Summoning Went Wrong

Volume 5. Chapter 1. Burning City

Art created by NightingaleBlackhear

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“This place looks nice.”

I slam the door behind me, as I walk inside the apartment.

It was a single-room place, with a bathroom and a bedroom.


I look down on the buildings, a woman in her thirties, wearing ragged clothing, blood coming out from her mouth.

“Sorry. Never had any.”

I reached down to her face, covered her mouth, and pushed my black goo into her body.

She tried to fight me, but I held her firmly, only letting her go when she stopped moving.

“Get up. I know you can hear me.”

Soon the eyes of the woman shot upon as it started violently coughing up some of the slimes.

“Easy. You are in mortal flesh. Will take time to get used to it.”

The woman crawled away from me, swiping away the slime from her shin.

“That bastard…How long have we been trapped in your head?”

“Not even a day.” I stand up, fixing my suit.” and you are still. I connected your mind to this puppet. Till I am around, you are immortal.”

I offered my hand to her, which she generously took.

“What’s the plan now? We are in a completely different universe now. We don’t have any allies here.”

I sigh.

“First we are going to blend into this world, to gather information as we slowly rebuild our forces. Hopefully, the people around here aren’t afraid to make deals with monsters. Plus,-“

I throw a plastic bag on a table.

“-I now have a side project that might help us.”

The woman frowned as she looked at the bag.

“I don’t care about that. We are going to need to get my sister a body as well.”

“Correct. And I will, once we know more of this world. She is too unstable to send out on a stealth mission.”

“…We aren’t your underlings you can boss around. I demand you release my sister.”

I look at the woman, a creepy grin forming on my face.

“Why are you sm- ugh.”

The woman fell to her knees as she held her head.

“Hurts, doesn’t it? That’s the feeling of your connection between the body and mind slightly tempered with. I can cause you an unspeakable amount of pain without even lifting a finger. Imagine what I can do to you if I really wanted to hurt you.”

I kneel to her and hold her head.

“I held my end of the bargain. I gave you and your sister physical bodies, that you two idiots have wasted. I gave you a new and now you shall hold your end of the deal by helping me become a being greater than any god. And you will do that by obeying my orders. Are we clear?

She stares at me for a while before nodding.


I let her go.

“You should have all the memories of that body at your disposal. Use it to integrate yourself into this world’s norm. Find people who you can get used to. THEN I will let your sister play in this world. ”


She slowly stood up and walked past me.

“Just to be clear, I can see what you see. So no funny business.”

 She scoffed as she slammed the door.

“...Yeah. I will dispose of her once I don’t need her.”

I walked to the table and opened the bag.

“Well hello there.”

In the bag was the severed head of the mutated man I found on the street.

To my surprise the thing was still alive in its way, it closing and opening its mouth as fungal lines growing out from its wound.

“Let's do this again.”

I touch the mind of the thing, as I enter into this spectral space.

“Who is this Father you speak of?”

I follow the pulsating green lines, toward the source, feeling the rhythm enveloping me yet again.

As I approached it, I realized that there were other rhythms, each different yet similar to each other, creating a chaotic harmony between them.

Digging deeper, I finally saw something.

In a cluster of minds, I could feel something.

It was the biggest cluster I saw till now, with hundreds of threads shouting out from it.

As I touched it, I  felt myself being absorbed into it, feeling what it felt.

For a parasitic organism, it had highly complex thoughts.

It wanted to grow, it wished to join its father, to be together with him.

“Where is he? Tell me!”

I started to dig deeper, by doing so seemingly angering the organism.

Tentacles wrapped around my arms as they started to pull me into their mass, while it filled my head with incomprehensible whispers.

“Sorry pal. My mind is already broken to pieces.”

Fighting through it, I kept digging, not caring about the whispers or the tentacles.

My face was about to touch the thing when I finally found what I was looking for.


I quickly disconnected from the being and let go.

“Damn it, that was certainly unpleasant.”

 I sit down on one of the chairs and sigh.

“This world is quite interesting. This organism isn't something you would normally meet and the technological development went in strange ways. I should look around more. But for that, I will need a skin suit.”

Sighing again I decided to just go for it.

I get up, walk to the window, and easily slip through the gaps.

I chose this apartment because its windows all faced the walls of what I could only describe as some sort of factory, with zero traffic nearby.

As I slithered down the street, jumping into the body of a nearby passing rat.

Once, comfortable, I started to wander the streets, looking for a new place for me to set up shop.

As much as I liked the apartment, I wasn't too fond of living around people. I needed a place underground, with lots of space to put my stuff in. If it was near a mental hospital nearby that would be great…

Squicking, I start sniffing the air, and when my nose catches the scent I was looking for, I start running toward it.

After hours of zigzagging around the streets, I stopped before the door of a mansion.

It was old and rundown, with a metal fence, separating it from the public.

On the entrance was a metal sign saying. “Grease Asylum”, but without it, I could tell what the building was.

The thick smell of insanity lingered in the air, the appetizing aroma of diluted minds and broken realities.

It was… mouth-watering.

Laughing, I faceplant before an open window as I slither into the building in the form of black goo.

“Hello, one big order of insanity please.”

As I reformed, I looked around the basement.

