Super Coach

Chapter 1020 - I want to retire!

The Stewart Villa Clinic is a well-known private clinic in the city of Rome. The doctor in charge of the clinic, Professor Mariani, is a well-known expert in Rome and even Italy, second only to Jani Nanni of the Yang Cheng Research Center. It is second to none in the world.

However, Jani Nanni seldom sits in person right now, and more is doing some scientific research. If it is not a tricky operation, it is usually the responsibility of the sitting doctor in his private clinic, and it is too far from Rome. , So when Klose was injured in the Roman Derby, he was directly sent to the Stewart Villa Clinic.

As the name suggests, this private clinic is located in an ancient villa in the city of Rome. The environment is quiet and easy to find.

Villa clinic is surrounded by a large park and back garden, where patients can take a walk and recuperate.

The patients who can enter the Stewart Villa clinic are all famous political and business celebrities, or some famous stars on the football field, such as Mutu, Roman Prince Totti, Etoo … Now, it is Klose’s turn. !

Klose’s right leg knee is old. Although no serious surgery has been done, the right leg knee has always suffered from old wear and tear. He often has problems. He is always undergoing physical therapy, and the effect is not bad, but As his age increased, his condition gradually worsened, and many of his recent absences due to injuries were due to his right knee.

As an old patient in the Stewart Villa Clinic, Klose was taken out of the court and was immediately sent to the Stuart Villa Clinic by a special car, and was immediately sent in for a series of tests. The reporters who heard the news blocked the entrance of the villa so that they could not see through the water, and they were all following Klose’s condition.

Not long after the game, Lazio ’s head coach Petkovic took his assistant to the Villa Stewart clinic. This season ’s goal for Lazio is to impact European events. Klose is a member that Petkovic attaches great importance to. So if the season ends early, it will be a painful blow to Lazio.

After Petkovic. Another taxi arrived at the gate of the Stewart Villa Clinic.

When Yang Cheng took Benitez and Barak down from the taxi, all the reporters at the scene were suddenly messed up, and all were blocked at the gate. Blocked Yang Cheng’s way.

“Mr. Yang Cheng, Klose’s injuries do not look light. Will this affect the German team’s World Cup trip?”

“You said many times in an interview. Klose is your most important player. Now that he is injured, will you adjust your plan accordingly?”

“According to the information and information we got, Klose may be absent this season, or even retire directly, are you ready to understand the situation? If he really retires, who would you use to play the striker?”

“Mr. Yang Cheng, as soon as you came to the Olympic Stadium to watch the ball, Klose was injured and left the court. Do you think you are a disaster star?”

Yang Cheng had never planned to take care of these reporters. He was vigorously separating the crowd, preparing to go to the clinic, but when he heard a reporter fearing that the world would not be chaotic, saying that he was a disaster star, he suddenly stared at the man in a gloomy manner.

“I **** think you are Lao Tzu’s catastrophe now!” Yang Cheng pointed at the reporter and yelled, “Go far as far as I can. I’m annoyed now, and if there is more nonsense, I will be beaten to death go away!”

For a long time, Yang Cheng has always felt that everyone is flat and respectful. Wherever someone sees a reporter who is so angry at him, the reporter who was scolded by his nose suddenly felt uncomfortable. It is necessary to fight back.

Barak was on the sidelines and saw that the reporter was still struggling to catch up, pushing him hard and pushing him away, “Don’t lean over, otherwise we’re welcome!” His mood It doesn’t look much better.

The reporters around saw this situation one by one, some reporters knew how to compare their hearts, and actively gave way, but some were still planning to fight, but Yang Cheng was annoyed and blocked those one by one. The reporters pushed away.

“We are journalists, we have the right to conduct interviews here, why do you push people?”

“That is, thinking that you are a big name is great, we will definitely let all the fans know in the report, see your face clearly, let them all see, you are just a arrogant stunned!”

Several of the reporters who were pushed away were scolded at the side. This suddenly made some senior reporters sigh in the heart. It is a newcomer. I really ca n’t see the situation. Yang Cheng is now angry, but the result is still fueling the fire. This is not Is it okay to find spray?

Who is Yang Cheng? In Italy at that time, one person against the Sacred League, one person propped up Inter Milan, singled out the entire Italian media industry, he was afraid? Is he less scolded? But in the end? Do reporters have to meet him one by one?

“I’ll do it, how about it?” Yang Cheng wasn’t happy. He took a few steps and shook his fist. “How do you write? I don’t care, I will have a lawyer to accompany you to the end, but if you dare to block my path again , I’ll beat you! “

Seeing his fierce and evil looks, the reporters who were still planning to stir up some trouble could not help but be surprised, some of them gave way, but there were one or two who did not give way, which was really hard when Yang Cheng walked over. Pushed to the side, there was another burst of verbal abuse.

