Super Coach

Chapter 1046 - Watch out for Mueller!

When everyone was looking forward to the halftime break, both coaches were able to make some adjustments to the team ’s squad and tactics, so that this game can be played more beautifully. Surprisingly, Yang Cheng Neither Bosk nor Bosque followed their wishes, and no one moved during the intermission.

The situation at the beginning of the second half was exactly the same as the first half. The two sides still played targeted tactics, and regarded the other party’s midfield as the focus of their own disruption. They tried every means to disrupt the other party’s offense and organization, so that the other party Can’t threaten his goal, can’t make an effective threat.

Perhaps fans will find this kind of game boring, but as long as you think about it, you have to work hard for four years, and you have reached the semifinals. Who wants to take the whole team up and down, or even the whole country to take the risk? Who wants to take the initiative to make some changes, and then expose themselves to greater risks?

Why does Yang Cheng say Pedro is the biggest pen of Bosco?

Because Bosque had only two sharp weapons, one was Pedro and the other was Navas, all on the sidelines.

According to the point of view of the normal head coach, Pedro wants to be the best substitute in the second half, because at that time the opponent’s physical energy consumption was almost the same, Pedro was a dragon and a tiger. At that time, it was the most effective, but Bosque did not Is he stupid?

No, but because he knows clearly that if Pedro is not able to effectively contain the right half of the German team’s midfield and backcourt, then Jerome Boateng will likely change the situation because of the latter’s Passing the ball more than once made great achievements, plus a tall Gomez in the penalty area, such a hidden danger Bosque had to pay attention to.

Of course, when Pedro started, there were fewer sharp tools in hand to change the situation. This is also a matter of trade-offs.

That’s so good. At the time of the launch, both sides conducted a very meticulous research on each other. They have also made great efforts to prepare for the war. Now who wants to change everything rashly? Because the risks of change are pros and cons, who dare to say that it must be beneficial to yourself?

Such a game is actually doomed from the beginning, it will not look good, because the game is now. The purpose of both parties is definitely not to advance the ball, but to arrange tactics based on how to avoid the opponent’s goal, and then use this as a basis to organize and attack.

In other words, whether it is Germany or Spain, the most important thing is to avoid losing the ball first, or even give up the offense for this purpose, because this is a knockout. No one wants to take the initiative to target their opponents!

Because of this, it is highly targeted, so the tactics of both sides cannot be played, and it is completely disrupted.

Presented on the court is just like what the live commentator said. The two most powerful teams in the world rarely seen are so unruly, they can even be said to be completely messed up. These are the results of tactical destruction of each other. And neither side wants to break this situation.

Of course, it’s not that keeping this situation will make you laugh to the end, because football games are never just tactical contests and confrontations. It also involves players.

As long as people are involved, then it must be full of randomness … In the passing of time, Yang Cheng always stood on the sidelines, silently watching the game, frowning like a mountain.

He did not make substitutions, he was just making adjustments, but Spain was also making adjustments constantly. No one could take up too many advantages because of the fact that the biggest sticking point between the two sides was in the midfield. As long as the midfielder’s knot cannot be opened, no one can open the situation.

“Such a game is huge for physical energy consumption!” Benitez also frowned at the side, saying nothing.

Yang Cheng nodded his head, it seemed that there was no previous text, but Benitez meant to remind him that such a game would consume a lot of physical energy. In the past, if the German team’s physical fitness could last up to 80 minutes, then now it is impossible to reach this period, because the physical fitness is too much.

“The striker is a problem!” Yang Cheng shook his head and sighed.

Gomez is not hard enough, nor is his performance too poor, but he is indeed unsatisfactory.

Yang Cheng made him stare at Ramos and Peek. He worked hard to complete this task, but in many times, when the team needed him to follow up with Busquets who withdrew the ball, he was not enough. Consciousness to do this.

Yes, he is worried because Yang Cheng ’s task is to let him look at the other two defenders. He is worried that going to Busquets will lead to mistakes in his duties, but he does not see that if he goes to To prevent Busquets, the angle of the attack was caught. Busquets could not pass the ball to Ramos and Pique, so the two central defenders would not be threatened.

But Yang Cheng could not tell him to let him do it, because the time on the field changes rapidly, and he can only do it if he understands it.

“Sometimes, I really want to knock his elm head off and tell him what Weiwei saves Zhao!” Yang Cheng smiled bitterly. At this point, Klose did better. This guy’s consciousness in this regard is absolutely close Demon.

“Tim!” Yang Cheng thought of this, turned his head, shouted to Tim Hank who was looking at the tablet in the coach seat behind him.

The latter quickly came out and came to Yang Cheng’s side and put the tablet in his hand. “Preliminarily, it should be able to hold up to 70 minutes, no more!”

This means that the German team ’s own physical fitness will be challenged after entering 70 minutes.

