Super Coach

Chapter 163 - Love Shows in the City 【Spit Blood for Monthly Ticket】

The plane is very empty, the flight attendant is very humane, passengers can choose their seats according to their own preferences.

Yang Cheng specially chose a window position, because I heard that before landing at Milan Airport, you can see the entire Alps, the scenery is very spectacular, especially the snow on the top of the mountain, even if it is overlooked on the plane, you can It makes people feel the greatness of nature.

He saw what he wanted, and he deserved it!

When he left the airport, he stopped a taxi directly.

“What’s so interesting about Milan?” Yang Cheng was sitting in the back seat of a taxi and was skilled in Italian, but the accent was a little unreliable, but it was fine. Anyway, every language in Italy has its own characteristics. Just do not hinder communication.

“Of course it is Tama Plaza!” The taxi driver said proudly.

It is a place that almost every tourist who comes to Milan must visit.

Yang Cheng thought for a while, and there is still some time to go over and take a look.

“Then go to the Milan Cathedral and Piazza Tama!”

The driver nodded immediately, and then drove skillfully to the city center.

His driving skills are good, unpleasant, but very stable. People sitting in the back seat can hardly feel the speed increase and deceleration. They are very comfortable, but he often observes Yang Cheng from the rearview mirror.

“How?” Yang Cheng asked with a smile.

“Are you … Kaiserslautern’s head coach, Caesar Yangcheng?”

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, “Well, do you know me?”

When the driver heard it, he smiled suddenly. He thought that Yang Cheng seemed to be getting along well. “I am a fan of Milan. Last summer, we all went back to the music club and thought about looking for you as the head coach. And, you are still her dream lover! “

“She?” Yang Cheng froze.

The driver followed his finger. Xzsj8 pointed out the window.

Yang Cheng rolled down the car window from the back seat, looked out, and found that after passing the airport and entering the overpass in the city center, besides the streets along the way, besides planted with green trees, the most conspicuous thing is the roof of the street Advertising sign on that side.

“Elisa Beta, I love you!”

“Dedicated to the eternal goddess, my favorite Eliza Beta!”

“Please accept my most sincere love for you, my angel!”

Almost every billboard is a picture of a woman, like an advertisement, but the slogan has become the language of showing love.

Yang Cheng, the woman on the billboard, looked familiar but couldn’t remember who she was.

“Elisa Beta …” Yang Cheng muttered to himself.

“It is the most beautiful girl in our city of Milan, Alisa Betata Naris, the beauty of Sicily, the dream goddess of countless Italian men, and you are her dream Prince Charming!”

Yang Cheng suddenly smiled bitterly. He remembered the TV program he had watched at that time. The Italian beauty did show her love in public, but it didn’t seem to matter. How could it be like a sensation in the whole city?

“What about these advertisements?” Yang Cheng felt a little ridiculous.

Who would intentionally engage in so many advertisements to show love in Milan?

“That’s Lazio’s striker Christian Vieri, a guy who has been pursuing Alisa Beta for more than a year. I heard that he was transferred from Spain to Italy for Alisa Beta, this time he It’s a **** book, showing love across the city! “

Although from the driver’s tone, Yang Cheng heard that he did not have a good view of Vieri, but he appreciated and admired the romantic behavior of Apennine Tanduk, at least the man who dared to do so really did not many.

After chatting with the driver, Yang Cheng learned that the original route from the airport was the main way to enter and exit, which could directly connect the channel between the headquarters of the Media Group and the suburban town where the TV program was recorded, Canary Si walked back and forth several times almost every day.

“I really can’t see it. This provocative Italian football prodigal has such a pure side!” Yang Cheng said with a smile.

He did n’t really have any impression of Canaris. He just felt that her first love was too sudden. She did n’t know her at all. What about love?

“He doesn’t want to marry our most beautiful girl in Milan!” The driver said with a sneer, but disdainfully.

As if no one had shot, he would personally leave for Milan City to leave the so-called most beautiful woman in Italy.

