Super Coach

Chapter 1035 - Heaven is going to die, it will make it crazy

“It seems … something is wrong!”

In front of the visiting team coach at the Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Chile ’s head coach Jorge Sampouli looks worried. This is not like the head coach of the Chilean team after the start of the game. With the expression that he should have, he can be more relaxed and more confident.

But he can’t, because he is facing the first handsome coach in the world, a head coach who can’t even help Bielsa!

“No, we have successfully put the game rhythm under our control. It has been 15 minutes. We have the upper hand. The German team looks passive. How could it be wrong?” Optimistically.

Sang Baoli frowned, he didn’t know what to say, and he couldn’t see what was going on, but he always felt like something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell where it was. In short, after the game started , Everything feels like he is unreal.

“Perhaps … too smooth!” Sang Baoli said somewhat unbelievably.

“Too smooth?” The assistant next to him chuckled. “Is it going well? This proves that the tactics you arranged before the game worked. We completely pressed the strong German team. We are now one goal away. As long as a goal, we can open the situation, be able to defeat the German team and reach the quarterfinals! “

Speaking of this achievement, this assistant looks excited, because killing the German team, this will definitely make Chile famous. He believes that not only him, but all Chilean internationals on the court have the same hopes and eager desires in their hearts.

Yang Cheng and his German team, as long as they score a goal, they can become famous and eliminate them, which will definitely shake the world and let fans all over the world remember Chile forever from this moment. Remember each of them!

As long as you think of this, everyone’s body is hot.

Sang Baoli looked at the excited assistant, and then looked at the situation on the court. He did n’t know how to say it, but he really felt that all of this had come too smoothly, as if his opponent was there. It was like deliberately putting the initiative of the game into his hands. Chile did not encounter any resistance at all, and easily controlled the advantages of the game. Prevailed.

“Maybe. After the German team played the group stage and Japan, the state came out too early and too fast, and now it is in a trough!” The assistant on the side seemed to be looking for a reason to persuade Sang Baoli.

Is it really? Sang Baoli asked himself wonderingly, but he didn’t say it: I hope so!

Turned his head and looked in front of the home team’s coach seat, standing upright. It seems that Yang Cheng, who is still calm, can’t believe Sang Baoli. This is the response that a head coach in a competitive situation should have. Doesn’t he want to save the situation? Doesn’t he want to turn things around?

Sang Baoli didn’t understand. He did not have any contact with Yang Cheng. The only time he met face-to-face was when he saw Yang Cheng walked out of the player’s tunnel just now and walked over to say hello, to know this master who even praised Bielsa. The coach, and then the two had a short and polite conversation, and then disappeared.

Everything about Yang Cheng, Sang Baoli comes directly from Bielsa.

In Chile, in Argentina, and even in South America, many fans know that 54-year-old Samboli identified himself as a 59-year-old Belsa student, and he always said that he was a follower of Belsa, despite their relationship. It seems to be more like-minded friends, but no one knows Bielsa and his football better than Samboli.

Everyone said that Bielsa was a lunatic, but only Sampouli knew clearly that even if Bielsa was crazy, he must be crazy for attachment. Although he only coached in Chile for less than three years, he was absolutely Can be called the godfather of football in Chile, he is a **** in Chile!

Although Belsa was questioned in the early days of coaching, soon Belsa used all World Cup tickets to make all Chile crazy for him; although during the World Cup in South Africa, Chile suffered a defeat at the foot of Brazil, but Belsa used his order The football that people admire during the festival won the hearts of all Chilean fans.

After that, Bielsa set off an Argentine craze in Chile. The Chilean who loves football even asked Bielsa to attend the National Entrepreneur Annual Conference, and gave his management experience to entrepreneurs all over Chile.

If it is not the later change of president of the Chilean Football Association, Bielsa cannot leave Chile!

No one knows Belsa ’s contribution to Chilean football better than Sang Pauli, because he led the sluggish Chileans out of the trough, just as Yang Cheng led the German team out of the trough.

Sang Baoli still remembers that after Bielsa coached La Liga, he contested with Yang Cheng for the first time. Then he laughed and called Sang Baoli. At that time, Sang Baoli could not feel the sadness of the loser from Bielsa. An excitement that a crazy philosopher has worked hard to dialect the truth.

Bielsa said that he saw philosophy from Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng ’s Real Madrid made him really understand. Football tactics is a philosophy, a philosophy given by the head coach, and Yang Cheng ’s The philosophy of football is like the philosophy of the Dutch Michels’ full attack and defense, Italy’s chain defense, and England’s long pass rushing. It will profoundly affect the world football.

