Super Coach

Chapter 1052 - Perfect farewell

Julio Cesar, 34 years old, is about 35 years old.

As the goalkeeper of the former Brazilian national team, César has always been unwilling to be here. For the goalkeeper, he is still the age of playing, and he gave up his main position to his competitor, Diego Alves. So in the past period of time, he trained hard and worked diligently.

Pays off and gains. Cesar performed very bravely in the Premier League, and successfully regained his position as the main goalkeeper of his national team, and played all the matches for Brazil in the World Cup.

But when he is old, he is very old. It is difficult for Cesar to ask his body to continue to make such a stretched rescue action as when he was young, giving such a sensitive physical response, his movement is slow, and the rescue distance is short. By the way, he even felt that he could get a lot of balls, but his body was always a little bit worse.

The years are not forgiving, old age means old age!

When Cesar fell heavily on the grass, he ignored the grass that stuck his face, closed his eyes at once, punched heavily on the turf in front of him, and scolded angrily in his mouth, “true***!!!”

But his call was not heard, because almost at the same time, the referee blew the effective whistle of the goal, almost at the same time, countless fans in the stands all rushed out of their seats in order to Extremely warm cheers and praises, praising Klose who opened the first record for the German team!

These voices completely cover Cesar, which is full of sorrow and unwilling verbal abuse, but it can’t cover the anger in Cesar’s heart. Both his teammates and his own are even more angry.

If I were a few years younger, if my body could stretch more, if my reaction. My movement can be faster and more sensitive. Then I must get this ball, because the **** German striker’s shooting angle is not very good, if it is Cesar at the peak. It must be saved.

But no one would care about Cesar ’s grief, everyone was concerned about Klose who scored!

The German striker knelt in the penalty area and covered his face. With his head down, his body was straight, and it looked like a sculpture.

The teammates around him went up one after another. Everyone was celebrating Klose ’s goal. This was his second goal of the World Cup, and he did n’t have much technical content, because at that time he was solo. , More depends on his consciousness, the running consciousness without the ball.

“This is Klose’s 16th World Cup goal!” The live commentator murmured.

Needless to say. The fans in the stands have already played the cards with 16 in one after another, and one of the stands in which the German fans are located has formed a phalanx of fans. Raise the playing card high in his hand. A large number of 16 was formed to congratulate Klose on his 16th goal in the personal World Cup.

This goal will not only represent Klose’s own goals. At the same time, Klose also broke the historical record of 15 World Cup goals set by Ronaldo, which will undoubtedly make Klose the first place in the World Cup finals total scorer list, setting a new historical record!

Klose stood up from the penalty area and hugged his teammates one by one, kissing the teammates, looking very excited, and then quickly ran to the side of the court, spread his arms and hugged the station tightly The head coach on the sidelines, at this moment, he did not cover up, allowing his tears to slip from the corners of his eyes.

Even if he learned that he would not be able to participate in the World Cup, he did not cry, but at this moment he shed tears.

“Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss !!!”

With a cry, Klose kept repeating the same sentence next to Yang Cheng’s ear. He seemed completely relieved by the relief, and he was completely surrounded by the joy brought by the goal .

If everyone has a certain purpose to survive in this world, then at this moment, Klose really feels that his purpose for so many years is for today, for this goal!

Live TV footage swept across the stands, swept through Batistuta, Baggio, Ronaldo, Nedved, and many other Yang Cheng’s former superstar disciples. They all stood up from their seats. They are all clapping hard, paying tribute to Klose’s goal, because this veteran is worthy of this goal!

“Perhaps Yang Cheng is right, Klose is not a genius. He has never had superhuman talent for football. He can never show convincing skills on the court, and he is never the kind that can be pleasing to the eye. Player, but he has an unforgettable great character! “

“Klose is a great player, but his greatness does not come from his skills, but from him, from his character, from his low-key, from his tenaciousness, from The kind of German unrelenting spirit represented in him! “

“Early before the game, Ronaldo once said that he will cheer for Brazil in the final, but he hopes to see Klose score because he feels that this German striker is worthy of this goal, and Klo Ze also did not disappoint. Although this goal was to some extent, the passing Ozil and the assisting Thomas Mueller also made great contributions, but this is definitely a genuine belonging to Klose Goal! “

“Yang Cheng, a month ago he was still being questioned and criticized for his love for injuries. Countless people are doubting that he is a kind of person. Even if he knows that Klose cannot play, he still has to take him stubbornly. To the World Cup big list, but now, Klose used this goal to completely smash all the doubts and criticisms of Yang Cheng. He dedicated this goal to his head coach. Express his gratitude and gratitude to Yang Cheng! “

“The game has just passed for less than half an hour, and the Brazilian team still has a chance, but for Scolari, Klose’s goal will undoubtedly completely break the deadlock on the field and make the Brazilian team fall into a complete trap. passive!”