Yang Cheng laughed loudly and thought that some people’s thoughts were really interesting and cute.



The San Siro Stadium belongs to the Milan Municipal Government, neither Milan nor Inter Milan is qualified to transform it, not even the service facilities, because it belongs to the common property of all Italy.

The stadium is surrounded by Milan ’s famous racetrack, so on the match day or race day, the entire parking lot outside the San Siro stadium is filled with cars for fans and horse fans, and even the trams passing San Siro stadium are The water is blocked.

Yang Cheng was sitting at the window position of a coffee house across the road. He carefully looked at this stadium, but he felt a little funny in his heart. After all, it is already awkward for a rich team like Milan and Inter Milan to share a stadium. The stadium and parking lot are not perfect.

“No wonder President Bailey and Moratti are thinking about building a new stadium!” Yang Cheng shook his head and sighed.

As a traverser, Yang Cheng naturally understands the importance of the course management for a furniture club, which can occupy almost one third of the daily income of the club club, and the entire Serie A team lacks this. I wonder how much impact this has on the Serie A team.

“Hello. Xzsj8., Mr. Yang Cheng!”

Just as Yang Cheng looked at the opposite court and sighed, two other people came in the cafe, one of them came over and greeted Yang Cheng in English.

“Hello. Xzsj8.!” Yang Cheng stood up immediately.

“I am a technical advisor to Real Madrid, José Dinenes Sue Chess!” The other party introduced himself.

Yang Cheng froze for a moment, and immediately reacted. This is Piri, one of the greatest shooters in the history of Real Madrid.

As a Real Madrid fan in the past life, Yang Cheng had a deep understanding of this furniture club, so he was also familiar with Piri, knowing that he is now the assistant of the main return to Sangsi and served as the technology of the club. The advisor, who will become the head of the competition department of the club, will remain in place even after Florentino takes office.

“I didn’t expect to meet you here!” Piri smiled and sat down opposite Yang Cheng, and then asked his assistant to sit down next to him.

“Yeah, what a coincidence!” Yang Cheng answered.

The Champions League match between Inter Milan and Manchester United has attracted the attention of all teams who are aspiring in the Champions League, but Yang Cheng can’t help but feel a little strange. Hasn’t Real Madrid been eliminated from the Champions League?

It is estimated that the transfer of players!

Yang Cheng thought secretly.

“Mr. Yang Cheng ’s coaching performance in Kaiserslautern has been very good since these three seasons. It can be said that he is the fastest growing young head coach in Europe. He created two miracles last season and killed Bayern four times this season. The feat is amazing! “

Yang Cheng smiled slightly, “Where.”

“I don’t know if Mr. Yang Cheng thought about leaving Kaiserslautern?” Pirie changed the subject.

Suddenly, Yang Cheng understood Piri’s meaning, but he didn’t make any statement.

“Frankly, Mr. Sens is not satisfied with the situation of Real Madrid this season, especially the team’s performance in the league and the Champions League. If there are no accidents, Hiddink will leave after the end of the season. We hope to have the opportunity to talk to Yang Mr. Cheng has a good talk! “Piri seemed very sincere.

Real Madrid under Hiddink played unsatisfactorily in the first game, and the ups and downs were too high. They lost to A Coruna 0: 4 on the road, Celta 1: 5 on the road and 0: 1 on the home side. Athletic Bilbao, several games in a row are unsatisfactory, and now it is overtaken by Barcelona in the standings.

Real Madrid this season is likely to fall into a situation where all four are empty, Hiddink is inevitable after class.

Sens has already started looking for the helm for Real Madrid next season. Among them, Kaiserslautern’s Caesar Yangcheng is very optimistic about him. This Chinese talent is 27 years old, but has become the most popular leader in Europe today. One of the coaches, Kaiserslautern, led by him, is a powerful force and is a new force that cannot be ignored in the Champions League.

