Super Coach

Chapter 1050 - Battle to win

“I hope this game will be the last game in my coaching career!”

In the press conference hall of the Sao Paulo Cotea Training Base, Yang Cheng faced the crowd of reporters and the media at the press conference, and calmly and calmly said such a sentence, but this sentence made it not originally The spacious press room was completely frying, and all the reporters were in an uproar and couldn’t believe Yang Cheng.

Not long ago, some media revealed that Yang Cheng would leave the German national team after the World Cup and completely retire from football. But soon, this news was denied by relevant people, but the pervasive reporters quickly excavated Yang Cheng. The agreement with the German Football Association and the contract between the German Football Association and the sponsors.

All contracts point to one point, that is the World Cup!

If the German team wins the World Cup, Yang Cheng will leave the German national team and completely retire from football. This has been written into the contract as a clause. That is to say, the day of the World Cup is when Yang Cheng retires. !

Although this matter has been known for a long time, although there is sufficient psychological preparation, although many reporters have been speculating on this news, but when they heard this news from Yang Cheng ’s mouth, One by one was dumbfounded, and even felt unacceptable.

Without Yang Cheng, they would have lost the biggest treasure house, they would have lost one of the most important publicity gimmicks and speculation chips, and at the same time, there would be many newspapers in trouble, or even bankruptcy, there would be many Practitioners were therefore fired and directly unemployed.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Yang Cheng is only a person, but he has countless interests involved behind him!

After Yang Cheng decided to leave professional football. Many people are already mentally prepared. They all know that they will be here sooner or later, but. When this day really came, they still felt unacceptable.

Ten years, in the past ten years. They can get a lot of manuscript fees by writing this person every day. This has become a habit in the life and work of many journalists and media people, but when one day, you When you are announced that you will no longer be able to write about this person, you will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

“When I coached Chemnitz II, I never thought of it. I will have today …” When the reporters at the press conference were a little calm, Yang Cheng continued to say, “… even in me After coaching a lot of teams, I never imagined that I could have today. “

“I love football. Football gives me everything. I feel lucky. Because I am one of the very few people who can support and work on my own interests, I am also very grateful to football, to all football practitioners, and Fans all over the world! “

“Sometimes it is very difficult to make a decision, because I coached for more than ten years, I watched my players step into the professional league, and then sent them out of the professional league with my own eyes, I am used to it all, football For me, it has become a part of life and will never be separated! “

“So, I will not say that I will leave football, because for me, even before the moment of my death, I can not leave it, I will only say that I will not coach any team, but I will continue I will continue to dedicate all my remaining life and all my energy to football. I hope to help more people who like football, whether it is players, coaches, or even other staff, I hope I can help within my ability. they!”

When Yang Cheng said this, his expression looked very plain, without the slightest expression of true feelings, but he spoke slowly, so slowly that everyone present had enough time to write down in detail what he said. Every sentence, every word.

Perhaps this will be Yang Cheng ’s last interview with so many reporters as the head coach.

“Mr. Yang Cheng!” Sitting in the front row, the German chief secretary Gran? K raised his hand, holding a pen in his hand, as if they were in Chemnitz ten years ago. In Kaiserslautern, it was the same as when answering each other’s questions.

“Hello, Grand!” Yang Cheng pointed to him, indicating that he could ask questions.

“As your friend, I understand your decision and I am happy for you, but as a reporter, I regret it because we will lose a great head coach!” Grannak said slowly. : “What I want to ask is, do your players know what you are talking about now? Don’t you worry that this will affect morale?”

Yang Cheng nodded at Gran? Nack, and after the latter sat down, he slowly leaned back to the microphone, “I had passed my decision to me when I played Spain two days ago. Players, I told them my decision, they are very calm, because I never hide anything from them. “

“I do n’t think this will affect the morale of the team. On the contrary, I can see it in their eyes. They want to win this trophy more than ever. I ’m not sure because of me , But I ’m sure that the German team at this moment is more fighting than ever! “

“We are not weak, we are never a team that depends on whom, we can win so many opponents, it is not me, nor which player, but the unremitting efforts of the whole team, we will not be Anything, any difficulties, because we are the German team! “

“Mr. Yang Cheng!” Another reporter raised his hand and came from the front row. Everyone looked at it and found out that it was Pozzo, the editor-in-chief of Milan Sports. This is a well-known figure in the Italian media industry. On the press booth.

“Hello, Mr. Pozzo!” Yang Cheng smiled and nodded Pozo.

