Super Coach

Chapter 1007 - Outbreak of Bengal Tiger

Attack, can be said to be a required course for a goalkeeper!

The defense on the football field is actually very interesting. If you study it carefully and scrutinize it, it is not difficult to find out that it is actually full of esoteric truth. As a coach, how to choose a goalkeeper is this. The thing that tests the skill of the head coach, or so to speak, the goalkeeper determines the key to the success or failure of a line of defense!

The defense of modern football is just one sentence, which compresses the opponent’s offensive space.

There is space between the traditional midfielder and the defense line, what should I do? The midfielder withdraws and turns into a lower back to fill this space!

There is space between the central defender and the goalkeeper, what should I do?

Is it possible to withdraw the central defender and clear the position of the doffer? Or, move the goalkeeper forward?

Establish a suitable goalkeeper for the defense line, or set up a suitable defense line for the goalkeeper, this is where the head coach is tested, because how to coordinate the relationship between the defense line and the goalkeeper, this undoubtedly requires skill.

Strong frontal defensive ability, but slow turn speed, lack of flexibility, and easy to be beaten by a central defender. It is best to equip a goalkeeper with a large control range, also known as a goalkeeper with strong attack ability, and then keep the central defender and goalkeeper The distance between them is solved by handing the ball behind to the goalkeeper.

What if slow Zhongwei meets the goalkeeper? Then the defense line can only be arranged as far back as possible, keeping a distance, and no gap can be exposed between the defense line and the goalkeeper, but this is always only a theoretical choice.

A small and clever team like Spain. Because of the long-term active offensive pressure, the goalkeepers they come out are basically those with strong attack capabilities. Although such goalkeepers occasionally have a bit of a nerve knife, they can only choose such goalkeepers. This is purely tactical and environmental. .

If you let a team like Spain find a goalkeeper like Van der Sar during the Manchester United period, the result will definitely be a tragedy. Because in order to ensure defense, the back line must not dare to press too high, then the pressure in the frontcourt is insufficient.

Well, similar to the German team, the central defenders Bad Steubel and Hummels are the kind of highly skilled central defenders, with strong frontal defensive capabilities, insufficient turning and defensive backs. The backtracking speed is slow, such a combination of central defenders needs to be equipped with a strong attack ability. A goalkeeper with a large control range.

Look at the past goalkeeper of the German team. Kahn, Schumacher and Igna are all goalkeepers of this type.

After he joined Bayern, Neuer always suffered from success and failure. This caused him to have a deviation in the timing of the attack, and caused some mistakes, but this is definitely not a problem of his strength, but a psychological one. On the level. Because he had no such problems when he was in Schalke 04.

Yang Cheng organized a fan-shaped defensive system in the German national team. His purpose is actually to expand the defense area. Let the team press the defense forward steadily while ensuring a stable defense. But after some games and familiarization, he found that there was a lot of problems, that is, the goalkeeper’s control range was not big enough.

There is no goalkeeper with a large control range to fill the space behind the defense line, which is absolutely fatal!

Some people may also say that Neuer often presses out of the restricted zone in the Bundesliga. This is also called the control range is not enough?

Know that this is the scope of activity, not the scope of control!

The goalkeeper’s control range means that when the ball enters the big penalty area, how far away is he from, he has enough confidence to defend!

This requires an attack, and the attack requires a pre-judgment of the ball path, the pre-judgement of the situation, and the pre-judgement of all possible situations. Another very important thing is the timing!

Or should it be said, how far the opponent is from you, how fast he moves, you have to run a few steps to get it right, when he takes the ball and appears empty, and you just stepped on the step, down Ground or perform an action to catch the ball.

Think about it. If you do n’t step on it and your legs have no place to borrow, how do you move? If the ball is under the opponent’s foot, he sees you attack, and he is given to you in one action. How do you defend?

These all need to make judgments in an instant, and these judgments will be converted into their actions on the football field in an instant!

It was as if this time, when Neuer saw Humels pounce, he noticed Iniesta’s move, he felt bad because Humels’ punch was too fierce, usually like this Once the blockade was prevented by the other party, he was easily used, and in turn lost his position and was given off by the other party.

So Neuer had realized the danger after seeing Humels grab, and when Iniesta passed Humels, he had already made the decision to attack, and people were in a moment. Rushed out of the goal.

At this moment, he only has the ball in his eyes, because he is clear that Iniesta’s actions have nothing to do with him. The next challenge to him is whether he can block the ball before Iniesta, This is the war between him and the ball.

His pace was sturdy and fast, and every step was stepped on a point. In this kind of pace, he repeatedly trained almost every day in training, and then he fell to a point he was familiar with, as if he were training in the usual time. The action was the same as in mid-time, falling to the ground, throwing the ball with both hands!