“We know that it is difficult to make a decision in a moment, but we hope that Mr. Yang Cheng can consider it carefully. After all, we all hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you, and Real Madrid can definitely provide you with the most extensive. Development platform! “Speaking of the last point, Piri showed a look of pride and pride.

Indeed, whether it is now or in the future, Real Madrid is the coaching team that all coaches on this planet dream of, especially Real Madrid fans like Yang Cheng, who are proud to be in charge of Real Madrid.

However, as a head coach who crosses over, Yang Cheng will not disregard his own interests because he is a Real Madrid fan. Moreover, this time Piri just came to explore the tone, Yang Cheng just politely dealt with it.

The two parties left a phone number with each other and then separated.

After Piri left, Yang Cheng also paid off.



“Welcome to Meazza Stadium, we are now broadcasting the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals in the 98/99 season, and Inter Milan’s second round match against Manchester United at home. It is still some time before the two sides open!”

“Let’s look at the crowded stands. We saw Apennine Tancrek, Christian Vieri. Isn’t he sitting next to us, the most beautiful girl in Italy, Alisa Betata Naris? Is it one after another? ‘S pursuit of offensive, did our Italian Tan Huike really capture the heart of the goddess Apennine? “

On the big screen of the stadium, there were pictures of Vieri and Canaris. We can see that Vieri was paying great attention to Canaris, and apparently refused to let go of the slightest chance.

“It is rumored that Inter Milan’s return to Moratti is not very satisfied with the team’s situation this season (the latest chapter of the martial arts,, and he intends to introduce this Italian center from Lazio to let Vieri Forming a chilling front trident with Ronaldo and Baggio, now Vieri is here, does it mean that the negotiations between the two parties have come to an end? “

Fans at the scene saw a burst of cheers as soon as they saw the big screen. Obviously they also felt that Vierigar’s return to Inter Milan could greatly strengthen the team’s strength.

The current Inter Milan offensive lineup is absolutely tough, Ronaldo, Zamorano, Baggio, Pirlo and Canu, midfielders also have Djokov, Simone, General Sanetti, but the back line …

Well, thinking of Inter Milan’s tragic back line, Yang Cheng shook his head involuntarily.

“Oh, my God, isn’t the black-haired Chinese in the stands the same as Caesar Yangcheng from Kaiserslautern? He also appeared in the stands at the Meazza Stadium tonight, it seems that he It ’s time to examine his future opponents. Is he really so confident in defeating Dynamo Kiev? “

The figure of Yang Cheng appeared on the big screen of the TV, but he didn’t notice it because he didn’t pay attention to the big screen.

But not far from his position, he was sitting in the same row with him, about a dozen seats away. Canalis just looked up and saw the big screen, at first she saw herself, and then she saw Yang Cheng , The whole person could not help standing up.

“It’s him!”

Then she looked around, looking for the corners shot on the big screen, but there were too many people in the stands of the Meazza Stadium. How can you find it in the first half of the time?

“Who are you looking for?” Vieri also stood up.

“Yang Cheng!” Canalis responded.

Vieri’s face sank, “What are you doing with him?”

In his heart, he always had a pimple for Canalis’ public love for Yang Cheng on the TV station. Now, seeing Canalis’s excited expression, he could not help but overturn the vinegar jar.

Could it be that he has done so many things for her, which is not as good as what the guy said?

After searching for a while, Canales sat down disappointed, and she failed to find Yang Cheng in the crowded stands.

Seeing her disappointed look, Vieri’s expression was even more ugly.

The game started quickly, and the entire Meazza stadium immediately turned into an avid ocean of football.

Inter Milan has been turbulent in the position of coach in recent seasons, especially this season. Roy Hodgson, Luigi Rodriguez, Luciano Stellini, and now Messea Chasecu.

Four head coaches have been changed in one season, which is probably rare in the history of football. From the list of head coaches, you can also see the turbulence experienced by Inter Milan.

However, this team’s offensive power is still very impressive, especially in this game, teenager Ventola and Ronaldo teamed up the front line, the two in front of the United’s defense brought a great threat, especially Manchester United’s left .

