Super Coach

Chapter 177 - King\\\'s Landing in Milan City

Trance? Yang Cheng announced to leave Kaiserslautern! Long

Inter Milan is ushering in an era of worry and withdrawal!

For a time, the entire European football team was shocked. No one expected that Kaiserslautern would usher in such a turmoil after just experiencing the triumph of the Triple Crown.

“Just now, Kaiserslautern Chairman Tina? Melzer held a press conference to confirm the news of Yang Cheng’s departure, and said that Yang Cheng will always be Kaiserslautern’s most beloved Caesar, he is the club’s history The greatest coach in the world, he still has the love and respect of everyone in Kaiserslautern! “.

“And on the front page of Kaiserslautern Free Press that day, Yang Cheng personally left a touching farewell letter and said that he will always remember what happened in Kaiserslautern, and he blessed Everyone here. “.

“With Yang Cheng’s departure, Melzer also confirmed at the press conference that the team’s captain Andres? Bremer will retire as the team’s head coach, which is also Yang Cheng’s recommendation before leaving. He believed that Bremer would be able to stabilize Kaiserslautern in the shortest time … “

“Bremer also said at the press conference that he has learned a lot from Yang Cheng in the past three years. He will not disappoint Yang Cheng’s expectations for him. He hopes to continue to lead Kaiserslautern and bring the team The glory continues! “

“As Yang Cheng announced his departure, his next home also began to be clear. Early in the morning, the Milan Sports News took the lead on the front page, announcing that Inter Milan has entered the era of worries and withdrawals. The halo of the Champions League champions is coming to Meazza Stadium! “.

“Inter Milan officials have not commented on this for the time being, but since then, a number of authoritative European media such as the Pictorial, Kicker, Maca, Aspen, etc. have all heard that Inter Milan President Moratti personally rushed to Berlin, convinced Yang Cheng to take charge of Inter Milan. Although the two sides did not sign the contract, the latter’s strong entry into the game is a foregone conclusion … “

“And Liverpool, who had a scandal with Yang Cheng, also announced that Hollier’s stay will be held early this morning.” The board expressed their trust and support for Hollier: Coincidentally, the Zebra Legion Juventus also said today that Ancelo Di ’s position in Juventus will not be shaken, they believe that Ancelotti will lead Juventus to glory. “.

“After this turmoil, the Caesar turmoil that has been hyped for a whole month in continental Europe has finally ended, but surprisingly, Yang Cheng neither chose the traditional Premier League giants Liverpool nor Serie A overlord Juventus, I chose Inter Milan, known as the star’s black hole. “.

“This is indeed surprising and inexplicable.” Many professionals have expressed their pessimism about Yang Cheng’s visit to Milan. His coaching strength is unquestionable, but the key is that Inter Milan is like a black hole that is biting. He went alone to change this situation. “.

“According to the latest news, I heard that Yang Cheng will take a plane to Milan early this morning, so countless journalists have gathered at Milan Malpensa Airport, hoping to see Caesar? Yang Cheng’s style.”

“There are also a lot of Inter Milan fans who received the wind in advance. At least two or three hundred people all came to the Marzanza Airport. They all posted banners that welcomed Yang Cheng, who wanted to withdraw Yang Cheng into Inter Milan. I hope he can Lead Inter Milan out of the quagmire to glory. “.

“However, the most surprising is the scene that the reporter saw at the scene.” Inter Milan President Moratti took the club’s top manager Giacento? When Chetty came to the airport, it seemed that they were using this heroic way to welcome Yang Cheng’s arrival. This is definitely the most solemn welcome ceremony for Inter Milan! “.

The plane landed slowly at Malpensa Airport.

Soon, wearing a plain casual trousers and a white shirt with a slightly casual taste, the whole person looked very handsome and extraordinary Yang Cheng came out of the noise, and there was a sudden riot in the entire waiting hall.

There were over a hundred journalists swarming together, and the fans around them all rushed up, not to mention Yang Cheng, the first group of passengers, even the group of travelers behind him was suddenly terrified. .

Why have they seen such a spectacular scene!

Yang Cheng raised his hands, and he quickly recovered. He smiled and appeased the reporters and fans at the scene.

“Don’t be excited, don’t be excited!” I used standard Italian.

The security and guards at the airport also began to organize the order at the scene.

“Mr. Yang Cheng, why did you choose Inter Milan?”

“I heard that Mr. Moratti has awarded you a sky-high contract. Is this representative? You are only in charge of Inter Milan for money? …”

“Inter Milan has a star black hole, do you worry about being dragged down by Inter Milan’s poor results?”.

Questions from reporters were thrown out one after another, and the whole scene was in a mess. Yang Cheng was surrounded in the middle, and it was impossible to move.

“Sorry” I can’t say much for now! . “Yang Cheng still has a chic smile, and looks very personable.”

Soon, the guard separated the fans from the reporters, and Yang Cheng was able to move on.

“Hello. Xzsj8., Our sexual withdrawal!” Morati immediately smiled and greeted Yang Cheng when he came over.