This simple action, he did it repeatedly every day during training, did countless times, made a lot of feelings and experience, Di Palma repeatedly trained his feelings and feelings about the ball He knows clearly what kind of posture to take in this situation and how to prevent Iniesta from kicking the ball into the empty goal behind him.

His hands hit the ball first, and Iniesta hadn’t had time to shoot, Neuer put the ball on the ball, and the Spanish superstar ended up with no choice but crossed Neuer and was reluctant. Willing to end this attack!

In a moment, tens of thousands of German fans gathered in the entire Maracana stadium stand, and they all rushed out of their seats involuntarily, holding their hands tightly to the front fence. Hold the national flagpole in your hand tightly, hold your fist tightly, open your voice, and shout!

At this moment, Yang Cheng on the sidelines also raised his hands for the first time and clapped for this beautiful attack by Neuer!

Prejudge, calm and decisive, anticipate the enemy first move; standard of action. It can be written as a textbook; the timing is just right, so Iniesta returns without success. This attack of Neuer can be called brilliant!

“A very, very, very wonderful attack and save! The goalkeeper from the German team, Manuel Neuer!”

The live commentators also praised Neuer’s attack this time. This is not only a key save to prevent Spain from scoring, but also to combat Spanish morale. The key to inspire the German team’s fighting spirit.

“Manuel Neuer, this attack allows us to see his strength at a critical moment. He is yet another proud disciple of Di Palma’s sculpting. You know, the Italians have cultivated The excellent goalkeeper coaches including Buffon, Renner, Casillas and many other world top goalkeepers are also Yang Cheng’s **** team! “

The slow motion is repeated, from multiple different angles, replaying this save of Neuer just now, very decisively and resolutely, the timing is also just right. This is definitely an impressive attack, and it can even be said to be the most outstanding save in the Confederations Cup.

Got up from the ground. Neuer grasped the ball with both hands and looked forward. What he felt was the glance from his teammates. He also felt that as the game progressed, his teammates’ trust in him became higher and higher, which made him feel excited.

“Ah ~~~~~” Neuer grabbed the ball with both hands and screamed in the direction of Spain, looking like an angry lion, “Fight back! Counterattack! Counterattack !!!”

After talking, Neuer threw the ball in his hand to Bad Steuber, who immediately transferred the ball to the left side of Spain quickly and handed it to Thomas Muller to fight back.

Seeing Neuer like this, Yang Cheng on the side of the court showed a gratifying smile, because he knew that after so long, after joining Bayern, under such great pressure, Neuer finally began to explode, and this one fell asleep. The male lion is finally about to show his wildness, whether it is for him personally, for Bayern, or for the German national team, it is a good thing!

“This kid has finally revealed his nature!” Benitez also praised Neuer.

Paul Bayer is also happy, because they can feel it, a more active, aggressive and more controlled Neuer will have a great help to the current German defense and will make this The team becomes stronger.

“Still you are awesome, Di Palma has done nothing in the past three years, but you did it with a few words!”

Yang Cheng shook his head, “I didn’t do anything. I just let him let go of the Bengal tiger that was imprisoned in the cage by himself, but the premise is that he must have such a tiger in his heart!”

It can be seen that Neuer’s progress and transformation have made Yang Cheng and other coaches feel relieved and happy … Changing the situation of a game may be a goal or a steal, and it is more likely It was an attack and a save. No one could predict what it would be. This is what makes a football game interesting.

After Neuer saved Iniesta’s single-handed, Spain’s attack seemed to be cursed.

Spain is as strong as ever, their offensive is full of aggression as always, their advancement is very fast, the German team’s defense is very tightly organized, but the oppression and wide-ranging tactics of Spain have frequently created loopholes, which makes Spain Get opportunities frequently.

In the first 45 minutes, Spain completed a total of 7 shots, which does not include Iniesta’s single shot, but unfortunately, Spain’s shots hit the frame only once, which occurred in the 36th In the minute, Villa took a kick in the penalty area, but Neuer steadily occupied the position, and Villa’s shot was more like kicking the ball directly into Neuer’s arms. Respectfully, it is better to obey the obedient smile.

Under such a strong attack by Spain, the German counterattack seemed to have no strength. Only one counterattack in the entire first half caused a shot, but it hit the Spanish goal, but it was a pity. Casillas also took Thomas Muller’s shot into his arms, not allowing the Germans to get a little cheaper from him.

7: 1, this number of shots is enough to show the situation of the two teams in the first half, and in terms of ball control rate, Spain is also far ahead, even they once increased the ball control rate to With a high position of 72.7%, the German team’s passiveness can be imagined.