“What about Spain?” Yang Cheng asked again.

“The situation is estimated to be similar to ours. Although they are in possession of the ball, their physical energy consumption is not as good as ours, but they are under much pressure and pressure, and the players run too much. In addition, the physical fitness is originally disadvantaged, so it is estimated to be similar to us . “

Yang Cheng nodded, such a high-intensity game is a serious challenge to each other’s physical fitness. No team can play a high-intensity fierce confrontation for a full 90 minutes. That is Superman. Not a player.

In other words, they must break the deadlock as soon as possible before their physical fitness enters a vacuum.

Yang Cheng believed that Bosque was also thinking about the same thing, because he turned to look around. Bosque also talked with Tony Grande over there. If nothing goes wrong, he is definitely studying each other’s physical fitness.

Everyone knows, continue to fight like this. In the end, both parties have exhausted their physical fitness, but everyone knows clearly which one enters the physical vacuum period first, and the one who enters late may use the time difference to break the deadlock and reverse the situation.

Looked at the time, it took 8 minutes in the second half, and Yang Cheng looked at Paul Bayer again. “Paul, ask Milo, how long can I get on, I want him to warm up as soon as possible, to play in the shortest time!”

After listening to it, Paul Bayer quickly walked to the bench and walked to Klose’s side, “Go and warm up. Play in the shortest time, quickly !!!”

Klose stood up all of a sudden and approached Paul Bayer. “I just went to warm up, now I don’t need it!”

Paul? Baier immediately smiled, the old guy was really a monster, patted his shoulder, and immediately walked to Yang Cheng.

As soon as he saw Klose, Yang Cheng waved his hand and called him over, “Did you notice Busquets just below?”

“Well, pay attention. Boss!” Klose nodded. “He often retreats to the back line!”

“Very good!” Yang Cheng praised. He didn’t need to worry about talking to smart people. “He withdrew to the back line. Although it was good for ball control, he exposed the area in front of the line. This is our opportunity, If at this time, someone could be with Ozil and wrap him up … “Yang Cheng made a gesture of encirclement with both hands.

Klose didn’t need Yang Chengduo to say that he played for many years under Yang Cheng’s ball. He knew the meaning of Yang Cheng better than anyone else. If he hits Busquets at this time and successfully grabs the ball, it will benefit the German team. Directly attacking the area in front of Spain’s defense line, whether it is straight behind or long-range, can play a huge threat.

“I know what to do, boss!” Klose nodded.

“It is good to score, but not to score. At the very least, kill Busquets!” Yang Cheng patted Klose on the shoulder.

This task is not based on archery, nor does it need to be in good condition. As long as Klose has that consciousness, as long as he has enough running ability, he can complete this step.

“You are watching here!” Klose walked to the side with a smile … The German team took the lead in substitutions, it seems that Klose should be replaced! The on-site commentator saw Klose stepping forward and immediately exclaimed. This was Yang Cheng’s arrangement for Klose off the bench for two consecutive games.

Took advantage of the chance of a dead ball, the German team took the lead in substitutions, replaced the starting striker Gomez with Klose.

But unlike the last game, in the last game against Argentina, Gomez scored twice and walked down the court wearing a hero ’s laurel crown, but this time he was carrying a depression because he did not How much contribution.

Yang Cheng specially comforted Gomez, and then pointed out his problem, indicating that he could stay on the sidelines.

Looked at the time on the side of Bosque, “Substitute in 53 minutes, can’t this guy really bear it?”

Normally, if you reach 70 minutes of physical fitness, enter 60 minutes and then change the situation to change the situation again, which stimulates the player’s physical fitness again. This is something that many coaches will do, and it is the most natural thing, but now Yang Cheng is I didn’t do this, but I made a substitution in advance, and I was almost ten minutes ahead of my breath.

“It is estimated that he has the same idea as you!” Tony Grande chuckled.

Boske was also preparing to make a substitution 5 minutes in advance, replacing David Silva with Navas to strengthen the impact and advancement on the right. His idea is the same as that of Yang Cheng. He wants to take advantage of the opportunity to change the situation in advance to reverse the situation. Unexpectedly, this guy took a step ahead of himself, which made both Bosque and Tony Grande laugh.

Now they feel that they should take a good look. Has Klose changed the situation after he played?

However, as the game restarted, they did not find any difference between Klose and Gomez, because although Busquets often withdraws the ball, not every time the ball is withdrawn at the foot, And even if he withdraws, not every withdrawal will be seized by Klose.

This kind of thing pays attention to hitting, hitting time and efficiency!

Seeing that there seems to be no problem, Bosque replaced David Silva with Navas in the 60th minute … Yang Cheng looked at Bosque’s substitutions. I was thinking about the situation after the substitution.

He can expect that after Navas goes up, the two Spanish side will play more lively, with Pedro on the left. There is Navas on the right, all of which must be to solve the problem of strategic width and widen the defense of the German team.