When he saw Moratti, Yang Cheng was really surprised, because he had originally estimated that the most enthusiastic was probably to arrange for a senior to come over to greet him, who knew Moratti came over in person, which immediately surprised him.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Moratti!” Yang Cheng greeted with a smile.

“Call me Massimo, I like my friends to call me like this!” Moratti took Yang Cheng’s hand and walked to the parking lot outside the waiting hall, introducing the people beside him, ” Giacento? Chetty, you’ve seen it. “Long

“Hello. Xzsj8., Jia Qinto!” Yang Cheng reached out his hand.

Chetty also shook hands with Yang Cheng, “Hello. Xzsj8., Mr. Yang Cheng!”.

In the Moratti car, the driver quickly sent the three people out of Malpensa Airport.

“Huh, this group of reporters is really crazy!” Yang Cheng looked back from the rear window, and there were still many reporters chasing behind him, with a sigh of relief.

“Or you are too charming, young and handsome, and talented, you are now the dream lover of countless Milan girls!” Chetty said with a smile.

Yang Cheng’s helpless expression of thanks to Min Xie. When he decided to join Inter Milan, he had a good chat with Heidi 7 Crew. The latter reminded him that Milan City is the most famous fashion capital in the world. The paparazzi and the media are absolutely pervasive, and Yang Cheng should be careful.

“By the way, according to your previous request, I will appoint Jia Qinto as the general manager of the club, specializing in matters other than sports. In the future, you can directly contact him with anything. I hope you two can cooperate happily!”.

Moratti ’s request to Yang Cheng is really responsive ”including management reforms, all of which are ongoing.

Yang Cheng had met Chetti a few times before and was very impressed with the future president of Inter Milan. He was born in football and knows the club ’s competitive affairs. He has also worked in Inter Milan for many years and is the most ideal candidate. .

“Let ’s go to the stadium first, and then to the Pinetina base. I prepared dinner at home tonight. We had a meal together. By the way, we talked about the team ’s affairs. We will hold a press conference tomorrow and officially sign the contract. You How about it? “Moratti asked Yang Cheng for a smile.

Yang Cheng shrugged and said he had no opinion.

“Will Bergomi appear at the table tonight?” Yang Cheng suddenly thought of the captain.

Moratti seemed to think of something. Hesitated and nodded. “If necessary, I can call him. “.

In a word, it shows how close Moratti is to the players.

Looking at the European giants, which chairman can have the phone of the players in the team?

“I hope to talk to him …” Yang Cheng still attaches great importance to Bergome’s influence on the team.

If his memory is correct, after Bergomi retired, Inter Milan immediately fell into a situation of lack of leaders, even later the captain was Ronaldo.

God, this is an unimaginable thing!

Yang Cheng admires Ronaldo very much, even though he has prepared a whole set of strategies to help Ronaldo, but he does n’t think the Brazilian will be a suitable captain, because his self-control ability ca n’t even manage himself, how to manage others ?

“Then I …” Morati just wanted to say, then I called him, but he immediately remembered his agreement with Yang Cheng and immediately turned around, “Jia Qintuo , You should call the phone! “.

Chetty froze, and immediately understood what Moratti meant. “Nodded:” Well, I will call him immediately. … “

Morati ’s luxury BMW soon came to the periphery of the Meazza Stadium. In fact, Yang Cheng had been in the stadium before. Inter Milan played basically no time except playing here. Will be here because they have their own headquarters, 24 Durini Avenue, just east of the Royal Palace of Milan.

Since 1997, Inter Milan has relocated its headquarters to the center of the city of Milan, which is a place with a lot of money. From this point, it can also be seen that Moratti’s hard work for Inter Milan.

After watching the Meazza Stadium, Yang Cheng and his party went straight north. After leaving Milan City, they boarded the 9 highway to Como, and then got off the high speed at Lomazzo, changed to the sp23 orientation northwest, and went directly to Argentina Piano? In the small town of Gentile, take the sp24 to the south at the roundabout.

“After that golf course, you’re at the base of Pinettina!” Chetty, sitting in the front row, pointed to the front and smiled.

The Pinettina base is at the end of the road, and the security room of the training base is placed at the intersection. From the outside, the parking lot can be seen from a distance, but because the Inter Milan is currently on vacation, the parking lot is very empty. Just two cars parked side by side.

The security guard recognized Moratti’s car, but he stopped and looked at it regularly. When he saw Moratti and Chetty, they all greeted him aloud, and when he glanced over Yang Cheng, he felt a little awkward.

It is said that our head coach of Inter Milan is young, but I did not expect it to be true!

Looking at Moratti’s car, the security guard murmured.

According to the rules of the training base, the car must be parked in the parking lot, and the three of them can only walk.

Walking out of the parking lot and walking less than two hundred meters is a fork in the road, separating the training court and the living area.

Yang Cheng was standing outside, looking at the training court across the wire fence, and could not help shaking his head again and again.

“It’s a waste of training courses that don’t need such a runway at all!”.