Seeing this group of clown-like newcomers, some veteran journalists shook their heads helplessly. Nowadays, the Italian media industry is disturbed by them. At least there was a little bit of mutual respect in the past, but now, it has become a street. The edge of tabloid-style lace news is dominated, and this group of people must also have the intention to irritate Yang Cheng to make news.

Beaten? As long as you can get the news, let alone be beaten, they will do the next thing!



Professor Mariani has cooperation with Yang Cheng ’s research center, because most of his patients are sports injuries, so he also introduced a lot of good things from Yang Cheng, and he has a good relationship with Jani Nanni . Therefore, Yang Cheng had already passed the research center and had a phone call with Professor Mariani before arriving at the clinic.

Went straight to the office of the attending doctor, Yang Cheng found that Petkovic was there.

The head coach of the national team met the head coach of the club and was still in the clinic. In such an occasion, Yang Cheng really didn’t know how to deal with it.

“Hello. Professor Mariani!” Yang Cheng walked to Professor Mariani and took the initiative to reach out.

“Hello, Mr. Yang Cheng!” Professor Mariani greeted him.

Nodded to Petkovic and said hello. Yang Cheng went straight to the topic. “Has Klose’s test report come out? How is the situation? Isn’t it serious?” He asked the questions he cares about the most.

Professor Mariani pointed to Petkovic, who had a report in his hand. Directly transferred to the hands of Yang Cheng.

When Yang Cheng looked at this report, Professor Mariani showed a diagnosis picture of Klose ’s right leg knee through the computer. . “

Meniscus, this is definitely the most troublesome place for all professional players, because once injured here, the light is the absence, and even the heavy ones may not be able to return to the green field and retire directly. This is an incurable disease for any professional player.

And the meniscus is troublesome, even if it is good, there may be recurrence, in short, it is tricky.

“What do you think. Mr. Petkovic?” Yang Cheng looked at Lazio’s head coach Petkovic.

Klose is now a player in the club. No matter what decision Lazio makes, Yang Cheng can only give respect, or he can convince Petkovic by means of communication, but he can’t be overwhelmed. Zena paid Lazio’s salary. His ownership belongs to Lazio.

Yang Cheng was still able to respect himself at this time, which made Petkovic happy and nodded, “I have a headache now, and I have just communicated with Professor Mariani if ​​I need surgery If so, he will make sure to say goodbye to this season in advance, which will be a painful blow to the club. “

For this, Yang Cheng also agreed. The difference between Lazio’s strength and that of Lazio when he coached Inter Milan.

Professor Mariani added, “If you want to have an operation, it will be faster, and he will live here for a week, subject to monitoring and inspection. After discharge, it is initially expected that the recovery period will be about 40 days, but consider By the age of Klose, I ca n’t guarantee that he will still be able to play on the court. “

Is almost 36 years old, and his physical function has already fallen sharply. Now, meniscus surgery is required, and many people will be retired directly, so this should be where Petkovic really hesitates.

This operation will not only let Klose end the season early, but also let Klose leave the football early and retire completely!

Everyone in the doctor ’s office was silent because no one knew what to do.

Klose belongs to Lazio, and Yang Cheng has no way to get over, otherwise, it will provoke Lazio.

There are rules in the football world, even if the reputation is as high as Yang Cheng, he must follow the rules, otherwise, no one in the world will respect him Caesar!

“I have to go back to discuss and give you an answer tonight!” Petkovic stood up and said.

This matter he must also ask the club’s management, after all, this is not just the head coach category.

“Trouble has consequences, please give me a call!” Yang Cheng added.

Petkovic was surprised, nodded and agreed, after asking Yang Cheng’s phone, he left and left.

All of the diagnostic instruments of the Stuart Villa Clinic are from Yang Cheng ’s research center, and the instruments of the multiple inspections are also the most advanced. If Professor Mariani ’s conclusion is that surgery, then Yang Cheng believes, who to change To do this test, they will all be the same answer.

As far as surgery is concerned, Professor Mariani is a famous doctor in Italy. He is responsible for the operation. There should be no problem. Moreover, the key point of such an operation is not the operation and the pre-operation, but the rehabilitation stage after the operation. .

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng also felt that there was no way for him, and sighed deeply, “I’ll see him!”

Professor Mariani politely sent Yang Cheng out of the office, and then took him to the ward.



“Mr. Yang Cheng!”

When Yang Cheng came outside the ward. I saw Klose’s wife Sylvia also rushed to the hospital, and his two twins’ sons. They both watched the ball at the Olympic Stadium. After receiving the news, they came over immediately. Talk to them outside.

“It’s okay!” Yang Cheng squeezed a smile to face Klose’s wife. At least at this time, he should let her and the children rest assured. The big deal is that you can’t play football, but life and life still have to continue, and the family still has to take care of it. Isn’t it?