The on-site commentator was right. Brazil still has a chance, but it is very, very passive.

Because in this single round knockout, once there is a goal. The trend of the game will be completely changed. The side that has conceded the ball will be very passive. Is it going to attack? Or defense?

Chooses to attack, and that no doubt fell into the other party’s trap. Because the leading party will definitely be waiting for you to attack, and then fight your counterattack steadily; but if you choose to defend, the situation is not much better. The leading party will have more patience to play with you, slowly spending time with you.

No matter how you choose, it is a dilemma!



Scolari has always known that this game will be very, very difficult to play, especially after Kaka’s absence due to injury, it has cast a shadow on this final, so anything happens in the game He will not be surprised, including losing the ball.

Brazil has so many people. Hulk and Neymar went up, but the threat was not great, and the midfielder arranged a three midfielder. Ensure the team’s defense in place rate. But even so, the German team still found a chance. He broke the hole, and he had no way at all.

In the knockout game, 1 mistake is enough to be fatal. This is a **** lesson!

So before the game, Scolari emphasized the most to avoid mistakes. In his view, the key to a game like the World Cup is not who has a stronger offense, nor who has a better defense, but who Make the fewest mistakes.

The Brazil team played against the United States in the first game and made a mistake. The United States won a victory, but after that, Scolari returned to his most familiar track to ensure the team’s low turnover and eventually reached the final all the way. .

Speaking of mistakes, the German team is definitely the team with the fewest mistakes in this World Cup, so they have the most hope of winning the championship!

But it is obvious that Scolari ’s repeated emphasis before the game could not be avoided.

“What are we going to do now?” Pereira also looked disappointed, her face sullen.

Attack? Scolari asked himself, even if he had Kaka, he did not have enough assurance that his team could break through the German defense, not to mention that there is no Kaka now, relying on Hulk and Neymar, can have He knew how much the effect was.

Defense? Perhaps this is the only choice Brazil can make!

The German team is too strong in the overall strength, a bit higher than Brazil. In this case, if Scolari presses to fight the bayonet, he will only lose even worse in the end, so he can only defend and wait for the German team Make a mistake yourself!

But … is this possible?

Scolari had no idea, because in his view, Yang Cheng had arranged all the details very carefully for this game, maybe he even arranged the players properly how to pass and how to shoot. The attack that led to the goal just now did not look like it was played on the spot.

Or, the Germans did n’t play on the spot at all, and their offense was obviously a routine!

“Is there any other choice?” Scolari sighed and looked at Pereira with a wry smile.

Both strength and offense are at a disadvantage. In this case, do you fight for goals with the opponent?



The first half ended with a 1-0 lead from the German team, but at the beginning of the second half, the two sides still did not seem to have a better change. Many Brazilian fans began to accuse Scolari, thinking that his on-site command was very good. bad.

But when I swept the lineup on the Brazilian bench, I have to say, who wouldn’t go on like this, and who would go up?

In the passing of time, Yang Cheng replaced Klose with Gomez in the 60th minute. The latter’s physical fitness was obviously out of support, and after Gomez went up, the German team’s tactics were adjusted accordingly. , The three lines began to stop pressing, chose to retract, and then hit back.

Yang Cheng’s attitude has been very clear. I will not take any risks. I want to score a goal. Come on!

Scolari also wanted to bet. He replaced Alves with Fred who performed well after returning to the Brazilian league. He wanted to further strengthen the offensive and at the same time make Neymar retreat, responsible for receiving the midfield.

However, this transformation did not achieve much effect. Yang Cheng quickly replaced Ozil with Tony Klos, further strengthening the control of the midfield, but also allowing Schweinsteiger to strengthen the Oscar and Neymar’s oppression, and then he patiently played a defensive counterattack.

When a long pass from Bad Steubel countered, Gomez quickly inserted back, vigorously volleyed at the front of the penalty area, and Cesar struggled to support the beam. Everyone was shocked by the German team’s sharp counterattack.

Brazilian players’ offensive determination has also been weakened in this wave of offense. At least every time they attack, they must measure whether their defense can withstand the German team’s counterattack.

The ball is in hand, and the game is also in hand. The German team completely controlled the situation of the game.

And Brazil, whose confidence has been shaken, is constantly consuming time.

Perhaps, from the beginning, the German team has occupied a huge advantage. So before the game, everyone is optimistic about the big hit Germany, not the host Brazil, even if it is Brazil, but the FIFA president is Beckenbauer, even if the latter is not biased towards Germany, but can also guarantee that Germany has a Fair playing environment.

Therefore, only so many people say that Germany and Spain. Whoever wins the final is the champion, because the strength of these two teams is relative to other teams. Are too strong!



When the time steadily jumped from 92 minutes to 93 minutes. After another 13 seconds, the referee blew the whistle at the end of the game.

