Super Coach

Chapter 1024 - you guess!

If the personality of the head coach determines the personality of a team, conversely, by looking at the training and competition of a team, one can guess what kind of personality the head coach of this team has.

Some teams are hard-lined, angular, and open to victory in the robbery game; some teams are arrogant, lest the world knows, so they are always doing something that others dare not do; and some teams are not High-profile, even arrogant, they dare to open up all their training to the outside world.

Of course, this may only be a strategy of the head coach, but from these actions, you can guess, what kind of person this head coach is probably.

It seems that as long as Yang Cheng is mentioned, everyone will naturally think of closed training!

Someone once joked that Yang Cheng ’s mystery is like the mysterious motherland behind him. Their mystery is full of seriousness, full of seriousness, full of attention to competition, competitors, and the future. It is always cautious. .

Remember that someone once said that any action exposed to a spotlight is immature!

So, in turn, keep yourself away from the spotlight, accumulate strength secretly in places where others can’t see it, and seek to improve physical strength and tactics, and this is the most deserved move of any mature team.

Jose Pekerman takes this for granted, so his Colombian team, like the German team, adopts a totally closed training. In his view, the reason for the closure is to hope that the outside light will stay away from his body To cover all the scenery outside the team’s training camp. So that everyone can settle down and prepare for war.

War is a very serious kind of cruel competition, you either go to heaven or go to hell, there is no third way to choose, so Pekerman never treats a football with a non-serious attitude war. This is the reason why he has been able to go to the present day, and he has attracted the attention and admiration of the world.

Before the World Cup, many media have speculated that the most likely dark horse in this World Cup. Among them, many people are very optimistic about the two teams, Belgium in Europe, Colombia in South America.

As for Uruguay. This is a traditional strong team, not a dark horse!

Pekerman has not expressed any opinions on this, but he is clear that his team has such strength and potential, but there is still a long way to go before this goal, and the most important thing is In the first game of the group, you have to cross the threshold of the German team so that you can stand out in the group.

In the past, Columbia was a typical South American team, which overemphasized the player’s individual combat ability. Emphasizing the players’ individual improvisation and ignoring the team’s overall cooperation, these make Colombia’s game look pretty good, and even can be said to be beautiful, but it is difficult to achieve good results.

‘S predecessor Gomez transformed Colombia. Especially as more and more players stand out in the European League, he began to seek European style, hoping to play a whole European-style football better, but Gomez’s Colombia gradually moved to a physical confrontation .

After taking office, Pekerman also began to inject more of his own ideas into this team. He neither planned to continue on the road of Europeanization. Nor is he planning to return to Colombia’s de-European style. He intends to strike a balance between Europeanization and tradition.

Throughout Pekerman’s past coaching history, he has always been in a stable style. Even if he coaches the Argentine national team, which is known as the most passionate in the world, he can make this team rational, and the so-called rationality, It is actually a balance between passion and boredom.

Colombia has always been very interesting, and the lineup does look good, but every time it reaches the competition, it ca n’t show results. There are many such teams, such as Côte d’ Ivoire, Mali, Belgium, and even can be said It is England, and these teams actually have some deep problems.

For Colombia in South America, their biggest problem is that they do n’t have a stable fixed frame. Players are constantly changing like a lantern. Every head coach comes up for a batch, and every time they push and rebuild, waiting for the competition After tragic results, start again.

Over the past few years, the Colombian Football Association has been a refresher. Since the start of their predecessor Gomez, they have begun to pursue a stable style, because even Venezuela, Bolivia and other teams are now taking the lead because they have their own stable style This makes them even in the face of Brazil and Argentina, will not be completely without parry.

After Gomez, Pekerman took over Colombia. He also continued to adjust the tactical framework of Colombia with a small range of changes, but the staffing was relatively stable. Under the fixed 442 tactical framework, further digging The team’s technical and tactical capabilities.

But in the end it’s a South American team. Colombia’s two full-backs are all playing in Serie A. The left-back is Pablo Almelo of Udinese, the right-back is Camilo Sunigar of Naples. Famous players belong to the kind of players who are more offensive than defensive, which also makes Perkman set a tone for the team’s midfield.

In the face of the German team’s strong defense and sharp offensive team, Colombia must be very cautious. The game in South America, whether it is the America ’s Cup or the Libertadores Cup of the club competition, the reference value is more in South America. As far as South American teams are concerned, when they come to the World Cup, when they encounter European teams with greater tactics and integrity, South American teams are often more disadvantaged. If they encounter problems, they will easily collapse.