“Are you confident in the next game?” Pozzo asked.

Yang Cheng nodded without hesitation, and smiled, “Before any game starts, I will always be confident, because my team and I will make the best preparations to meet every game, which is how we can go to today. key!”

“For the upcoming finals, many of us have been waiting for a lifetime, 4 years ago in South Africa. We are just a little bit behind. Today, 4 years later, we will not miss any chance even a minute. , So I am very confident to win this game. I believe that our opponent Brazil is also the same! “

Before the game starts, both sides are to make their best preparations. Efforts to adjust to his best state, although the result of the game has lost and won, but no matter what, if you can reach the final, there is no loser!

“Mr. Yang Cheng!” Alfredo from the Spanish Aspen newspaper also raised his hand.

Many of the reporters present knew each other. Naturally, many people recognized that all the sports news fields are well-known gangsters. They can sit here, which is enough for the whole world to be Yang Cheng made a move.

Alfredo was affirmed by Yang Cheng, but looked at Yang Cheng on the podium. He could not speak for a long time.

No one dares to urge this young Spanish media boss, because anyone who knows or does not know knows that Aspen has a pivotal position in Spain and Europe. Alfredo is a powerful figure in the Spanish sports world. Such people do not dare to offend even Florentino and even the president of the Spanish Football Association.

“I hope you will get what you want!” Alfredo finally squeezed out a congratulatory sentence.

“Thank you. My friend!” Yang Cheng smiled and said hello to Alfredo.

He has always said that although his coaching career has brought him countless glory, brought countless championships, and made him a super coach that has attracted worldwide attention, he is really satisfied and happy. His group of friends, this group of students, and even those opponents.

The champion aura is just some cold text that appears in the newspapers and the media. The champion trophy is just the cold decoration placed in the cabinets of the home. The high salary and strong appeal have never been It is not what Yang Cheng pursues. What makes him feel warmest most is the care and blessings from friends around him.

Perhaps, all of this is because he has got it before, and has been successful for a long time, so he will have such an experience.

Perhaps, for many people who are eager to succeed but are unwilling to do so, they simply do not value all of this. They value the champion aura, the championship trophy, the salary and the appeal, so they are willing to give up other things for this. Everything, including friends.

Everyone has their own ambitions. Yang Cheng dare not say whether they will regret it, but at least, Yang Cheng himself never regrets the road he has walked in the past ten years, he never regrets every choice he has made!

At the end of the press conference, Yang Cheng stood in front of the rostrum, bowed deeply to everyone who came to the scene, and then left the press conference with the applause of everyone on the scene.

World Cup finals, he knew that this was his last battle!

Many years of coaching career, very rich game experience, let him know very clearly that this is his last battle!

Maybe, here is Brazil, maybe he encountered the host Brazil in the finals, maybe, Brazil will also use every means to prevent Yang Cheng ’s team from winning, but no matter how difficult it is, Yang Cheng has enough confidence speak out.

This will be my last battle!



“You are dark, Robert!”

When I saw Robert Baggio again, it was in a hotel in Rio de Janeiro that the German team stayed in the hotel and was actively preparing for the World Cup final that started on time at 16:00.

This time period is very good, everything about the German team is carried out around this period of time, and even the preparation work of the coaching staff has been detailed to the point of the sun ’s irradiation angle, whether it will be dazzling and other details have been prepared. It is very full. For this reason, the team even adjusted the training time specially to let the players adapt to the sunshine in this period of time.

Yang Cheng and the team are ready for everything, just waiting for the whistle of the final to sound, so in the morning, he can relax and meet the Baggios who came to visit him, Charlize Theron is Take the children with Baggio’s wife and children.

“Did the farm have recently been opened to Africa?” Yang Cheng’s subsequent ridicule made Baggio unable to resist.

“There is indeed such a consideration. Nowadays, being a farmer is indeed quite a habit. Such days are carefree and leisurely!” Baggio said with a smile. Mouth-filled white teeth appeared on the dark face.

“I heard. Recently, Moratti intends to invite you out of the mountain!” Moratti came to dinner with Yang Cheng last night. Ronaldo, Nedved and others were also with them. They all arrived in Rio de Janeiro early. On the table, Moratti secretly mentioned this matter with Yang Cheng, and Yang Cheng also directly talked about the biggest problem of Inter Milan.