Yang Cheng said that, Sylvia was relieved and relieved. She is not the kind of person who has seen the world, and has not read many books. Many people have always felt that Klose is with her and suffers. After all, the stars are to be with the supermodel, but she neither Being beautiful is also not very capable, the only benefit is Gu family.

“I went in to see him, it’s okay!” Yang Cheng smiled and comforted again, this time his smile was much more natural.

Everyone knew that he and Klose must have something to say, so they both nodded and agreed.

Open the door and enter. What Yang Cheng saw was Klose who was lying on the hospital bed and turned his head to look over. The latter’s hair was still combed up to the sky, and hair gel must be used, so many people laughed at why he was able to score so many heads. It is because of his hair.

“Sure enough, the feet can be broken, the hairstyle should not be messed up!” Yang Cheng walked over with a smile.

Klose was not crying as others thought, because he himself knew that it was impossible to solve any problem by crying, so he seemed calm. Even if it just looks calm.

“I have to take care of it for a long time every day!” Klose reached out and touched his hair, hehe said with a smile.

Yang Cheng copied a chair and sat down next to him, nodded and said: “So I always said that you eat with your face and hair mixed with rice, and this kind of food belongs to mixed rice with connotation, you are more troublesome than me. It ’s much, and when you get old, your kid wo n’t be popular! “

Klose haha ​​smiled, “I have been from idol to power for a long time, boss!”

“Is it?” Yang Cheng’s expression of my unbelief, “Look at your boy is still so weak, just smash your meniscus at the first hit, it’s so **** tragic, and said he is powerful!” At the end, he couldn’t laugh.

Klozer listened, his smile narrowed, and he couldn’t laugh either.

There was some silence in the ward, because the two of them mentioned the injury and they felt blocked in their hearts.

“Can I still play football?” Klose broke the silence.

Yang Cheng shook his head. “If it’s an idol, I guess it won’t work. Embroidered pillows don’t work. But if it’s a strong faction, I think it should be okay!” , To see if you still have that heart.

“What did Professor Mariani say?” Klose asked again.

Yang Cheng smiled slightly, “Operate as soon as possible, remove the debris, and stay here for a week. The initial estimate is that the recovery period is about 40 days!”

“Forty days …” Klose’s eyes became refreshed again, “That’s too late!”

The World Cup started on June 12, and there are still two months left. If 40 days can recover, Klose can still catch up with the World Cup and even participate in pre-season training.

Yang Cheng nodded, “No one has ever said that you can’t play the World Cup, don’t think too much about your kid!”

For Klose now, the most important thing is actually not when he can recover and when he can return to the football field, but that he can have a hope and a hope.

There is nothing better than to participate in the World Cup!

Klose smiled slightly after he heard Yang Cheng’s words. In fact, he knew more or less in his heart. Healed in 40 days is self-deception. If he is still young, it may be possible, but he is now 35 years old. The physical function has dropped so badly that the right leg is also an old patient, and there may be some changes and repetitions at any time.

However, compared with the pessimistic feeling that he could not participate in the World Cup, Klose is more willing to believe that he can recover from the optimistic 40 days, because he wants to participate in the World Cup, which is also the last pursuit of his career!

“Boss …” After Klose was silent for a moment, he suddenly spoke again.

“Say!” Yang Cheng looked calm.

“I think it will be retired this summer!” Klose is also indifferent, as if talking about a trivial matter, “Sylvia often advises me, you know, I also have my own investment, after retired Life is no problem, and I plan to be a coach after I retire, just like you! “

Hearing this, Yang Cheng suddenly smiled, “Like me? Fart, I am a strong faction, are you like me?”

Klozer was also amused by Yang Cheng, and followed him, “At the very least, I have been a player for so many years, how much I learned a little, how much like you!”

“It’s almost the same!” Yang Cheng was satisfied.

The appearance of vanity made Klose laugh all the time, and he also knew that Yang Cheng had deliberately made fun of him.

“If you want to retire, I won’t stop you, I have only one request for you!” Yang Cheng looked at Klose in the hospital bed and said one by one: “Help me finish this World Cup, then If you want to retire or continue to play, I will not stop you! “

After Klose heard it, he pretended to be a little surprised and smiled, “Boss, do you want me to help?”

“Dare you say no?” Yang Cheng asked with a smile.

Klose pouted, “You are our head, you will let me do what I do, I will never say no to you!”

“That’s good, count as your kid’s acquaintance!” Yang Cheng said that he felt almost the same, and stood up directly.

“I have booked a plane ticket for the World Cup in Brazil for you in advance, you … don’t let me down!” After that, Yang Cheng turned and walked out of the ward.

Watching the back of Yang Cheng leaving, Klose’s smiling face, but blinking jerky in his eyes, the most proud and proud thing in his life is that there is a head coach who takes care of him so well and knows him so !

“Thank you, boss!”

(To be continued)

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