.

“Can call it, but it takes too much out of me to call it and by the time it comes out I will be dead.”

When the weapon disappeared, I thought through my options, I went out, grabbed an adequately sized branch, and brought it back with me.

First, I grabbed two hand-sized stones and started to slide on each other, using the still unnatural force of my body.

I did that until the surface of the stones became smooth and straight.

I repeated the process with their other sides, the end result becoming two thin disks.

Satisfied with the results, I played down the two disk-looking things, looked for another stone, and started to hit it.

Continuing this process, I made two shipped knife-looking things, similar to the thing a caveman would use.

“Nowhere comes the hard part.”

I took a bone and with my stone knife, I started carving.

The bone was strange, it sometimes lit up when I hit it and its toughness was no joke, one of the knives broke when I applied too much force.


It was slow work, but I kept on making it.

“Strange. No bone marrow, just pure bone. How did this creature make blood cells? Bah, it doesn’t matter, this is a good thing for me.”

I went through with each bone, gaining speed with each successive one.

Once I was finished with the bones, I turned to the leather and started to cut it into strips.

Finally, I grabbed the stick laying next to me and started crafting.

“What are the sound games make when you acquire a new item? Ta-Ta-Ta- Da- something.”

Holding it above my head was the weapon.

With the clipping and smoothening method, I transformed the bone into a white blade, which I later put into the stick and tied both of them together.

The end result was a thin white blade, with a long handle.

I swung it a few times, then I used a few of the later strips to make the grip better.

As for the other bone blades, I used the remaining strips, on the handless of the weapons and I decided to deal with the rest.

“Damn, I am hungry. I should get something to eat. It will be good to have something to put under my teeth. Could use the leather as well… Wait, what the fuck am I doing?! I wasted two days! I have to move to a city and figure out a way to survive!”

I looked out, seeing the setting sun, and breathed in heavily.

“…I should call for a ride. How did the summoning chant go again?”


Fake Melino POV:

“Taste good!”

“More. I want more!”

“We should cook the next one.”

“No. Raw is good. Raw is life.”

We continued eating the monster we just caught.

The easiest way to describe it was that it was a brown T-rex with red spikes running through its back, instead of hands that had a pair of uselessly small bat wings.

The thing was much bigger than us, but with us eating almost anything we could find, it was a piece of cake to take it out. Funny enough, the thing did taste like cake for some reason.

“What the hell.”

Hearing a voice that didn’t belong to us, we looked up above our heads.

We could see a person floating above our head, wearing strange white clothes, but its face was hidden by the setting sun.

“Who are you?”

“Are you enemy?”

“Do you taste good?”

“…Sigh, so you finally lost it, Dealmaker. Guess even you wouldn’t escape from a black hole without any permanent damage.”


We jumped up in the air and grew a pair of wings on our back.

“We asked who you are!”

“Fire Magic: Blazing Inferno!”

A ball of flames shouts out from our open mouth, but it got cut in two before it could reach the target.

But now we could see it. See its face.




It was that man! The one who has been a thorn in our side for who knows how long. Now floating before us.

The pest lifted his white sword, which we gave to him, and stared at us with a look filled with hate.

“Let’s end this. Dimensional Slash!”

His attack cut us in two, but without that bastard, it didn’t do anything two us.

The two halves spun a little bit, forming two of us.


With the two of us, we prisoned the bastard in a ball of water.

As he struggled, we reformed into one, charging up another spell.

“Divine Thunder Magic: Vaporizing Blast!”

Black lightning flew out from our hands, accompanied by a booming sound, turning the ball and anything inside into vapor.

“Goodbye, you wretched thing!”

“Divine Slash!”

Appearing above us, without a scratch, he cut our head off, and with a roundhouse slammed it on the ground.

Not wasting any time, we grew several more heads from the wounded neck.

“Hit and miss! Advanced Divine Elemental Magic: Destructive Elemental Torrent!”

Using up a great amount of magic, we started different types of magic breaths and fired them at the samurai.

“Divine Technique: Dimensional Movement.”

Disappearing and reappearing, the bastard managed to evade the breaths, looking quite good while he was at it.

“Then what about this? Spread out!”

Tearing ourselves apart, we reformed into small humanoid forms but still connected.

“I have already seen this trick before. Nothing special about it.”

The samurai suddenly fell to the ground under us holding his sword and returned to his scabbard.

“What do you think you are doing?!”

We flew towards him, changing our forms into various weapons and monsters, ready to tear him apart.

“Original Divine Technique: Frozen Moon Draw!”

We couldn’t see it or understand it, even when we had our minds connected.

In a span of a second, our bodies were frozen solid and fell apart as they crashed into the ground, unable to fuse again.


“I have been thinking. Came up with this trick on the way here in case you would turn into a liquid.

“D-Damn it! Ca-Can anyone move?!


“I’m missing an eye!”

“Who is on me?”

‘I am okay.’

“What? Who- DUCKY?”

Through our shared senses, we located his location.

That bastard was sitting on a tree, taking on the shape of a black duck.

“Get your ass here and help us!”

‘Nah, I am done with you guys. I am going duck seeing. Bye!’

We felt him cut our connection, separating from the group.

“That bastard!”

“Wait…We can cut ourselves away?”

“We can leave?”

There was an awkward silence, then one by one, they started to separate from us.

We felt our minds slowly deteriorating, each of us taking some of our powers away, till there were only four of us left.

“Now that I have you, it's time for you to die. I would say to go to hell, but I believe that a monster like you would enjoy a place like that.”

Stabbing his sword into the ground, energy started to gather in the blade.

“We need to go. Use flames to melt!”

We slowly melted ourselves out and slid away, leaving the traitors behind to meet their faith.

Soon, we saw a pillar of light descending from the sky, enveloping everything where we just were.

“That could have been us.”

“We were lucky. They sacrificed themselves.”

“But for what cost? There are only four of us.”

“Yes, the best four. We are the true parts of Melino.”

Slowly, we reformed, becoming much smaller than we were, around human-sized.

“We lost a lot of ourselves.”

“We are Melino. We can make more.”

“…Yes, we just need a village.”

“We shall bless them by becoming part of us.”

“ They shall become a god.”

“All shall become God.”


Name: None

Race: Broken Memory

Age: 1.345. 654

Job: [Mad Alchemist Master] [King of Crossroads] [Bain of Creation]

LV: 1/ 100

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 10/5000

STR: 4000

VIT: 10

SPD: 300

MRES: 2000

DC: 11 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes,

Skill PT:0

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Liquid Body] [Madness Embodiment] [Immortality]

Skills: [King of Crossroads Contract Creation, LV: Max] [ King of Crossroads Wish Granting, LV: Max] [King of Crossroads Business Sense, LV: Max] [Alchemy Mastery, LV Max] [ Masterful Golem Creation, LV: Max] [Masterful Abomination Creation, LV: Max] [ Masterful Summoning Magic, LV: Max] [Divine Telekinesis, LV: Max] [Divine Weapon Summon, LV: Max]]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Enemy of Creation] [Escapee of the Void] [Killer of worlds] [Taboo Breaker] [Eater of Kin]


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