Belsa even asserted that the influence of Yang Cheng ’s football philosophy on the football world will continue to affect the football world even after 50 years. At that time, the world will deeply feel the transformation that Yang Cheng has brought to this football world!

Is such a person, a person who even praises the crazy Belsa, will he be so miscalculated? So vulnerable?

Sang Pauli didn’t believe it, he couldn’t believe it!

Yes, he is a follower of Bielsa’s football philosophy, but his character is different from Bielsa, he does not have the kind of almost crazy stubbornness of Bielsa. He knows more about flexibility, which makes his team seem to be in the same line as Bielsa, but in fact he is more versatile and practical than Bielsa.

Or should be said, Bielsa is the kind of coach that I do, no matter how his opponent plays, no matter who the opponent is, anyway, he is to follow his own way. According to his own ideas and ideas to tune his team, which makes his team’s achievements generally fluctuate, ups and downs.

And this style of his is also in the soul of Chilean football in just three years.

Sometimes, Sang Baoli thinks this is life!

Chilean football in the early days was regarded as a rough team in South America. At one time, it was familiar to the whole world by relying on the Chilean double-salary team, but then Chile was to some extent a double-salary team. Everything revolves around Shuangsa, and as Shuangsa leaves. Chilean football also fell into a trough due to adjustments. In 2007, he even encountered Brazil twice in the America ’s Cup, and the results were slaughtered by the opponent at 3: 0 and 6: 1, which was humiliated by Chile.

Birza took over the Chilean style and injected more things into the small and spirited style, so that the team’s overall offense and defense was speeded up, and the team’s appreciation was greatly improved. This was the crazy Chile of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

But Bielsa’s success also contributed to Chile’s madness, his football seems to be born to cater to the Chilean aesthetic. For a time from the national team to the club, from the adult team to the youth team. All started to take Bielsa’s football style, obsessed with the ground to promote, coupled with Chile really lack of personal breakthrough experts and threatening centers, so the style was laid in one fell swoop.

However, after Bielsa, Chile entered a trough. Former AC Milan star Borgi failed to continue Bielsa ’s madness. In the 2011 America ’s Cup, Chile suffered a defeat and the group stage was already difficult. Just out of the group stage After being eliminated 2-1 by Venezuela and then experiencing a five-game losing streak in the World Cup qualifiers, this made the ambitious Chilean frustrated. Borgi chose to lead the University of Chile at the time and took the limelight.

Sang Baoli is actually a very self-knowledge person who knows how to introspect himself at the same time. He knows clearly that the reason he led the University of Chile to be ranked second only to Real Madrid in the FIFA club rankings is the second in the world. More is caused by this team’s score in the domestic league.

The traditional giant Kolokolo and the rival enemy Catholic University have encountered great difficulties and problems, which led to the unprecedented Chilean universities and won the league, but their status in the Intercontinental Cup South American Club Cup in South America is somewhat similar to Europe. In the UEFA Cup, the real top teams compete in the Libertadores Cup.

In the two rounds of the Libertadores Cup champion Santos, the University of Chile has a draw and a loss, and the total score is 0: 2.

In the 2012 South American Libertadores Cup, the University of Chile also lost to the Boca Juniors again in the semifinals. Like Santos, they lost at home and lost, losing 0: 2.

Sang Baoli is a sensible person, he does not know how much weight he leads the so-called second in the world of the University of Chile, so after he took charge of Chile, he also knew very well that today South America is no longer South America in the past is now more and more Europeanized, especially at the tactical level, football is being unified around the world.

Although this trend has lost many differences in local characteristics, it is more mature. The 2011 America ’s Cup is a clear proof that it is definitely the America ’s Cup of the tactical masters, not the America ’s Cup in the traditional definition!

As teams such as Uruguay, Venezuela, Paraguay, and Bolivia have begun to Europeanize, they have begun to play more calmly and conservatively. If Chile continues to adhere to its open style in the past, it can even be said to be a bit crazy. If their own tactical style cannot be kept up to date, then they will not be able to maintain their place in South America.

Therefore, Sang Pauli has always wanted to transform Chile on the basis of retaining some of Belsa ’s imprints. In the qualifiers in South America, he also determined certain results. In the World Cup group stage, he also did at this point.

However, in this game, in the face of the powerful German team, he seemed to have a feeling that he felt that each Chilean player was suppressed in his heart, and the devil with a deep Belsa mark was freed. Cage and control everything!

Looked at the excited assistant beside him. Looking at the almost crazy attack on the court, it seems to have occupied the advantage, but he can’t really threaten the players of the German team’s goal. He suddenly realized his enlightenment. He suddenly thought whether he was a lucky man … … Belsa is a respectable maniac, and the team he brought out is certainly not a normal person! “

In front of the home team coach, Yang Cheng silently watched the game. What he saw was that the German team was defending and Chile was attacking, but he always liked to take the initiative, but he was not angry at this situation at all, nor did he want to change the situation, because he wanted this effect. .