After Chetty heard it, he smiled slightly. “” The pre-season physical training of all the coaches before started from the lap, or here, or saw the nearby forest! … “

Yang Cheng laughed, but he did not agree. “Football games always depend on holding the ball under your feet to win. Therefore, the training method of running laps away from football will be slowly eliminated …”

Chetty had heard about the training methods of Yang Cheng’s coaching staff very early on, almost all of them have ball training, so it is not surprising to put forward such a view to him, “Would you like to change it?”.

“If possible, I hope to transform this place into a multi-functional training court, which can better play the role of the training court, so that the first team players can better train here, without having to adjust after completing a training. site.…”

Kaiserslautern is more in line with Yang Cheng’s intentions in this respect. They are a large area of ​​the court that divides the area. Yang Cheng can stand in the middle of the training court and let the players train around him, and he always gives Guidance and improvement.

“My training method mainly lies in the four aspects of technology, tactics, physical fitness and mentality. Simultaneously, each training session is a compact 90 minutes, and the intensity is not lost to a formal game, so the training course is very important!” .

Moratti listened to it and thought for a while, “Now there is still more than a month to change before the league prepares!”

Chetty immediately remembered.

“Relax, Massimo, although it will cost a lot of money to improve the training course now, the results achieved will definitely not disappoint. You will know when you look at it!”

Yang Cheng said with a smile, while also pulling Chetty, let him divide the area between the runway court and the training ground of the other two standard venues, and divide a few smaller court venues. He was going to use it for small court training. Internal training such as porridge and pi.

In addition to the two standard training courses and a runway course, the Pinettina base also has a covered small training course for rainy training. Yang Cheng couldn’t help but nodded and praised him, which was much more advanced than Kaiserslautern.

After leaving the training court, he stepped directly on Fangshi Road and walked into the living area.

The environment of the Pinnetina base is still very quiet. A row of red plants are planted on both sides of the road. Yang Cheng can’t tell the name of the vine plant. The road and the green grass are separated, which looks very beautiful.

After entering the living area, Yang Cheng went to the indoor gym and swimming pool and other indoor facilities for a walk. The hardware equipment is still very good, and some are still brand new. It should not be long before they are added.

“I hope to divide an area next to this training building and introduce a set of the latest physiotherapy and rehabilitation system in the United States, worth about 3 million US dollars!” So, Yang Cheng said the benefits of this system Over again.

This is his long-term plan, but Kaiserslautern has not promised in this regard. Now that he has arrived at Inter Milan, Yang Cheng will definitely want to realize this, because if it is successful, this is equivalent to putting The laboratory of the previous life Milan came out in advance.

Each club will have its own medical system, but Milan laboratory in Milan is more famous. Other teams like Brazil, Arsenal and Manchester United also have their own system, but that is the future, now Yang Cheng wants to introduce this scientific concept into the football field in advance.

The software program of this system needs someone to write, but the hardware equipment has been very complete and perfect. As long as you buy this set of equipment, Yang Cheng can be sure to better capture the player’s physical condition and target them. Their physical condition (the latest chapter of the martial arts universe arranged their competition and training to help them better avoid injuries.

Just like Ronaldo in the previous life, since Cheng Cheng took over Inter Milan, of course he didn’t want Ronaldo to become the glass man of the previous life again.

“Is this system really able to achieve such an effect?” Chetti asked incredulously.

Yang Cheng nodded and said: “Actually, many ideas and ideas have been fulfilled in Kaiserslautern in the past three years, and they have achieved very good results, so you can find that in these three years, Kaiser Slaughter’s injury is definitely the least of all German teams, and even many players have no history of injury or absence of play. “.

“Jia Qintuo, you have played football, I believe you can understand, what does this mean?”.

Chetty was surprised and nodded involuntarily. “If that’s the case, let alone $ 3 million, even if it’s $ 10 million, I think it’s a bargain!” After all, after the equipment was introduced, the system was established, that is Used for a long time.

“Well, let’s start ordering this series of equipment immediately!” Moratti nodded immediately, and he paid for it.

After that, Yang Cheng went to the main building of the living area. The first floor here is the restaurant, hall, kitchen and press conference hall. There are 24 suites and 2 single rooms on the second floor, one of which is for the head coach, and there are games. Rooms, meeting rooms, etc.

Yang Cheng has been to each place very seriously, and has put forward many requirements. For example, he asked to get through in the game room and entertainment room, and posted on the outside, prohibiting the coaching staff and staff from entering, completely turning this into a player Their private space.

In addition, Yang Cheng is also very dissatisfied with the facilities of the rooms provided by the club. After all, these have not changed from 62 to the present. Many facilities are very bad, not even air conditioning, and some rooms even have walls The mottle fell off.

“These rooms must be renovated. We have to provide players with a five-star service so that they can play football without any worries, instead of worrying about this all day and having a headache for that.”

It is conceivable that in a summer without air conditioning, how sad the players should be during the lunch break, this will definitely seriously disrupt the training session in the afternoon.

Moratti and Chetty smiled at each other, they finally saw clearly, this year’s light head coach is estimated to be a critical pick, but all the questions he raised are indeed what the Inter Milan lack.

One sentence is right, the details determine success or failure!

Yang Cheng came to Inter Milan for the purpose of achieving success, so his first day was to start with the details!

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