Rusty tools were covered in spider webs, with the smell of the urine and blood lingering in the air.

“... I like it.”

I threw myself into one of the rusty chairs.

“Could imagine myself using this as my base of operations. Nobody comes down here, food is just above my head and the rent is nonexistent.”

After wondering for a while I stood up and walked to the rusty door.

“Ye, I really like it here!”

With a smile, I create a black sword into my head and stab it into the stone ground.

Immediately, the basement became filled with black goo, breaking and rearranging the space around me.

“This is going to be FUN.”


??? POV:

“This is hell!”

“Keep firing! Don’t let them get to the civilians!”

“My arm! Cut it off! CUT IT OFF!”

Screams of agony and the sound of burning flames could be heard from one of the quarantine areas of the city.

People wearing white jumpsuits and carrying primitive flamethrowers were running around burning down the nearby buildings.

Amongst the buildings, several creatures ran out at the people in white.

They were horribly deformed. Their bodies were held together by green flesh, with their heads having only giant mouths with sharp teeth that easily tore through the flesh of the people as if they were nothing.

Those who got wounded by these creatures, screamed in agony before turning into the same things, attacking their friends.

“They just keep coming!”

“Throw the grenades!”

In a panic, the people threw several explosives at the approaching creatures, blowing them and the buildings up into the pieces.

“Good. Now let us keep moving deeper into the area. Until we find the core we can not relax.”

The group kept moving, burning any house that was covered in vines or in white flowers.

As they reached a square, they saw something stomach-turning.

Pilled up into a small hill were several bodies, all covered in green mold and flowers. If not for the sticking-out arms and legs, some would even call it beautiful,

“My god.”

“Prepare the flame bombs! We are burning this thing!”

Not hesitating they several incendiary bombs into the pile, setting it up in flames.

As the pile burned, an otherworldly scream could be heard from it.

“Wh-What was that?”

From the flames, something rose up.

It looked like a horse with legs elongated to be one meter tall.

Its skin was green and brittle looking as its skeletal head opened its mouthó, letting out a shriek.

Growing out from its torso, was the figure of a humanoid, with the same skin texture.

The figure kept crawling its face, tearing out pieces of its flesh, which seemed to immediately grow back.

“A variant! A variant has appeared in the area! Bring out the heavy-duty flame bombs!”

The giant horse’s mouth opened wide as it screamed, its belly extending before contracting, a thick cloud of black smoke escaping from its body, covering the area.

“Black Smoke! Masks!”

Quickly, they put on the gas masks, and those who were too slow, quickly collapsed on the ground, as the mold grew out from their mouth and eyes.

“Bring out the bombs! We need to kill this thing before it reaches a populated area!”

“I got this!”

One of the men ran towards the creature, and in his hands was an axe that quickly erupted into flames.

The horse looked down on the man, and with speed unbefitting for a creature for its size, stepped on him, its bony legs, piercing his skull and body as if it was butter.

The man twitched a little, before becoming limp, as his body was covered in the mold, and got absorbed into the creature’s body, leaving no trace behind of its existence.

“Oh, gods.”

“Retreat! We have to retreat!”


The humanoid part of the thing looked up to the sky as it held itself in an embrace.


With a scream out of the world, the thing started to shake violently.

Around it, several monsters came running to it, also screaming, their bodies seemingly growing slightly bigger as they pounced on their enemies.

“What is happening?!”

“Call for reinforcements!”

“...So noisy,”


Suddenly the head of the humanoid creature erupted in flames, stopping it from screaming.

“It-It's the Executioner!”

“Thank the gods! He finally came!”

Walking towards the monster, a man in a white suit looked up.

His face was covered in a gas mask, with one of his hands enveloped in crimson flames.

“A variant. Even though they look different from other infected, they burn the same.”

The horse head looked down on the man and tried to step on him, as the other monsters jumped towards him.

“Right, it's pointless to talk to you guys.”

The man slammed his hands together, erupting himself and his surroundings in flames. When the flames died down, most of the monsters were burned into cinder, while the humans around him were completely unharmed.

“W-We are alive!”

We did it!”

“We cleared the area.”

“...If ya guys don’t want to be killed, I suggest you move,”

As he spoke, the ground shook before the man, as something rose from the ground.

It was a giant green hand with several holes in its palms that had black smoke blowing out from it.

“So it formed here as well. These things are annoying.”

He slowly walked to the hand and pressed his own against it.

“Maximum heat.”

With an immense explosion, the entire area was lit up, burning the giant hand into oblivion.

Once that was done, the man looked around the environment.

“This should make the environment manageable. Phew, I need a cold beer. It's so hot tonight.”


Up in the sky, hidden from sight, a bat-looking thing was looking down on the events.

When the events finally calmed down, it flew away into the distance, entering one of the abandoned houses.

Theorem covered in white flowers, something grabbed it and destroyed it.

As the thing ate the dead body of the bat, it let out a shrieking noise, with green flames igniting where its eyes should be.

At the same time, several other green lights lit up in the room, each pair belonging to a different creature.

The one that ate the creature looked around the room as it spoke in a raspy voice.

“Prepare. Soon we hunt. We feed humans. For Father.”

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