Of course, it’s not that Yang Cheng has completely directed the current situation on the field, but that the German team’s tactics in this game began by consciously giving up the initiative. Let Chile attack, because in his view. Chile is the type of team that is more offensive than defensive. And it’s the one with the big gap.

Looking at the America ’s Cup game, Chile met Uruguay and Venezuela and played miserably, the reason is simple.

Chile basically inherited the tactical style of the Bielsa period. Although Sang Baoli came to power, he changed from the original 3 guards to more European. It is also a more stable 4 guard, hoping that Chile can take a more practical team to cooperate with tactics. But the effect is not always obvious.

Their routines have been figured out, even sometimes. They all seem a little mechanized, and they intentionally advance on the ground purely for ground advancement, and fall back and forth in order to fall back and forth. This tactic may have a good effect when it meets a team with tactical discipline, but once encountered The tactical discipline is good, and when the team is strong, you lose money!

It is said that there is great unity and strength. If a single soldier does not have an advantage, he will play a systematic battle!

Any team has its own tradition.

Some people may be surprised, what is the traditional thing?

Tradition is a temperament, a personality, a label!

This temperament and character are often given by the head coach when this team is formed or transformed, and injected into the soul. From then on, regardless of the passage of time, the personnel change unless the team breaks again In order to transform, otherwise the soul of this team will always be on this team, affecting everyone.

Belsa, while transforming Chile, also endowed this team with a personality, an obsession, perseverance, and even a bit of a crazy character, all from Belsa.

It was just that, after losing Belsa, this team lost a helmsman who was most suitable for them and started to go astray!

“The ancient Greek poet Oedipus once said that God wants to destroy it, he must first make it crazy, and now Chile has begun to lose reason!” Yang Cheng looked at the stadium, the game time has entered 30 minutes, in In the past half hour, the German team has steadily controlled the 32-meter area in front of its own goal.

As long as the movie is controlled, even if the offensive is fierce, it will be thunder and rain.

Chile ’s shortcomings are obvious. The offensive methods are single, lack of change, excessive pursuit of ground coordination, and the lack of a strong forward on the striker line. This makes it difficult for the German team to attack the German team after the German team tightens the defense. restricted area.

“This world is really cruel. Even after Bielsa went to La Liga, he still learned to compromise with this cruel world, and he began to learn how to integrate and adapt to this world, but in South America, Chile has always been Still pursuing Bielsa ’s crazy football philosophy, does this look like an ancient Greek sad poem? “

On the side of Paul? Bayer saw Yang Cheng was dropping his book bag, he laughed suddenly, “Don’t pretend to be a cultural person over there, if you are really so compassionate, it is better to lose this game!”

“The hypocrite who looks down on you the most!” Benitez also couldn’t help crying.

Yang Cheng was completely choked and speechless. This group of **** had been talking about Chile’s pity and the like, but now they are turning their heads one by one to strike themselves? Who is the hypocrite?

“Although Chile is worthy of sympathy, it is also a pity, but there is no way. This is the trend and the general trend. Even Bielsa has changed. Their persistence is destined to become a tragedy!” Barak said in reality.

When they were talking, they saw Chile launch another wave of offense, but this time the German team once again sacrificed Sven? Bender and Schweinsteiger’s double waist combination, this pair also performed It was very stable, the midfield was organized and sorted out well, plus the entire back line of the German team behind was well organized, so Chile returned again without success.

With the delay of the game, the Chilean players are obviously a little impatient, because although they can skillfully control the ball, they still cannot find an effective way to disintegrate the German team ’s defense. As long as they enter the German half, As if hitting the wall, there was no way to start.

But they will not give up. They are still trying to cut through the wall in front of them, because they are clear that behind the wall is the opponent’s goal, which is victory. As long as it is cut and pushed down, the victory belongs to them.

This belief has supported them since the start of the game, has been encouraging them, and let them continue to attack, but they have never found themselves, as they are impatient after a long time of attack, their handover There are more and more mistakes in ball coordination, especially the situation in the back line has been stabilized and overwhelmed.

Sampoli did the best thing when he took charge of Chile is to avoid the defense line from being over-pressed like the Belsa period, but now, as the situation progresses, the players seem to be a little calm enough and start to go back to the past.

After seeing this situation, Yang Cheng glanced at Samboli again. The Argentinian looked a little bit aware. He smiled, “This show is finally about to enter the **!” (To be continued)

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