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng immediately issued another adjustment order on the court, and the oppression of Della Red and Iniesta continued, but the Iniesta was properly relaxed, but Sven? Bender should firmly occupy Live in the frontier area of ​​the restricted area. Protect the line of defense and the two sides, and let Thomas Muller look at Aveloa.

Soon afterwards, Yang Cheng gave Schweinsteiger a request to slow down appropriately!

This is not to create the illusion of physical disability, but to show Spain the opportunity to advance, but also to force Navas to retreat on the side to take the ball!

The pure-speed side assaulter like Navas has an important feature, that is, you pass him the ball, and he must pass the ball in front of him when he approaches the defender. In this way, they can directly catch up after accelerating, and at the same time, the speed does not need to be slow, and they can directly drive the ball on the side with the fastest speed. Give full play to their advantages.

But once such players pass the ball to their feet, or force them to withdraw the ball, their threat will be reduced by at least 80%, because a wing assault who can’t sprint, what can he do?

If there is Harvey Alonso or Harvey, Yang Cheng may not dare to do so, because these two players have excellent long-pass ability, so that they have enough means and abilities at any time, anywhere The ball shifted in front of Navas, and the wing assaulter presented the greatest threat.

But now there are no two long passers. Even if he is replaced by Navas, as long as he forces other Spanish players to give him the ball or let him retreat, then Yang Cheng’s goal of limiting Navas will also be achieved.

And the rhythm has slowed down, more to cater to Busquets’ taste, this ball-controller Tong likes this rhythm … It must be admitted that Klose is indeed more suitable for the current German tactics than Gomez.

Ozil found. Without Klose, his team’s offensive advancement encountered big troubles, whether he or Thomas? Mueller, have encountered big problems.

For him, if the former player is replaced by Gomez, he is more likely than Klose to be caught by the opponent’s central defender, and he lacks the right time to come back to respond, so Ozil often faces not much space. To pass the opportunity for a better pass, and Thomas Mueller is facing the opponent’s sideman and a central defender anytime, anywhere.

If you encounter a team with a loose formation, this situation rarely occurs, but once you encounter a team with high pressure like Spain, the problems of the German team are exposed.

So it was always difficult for them to pass the ball to the threat zone in the first half, the reason is here.

The combination of the Iron Triangle, Klose, Thomas Muller and Ozil, all have a headache. If two are missing at the same time, it is embarrassing that the overall offensive strength of the German team has definitely fallen by a large margin.

Klose came off the bench with Yang Cheng’s latest order, and Ozil also got something new, so every time when Busquets retreated to the centre-back to get the ball, Ozil would naturally press Go up and occupy the area that originally belonged to Busquets, wait for the opportunity, but if Busquets takes the ball, he will retreat.

Midfielder is the most critical area for vertical attack in all tactics!

This time, when Busquets was harassed by Ozil and once again returned between Ramos and Pique, Ozil also once again stood in Spain’s midfield area, which should have forced the central defender Klose is quiet, waiting for the opportunity to ambush around, waiting for the opportunity.

Alba was too entangled by Podolski and passed the ball to Pique. The latter was threatened by Klose and immediately passed to Busquets, which immediately forced the original Klok Ze turned to Busquets for the first time.

Özil and Klose have a perfect tacit understanding. He already knew what the German striker was doing when Klose approached Pique, and immediately approached Busquets, because he knew clearly that Klose was approaching Pique’s angle is to force Pique to fail to pass the ball to Ramos, then either pass back to Alba or Busquets.

By convention, it must be Busquets.

Busquets took the ball, and Ozil got entangled. The latter wanted to protect the ball, but at this time, Klose pushed from behind and joined forces with Ozil in tandem.

“Germany succeeded in stealing the ball, beautiful, Klose made a beautiful steal !!!”

This sudden change surprised everyone, because Klose suddenly changed direction, coupled with the previous harassment by Ozil, Busquets’ attention was on Ozil, ignoring Klo Ze, resulting in being cut off by the German striker, directly stabbed the ball to Ozil.

As early as Klose turned, Suddenly realized that something was wrong, Ramos and Pique came over and answered, and when they saw the ball intercepted, they were both amazed because they knew better than anyone. How much is the threat that the waist drops the ball near the defense line.

The first person who reacted was Ramos, and he saw him react at once, and shouted, “Be careful of Mueller!”

Ozil did not wait for the ball to stay at his feet for a while, Klose poke, the ball came directly to him, he rubbed his left foot, directly rubbed a half-height ball, from Busquets and Ramos and others It is difficult to intercept it unless someone wants to pass it by hand, but it is in the penalty area, and the handball is deliberately in the penalty area, it is capital punishment!

Without handball, you can only watch the ball fly past them and fall to the left of the penalty spot.

(To be continued)

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