The moment the whistle sounded. The staff, coaches and players in the German coaching area that have already been ready to go have rushed into the stadium like crazy, and rushed into this highly anticipated Maracanã stadium.

Wait for 24 years, the Germans finally hope to have another Hercules Cup!

“Congratulations to Germany, congratulations to Klose, congratulations to Yang Cheng! This is the World Cup that belongs to Germany, Klose, and Yang Cheng! I believe that even after countless years, we will all be able to remember this clearly. At the World Cup, the German football team brought us joy! “

“Although the German team only won a 1: 0 victory in this final, we can clearly see that the German team is ahead of the Brazilian team in all respects. It is indeed deserved to win this championship. It is difficult for the latter to pose a threat to the German team in the game, and even their offense is difficult to enter the German team’s big penalty zone! “

“Relatively speaking, the German team not only has the best back line of the World Cup, but also has outstanding attack and counterattack capabilities, which makes the German team the best performance, the most stable and the best in the World Cup. For a balanced team, this championship trophy is an honor they won by strength! “

Countless fans in the stands are starting to celebrate, but one of the most conspicuous places is that the German fans once again raised the cards in their hands, raised them high above their heads, and gathered together, they turned out to be A portrait puzzle of Yang Cheng.

Saw a line under the puzzle, “We will always love you, Caesar!”

“We will always love you, Caesar!” The on-site commentator was thinking of the words from the German fans in the stands. “It is a very touching scene. The fans from Germany, for them, this is not only It was only a victory to regain the World Cup, but also their most respected head coach, Yang Cheng announced his retirement day! “

“We have received confirmation from the chairman of the German Football Association Mr. Nielsbach that Yang Cheng will officially announce his retirement after receiving the World Cup. From now on, we will no longer be able to watch on the coach seat of the World Cup or even football matches It’s Caesar’s figure. Tonight will be his last time standing in front of the coach on the court. Let’s take a good look at him again! “

The camera is slowly spinning around Yang Cheng, as if to want everyone to take a good look at him, always remember his appearance, and always remember what he brought to the football world all of these.

He changed football and created a legend!

Baggio and others in the stands also stood up. They were behind Yang Cheng’s coaching seat, all applauding, sending a warm applause to their most beloved head coach, and this applause became louder and louder. , More and more enthusiastic, and finally overwhelmed the entire Maracana Stadium, one after another, unable to calm down for a long time.

Yang Cheng walked out of the coaching area, he greeted Scolari, hugged the latter tightly, accepted the latter’s congratulations, then greeted Pereira, then Tiago Silva, and then The player didn’t leave the stadium. He chose to stay in support of his most respected head coach. Marcelo and the Kaka who walked on crutches and walked on the stadium.

Baggio and others also walked into the stadium from the stands. They congratulated Yang Cheng one by one and hugged Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng took a serious face and hugged and thanked everyone.

He doesn’t need any special farewell games, nor does he need to organize any grand special farewell ceremonies. For Yang Cheng, he started on the football field and should end on the football field, so he chose the World Cup and chose the final!

For him, there is no more joy and excitement than ending his coaching career as a winner at Maracana Stadium, and there is no more meaningful farewell match. !

After bidding farewell to this group of former disciples, Yang Cheng went to the German internationals one by one, hug and say goodbye to them one by one, with every staff member, even the most obscure team members of the national team Hug and say goodbye to them.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, German Football Association President Nielsbach, FIFA President Beckenbauer, UEFA President Olsen, Inter Milan President Moratti, Real Madrid President Florentino … All walked into the stadium, hugged Yang Cheng, congratulated, and said goodbye. The whole process was captured by the live broadcast and sent to the world.

Let the world witness his departure, is there a grander farewell ceremony than this?

The podium on the sidelines was completed, and Beckenbauer greeted everyone to receive the award in the past.

Was first the Brazil team for the World Cup runner-up, and then it was the World Cup champion Germany.

However, when everyone finished the medal and was about to award the Hercules Cup, Captain Ram did not step forward, and almost all the fans in the stands shouted Yang Cheng’s name.

“Caesar! Caesar !!! Caesar !!!”

Everyone on the podium was applauding. They all hoped that at this time, Yang Cheng could take the podium and receive this championship trophy on behalf of the German team. Use it as Yang Cheng’s final farewell!

When this heavy Hercules Cup was lifted high above his head by Yang Cheng, when all the German players gathered around Yang Cheng, when the whole stands, the whole court, and every corner of the whole earth were applauding and cheering for Yang Cheng At that time, the colorful ribbons were falling slowly, and the colored paper covered the whole stand like snowflakes.

And Yang Cheng, under the guard of countless people, this scene of holding up the Hercules Cup is bound to become the front page cover of all newspapers, large and small, all over the world the next day!

Time, at this moment, seems to be frozen forever …

(To be continued)

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