Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 124: Base Separation Plan

Originally, whenever Wu Hao transported goods, he couldn't achieve this at all because he always flew at low altitudes and low speeds. If the speed was too fast and the flying altitude too high, it would undoubtedly be detected by the country's radar.

After all, he was carrying irregular items flying in the sky, and the likelihood of being discovered by radar under such circumstances was extremely high.

But now, with the flying machine, things were different. Firstly, the flying machine itself had stealth capabilities, making both flight and secrecy much more efficient and safe than controlling objects to fly independently.

After several days of busy work, Wu Hao finally stocked enough raw materials for the base's future development. With sufficient raw materials, Wu Hao initiated the next phase of the base expansion plan.

Wu Hao had made a detailed plan for the base's expansion and subsequent development long ago, so now he only needed to assign relevant matters to the base's intelligent programs.

Because Wu Hao's base already had quite a few robots and a relatively complete small-scale industrial system, expanding the base naturally couldn't rely solely on intelligent programs and these robots to operate the machinery.

Currently, the number and level of intelligence of the robots inside the base were far from reaching the point where they could complete various tasks with just one command from Wu Hao. Therefore, some critical tasks still had to be personally handled by Wu Hao.

However, in the future, Wu Hao would definitely solve this problem. After all, in his plan, since he wouldn't recruit any personnel for his base, he had to focus on intelligent robots.

After arranging the next expansion plan for the base, Wu Hao began to consider establishing a sub-base. Once the expansion of the base in the Qinling Mountains was completed, the energy consumption would undoubtedly increase significantly.

The electrical energy generated by the fusion power generation device Wu Hao currently manufactured could only supply the current scale of the base. If an expansion were to take place, another fusion power generation device would need to be established.

After all, there were many power-hungry devices within the base, such as the high-pressure smelting furnace for refining metals, various specifications of 3D printing equipment, and the central computer processing system. Each of these was a heavy consumer of electricity.

Once the base expansion was completed and a new fusion power generation device was built, it wouldn't be difficult. However, the demand for deuterium elements, the supply of which supports fusion reactors, would increase significantly.

Even before expanding the base, the supply of deuterium elements for the fusion reactor was already limited. This element was not easy to purchase on the market, and there wasn't much stock. The deuterium elements acquired by Wu Hao earlier were obtained through various channels.

Therefore, while expanding the base in the Qinling Mountains, Wu Hao also had to quickly establish a sub-base near the coast to extract deuterium elements.

This sub-base didn't need to be too large for now, as long as it could extract the elements required for fusion from seawater.

"Zero, open the satellite map." Thinking of this, Wu Hao immediately instructed the intelligent program of the base.

With Wu Hao's command, the base's intelligent program, Zero, almost instantly responded by projecting a simulated Earth in front of Wu Hao. This circular Earth model was simulated and planned by Wu Hao based on collected high-resolution satellite maps. After opening the map, Wu Hao chose to look at the coastal areas of China.

The reason Wu Hao checked the map of the coastal areas of China was mainly because the distance between the sub-base and the Qinling Mountain base was relatively closer than other locations. Although he could establish the sub-base on some foreign islands or in remote areas, it might involve countries and regions that didn't easily sell most of the land.

However, these places were relatively far from China and didn't quite meet Wu Hao's current needs. After all, his purpose in establishing the sub-base was to extract enough deuterium elements to support the development of the base.

As for the development of the sub-base, it would definitely be considered only after the base in the Qinling Mountains expanded to a certain scale. After all, any endeavor needed to be taken step by step, and rapid development to a significant extent all at once was evidently impractical.

To be honest, the fact that Wu Hao's base in the Qinling Mountains had developed from scratch to its current state was already incredible. Even when the country was constructing underground bases, they couldn't achieve the construction speed Wu Hao had.

In this world, no one else possessed telekinesis and mental perception like Wu Hao, coupled with mastery of such advanced technological knowledge. It could be said that without these two abilities, Wu Hao's current base in the Qinling Mountains wouldn't have been possible to build.

"It's not easy to find a secluded place along the coastal areas of China for the sub-base, and if I establish a sub-base now, I won't have any free time in the coming months." After examining the map for a while, Wu Hao realized that finding a discreet location along the coastal areas of China to establish a sub-base was not an easy task.

Firstly, many areas along the Chinese coast were densely populated towns and villages, making it challenging to find a sparsely populated location. Unlike the Qinling and the Northwest regions, the coastal areas of China were the most economically developed and densely populated regions, with almost every part along the coastline being economically prosperous. As for the islands near the coastal areas of China, most of the larger ones were inhabited.

So, the possibility of Wu Hao excavating an underground base in these locations without being discovered was extremely low. Additionally, a crucial issue was that once an underground base was dug in these coastal areas, it wouldn't be as secure in the initial stages as the Qinling base.

When Wu Hao initially established the base in the Qinling Mountains, he directly excavated rocks from the mountainside and completed the construction of the main space of the base with simple decorations.

In the coastal areas, finding a mountain composed of rocks like the one in the Qinling base was not easy. Moreover, Wu Hao's purpose in constructing this sub-base was to directly extract fusion elements from the sea, meaning the base's location had to be in the seawater.

In that case, not to mention the installation of various equipment, energy, and other devices after the completion of the sub-base, just excavating the space for such an underwater base was already a super-large project.

Furthermore, Wu Hao had to carry out all this work without being detected. These limitations made it challenging for Wu Hao to complete the construction of this sub-base, even with his telekinetic abilities and the current aircraft as a means of transporting materials silently along the coastal areas.

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