Father Mo is good. It was too emotional, too emotional, which caused him to be too indecisive in many things, and his habit of interfering with the Inter Milan coaching staff led to an unsatisfactory situation in Inter Milan, despite the fact that Yang Cheng left the same seat. Baoshan, but now has been chased by Juventus, Naples and other teams, and the Zebra Legion has already caught up.

Moratti originally wanted Yang Cheng to come back, but Yang Cheng declined the offer. To this end, Yang Cheng promised Moratti to retreat, saying that he could help talk about Baggio. But success is not guaranteed.

“I know. You have been unable to give up football all the time, and you always have some wishes in your heart. In this case, it is better to realize him simply, while he can still, realize it all, and then rest assured. Is it better to retreat from the rivers and lakes? “Yang Cheng proposed with a smile.

Seeing Baggio’s eloquent expression, Yang Cheng knew that he was moving. Although Baggio always said that he was very happy now, this was true, but he still had a wish in his heart, that is, hope to be able to Prove yourself in the coach seat.

“If it is Moratti’s problem, I can help you fight for it, and I also believe that you will be an excellent head coach!”

Baggio nodded, “I think about it again!”

Yang Cheng smiled, “If you don’t coach Inter Milan, why don’t you come and help me? I also have a large farm in my hometown, I grow a lot of fruits and vegetables, and I set up there You come to my football school to help me bring this team! “

“Really?” Baggio also smiled. “If I didn’t go to Milan, I would go to you!”

Both looked at each other and smiled. Although they haven’t been in contact for many years, their relationship was very strong. Baggio was even older than Yang Cheng, but they became very good friends.

Not long after Baggio, Raul, Fanny, Beckham, Belon and others also arrived in Rio de Janeiro, but many of them came in a hurry. When they arrived, it was almost afternoon. , Went directly to the Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro.



“I have no doubt, and no one can doubt that the winner of this game must belong to our leader!”

At the entrance of Maracanã Stadium, when Batistuta, who was rushing from Argentina to Brazil, was stopped by a reporter, when asked about the game, the Argentine **** of war looked firm. , Without hesitation, chose to support his former coach!

“I came here today, hoping to be able to witness the victory of the World Cup with my own eyes. I am full of confidence in him because he will never let us down, and I believe this is also true this time!”

After finished speaking, Batistuta stopped staying longer and walked directly into the chairman’s stand from the stadium entrance.

“Gabriel, here!”

As soon as Batistuta walked in, he immediately saw Ronaldo waving at him and immediately walked over.

“Ha, Ronnie, you lost weight recently!”

The first sentence of meeting was concerned about his figure. Ronald felt embarrassed. Especially when he saw the smiles of the former teammates around him, it made him feel uncomfortable. Am I really that fat?

But he still has self-knowledge, so he dared not say so face to face, otherwise, the oncoming blow will make him more painful.

“Hi, Robert!” Batistuta and Baggio gave a hug.

After sweeping around, he found that in this area, all are old acquaintances, not only the Inter Milan players under the guidance of Yang Cheng, but also Kaiserslautern, Liverpool and Real Madrid. Players have arrived, another group of people who do not know …

“Those who are Chemnitz, the first place to debut!” Nedved introduced with a smile.

“Oh!” Batistuta was not surprised at all, because Yang Cheng has always been such a person.

However, in the other stands, not only the fans, but even the reporters were shocked, because some of the former superstars who were sitting on this stand were rare, and they did not accept interviews with reporters after they retired. But now they are all sitting in the stands one by one, which shocks them all.

Many young fans can’t recognize these old superstars of ten years ago, they are chasing after Ronaldinho Ronaldo, Messi and other players, and the group of Spanish and English players who have just finished the three or four finals, These include Iniesta, David Silva, Mata and Gerrard.

On the previous day, Spain defeated England 2-0 in the final and won the third place in the World Cup.

“It’s really unexpected. Almost all of the superstar players coached by Yang Cheng are here. This is really amazing. Each of them is a famous top star in the history of football. They can get together like today. It can be said that it is a major event in the football world. Apart from Yang Cheng, who else can have such a appeal? “

Before the finals started, the atmosphere on the stands has been fully mobilized by this scene on the podium. This group of former superstars now seems a bit old, but in the minds of many old fans, they are equal to One by one imprint.

This group of unforgettable superstars used to be stunned in football, and now they are together because of the man standing in front of the coach of the home team. They come here with only one purpose, that is to witness them The last battle of the former leader!

A winning battle!

(To be continued)

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