This is especially true for a team like Colombia that seems to have a strong lineup but can’t always show enough combat power.

After all, it is still a psychological problem!

For Pekerman, who coaches Colombia, he can’t compare with the head coaches of the German and European teams in terms of resources, because no one can deny it. The core of football today is in Europe, and the most profitable ones are also in Europe, so the financial strength of the European mainstream leagues and football associations is also unmatched by teams like Colombia.

At the very least, Yang Cheng has the ability and financial resources to form a large and pervasive think tank to spy on each team’s confidential information. Collected video of each team’s game for him, but Pekerman certainly did not enjoy such treatment, even he is not as good as Yang Cheng in the coaching staff.

Everything has to come by myself. Even if he was preparing before the game, Pekerman had to think about how to fight Germany!

He secretly watched the warm-up match between Germany and Ecuador before, and he saw two completely different tactics. One set is the typical frontless tactics of the ballless running system, emphasizing the smooth passing and catching with the ballless running, and one set of Gomez-based side impact tactics, emphasizing two sideways The offensive suppresses and pulls, creating space for Gomez.

Both sets of tactics have their own characteristics. The non-forward tactics rely on the player ’s tacit understanding and overall awareness, while the side tactics rely on the impact of Gomez. The German striker ’s physical fitness is too good. After Ecuador No one on the defensive line could stop him, which also made Pekerman unsure of himself.

“Can Zapata solve this guy?” Pekerman asked to himself.

Christian? Zapata. Having played for Villarreal and AC Milan, and was once very optimistic about the European team, but after transferring to Villarreal from Udinese, Zapata’s performance plummeted, missing his career The best promotion stage. Directly lead to failure to become a first-class central defender.

Zapata’s advantages are not bad, personal ability and physical confrontation are not bad, defensive skills are also mixed out of the Serie A league, not much worse, but in terms of position selection, judgment and footwork, it seems to be insufficient. Especially the feet are a little bit frizzy, from time to time there will be a few shocking performances and mistakes.

When thinking of this, Pekerman felt a headache. It is true that a clever woman can’t cook without rice. This is the case in Colombia. What his coach can do is actually the maximum on the current card. Take Colombia out of the group stage and take it one step at a time.

“If the German team plays without a forward, perhaps the situation will be better!” Pekerman felt.

Without Gomez’s heavy tank, the German team’s threat to Colombia will be smaller. As for the forward tactics, Pekerman feels that Colombia has enough ability to defend him. After all, Colombia’s defensive ability has not been weak. .

What kind of tactics Yang Cheng will use is the biggest headache for Pekerman … I think Pekerman is a very good head coach. Colombia led by him in the America ’s Cup and the World Cup qualifiers He performed well, and many players on the team are also strong. For example, Falcao, this forward is a natural killer, as well as midfielder Gurin, James Rodriguez, Giovanni? Moreno, he also played in my motherland! “

This is Yang Cheng’s answer to the reporter’s question about Colombia in the press conference before the game.

Moreno has joined the Super League and played in the Shanghai team. This player once shined in the Argentine League, tall, but has good technical skills and passing ability.

Many people have compared him with Giovanni Hernandez, because the two have the same name, and they both play at the waist. Although the latter has no great reputation in his life, he has excellent personal abilities. Tricky short passes, outstanding long passes, these are Hernandez ’s weapons, but this player has never been able to prove himself in big clubs or mainstream leagues in his entire life, and eventually mixed with small club teams in his life, but No one can deny his strength.

“This is a very difficult South American team, they have their own advantages and characteristics, I know this game will be very difficult, because we are facing a team we are not familiar with, But I have a hundred points of confidence in my players, and I firmly believe that we can beat our opponents! “

If Uruguay is the more European team, Colombia’s South American characteristics will be stronger.

“Mr. Yang Cheng, can you disclose the progress of Klose’s recent injuries?” A reporter asked.

Yang Cheng nodded, “Miluo’s situation has improved. But we have no way to disclose more details, but I believe that he will be able to return to the football field. This is the same as my opinion. of!”