“Compared to the European Cup final a year ago, this Confederations Cup final was played more openly. The German team is no longer limited to their own threat zone defense, they expanded the scope of defense, which also gave Spain Fewer opportunities. “

“However, we should also see that although Spain has an absolute advantage and initiative, Bosque ’s team has an empty ball control rate, but when it advances to the German team ’s threat zone, it has never been able to control the ball. Turning into a threat, they only have 7 shots. Compared with the advantage they occupy. Not much. “

“The reason for this is that I think the reason is simple. The German team consciously gave up ball control and initiative in the first half. They chose to defend counterattacks to wear off Spain ’s offensive spirit, so they assembled a heavy force in the middle. ‘S defense has made Spain’s offensive lack of central penetration. “

“Let’s look at another set of statistics. Spain’s game in the first half, the number of passes in a single pass is as high as 17 times. But the success rate of finding their teammates in their crosses is only a pitiful 2 times, which poses a threat The number of times is not. Most of the passing **** fall into the penalty area and are easily confiscated by Neuer! “

“Neuil’s performance in this game is absolutely eye-catching, very impressive, and definitely shows the level of a world-class goalkeeper, and he now seems to be more and more stateful, more confident, more decisive and decisive. Calm down, the Spanish attack has lost threats in front of him again and again. “

“This also made the German team’s defense very solid. At least in Spain, as many as 39 attempts to break into the German team’s 32-meter area, 21 successful, and in these 21 times, trying to break into the German team’s restricted zone Only 15 times and 3 successes, one can imagine that Spain ’s offensive efficiency is very low! “

“Of course, the reason for this situation cannot be just to blame Spain for its offensive weakness. As the world’s best offensive team, Spain’s offensive ability does not require us to say more. The only thing we say is that the German team’s defense It ’s too solid. This is the only team in the Confederations Cup that has n’t missed the ball. It ’s really defensive! ”

“All the time, Yang Cheng has given people the feeling that they are good at tuning and attacking, but from this German team, so far, we have clearly seen that Yang Cheng has created an unbreakable steel for the German national team. The defense line makes the defense of this German team solid. “

As the on-site commentator said, the referee blew the whistle at the end of the first half of the game. Everyone can see that the German team walked out of the stadium if they got something, while the Spanish internationals watched They all looked down on their faces.

“Today, for Bosque, the most important thing he needs to do during the intermission is to reinvigorate the morale of the team, and the best way to do this is to give a tear The method of opening the German team’s defense allowed players to re-see the hope of breaking through the opponent’s goal. “

“If it continues like this, Spain can hardly guarantee the situation in the second half. At least we should not forget that in the semi-finals of Brazil, Spain’s physical stamina at the last moment appeared, and the German team rested one more day than them. In order to be ample, in this case, Bosque ’s team ca n’t afford to delay! “

“In contrast to Yang Cheng ’s German team, we also very much hope that Caesar can effectively adjust his tactics during the halftime. Although the first half of the game is intense and not dull, it is relatively not open enough. We look forward to Yang Cheng’s ability to adjust the team’s tactics in the second half and effectively counterattack. It is best to press it out and give us a wonderful shot! “

When it came to the end, the on-site commentators couldn’t help laughing.

Almost most of the fans who follow this Confederations Cup have only one big wish, that is, to watch a heart-to-hearted confrontation and a hall-level contest of the highest level in football.

The level of the first half is high, and the technical and tactical content is sufficient, but there is still a certain gap from the top of the fans’ minds, so they naturally hope that the German team can play more open.

From a pragmatic point of view, Spain’s strength is dominant, and the German team is playing against Spain. Then Yang Cheng’s idea is really problematic. It is equivalent to using his own weakness to touch the strengths of others. ,court death!

But who dares to say that Yang Cheng doesn’t have such an idea?

Back to the locker room of the German national team, everyone looked excited, because they didn’t lose the ball in the first half, and nearly completed Yang Cheng’s tasks and arrangements, which also means that the first half of the venue Everything that happened is under Yang Cheng’s control, even better than what he estimated.

This made all the German internationals look excited and happy, talking loudly in the dressing room, talking about some of the things that happened on the court, and having some communication and communication with each other.

Until Yang Cheng pushed open the locker room door and walked in, all the talents calmed down and looked at their head coach.

Hung a confident smile, Yang Cheng’s smile was very contagious, so many people couldn’t help laughing.

“In the first half, everyone did a good job!” Yang Cheng smiled and praised, the players listened and laughed.

“Spain fought hard in the first half, and it’s almost exhausted, so everyone …” Yang Cheng raised his eyebrows, revealing his confidence and smile, and the winning ticket was in his hands. “… Look at us in the second half. Yes! “(To be continued)

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