Elvin’s age is indeed a big problem!

“This must be used well!” Yang Cheng chuckled.

The two sides entered the halftime draw with a 0: 0 draw.



“Hello. Xzsj8., Mr. Yang Cheng!”

When the first half of the game ended, a staff member immediately came to Yang Cheng.

“Our Lord Mr. Xi hopes to invite you to watch the ball in the VIP room!”

Yang Cheng was a little surprised, but he soon realized that this is the realm of others. He didn’t know that he had ever been on a big screen.

When Yang Cheng stood up and walked out of the stands with the staff, Canalis also just stood up. She saw Yang Cheng from a distance, and she suddenly discovered that the two were separated by an aisle and ten How many seats did you not see just now?

“Ah, Mr. Yang Cheng!” Canales shouted.

But her shouts were soon overwhelmed by the fans around her, and Yang Cheng did not hear it. With the staff, she walked out of the stands and left a disappointed Italian beauty.

After passing through the passage, came to the vp box, Yang Cheng found Moratti with a smile.

This is a very friendly Italian middle-aged, a little thin, but the expression is very exciting, obviously he is satisfied with the team taking the initiative in the first half, he estimated that the team reversed Manchester United is not impossible.

However, Yang Cheng knew clearly that he lost 0: 2 away and wanted to make a comeback from Ferguson at home. The difficulty is no different than going to the sky, let alone Inter Milan, even Kaiserslautern can’t do it.

Really, in Yang Cheng’s mind, Kaiserslautern coached by him is stronger than Inter Milan in terms of overall strength, whether offensive or defensive.

Of course, Inter Milan ’s biggest trust, or rather the biggest variable, is their forward, the alien Ronaldo!

An almost omnipotent guy!

“Defense is a big hidden danger!” When Moratti asked Yang Cheng to look at it, he directly pointed out the key point.

To make a comeback at home, Inter Milan must take the initiative to attack, but this team’s defense is already bad, and then take the initiative to attack, I am afraid that it can’t be prevented at all.

But it seems to be refuting Yang Cheng’s words. In the 66th minute, Inter Milan took the right road to replace Moreno’s starting Zanetti on the right and broke through Manchester United’s left Elvin, passing the ball to the middle.

Ventola pressured Ronnie Johnson in the penalty area, header broke Manchester United’s goal, 1: 0!

Hope is coming, the entire Meazza Stadium is boiling!

“Haha, Mr. Yang Cheng, you guessed wrong. Although our defense is average, our offense can definitely kill all opponents. Our Inter Milan goal is to always score one more goal than our opponents!”

Moratti danced with excitement after Ventura scored.

Yang Cheng had to admire the Inter Milan enthusiasm for football, but he still will not change his perception.

The game has been proceeding in a fast pace, Manchester United is still a defensive counterattack, but Inter Milan is actively pressing, especially as the game time passes, they seem more and more anxious.

As long as one goal, as long as they score another goal, they can tie with Manchester United.

The more anxious, the more mistakes, the greater the loopholes in the back line.

In the 88th minute, Manchester United midfielder Keane broke the ball and passed it to Beckham. The Englishman made a sharp oblique long pass on the right and directly passed the ball behind Sylvester. Andy Cole inserted it. After taking the ball, he quickly cut into the penalty area, but he didn’t hit the goal himself, but chose to knock back under the situation where the shooting angle was blocked (the latest chapter of Wushu Qiankun

Scholes plugged into the back row, hit a low flat ball in the penalty area of ​​the penalty area, straight into the bottom right corner of the goal, Palyuka whip is too long, 1: 1!

Counting overtime, there are 6 minutes left, and the total score is 1: 3. Unless Inter Milan can score 3 goals in 6 minutes, Inter Milan will be eliminated!

At this moment, the entire Meazza stadium fell into a mournful swamp, and Morati, who was so excited, became expressionless.

They all lost!

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