Another reporter raised his hand, and after Yang Cheng made a gesture of invitation, he stood up, “Klose’s absence. The German team’s striker encountered some problems, and this game you also put Gomez Arranged into the list of 18 people, plus the previous time against Ecuador. Gomez performed well, would you consider him starting? “

“Guess!” Yang Cheng smiled, undecided. Neither nodded nor shook his head. “When he played against Ecuador, Mario came off the bench and performed very well. I am also very satisfied with his performance. However, I am not able to disclose more about whether he will start. In the game against Ecuador, we had more control over the game in the first half! “

Does this mean that Gomez will not start? Will Yang Cheng seek a more controlled team configuration?

neither knows. Can only choose to guess.

However, everyone knows that Yang Cheng attaches great importance to this opener, so he led the team to El Salvador one day in advance to prepare for the game, hoping that the team will avoid running around and train and adapt in El Salvador in advance … The first two of the World Cup The four games of the day are not good-looking. Among them, the Brazil team broke a big upset in the first game of the group. Klinsmann led the US team to unexpectedly defeat the host Brazil 1: 0, and Scolari’s team suffered a huge upset in the first game.

This game was held in São Paulo. Because he was training in São Paulo, Yang Cheng also watched this game specially on the spot. Klinsmann ’s American team still insisted on the characteristics of his ground coordination penetration. Scolari did not play this game negatively.

But this is indeed not a commendable game, because both sides seem to be more conservative, they both pay attention to defense, and they do n’t invest enough offensive force, and a quick counterattack by the US team caused a mistake on the Brazilian defense. , Directly leading the US team to win the World Cup first game.

This upset is a wake-up call for all teams participating in the World Cup. Here is the World Cup. No team can participate in the finals. No team is a weak player. Anyone can be upset, even if it is the host. This is true in Brazil!

Perhaps due to the influence of the Brazilian team, Spain played more securely in the first game of the group. As always, it insisted on its own ball control genre, and as always chose to use the ball control to grind the opponent, even the Bosque team on the ball control. The pursuit is more disastrous than it was a year ago.

In the end, Spain successfully killed his opponent. Although he scored 2 goals, the whole game was still drowsy.

This is also a very emotional thing, because many goals do not mean that the game must be beautiful.

The two hot teams that won the championship did not show their impressive strength, which directly led everyone to have high hopes for the first game of the German team. I hope that Yang Cheng ’s team can let people see hope. At the very least, Yang Cheng, who has always been known for offensive football, should let all fans have fun and play aggressive football.

Regarding the appeal from the outside world, on the day of the game, Yang Cheng smiled and said that he would take a more proactive tactic to win in the hotel, but in any case, the most important thing is that the team can be very good Out of the group stage.

“For me and the players, the primary purpose of participating in the World Cup is to win, not playing beautifully, this is the second!”

The outside world interpreted Yang Cheng’s words, and many people were pessimistic that Yang Chengtong may also adopt a more negative tactical play, because in the absence of Klose, the German team lost the tactical axis of the frontcourt and attacked After being greatly influenced, Yang Cheng’s tactical adjustment was logical.

And Colombia’s head coach Pekerman also received an interview with reporters when he arrived in El Salvador. He also admitted that Colombia has a big gap with the German team in strength.

“For us, the German team is a strong presence, so our tactics were very clear from the beginning, that is, to put ourselves in the position of the weak, to play our advantage, so as to have the opportunity to defeat the opponent!”

Pekerman’s remarks are as low-key as ever, which undoubtedly makes people more convinced that this game will be a dull showdown, and even You Multimedia have said that the most dull World Cup in history may be born in Brazil .

However, neither the German team nor Colombia will be affected by the outside world. Both teams have chosen to prepare for low-key preparations. Yang Cheng is interviewed by himself. It is strictly forbidden for players to be interviewed by reporters in private, and journalists and Family members enter the hotel where the national team is stationed to avoid the players being affected.

This is the customary method that Yang Cheng has pursued since taking charge of the national team. The players are already accustomed to it. They all know that after playing the game, they can get one night with their family and half a day for the next day. , And then began to devote himself to a new round of preparations.

This is when the team’s record is good, but if the record is not good, it is not ruled out that Yang Cheng directly prohibits all players from contacting the outside world. Once this guy has a temper, then everything is inaccurate and everyone takes it. He couldn’t help it.

As if to respond to the call of the outside world, the starting lineup arranged by Yang Cheng and Pekerman really makes people see no trace of offensive football, so when getting the starting lineup of the two teams, the live commentary The player even mourned this, “Even our Caesar started to play a three-waist midfielder. This is a World Cup in which the offensive football has been completely lost!” (To be continued)

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